Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 Exams - EFFECTIVE DATE ADJUSTED!

Hi, everyone.
Microsoft has adjusted the effective starting date of when the Windows 8.0 exams and Windows Server 2012 exams will be updated to Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 at Prometric.
The new effective date is January 28, 2014.
This means that current study materials for many of these exams remain current. You have a little extra time to pass these exams before they are updated.
Which exams specifically? Other questions? Learn more or ask questions at the following blog entry:
Good luck!
Best wishes, Davin Mickelson

Hi, Ken.
Unfortunately, this exam will be updated on January 28th, 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.
It's too bad that Microsoft did not update the 70-417 exam description to tell you that. I know they
did update the exam descriptions for the other core exams, like 70-410.
70-417 UPGRADE
You have three painful choices:
Just take it anyway. Know that only some of the exam questions were updated. You can also learn what they are testing you for on the exam. You may even get lucky and still pass. You do have four (4) days to cram.
Reschedule the exam while paying that $35 reschedule fee.
Cancel the exam.
New study books will be released this spring. Here is the list from O'Reilly:
Sorry that Microsoft didn't update the exam's description.  That's why I had the post turned into a sticky.
Good luck with your decision and with your exams.
Best wishes, Davin Mickelson

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  • Installing IDES 6.07 disp+work.exe error. Parallels windows 7, SQL Server 2012

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to install sap IDES ECC 6 EhP 7 from scratch. Everything was doing well but I got an error on starting instance. SAPMMC Console Process disp+work.EXE do not change from status: "Server in State STARTING" (Yellow). I have been searching and most of the problem is related to Kernel. I upgraded Kernel to the latest version: SAPEXEDB_101-20012221.SAR and SAPEXE_101-20012222.SAR. I also check my host file and set my IP address with my computer name. I check logs dev_disp and dev_w0 but I am not able to see the error. I am installing IDES into Virtual Machine, Windows 7, SQL Server 2012, 8 Gb memory.
    Best Regards.
    David C.
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 2, release: "742"
    <<- SapSSLSetTraceFile()==SAP_O_K
    command line arg 0: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
    command line arg 1: pf=\\SAPIDESECC\sapmnt\ECC\SYS\profile\ECC_DVEBMGS00_SAPIDESECC
    sysno      00
    sid        ECC
    systemid  562 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      7420
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    101
    intno      20020600
    make      multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
    profile    \\SAPIDESECC\sapmnt\ECC\SYS\profile\ECC_DVEBMGS00_SAPIDESECC
    pid        1724
    Wed May 02 19:14:50 2040
    kernel runs with dp version 224000(ext=117000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-224000-UC)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 500 bytes
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 1724) [dpInit.c    597]
    ShmProtect( 5, 3 )
    DpSapEnvInit: rscpInitDispatcher o.k.
    SigIInit: ok (whoami=1)
    Thread handle for mainthread created
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGSEGV installed (SigISegv, flag 0)
    Pipe created: \\.\pipe\SAP1724
    SigIInit: Create Message Thread
    SigIRegisterExitRoutine: exithandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)
    SigIRegisterTerminateRoutine: terminatehandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)
      shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
      shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
      shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
      shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
    Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040
      shared lib "dw_rndrt.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
      shared lib "dw_abp.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
    mshost: >SAPIDESECC<
    DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 0/-1 at level 0
    DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 5/-1 at level 1
    DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition -1/5 at level 2
    rdisp/softcancel_sequence :  -> 0,5,-5
    softcancel_sequence: >0,5,-5<
    use internal message server connection to port 3901
    msserv: >3901<
    dp_bufreftime: 120 sec
    dp_btctime: 0 sec
    dp_autoabaptime: 0 sec
    dp_bgrfc_watchdog_time: 300 sec
    dp_signal_handler_timeout: 300 sec
    dp_autothtime: 60 sec
    dp_autojavatime: 60 sec
    dp_autoccmstime: 60 sec
    dp_security_check_time: 60 sec
