Saving data in database from jsp form

I have a very huge table in my jsp...600 entries.
my form table is like this.
the number of rows depends upon the number of days in a month.
there is one colum which specifies the time frame in 1 hr frame and
withing each column is two coulmn representing either male or female.
If i want to save the data entered in the form to database synchronizing
with date, timeframe and sex, what is the best way to do it?
I did it in a way that declaring 600 private string variables in form bean,
saving it in a list and sending it to database.
Is there any other way of doing it without the need for 600 getter and setter methods?

I just want to see if I understood this correctly. You declared 600 private variables in a form bean?
Perhaps this is not the best use of either Struts or the JavaBean specification. What you almost certainly actually have is a series of homogenous objects. Store that instead in an array or Collection. Use loops to iterate through the values to generate your table. There are both JSTL tags and plain Java code embedded within a JSP to achieve this task.
- Saish

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    You already know what your form in the jsp will be and what fields they are. You also already know what your database looks like. Using one form, you should be able to break the data down, and give it certain ids and/or names, so that when the form is submitted, you retrieve the correct values corresponding to a specific field and insert it.
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    Database links are the only answer if you need distributed
    If you only want to access several different databases without
    transaction coordination between those, then, you may use the
    facilities of the EXEC_SQL built-in package.

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    First you retrive the fields from database and store those values in a List or any collection.
    after that write the code in jsp as like this..
    <select name="list" >
         for(int i=0;i<dblist.size();i++)
              String listitem = dblist.get(i);
          <option value="<%=listitem%>">
    </select>Here dblist is a collection which contains the fields which you retrived from the database

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    <select name="date">
    <option selected>dd</option>
    <select name="month">
    <option selected>dd</option>
    <select name="year">
    <option selected>dd</option>
    here the jsp code
    <% date= request.getParameter("date"); %>
    <% month= request.getParameter("month"); %>
    <% year= request.getParameter("year"); %>
    { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); }
    catch (ClassNotFoundException exception)
         Connection connection = null;
         out.println("connectiong the database");
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");
    out.println("connection getted");
         int rows = 0;
         String query_2 = "insert into mrdetails values(?)";
         String dob = date+month+year;
         prepstat = connection.prepareStatement(query_2);
         rows = prepstat.executeUpdate();
         out.println("data updated");
    catch (Exception exception3)
    out.println("Exception raised"+exception3.toString());

    To insert date values into a database, you should use java.sql.Date. If it also has a time component, then java.sql.TimeStamp.
    Your use of prepared statements is good.
    You just need to convert the parameters into a date.
    One way to do this is using java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
    int rows = 0;
    String query_2 = "insert into mrdetails values(?)";
    String dob = date+"/" + month+ "/" + year;
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SImpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    java.util.Date javaDate = sdf.parse(dob);
    java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(javaDate .getTime);
    prepstat = connection.prepareStatement(query_2);
    rows = prepstat.executeUpdate();
    out.println("data updated");Cheers,

