Saving from CS3 to MX

Hello all,
I am currently in an animation class in my senior year of HS.
We're working on a pretty big animation but our school only has
Flash MX and i have CS3 on my mac at home. I have the file here
from school and i can open it perfectly fine, but how do i save it
so that i can reopen it at school? I've tried everything i could
find but nothign seems to work.
any help is greatly appreciated.

What are you doing after you export? What are you sending? What is the
problem the CS2 user is having? Is the CS2 user fully patched to 4.0.5?

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  • Copy favorites from CS3 to CS4

    Is there a way to copy favorites, keywords, other settings from CS3 to CS4?

    Hi Mogur203,
    Sorry, but there is no way to copy your CS3 Favorites over to CS4. However you are able to copy your keywords over if they did not get imported during your first launch.
    1. Launch CS3, Click on the flyout menu in the keyword panel
    2. Select export, Save the text file
    3. Launch CS4, Click on the flyout menu in the keyword panel
    4. Select import, select the text file that you saved from CS3
    This should complete the import of all the keywords from CS3 to CS4.
    Please let me know what other settings you are referring to and I will let you know if you can copy them over or not. Please let me know if you have any other question

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    I have a big site and do not wan't to redo my template unless I absolutely have to.
    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Art board changes from CS3 to CC?

    We are updating our workflow, and with it, software.  Going from CS3 to the creative cloud. For years we have stuck to CS3 as our downstream customers were slow to update and it was beneficial to provide the product in an older format usable to the broadest user base. Now we are upgrading to CC and I'm experiencing difficulty translating older Illustrator documents to Creative Cloud.
    My understanding of the Art board is that it defines the live matter area of the artwork. Along with the Zero Zero point, this would serve as the starting point for image setters. When I preview the translated documents, the art board and the coordinates change. when I distill an eps into a pdf, i get a totally different result than when I save as a PDF within the program. Ive also experinced the zero zero point changing simply by opening the document again. This is making production very difficult as it seems like its not stable.
    Anyone experience this in CC and is there a fix for it? See screen grabs below:
    This is the way the document appears in Illustrator, notice the zero zero point.
    When the document is distilled, the art board shrinks:

    how do I fix it so its consistent?
    I believethe following ways still work:
    A) Install and run the script in the OP of this thread,
    B) Manually change the relevant preference settings as follows:
    0) Close down Illy (you can only change the preference file with Illy closed);
    1) Find and open the AIPrefs (Win speak) or Adobe Illustrator Prefs (Mac speak) file withe a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit; the preference file is a (hidden) file in the (hidden) folder Adobe Illustrator CS5 Settings
    2): Find and change the following two bits of code:
    /isRulerOriginTopLeft 1 >>> /isRulerOriginTopLeft 0 (change 1 to 0)
    /isRulerIn4thQuad 1 >>> /isRulerIn4thQuad 0 (change 1 to 0)
    This is a global change so you only have to do it once (just as you can undo it once).
    You may find the folder as described in <em><strong><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Move the folder</span></a></strong></em>.
    Also, it doesn't explain the discrepancy between Distiller and saving as a PDF within CC.
    I have no clue about that one, I am afraid. I hope someone else has.

  • Backword saving from Indesign CS4 to indesign CS

    Im having a problem exporting artwork produced in Indesign CS4 for Mac to be used in Indesign CS for PC. I have used a copy of Indesign CS3, back saving from CS4 to CS3 and then from CS3 to CS. But sadly my client still cant open the files - has anybody had any experience of this?, does anybody know if there is a route which works?

    As specifically pointed out there, this won't work to get back to CS unless you use the trick to get to CS2, open it in CS2 and export it again.
    Barring that, the client will have to upgrade. Even with that, you're likely to wind up with a complete mess going back three versions.

  • How do I open a package file saved in CS3 in CS5?

    I need to make a minor change to an InDesign document package saved in CS3 version but I only have access to CS5.  How do I open this document so that all the fonts etc remain linked?  When I open it it is telling me the fonts don't exist, the RBG format is incorrect etc...
    I am obviously a complete beginner but have been thrown in the deep end after our offsite designer disappeared.  I am totally confused after googling this problem and would really appreciate a little direction.  Cheers! K

    Salah Fadlabi wrote:
    If you have the package folder of CS3 document, you can copy these fonts from the Fonts Folder and pase it to your system.
    Depends on the OS, and wheterh you want to install the fonts only for ID or for all applications. You should use the OS recommended method to install fonts for the entire system, but you can safely paste fonts to the InDesign application private Fonts folder. Keep in mind, though, that Macintosh format fonts will not work on Windows, if you are working cross-platform, and Windows Type1 fonts will not work on Mac unless put into the ID fonts folder. You also would require a license for each font you install on your system.
    An alternative, which will not install the fonts, but will make them available to use for editing this document only, is to chnage the name of the Fonts folder in the package folder to Document Fonts. The Document Fonts feature was added in CS5.
    Also, keep in mind that any file you save in CS5 cannot be opened in CS3, so this  isn't a round-trip collabortive workflow that is going to work.