    max_dynamic_wp_alive_time: 300 sec
    dp_startup_time: 20
    dp_noptime: 0 sec
    dp_keepalive: 1200 sec
    dp_keepalive_timeout: 60 sec
    dp_ms_keepalive: 60 sec
    dp_ms_keepalive_timeout: 300 sec
    switch off dp-keep-alive for old temus
    dp_spoolalrm: 60 sec
    dp_softcancel_timeout: 5 sec
    rdisp/wp_restart_interval : 300 sec
    DpISetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 52428800 bytes
    rdisp/shutdown/load_balance_wait_time: 180 sec
    rdisp/shutdown/disable_login : 0
    rdisp/shutdown/auto_logout: 600 sec
    rdisp/shutdown/trigger_timeout: 180 sec
    rdisp/shutdown/idle_wp_timeout: 600 sec
    rdisp/shutdown/longrunner_timeout: 86400 sec
    rdisp/shutdown/j2ee_timeout: 60 sec
    rdisp/high_load_quota: (load / queue quota) = (90.000000 / 5.000000)
    Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040
    rdisp/snapshot(PERIOD):300 sec
    rdisp/snapshot(LINES):10000 lines
    DpSetAvoidTraceInSignalHandler: 0 -> 1
    DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapgw00' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300
    NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
    NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'SAPIDESECC' from operating system
    NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
    NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
    NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)
    NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'www.doesnotexist0107.qqq.nxst' not found by operating system
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    NiHLGetHostName: address not found by operating system
    *** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 9 seconds
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'http' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'http' = port 80
    NiSrvLGetServName: port 8080 not found by operating system
    NiSrvLGetServName: port 64555 not found by operating system
    NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapdp9988' not found by operating system
    ***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5088]
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 16 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 17 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: alarm handler installed (DpSigAlrm)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGINT installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGTERM installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 3 installed (DpSigQuit, flag 0)
    MtxInit: 30000 0 0
    DpInitMtx: MtxInit o.k.
    PPID environment not found
    Thread handle for mainthread created
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 19 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 18 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 24 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 0 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 21 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGABRT installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 23 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 25 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
    disp service: sapdp00
    NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
    ShmProtect( 1, 3 )
    DpSysAdmExtCreate: created and initialized sys_adm_ext
    DpSysAdmExtCreate: SHM_SYS_ADM_KEY (addr: 00000000022B0050, size: 500)
    DpSysAdmExtCreate: SemInMgt o.k.
    DpIPCInit2: whoami=1
    disp service: sapdp00
    myname: SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                  
    max_comm_entries: 1000
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    amc_rec_max_no: 400
    websockets_max_no: 100
    tm_max_no: 200
    wp_ca_blk_no: 6000
    wp_no_dia: 10
    wp_no_vb: 1
    wp_no_vb2: 1
    wp_no_enq: 0
    wp_no_btc: 3
    wp_no_spo: 1
    wp_no_restricted: 0
    wp_max_no: 21
    wp_no_dynamic: 5
    configurable_wp_no: 16
    wall_entry_max_no: 200
    addump_period: 0
    max_sleep: 20
    max_hold_time: 60 sec
    max_priv_time: 0 sec
    max_vm_debug_attach_time: 60 sec
    max_vm_sgc_lazy_time: 600 sec
    max_vm_forced_sgc_time: 10 sec
    max_debug_lazy_time: 600 sec
    max_debug_attach_time: 30 sec
    max_snc_hold_time: 120 sec
    em_blocksize_KB: 4096
    em_initial_size_MB: 5734
    em_max_size_MB: 12287
    em_address_space_MB: 5734
    start_icman: 1
    rm_max_tbl_size: 1000
    DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext
    RqQInit: Init with maxQueues=3448, maxRequests=14000, maxWorker=21, singlethreaded process
    ShmProtect( 21, 3 )
    RqQInit: use events to trigger worker
    NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'localhost' from operating system
    NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'localhost' = addr
    RqQInit: created shared memory
    RqQInit: o.k.
