Saved WEB Reports

Hi all,
where are web reports stored or saved. also please provide steps for creating web reports.

where are web reports stored or saved
please provide steps for creating web reports.
[Re: How to Generate the web reporting ?;

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    But when the excel report is opened from local machine BW system requests a UID/PWD.
    It is a Standard functionality when Hiearchy images are present in the web report.
    One solution is to create an anonymous log in for the BEX service or MIME service or create an alias for the BEX service and use the same in the URl. But we can not implement any of these solutions now.
    Is there any other solution existing for this like creating a class and create a service for the class and handle this logon issues at the class itself.
    Can anybody please let me know how we can handle this?
    Thanks in advance..

    Hello Gokul,
    first thing is to check is if your chrome version is supported by your current BO version as specified in the PAM (is it?). If the chrome version is supported, and you still have an issue, then you can check with a sap support engineer.
    best regards,

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    it´s ocurrs because the drill down that you have in the query, try with another query and export this to a PDF and if you can access ... is that is not possible to use the link for a drill down in a PDF.
    good luck!

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    Hi Stuart,
    Excel-2007 supports more than 65000 rows but unfortunately BO doesnu2019t support the format .xlsx as of now.
    Even using the Excel-2007 you wonu2019t get the option .xlsx . If you try to use All Files(*) to select  .xlsx you will get warning: 'Invalid setting in the Excel Key of the Engines section of the Windows Registry'.
    I Hope this Helpsu2026

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    The Session Timed Out.The document *.wid has been auto saved  in the Favorites~WebIntelligence Folder..Click Restore to retrieve it.
    (ERROR : WIJ600001).
    I get above error in PROD  but works fine in DEV.
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    The default Webi auto-save is every 600 seconds, which is 10 minutes.  You could increase it to 3600 seconds (1 hour) in CMC -> Applications > Web Intelligence > Properties > Auto-save Settings on "Auto-save time delay".
    See KB 1297132 - Error: WIJ 60001 after the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel is left inactive some time on
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi Bijendra,
    Please check that the File Input Server is running and enabled on your BO Enterprise server via the CMS:
    Hope that helps.

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    I am creating a Web Intelligence document using infoview and once the report is ready, i want to save it in my local PC for later refresh.  How can i save that using Infoview ? I don't want to save the report in the server(repository).

    After saving WebI reports to Local PC also, one can't see them COZ of .wid extension, to view them again we need WebI installed.
    You can Save them to Excel or PDF or CSV to your local PC and Schedule them to get latest data as well.
    Thank You!!

  • Webi Reports - Stale data when saved a pdf/xls

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    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Hi Amit - thanks for your reply.
    If we run the reports directly from both the Web/Tomcat server - we get the correct result set saved in the PDF/XLS file. But it is not the case when we access the reports from the Load balanced URL. When we went live initially we had only one tomcat server, due to performanance issues we added additional tomcat server and since then we are noticing this issue.
    The immediate thing that came to our mind was - if there was a caching option enabled at the load balancer level. The network team have confirmed that it is not the case.
    We have enabled HTTPWatch to see if there was anything obvious we could spot - but there is nothing from the logs  which stands out either.
    The issue is only when we save the reports as in PDF/XLS format - saves the data with prompts from the previous refresh.
    Hope it all makes sense.

  • Issues while saving the Webi Report locally in pdf and Excel Format

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    I am not sure what should be the right solution for this. Any insight or resolution will definitely be helpful.

    I would investigate on the load balancer and/or Apache front end servers, are you sure you don't have a keep alive setting enabled somewhere on one of these servers? in the Tomcat connector maybe?
    Edited by: Lionel Jeanson on Oct 21, 2008 3:30 PM

  • Problem withdata while saving the Webi Report in Excel

    Hi All,
    Just Now  we migrated our Webi reports on 4.1.
    When I am schduling report in excel In my report some ? sign will come.
    If I do save -> save as Excel it will save properly but Save as execel 2007 It will save ? marks in some column.
    Schdule in execl also doing same.please see following screen shot.
    Please guide me how to sort out this issue.

    Hi Ganesh,
    The reason behind the issue could be UTF-8 encoding.
    We can try to convert the encoding to ANSI and check if the issue persists.
    Can you use Webi Rich Client on client machine? If yes then follow the below steps on client machine:
    1. Right Click on My Computer and go to Properties.
    2. Inside Advanced tab, click on 'Environment Variables'.
    3. Create user/system variable with name "BO_UTF_BOM" and put "any text" as its value.
    Restart your machine. Log into Rich client and again try to save your report in Excel.