  • Opening .psd Files from cs3 In CS5?

    I'm new to photoshop CS5 and I'm getting this error on some PSD files "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid photoshop document" and I think its because these .psd files were made/saved in CS3. So is there any way I can open CS3 .psd files in CS5?
    If CS3 .psd files should open fine in CS5, then does anyone know what could be my problem? thanks!

    There should not be an issue with PSD's from CS3, in CS5. There were some compatibility issues way back, but Adobe offered the ability to include that backward compatibility.
    My first thought would be that there is a problem with those particular PSD files. Do they Open in PS CS3? Do they Open fine in programs, like IrfanView?
    Now, if there IS an issue with CS5, someone will correct my assertions.
    Good luck,

  • Cannot locate images saved from CS5

    I recently upgraded not only from CS3 to CS5, but also from a PC to a Mac. I am having trouble locating some of the images that I am saving from CS5 in the folder that I saved them in. For example, I edited approximately 10 images and saved them into a new folder. When I started to upload them, I noticed that 4 of them were not in the folder that I saved them to. I checked first to make sure I had not saved them in the original folder, and I didn't. Next, I checked the images in photoshop to see if they had been saved. And they had been. Then I tried to save them again into the folder and it told me that this file already exists.'s not there. Or at least I cannot find it. Anyone have any idea where these saved images are hiding?

    On Mac, the default folder is your user document folder - very much like on a PC. It's actual location on the mac volume is Mac HD:Users:Abingram:Documents, assuming default names. You should have no problems finding them. Saving them to another location should work just the same, but since user management is more rigid in UNIX environments, you may simply not see it if it is in a system folder or another user's folder. OSX actually hides some of these folders then and they are excluded from your personal Spotlight search. To circumevent this and recover your files, you might try to grant yourself admin privileges temporarily in your user control panel ("User can manage this computer"). If you are the only user, this already should be the case and then you may need to check folder permissions by invoking the info panle (Cmd+I)...

  • Upgrade from CS3 Extended to CS4 (non-Extended) fails

    Hello everyone,
    I looked at the upgrade method from CS3 Extended to CS4 it tells me I need to contact Adobe via phone and purchase the upgrade.  After receiving the upgrade, I attempt to install it and it informs me that it cannot find a valid Photoshop install and asks for version and serial number of my previous version.  It only give me the options of Photoshop CS, Photoshop CS2 (all the languages), and finally Photoshop CS3. No option for CS3 Extended.  So I give it CS3 and plug in the serial number and it says invalid serial number.
    Called Technical support and spent 30 minutes waiting.  They had me do 'Ctrl+Shift+Double mouse click" to get a "Challenge Number" which does not work.  Then they said I had to call Customer support to get this Challenge number.  Called Customer Support and spent 1hr waiting...and still waiting.
    So, can anyone help on how I can upgrade?  I'm guessing they were suppose to give me a serial number to upgrade.
    I finally gave up with the phone support and filed a support case online...which said I should get a reply within 3-days.
    Very disappointed with Support.  After paying over $1k in products, I would expect good customer support...but that's for another forum

    Well, after getting so fed up, I finally figured it out.  But first I have to tell my story of frustration.
    So, after calling Technical Support, their instructions to get the 'Challenge Number' by pressing Ctrl+Shift and double-clicking on one of the INSTALL screens did not work.  So, after a total of 44 minutes (most of it on hold), I was told to call Customer Service at 800-833-6687.  I called them and spent 55 minutes on hold.  When someone finally answered, I told them the story, and they told me to do the exact same thing, press Ctrl+Shift and double-click to get a Challenge Number.  I said, "Technical Support told me to call you guys to get my Challenge Number".  They said "we are Technical Support.  Please contact Customer Service at 800-833-6687 to get your Challenge Number".  I WAS ANGRY!
    I than asked to speak to a manager. 10 minutes later, the guy came on and said that his manager was busy on another line!  He then promissed me that I should be able to get to "Customer Support" quickly this time.  After being very direct, stating that I do not want to spend another hour on hold, I asked him that there must be something else that they can do to fix this problem...nope.
    So (sorry if you've read this far), I called the number AGAIN and was on hold for 40 minutes...then it turned 5:00PM Pacific Time!  ARG!
    SO, THE ANSWER to the problem on getting a Challenge Number.  You must install the software on a trial basis FIRST.  (not during installation as Tech support tried to have me do.)  After installation, start CS4 for the first time, and it will come to Software Setup and ask if you wish to continue using it on a trial-basis, or if you have a serial number for the product.  Put in the serial number for CS4 and click Next.  The next window labled 'Upgrade Check' is where you press Ctrl+Shift and double-click to the the "Challenge Code".  Why Technical Support did not know to do this really bothers me.
    Well, tomorrow, I will be contacting Technical Support at 6am to get this working.
    And if it was a matter of pressing Ctrl+Shift and double-clicking, why was I required to purchase the software to be shipped?  I could have saved on shipping and tax if I just downloaded it the way I wanted to in the first place.
    Well, thanks for reading.  Hopes this helps someone.