    RqQSetMtxStatistic: switch off mutex statistic
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    RqQSetWakeupHandling: handle wakups outside queue lookup
    DpRqSetMultithreadedProcess: inside a singlethreaded process
    DpIPCInit2: start server >SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      <
    DpShMCreate: alloate/attach shared memory (mode=CREATE)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 23360 (1112)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 13098768 (65168)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(ca_adm) 432000 (72)
    DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/3664064/3869152
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 3869152 (3648)
    DpSlockTableSize: calculate slock table size from vmc state (not active)
    DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (296)
    DpReadFileParams: calculate file table size from vm number (0)
    max_file_entries: 0
    DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (80)
    DpSockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/1040064/1040080
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(sock_adm) 1040080 (1016)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (3208)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (ft=41664/fi=67472/hd=64/rec=192)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(amc_rec_adm) (ft=172864/fi=101872/hd=64/rec=416)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(websocket_adm) (ft=28864/hd=64/rec=272)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 64
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3936
    ShmProtect( 2, 3 )
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 000000000FD20050, size: 18986576
    sizeof(ca) 208896000 (34816)
    ShmProtect( 3, 3 )
    SHM_DP_CA_KEY (addr: 0000000010F40050, size: 208896000)
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sys_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD20050
    DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 000000000FD20250
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD31F40
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 000000000FD32140
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD32260
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 000000000FD32460
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD37FA0
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 000000000FD381A0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD381E0
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 000000000FD383E0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_adm with len 512 at 00000000109B62F0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_adm at 00000000109B64F0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before comm_adm with len 512 at 0000000010A1FC70
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 0000000010A1FE70
    DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sock_adm with len 512 at 0000000010DD0850
    DpShMCreate: allocated sock_adm at  0000000010DD0A50
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before vmc_adm_list with len 512 at 0000000010ECE920
    DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 0000000010ECEB20
    DpShMCreate: system runs without VMC
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before gw_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEBC0
    DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 0000000010ECEDC0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before j2ee_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEE00
    DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 0000000010ECF000
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_info with len 512 at 0000000010ECFF60
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0000000010ED0160
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010ED01A0
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (ft) at 0000000010ED03A0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010EDA660
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (fi) at 0000000010EDA860
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010EEAFF0
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (head) at 0000000010EEB1F0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010EEB230
    DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (ft) at 0000000010EEB430
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010F15770
    DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (fi) at 0000000010F15970
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F2E760
    DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (head) at 0000000010F2E960
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010F2E9A0
    DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (ft) at 0000000010F2EBA0
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35C60
    DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (head) at 0000000010F35E60
    DpShMCreate: Initialized eye after websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35EA0
    DpShMCreate: initialized 21 eyes
    SEM_COMM_ADM_KEY SemInit o.k.
    SEM_STAT_KEY SemInit o.k.
    ShmProtect( 52, 3 )
    DpMBufCreate allocated 138384 bytes for 500 entries
    DpSBufCreate allocated 41200 bytes for 100 entries
    SEM_MSBUF SemInit o.k.
    DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpSysAdmIntInit: initialized sys_adm
    DpSysAdmIntInit: SemInMgt o.k.
    DpSysAdmIntInit: SEM_TM_ADM_KEY SemInit o.k.