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      status.text = "Saving data";
      insertStmt = new SQLStatement();
      insertStmt.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql:String = "INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName, salary) VALUES (:param, :param1, :param2)";
      insertStmt.text = sql;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param"] = firstName.text;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param1"] = lastName.text;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param2"] = salary.text;
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      insertStmt.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
    Here is the full code:
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    var conn:SQLConnection;
    var createStmt:SQLStatement;
    var insertStmt:SQLStatement;
    var insertStmt2:SQLStatement;
    var insertStmt3:SQLStatement;
    var selectStmt:SQLStatement;
    var insert1Complete:Boolean = false;
    var insert2Complete:Boolean = false;
    saveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveData);
    loadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getData);
    function init():void
      conn = new SQLConnection();
      conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openSuccess);
      conn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openFailure);
      status.text = "Creating and opening database";
      // Use these two lines for an on-disk database
      // but be aware that the second time you run the app you'll get errors from
      // creating duplicate records.
    // var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("DBSample.db");
    // conn.openAsync(dbFile);
      // Use this line for an in-memory database
    function openSuccess(event:SQLEvent):void
      conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openSuccess);
      conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openFailure);
    function openFailure(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
      conn.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openSuccess);
      conn.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, openFailure);
      status.text = "Error opening database";
      trace("event.error.message:", event.error.message);
      trace("event.error.details:", event.error.details);
    function createTable():void
      status.text = "Creating table";
      createStmt = new SQLStatement();
      createStmt.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql:String = "";
      sql += "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (";
      sql += " firstName TEXT,";
      sql += " lastName TEXT,";
      sql += " salary NUMERIC CHECK (salary >= 0) DEFAULT 0";
      sql += ")";
      createStmt.text = sql;
      createStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, createResult);
      createStmt.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, createError);
    function createResult(event:SQLEvent):void
      createStmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, createResult);
      createStmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, createError);
    function createError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
      status.text = "Error creating table";
      createStmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, createResult);
      createStmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, createError);
      trace("CREATE TABLE error:", event.error);
      trace("event.error.message:", event.error.message);
      trace("event.error.details:", event.error.details);
    function addData():void
      status.text = "Adding data to table";
      insertStmt = new SQLStatement();
      insertStmt.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql:String = "";
      sql += "INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName, salary) ";
      sql += "VALUES ('Bob', 'Smith', 8000)";
      insertStmt.text = sql;
      insertStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, insertResult);
      insertStmt.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
      insertStmt2 = new SQLStatement();
      insertStmt2.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql2:String = "";
      sql2 += "INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName, salary) ";
      sql2 += "VALUES ('John', 'Jones', 8200)";
      insertStmt2.text = sql2;
      insertStmt2.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, insertResult);
      insertStmt2.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
    function insertResult(event:SQLEvent):void
      var stmt:SQLStatement = as SQLStatement;
      stmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, insertResult);
      stmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
      if (stmt == insertStmt)
      insert1Complete = true;
      insert2Complete = true;
      if (insert1Complete && insert2Complete)
      status.text = "Ready to load data";
    function insertError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
      status.text = "Error inserting data";
      insertStmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, insertResult);
      insertStmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
      trace("INSERT error:", event.error);
      trace("event.error.message:", event.error.message);
      trace("event.error.details:", event.error.details);
    function getData(event:MouseEvent):void
      status.text = "Loading data";
      selectStmt = new SQLStatement();
      selectStmt.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql:String = "SELECT empId, firstName, lastName, salary FROM employees";
      selectStmt.text = sql;
      selectStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, selectResult);
      selectStmt.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, selectError);
    function saveData(event:MouseEvent):void
      status.text = "Saving data";
      insertStmt = new SQLStatement();
      insertStmt.sqlConnection = conn;
      var sql:String = "INSERT INTO employees (firstName, lastName, salary) VALUES (:param, :param1, :param2)";
      insertStmt.text = sql;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param"] = firstName.text;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param1"] = lastName.text;
      insertStmt.parameters[":param2"] = salary.text;
      insertStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, insertResult);
      insertStmt.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, insertError);
    function selectResult(event:SQLEvent):void
      status.text = "Data loaded";
      selectStmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, selectResult);
      selectStmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, selectError);
      var result:SQLResult = selectStmt.getResult();
      resultsGrid.dataProvider = new DataProvider(;
    // var numRows:int =;
    // for (var i:int = 0; i < numRows; i++)
    // var output:String = "";
    // for (var prop:String in[i])
    // output += prop + ": " +[i][prop] + "; ";
    // trace("row[" + i.toString() + "]\t", output);
    function selectError(event:SQLErrorEvent):void
      status.text = "Error loading data";
      selectStmt.removeEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, selectResult);
      selectStmt.removeEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, selectError);
      trace("SELECT error:", event.error);
      trace("event.error.message:", event.error.message);
      trace("event.error.details:", event.error.details);

    Your database system may well have a setting for character encoding when creating new databases. If you set that to unicode JDBC should store and retrieve UNICODE strings automatically.
    As to the HTML side, you should generally use UTF-8 encoding. You need an editor which understands UTF-8. JSPs and servlets have ways of specifying the encoding which goes into the http headers. For static HTML pages you may have to add a header like:
    <META http-equiv="Content-type" value="text/HTML; charset=UTF-8">
    When receiving form data you need to do

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    2. It has two columns, 'NAME' and 'CITY'. Both have datatype strings(varchar2).
    3. Now from a JSP page, having two textfields, 'NAME' and 'CITY', I want to insert data into table 'FRIENDS'.
    4. In between JSP and database is a Entity Bean(EJB 3.0) and a stateless session bean.
    5. I am using JDev as editor.
    Please provide me code ASAP or link with similar example.
    Thank you.

    I am also trying that scenario. So u can
    Post the jsp form data to a Servlet which will act as a Controller.
    In the servlet invoke the business method.
    Similar kind of app is in
    Hope this would help u.
    Meanwhile if u get any optimal solution, pls post it.
    Happy Java Coding.

  • How to get the field row name of database from a form?