  • Error after saving in CS3

    I was working on a project in PPro 2.0 and decided to give it a try in CS3 and saved it there. That was a mistake. I discovered, that CS3 trial version cannot read MPG! Now when I try to open the project back in PPro 2.0, I get the following serious error message:
    Anybody have any idea what this means? How do I get my project back? Any way to save it in PPro 2.0 compatible format from CS3?
    It's not PPro 2.0 issue, since other project open just fine.
    Please help, it's 2 hours long and I did a lot of editing on it.

    Too late. I am surprised you didn't make a copy before using a new program.
    I recommend you find an Auto-Save copy and use it.

  • Im having trouble exporting a file from cs3 to illustrator 6 (an earlier version). Please help.

    I have an EPS file that was created with CS3 on a macbook leopard operating system and was saved according to the ( Adobe) instructions to the CD in illustrator 3.
    Later I tried to open the CD on a Performa 6200 CD using a macOS 8.1 with Illustrator 6.0. When I opened the CD there was a closed lock on the top left corner of the window, the EPS file icon appeared as a gray paper not looking like your typical illustrator file. I then proceeded to click on the EPS file and a window appeared with this message: "The document "---" could not be opened, because the application program that created could not be found.  Could not find a translation extension with appropriate translator".
    If there is anyway that you can help out please respond, I am really desperate.
    Thank you,

    It sounds like your older performa might not know to open that EPS with illustrator. Try going into Illustrator and using File>Open. If that still does not work it may be that CS3 did not save down a version that will work with Illy 6. Options for saving a legacy EPS from CS3 are Illy ver 3, 8, 9, 10; so you would need to save down to 3.

  • Graphic Change from CS3 to CS5

    I created a 3 layer graphic file in CS3 with one layer being text. I imported it into the target application, DVD Studio Pro, and it looked fine. I copied that file onto another computer where I installed the trial version of CS5. (I didn't want to risk messing up my editing computer). I imported that file into  DSP on the 2nd computer and it looked fine.
    I then opened the CS3 file in CS5. I modified the text, changed nothing else, and saved it as a new file. When I brought the 2nd file into DSP it was changed! It was squeezed. When I look at both in CS5 they look the same with all the same settings. The rotten part of this is I have already created 200 files that I assumed would work!!!!!
    So again, file#1 from CS3 looks fine in DSP. Anything new is squeezed and distorted. I REALLY need some help on this to try and save my work - otherwise its back to square 1 and CS5 goes out the window.
    Thank you in advance.
    I should add that viewing the files in Preview you can see the size of file#2 is been reduced by about 25% even though all the specs are the same.

    Does it make any difference if you don't use a text layer?
    Was the file you tried attaching under the 5MB limit? I sent you a private message to see if there's another way to get a sample file.

  • Importing INX from CS3 to CS2 problem

    I'm working on a 16-page newsletter file saved from ID CS3 to INX that then won't import into CS2. When I try, a list of missing plugins come up that its saying are needed. The thing is, I've done this before and it wasn't a problem. Also, I've tried a blank test INX from CS3 into CS2 and it opens.
    I'm assuming there's something in this particular CS3 newsletter file that's causing the snag, but have no idea what I'm looking for or how to fix it. A corrupt font, maybe? or corrupt image file?
    I had a similar newsletter file last month that I did the CS3 --> INX --> CS2 thing with, and it worked fine as well. I just repeated that process with those old files and it still works, so the problem is with this new file. I'm not using any new plug ins or doing anything really different this month compared to last.
    Any ideas? I'd really rather not have to recreate it from scratch, especially if it may not solve the problem -- it'd take a long time and we're in a bit of a hurry.
    Thanks for any help.