    shutdown/max_time: 3600 sec
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (10000) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
    DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 0 (DispatcherQueue)
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1 (10001) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1
    DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 1 (GatewayQueue)
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (10002) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2
    DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 2 (IcmanQueue)
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3 (10003) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3
    DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 3 (StartServiceQueue)
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4 (10004) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4
    DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 4 (DpMonQueue)
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = normal priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = normal priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = normal priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = low priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = normal priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/timeslice_millis
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_runtime
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_quota
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_runtime
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_quota
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_high/max_runtime
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/test/reschedule_always
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    gui_auto_logout: 0 sec
    plugin_auto_logout: 1800 sec
    rejectSoftcancelInPrivMode: 1
    DpSetCpicStreaming: cpicStreamingActive is 1
    DpVmcReadBasicStateFromProfile: vmc state is DP_VMC_NOT_ACTIVE
    task_limit: 1000
    websocket_deletion_timeout: 0
    websocket_open_message_limit: 500
    websocket_receive_threshold: 10
    resource_limit: 95 %
    DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
    DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
    Scheduler info
    WP info
      #dia    = 10
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
      #btc    = 0
      #standby = 0
      #max    = 21
    General Scheduler info
      preemptionInfo.isActive          = true
      preemptionInfo.timeslice          = 500
      preemptionInfo.checkLoad          = true
    Prio Class High
      maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH]    = 600 sec
      maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 300 sec
    Prio Class Normal
      maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]          = 3600 sec
      maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]      = 1800 sec
      maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]    = 8
      withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]      = true
    Prio Class Low
      maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]          = infinite
      maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]      = infinite
      maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]    = 8
      withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]      = true
    Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0
    Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0
    DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=0000000010A1FE70/ft=0000000010A1FE80/fi=0000000010D9E740)
    DpSockAttachTable: attached sock table (header=0000000010DD0A50/ft=0000000010DD0A60)
    DpAmcRecTabInit: initialized table for 400 entries
    DpWebSocketTabInit: initialized table for 100 entries
    DpBasicEyesCheck: eyes of group DP-MEM-SEGMENTS o.k. (21 eyes checked)
    DpShMInit: initialize tm_adm
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T1_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T2_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T3_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T4_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T5_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T6_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T7_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T8_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T9_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T10_U65535
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T11_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T12_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T13_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T14_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T15_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T16_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T17_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T18_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T19_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T20_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T21_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T22_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T23_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T24_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T25_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T26_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T27_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T28_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T29_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T30_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T31_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T32_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T33_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T34_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T35_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T36_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T37_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T38_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T39_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T40_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T41_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T42_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T43_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T44_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T45_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T46_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T47_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T48_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T49_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T50_U65535
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T51_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T52_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T53_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T54_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T55_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T56_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T57_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T58_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T59_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T60_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T61_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T62_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T63_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T64_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T65_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T66_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T67_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T68_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T69_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T70_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T71_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T72_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T73_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T74_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T75_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T76_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T77_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T78_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T79_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T80_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T81_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T82_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T83_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T84_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T85_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T86_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T87_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T88_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T89_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T90_U65535
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T91_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T92_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T93_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T94_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T95_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T96_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T97_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T98_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T99_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T100_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T101_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T102_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T103_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T104_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T105_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T106_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T107_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T108_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T109_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T110_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T111_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T112_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T113_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T114_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T115_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T116_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T117_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T118_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T119_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T120_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T121_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T122_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T123_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T124_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T125_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T126_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T127_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T128_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T129_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T130_U65535
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T131_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T132_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T133_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T134_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T135_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T136_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T137_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T138_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T139_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T140_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T141_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T142_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T143_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T144_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T145_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T146_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T147_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T148_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T149_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T150_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T151_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T152_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T153_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T154_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T155_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T156_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T157_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T158_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T159_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T160_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T161_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T162_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T163_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T164_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T165_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T166_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T167_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T168_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T169_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T170_U65535
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T171_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T172_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T173_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T174_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T175_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T176_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T177_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T178_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T179_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T180_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T181_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T182_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T183_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T184_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T185_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T186_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T187_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T188_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T189_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T190_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T191_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T192_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T193_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T194_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T195_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T196_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T197_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T198_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T199_U65535
    DpITmSlotClear: cleared T200_U65535
    DpShMInit: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list
    DpShMInit: initialize wp_adm
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W0> in slot 5 (10005) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W0> in slot 5
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W1> in slot 6 (10006) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W1> in slot 6
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W2> in slot 7 (10007) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W2> in slot 7
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W3> in slot 8 (10008) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W3> in slot 8
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W4> in slot 9 (10009) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W4> in slot 9
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W5> in slot 10 (10010) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W5> in slot 10
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W6> in slot 11 (10011) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W6> in slot 11
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W7> in slot 12 (10012) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W7> in slot 12
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W8> in slot 13 (10013) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W8> in slot 13
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W9> in slot 14 (10014) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W9> in slot 14
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W10> in slot 15 (10015) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W10> in slot 15
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W11> in slot 16 (10016) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W11> in slot 16
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W12> in slot 17 (10017) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W12> in slot 17
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W13> in slot 18 (10018) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W13> in slot 18
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W14> in slot 19 (10019) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W14> in slot 19
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W15> in slot 20 (10020) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W15> in slot 20
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W16> in slot 21 (10021) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W16> in slot 21
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W17> in slot 22 (10022) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W17> in slot 22
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W18> in slot 23 (10023) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W18> in slot 23
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W19> in slot 24 (10024) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W19> in slot 24
    RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W20> in slot 25 (10025) with normal priority
    RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W20> in slot 25
    MBUF state OFF
    MBUF opmode USE
    DpMBufClearGlobalHighLoadCounter: reset global load flags
    DpMBufInit o.k.