    Hello experts,
    I am newer in OIM and developments with the API's.
    I have this environment,
    one resource that have the attribute department
    relationship with the database row
    UD_RESOURCE1_DEPARTMENT and other resource with the same attribute in, UD_RESOURCE2_DEPARTMENT
    I am programing one java class that put values in the
    form field through the table name, sample,
    I let some code:
    # Hash table with the value of Department
    myMap.put("UD_RESOURCE_DEPARTMENT", value);
    # and save in the resource form
    tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf tcform = (tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf)tcUtilityFactory.getUtility(dataProvider,"Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf");
    tcform.setProcessFormData(Long.parseLong(formKey), myMap);
    But this solution implies know the name of the field in the database and not is a global solution.
    I am interesting in know how I can obtain the name of the
    row field of the database for the atribute. Does anybody know how to obtain the row field name of database from an IT Resource or through the field name of the form?
    Is this the correct way to store data in a form?
    Thanks in advanced.

    Thank you.
    I have seen this function in the OTN help, but how can i get the index number. My requirment is when saving the data, I need to save both the value and the element name into the database,
    Also it is tabular block, more than one rows
    Thanks again

  • Setting and updating Date field in a jsp form

    I have a form (in jsp) where in I have a field for Date. The Date is entered in the form: 12/18/2002. I using beans to retrieve the form values and then pass to the program. THe date field is passed as String to the bean. The program changes the String to util date
    (assignment ===> name of bean)
    String strDate = assignment.getDueDate();
    java.util.Date adate = null;
    DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,Locale.US);
    try {  
    adate = fmt.parse(strDate);
    System.out.println("Util date in Bo: "+adate);
         catch (ParseException e)
    and before inserting into database, it is changed from to
    long time = adate.getTime();
    java.sql.Date sqldate = new java.sql.Date(time);
    Until now everythign is working fine. On my way back, when i retrieve the from the database, I change it to util date:
    java.sql.Date sqlDate = rs.getDate("dueDate");
    java.util.Date uDate = sqlDate;
    and then covert this util date to String
    String strDate = uDate.toString();
    When I display this string date on my form... it is in the format
    2002-12-18, although i have inserted it in 12/18/2002 format.
    Can anyone help me since i want my date to appear on the form in the format I enter (12/18/2002) and not the 2002-12-18 format of database

    Already answered elsewhere.

  • How to insert Date into Database from workbench.

    I have requirement where  I need to  insert the currentDate and Time to the database.   Here I am using  as
    At SQL Statement Info Editor ,have like these :
    Type     value
    Date     parse-dateTime(current-dateTime())
    At DB I have Datatype  as DateTime( Using MySQL). Here i am getting error like :
    Caused by: com.adobe.idp.dsc.jdbc.exception.JDBCIllegalParameterException: Type mismatch is found when preparing SQL statement. Expecting type 'date', but got type 'String'.
    Could  any one tell me where I can find  detailed log say hibernate type... where exatly we are  getting error.(Expect jboss's server log).
    Please tell how to  insert the date into the DB ASAP.

    Thanks for   all replies.
    Eventually I  got  the solution  the post
    From the Form (Using DatePicker) , we will get the DateTime  datatype to the Workbench. All  we need to  do is assign the  same to DateTime variable in the workbench and inserting the data to the DB.
    It works.

