Saving file without embedding movies

I have tried to save a keynote file (in Keynote 08) without saving all movies as well. Since I worok a lot with animations the Keynote file ends ub being 400 MB ++. In the preferences I have un-checked the "Copy audio and movies into documents", but in the "save as" popup, under advances this same options is shown
checked but "greyed out". Thus I cannot uncheck it.
It will be hopelss for me to create new presentations if I generat multiple copies of all my movies ecah time. One of my colleages have the same problems (IWorks 06) while some friends have no probmes un-checking this box.

I have found that I can save without embedding the videos if I select those options the first time I save a new presentation. However once its been saved with embedding on, it won't allow one to choose to save without embedding.
The workaround that I've found is to create a new presentation and then drag and drop the slides from the original embedded one into the new one. Then you can choose to save without embedding in preferences and in the options under save as.
Does anyone know how to get it to save one of these files with embedded vids without embedding them in an easier way?

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    bbp@bcn wrote:
    I always receive the same response, "Can you send it as an attachment?"
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    It's nothing to do with the way you send them. Every mail client chooses how to cope with attachments: in some there is a preference setting but in many cases it automatically displays embedded images. Even where there is a preference setting it's up to the person receiving the email: you can't control it. Why are they so fussed about your sending as an attachment? The image can be saved easily enough, usually by dragging it to the Desktop, or by a button to save attachments. If they really want this you are going to have to zip it, there isn't any other way round it.

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    add this to 1st frame:
    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    Melissa_Marketing wrote:
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    If you don't want to embed the XML file into a SWF, then the SWF can download the XML file from the server at runtime when it needs it. But there will be a delay while that happens. Maybe it would be better to put the data in the XML file into a database and then access only the parts of it that you need.
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    The saving of one file is not the function of TC.
    Have a look here...
    ..Most commonly used backup methods

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    There are a few xtras that can handle this sort of thing.
    FileIO is
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    No and Yes!
    You can do much of what you want, but not exactly as you described it.  You can certainly make multiple selections and have them saved in the psd file. You can also save jpg version of those selections, but you have to do a little extra work.
    Lets say, by way of example, you have an image and you want to make three different selections within that image, save each selection as a jpeg, and save those selections along with the full image as a psd file. You can do the following, which is just one way of several to proceed, with your image opened.
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    2. Make selection 2, hit Ctrl+J to jump that selection to a new layer
    3. Make selection 3, hit Ctrl+J to jump that selection to a new layer
    4. Alt click on the layer with selection 1. This makes only that layer visible.
    5. Click on Layer > Duplicate Layer > destination New > give it a name
    6. This creates a new (temporary document). Open it.
         click Image > Trim > transparent pixels
         click Save for Web & Devces, select your parameters and save your jpeg
         Close and discard this temporary file.
    7. Repeat steps 4,5 & 6 for selection 2 & selection 3
    8. Save your psd file
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    Because I have files that Bridge shows as untagged, which upon opening do in fact have an embedded colour profile. Ugh, this stuff is confusing!

    Thanks so much for your help, I didn't know any of those things. Very interesting.
    In regards to Photoshop rasterizing PDFs, what exactly are the ramifications of that? A PDF-X saved from Photoshop is still fine to send to the print press, right?
    So far, all the print work I do I design in the colour space specified by my printer, then save as a PDF-X1a (which is also what they specify), by doing 'Save As' in Illlustrator. I also name the file with the colour space, and my printer has not had any problems with this.
    The reason I'm asking about colour management, is that I may start expanding into the area of designing adverts for newspapers and magazines, and this involves different colour spaces. And newspapers etc. around here won't be as fussy about colour management as my print-press, which is a very good print company. So it would be better if I knew they were getting PDFs from me with embedded colour profiles.
    I think the situation is that when I save things with embedded profiles, that it does in fact work, despite what Bridge, Illustrator and InDesign say. I have .ai files that show up in Bridge as untagged, but when opened in Illustrator, do indeed have an embedded colour profile.
    It's very confusing to know what's going on.
    A rather non-technical workaround, which alot of people seem to use, is just designing the file in the correct colour space, saving the file in that colour space, naming the file with that colour space, and then when it gets to the printer/magazine/newspaper etc. hoping that (A) there is colour profile data in the file that people can see at the destination or (B) the people at the destination know from the file name that you designed it in the correct space, and so they just Assign Profile at their end, and all is well.
    I mean, what's the alternative, I can't suddenly stop using Illustrator and InDesign, and doing ALL my work in Photoshop, just because of what Bridge says!

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    I haven\'t seen how a mac is easier to use than a pc wrote:
    How can I attach a file to an email without embedding it.
    Technically, you can't, at least if you are using SMTP to send the email. All except plain text attachments in emails using that standard are actually embedded in the message for transmission, separated by MIME tags that suggest how the receiving email client application (called "mail user agents" in the specs) should handle it.
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    So the best you can do is make sure the message as composed uses the appropriate content-disposition tag & hope that the receiving client app honors it. If you are using Apple's try Don Archibald's suggestion, or putting all the attachments at the very end of your message (which may require not using a sig).
    But this won't always work since the receiving app may ignore your efforts.

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    Hi Michael,
    That is not how the autosave feature works. Autosave helps in situations where program crashes/freezes or power goes out (basically, in situations where user have no control over the system). Closing the file without saving is not considered as unexpected interruption; it is intentional for most of the users.
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