  • To integrate a web report in a web application

    i have created a web report using ReportBuilder (wizard).
    i have saved that file as a jsp,
    my question is can i integrate that web report in any web application ,if yes how? plz let me know.

    Hi Abdul,
    The answer is yes, you can integrate your report in any web application as any other normal JSP. You can package the JSP as part of a WAR and deploy it on an application server. The only requirements are:
    reports_tld.jar must be available to the application. You can put in inside the WEB-INF/lib directory of the web application.
    Reports Server must be available to the JSP. If you are using Oracle9iAS for deploying the JSP, the Reports server is automatically available. If you are using some other application server like WebLogic, you can use the J2EE Thin Client (
    Also see the following thread on this Forum for deployment instructions:
    Where to put jsp files for web layout report?

  • Data of measure is not seen in  webi report when drill is disabled

    i have created a hierarchy in universe on which i drill down in webi reports
    the problem is that  i have drilled my report till the last level and saved it
    the object  on which im drilling  is set as a section in the report
    so i have added a measure in the table under that section
    now the measure has different value at different level of drillings
    i.e for the last level of the drill i use one measure and after that as i drill up i use different  measure
    for all other level of drilling
    every thing is working fine but the problem  is
    when i open report in view mode
    the measure data is not seen
    only when i enable drill the measure data is seen
    i have done something like thi
    i have used drillfilters in webi reports for checking which level we are in drill mode so as to display the measure value based on drill level

    Seems like DrillFilters needs the drillmode to work fine..
    why don't save the report with the drill button enabled?

  • Unable To Open Saved WI Reports in IE 9-Receive Invalid Path Error

    I am unable to open any saved web intelligence report documents in Internet Explorer 9.  When I select view or modify, the java report panel does not initiate but instead gives me an error stating "Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested".  Everything works fine if I use Firefox 9.   Is it a setting I need to change in internet explorer somewhere or is it a compaitibility issue?
    I can create new web intelligence queries and reports in IE 9, but if I try to open a report that I saved, I get an error.

    If you are using the older version of BOXI in that case IE 9 is not supported. Please check your Boxi version which supports IE 9 or not.

  • Drill function implemented on Measure object column in the webi report

    Post Author: madan kumar
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    I have a small issue in my project.(Maintenance Project)I created a measure object in the fact table of the existing universe and saved and exported to the repository. (Say Measure object is D where D = A-(B+C))I inserted the same object as a column between two measure objects columns of a existing WebI report.
    The report has two hierarchies involved  - each hierarchy has dimension objects involved.I have checked with the hierarchies to make sure that measure object is not involved.The scope of analysis is None for the query.Version is BO XI R2.
    The issue is the Drill function is implemented on that particular new column.The drill function should be applicable only to the two dimension objects involved in the report.But this measure object column is also getting drilled once the Drill option is selected.I had to remove the drill optiion from the Measure object column.
    Can anyone help me on this issue...
    Thanks in advance...
    Madan Kumar

    Thanks for your reply. I did the date diff on the columns. It does not  break into 3 different groups. I am using a function called previous on the date column. So the report is like this
        DATE                           Pervious (DATE)                 Date - Pervious(DATE)
    01-01-2008 01:06              Null                                
    01-01-2008 01:12              01-01-2008 01:06               :06
    01-01-2008 01:18              01-01-2008 01:12               :06
    01-01-2008 01:24              01-01-2008 01:18               :06
    01-01-2008 01:30             01-01-2008 01:24              :06
    01-01-2008 01:36             01-01-2008 01:30               :06
    Basically we are breaking on the Date - Previous ( Date) column which does not work. I am not sure if there is a way to break this. I even tried it in Crystal REports XI and it does not work their either. Any help with this issue with be greatly appriciated.
    Edited by: Srinivasa Prabu on Aug 4, 2008 2:55 PM
    Edited by: Srinivasa Prabu on Aug 4, 2008 2:56 PM

  • Unable to save webi report in excel format

    Hi All,
    I have a question. I recently upgrsded my internet explorer from IE 7 to IE 8.
    Previously, i was able to save webi reports in excel format without any issues.Even after upgrading to IE version8, i was able to save webi reoprts to excel without any issues for 2 weeks.
    Suddenly I am unable to save Webi reports in excel format now.When I select the Save to my computer as Excel option the saving dialog box appears and hangs forever.
    Can someone please advise me on this??
    Please hel as it is very urgent.

    Hi All,
    Trying to replicate WEBI Excel Download issue.
    Operating system : Windows 7
    Internet Explorer : IE8 Version 8.0.7600.16385CO.
    Jre Version : 1.6_ greater than 1.8 version.
    If anybody having above specifications in your machines Please try to save a webi reports to excel format and send me the results.

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