  • Multiple servlet actions from jsp forms

    Hi all ,
    how can i do muliple actions from a jsp form, i need to do an action when user clicks on a column and a different action when user clicks on cell in a row .
    i need to read and store the attribute from the column to pass back to the webservice to request that the service sorts the reults by that column either as desecending or as asending.
    also i need to get the value from a cell that is clicked on and pass that through as a parameter to the webservice to request some further data for the specific id.
    how can i do this?
    currently i have a form which has as part of the row an onclick event that captures the value of cell clicked - but what i need to do is change the cell value to a href and if this is clicked capture the value of the href and submitt this to the form action and regonise that the href has been clicked (how do i do that?) and thus do soemething specific for that in the servlet and if the column with its ascending or descending image is clicked capture the asc or desc value and regonise that the column asc or desc has been clicked (how do i do that?) and thus do soemething specific for that in the servlet.
    <tr onclick="selectPatCareRec(this)">
    <td><netui:label value="{container.item.perId}"/></td> rest of form is :-
    you dont need to pay attention to rest of stuff except that which columnHeader field was clicked and in which order (ie ascending or desc)
    also if a cell is clicked to pass the values as part of a submit to the action and regonise that a herf click was done and value of that cell - i have the javascript that is used to find the cell value once the row is clicked.
    <netui:form action="refresh">
          <rpb:repeaterBlock name="contacts" filter="<%=filter%>"
          <netui-data:repeater dataSource="{pageFlow.carerGpListResults}">
           <table class="tablebody" border="0">
               <th><rpb:columnHeader field="SYSTEMREF"></rpb:columnHeader></th>
               <th><rpb:columnHeader field="TITLE"><i18n:getMessage messageName="title"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="GIVENNAME"><i18n:getMessage messageName="given_name"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="FAMILYNAME"><i18n:getMessage messageName="family_name"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="ADDRESS"><i18n:getMessage messageName="address"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="POSTCODE"><i18n:getMessage messageName="post_code"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="DOB"><i18n:getMessage messageName="dob"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="ORGANISATION"><i18n:getMessage messageName="organisation"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="TYPE"><i18n:getMessage messageName="type"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="QUESTION"><i18n:getMessage messageName="question"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="ANSWER"><i18n:getMessage messageName="answer"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
              <th><rpb:columnHeader field="PER_ID"><i18n:getMessage messageName="patientid"/></rpb:columnHeader></th>
             <tr onclick="selectPatCareRec(this)">
               <!-- do an on click event to trigger another action to get all the patient list (ie. link it to the patientCasesList jsp) of cases and keep refresh to get sorting -->
              <td><netui:hidden dataInput="{container.item.SYSTEMREF}"dataSource="{actionForm.systemref}"/></td>
              <td><netui:label value="{container.item.TITLE}"/></td>
              <td><netui:label value="{container.item.GIVENNAME}"/></td>
              <td><netui:label value="{container.item.FAMILYNAME}"/></td> 
              <td><netui:label value="{container.item.ADDRESS}"/></td>
             <td><netui:label value="{container.item.POSTCODE}"/></td>
            <td><netui:label value="{container.item.DOB}"/></td>
            <td><netui:label value="{container.item.ORGANISATION}"/></td>
            <td><netui:label value="{container.item.TYPE}"/></td>
            <td><netui:label value="{container.item.QUESTION}"/></td>
           <td><netui:label value="{container.item.ANSWER}"/></td> 
              <td><netui:label value="{container.item.perId}"/></td> 
         <br />
         <rpb:firstPage label="First"/>
         <rpb:previousPage label="Previous"/>
         <rpb:nextPage label="Next"/>
            <netui:hidden tagId="selectedPatientId" dataSource="{actionForm.selectedPatientId}" dataInput="{actionForm.selectedPatientId}" />
        </netui:form>thanks for any / all help.

    You can modify your connection pool management servlet so you can set the 'connection pool object' as an attribute of the request. Then forward the request to your jsp page.
    in your service method of your sevlet, add something like
    public void service (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    ConnectionPool pool= new ConnectionPool();
    request.setAttribute("mypool", pool);
    // forward the request to a jsp page.
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("jsp/myjsp.jsp");
    dispatcher.forward(request, response);
    }then in your myjsp.jsp, you can access the connection pool object using the 'mypool' attribute.

  • How to find out last_query from jsp form in oracle applications

    At present i am working on Quality Module.
    in India Localization.
    In Quality module -> Results -> Inquiries -> Skip Lot Inquiry
    If i enter our organization name
    Then its openning one form.
    I am unable to find out the table names from the jsp form.
    User also unable to comment on it.
    So, please help me on this issue.

    Once you open the jsp form, at below leftside corner you can see link : About This Page. If you click on the link : About this Page this again open another window, there you can see multiple tabs at header level, if you click on page tab, there you can all the VO objects used to build this page. If you click on VO object hyperlink you can see the query.

  • Pass date value back from called form

    I have a form that allows the user to select a date from a calendar canvas. I can call this form from another from and now want to pass the selected date on the called form back to the calling form. I'm new to multi-form applications so I'm looking for some guidence here. I am thinking a parameter list would be better than a global variable since globals only support char values. I've never done this before so any advice or examples would be helpful.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your reply. I think this is the .olb I am using. I created my calendar form using it or a similar .olb. The form runs OK, just lacks the means to pass the "date picked" to the calling form. This is where my inexperience is making things difficult. Assuming we are talking about the same olb, how do I pass the date back?

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    No am not using any xml schema .i have designed the two forms with the same fileds and field names.what cpould be the problem.After submitting the task from the start process it is going to the next user level but the form is getting added twice in the to do list of that user and data is not getting bound.If u want i can sned u my lca files or forms.

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    Which classes do I have to use ?

    Of course you have to use the standard servlet classes to retrieve the request parameters from the form.
    ie request.getParameter();
    package "" gives you File input/output ability.
    If you are generating a text file, thats probably the BufferedWriter and FileWriter classes.

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