    I saw the hyperlink in there just by luck -- it was a long document and I was just scanning through, seeing what I could see. I went back to the InDesign CS3 file to remove it via the "Hyperlinks" panel, and resaved as INX, which opened in my CS2.
    Unfortunately it didn't open in my colleague's CS2 after all though, which is why we were doing the INX deal in the first place... so we gave up and we're editing it over the phone. Real high-tech.
    There really needs to be a plug-in or something next time around, Adobe, or preferably, built-in backward-compatibility like most other apps have. This whole "save as INX" thing is extremely annoying.

  • Going from CS3 to CS5

    I have just updated from CS3 to CS5 and am experiencing
    growing pains. I have several questions but I will do them one at a time.
    first- In CS3 I edited a jpg file then hit save as and change the file name in order to have the original file
    and the edited one saved. CS5- When I do this and hit "save as" nothing happens. Am I doing something
    wrong or is this an "improvement" of CS5
    Jim R

    Do you have a small screen display?  One that doesn't meet the minimum 1024 x 768 pixel requirement of Photoshop perhaps?
    Unfortunately, it will not put up a Save dialog on a too-small screen.  Yeah, that seems pretty bogus.

  • Apostrophe glyph does not transfer from CS3 to CS2 by inx

    Can someone please confirm this: The Apostrophe glyph does not transfer by inx from CS3 5.0.2(640) to CS2 4.0.5(688).
    It does transfer by inx from CS2 4.05(688) to CS1 3.0.1(838).
    It also does roundtrip in CS3, CS2, and CS.
    This is not a problem for me now that I know about it. I just wanted to report it for the benefit of others, as this is a commonly used character.
    I tested this with Times (T1) in a very simple file containing just the apostrophe glyph followed by the lower case "x". These tests were conducted in Tiger 10.4.11.
    It seems like it may be related to the similar problem with bullet glyphs that has been mentioned by Sandee and others in this forum.

    I can reproduce the report by Klaus of being able to put in the "missing" apostrophe with a text editor. <br /><br />But using TextWrangler I was unable to find the "missing" apostrophe in the CS3 inx by searching for "'" or "0027" (the Unicode value for the apostrophe).<br /><br />Now, since IDCS3 is able to open its own inx including the apostrophe glyph, it must be encoding it in the inx in some special way.<br /><br />Exploring the IDCS2 inx for a test file with the string "CHICKEN 'N WAFFLES" shows that it is saved as "c_CHICKEN"+"&apos"+";N WAFFLES". Then searching from the top for the string "&apos", finds 5 instances of it. While a simillar search for "&apos" in the CS3 inx finds only one instance of it.<br /><br />Clearly IDCS3 and IDCS2 write their inx files differently. No surprise there. Searching the CS3 inx for *parts* of "CHICKEN 'N WAFFLES" locates:<br /><br /><txsr prst="o_u65" crst="o_u62" paln="e_cent" ptfs="c_Medium" ptsz="U_18" font="c_Helvetica"><br />               <pcnt>c_CHICKEN </pcnt><br />          </txsr><br />          <txsr prst="o_u65" crst="o_u62" paln="e_cent" ptfs="c_Medium" ptsz="U_18" ligt="b_f" font="c_Helvetica" OTca="b_f"><br />               <pcnt>e_SSSq</pcnt><br />          </txsr><br />          <txsr prst="o_u65" crst="o_u62" paln="e_cent" ptfs="c_Medium" ptsz="U_18" font="c_Helvetica"><br />               <pcnt>c_N WAFFLES</pcnt><br />          </txsr><br /><br />Now if I paste in a copy of the lines :<br /><br />          <txsr prst="o_u65" crst="o_u62" paln="e_cent" ptfs="c_Medium" ptsz="U_18" font="c_Helvetica"><br />               <pcnt>c_N WAFFLES</pcnt><br />          </txsr><br /><br />after the first occurrence and save the file from TextWrangler, it will then reopen in IDCS3 with the text string "CHICKEN ''N WAFFLES" (note the two apostrophes).<br /><br />But in the case of the string " 'x" as the only contents of the text frame where the apostrophe *does* transfer from CS3 to CS2 it is encoded this way:<br /><br />          <txsr prst="o_u6b" crst="o_u68" ptfs="c_Regular" ptsz="U_18" ligt="b_f" font="c_Times (TT)" OTca="b_f"><br />               <pcnt>c_ &apos;</pcnt><br />          </txsr><br />          <txsr prst="o_u6b" crst="o_u68" ptsz="U_18" font="c_Times (TT)"><br />               <pcnt>c_x</pcnt><br />          </txsr><br /><br />Note the "&apos" in that code, which is what CS2 is able to import.<br /><br />Conclusion: IDCS3 does indeed save the apostrophe in the inx in a completely different way than IDCS2, and in different ways under different circumstances. So the bug is that Abobe forgot to take into account how the new way of writing the apostrophe would affect IDCS2's ability to import it. <br /><br />Al

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