    DpCommInitTable: init table for 1000 entries
    DpSockInitTable: init table for 1000 entries
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    dp-shmem init o.k.
    disp+work.EXE 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.
    kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    dw_gui.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    librender.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    dw_stl.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    MSVCP100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    MSVCR100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    USER32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    USP10.dll 1.626.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    dw_xml.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    dw_xtc.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    dw_rndrt.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    dw_abp.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    libregex.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.
    RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    ole32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    OLEAUT32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    WINSPOOL.DRV 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\. SAP minimum version is 4.0.1381.6.
    NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    IPHLPAPI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    NETAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    netutils.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    wkscli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    SAMCLI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    SHELL32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    dbghelp.dll 6.2.9200.20512 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    VERSION.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    MPR.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    icule51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    icuuc51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    icudt51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    icuuc50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    icudt50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    icuin50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
    NLAapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
    DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
    cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
    wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
    rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
    ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    psapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
    disp service: sapdp00
    sapinit ()
    EM: em/proc_max_size_MB = 0
    MmxRegisterRscAdm 17 000000014130F8B0 000000014130FCD0
    EmIAllocMmResourcePROC: size=1048576 total=-1 ptr=0000000008C20040
    MmxInit( 0000000008C20050 1048576 17 0000000000000000 0 ) 16 32 64 64
    MmxRegisterRscAdm 18 000000014130F850 000000014130F890
    EM: Initializing PROC storage: quota=0 use_stdheap=0
    sapinit: allocated ZCSA at 0000000008C22D70, len=1992, RSTG_CL_PERM
    sapinit: allocated ZTTA and RSTG at 0000000008C235C0, len=1608, RSTG_CL_PERM
    sapinit: allocated temporary DYNPRO at 0000000000000000, len=3200000, RSTG_CL_PERM
    sapinit: allocated CUA at 0000000008C23C90, len=8, RSTG_CL_PERM
    sapinit o.k.
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: tbiSize = 693
    EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: maxSize = 1095
    EmInit () Lock method = 2
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    MM global diagnostic options set: 0
    EsGetAdmSize( 22 )
    EsGetAdmSize( 42 ) = 26425536
    ShmProtect( 51, 3 )
    EmInit: initializing process shared data.
    EmInit: initializing process private data.
    EmILckRecover: checking for Mutex to recover ...
    <ES> client 21 initializing ....
    EsInit(000000001D71A8B0, 26444192, 21, 4096KB, 5734MB, 12287MB, 5734MB, 0, ECC)
    <ES> EsILock: use Semphore 33 for locking
    <ES> initializing shared memory....
    <ES> block size is 4096 kByte.
    <ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB( 5734MB) not multiple of em/blocksize_KB( 4096KB)
    <ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB rounded up to 5736MB
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047ED0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047FF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048050
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0480B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048110
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048170
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0481D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048230
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048290
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0482F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048350
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0483B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048410
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048470
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0484D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048530
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048590
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0485F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048650
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0486B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048710
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048770
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0487D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048830
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048890
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0488F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048950
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0489B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048AD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048BF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048C50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048CB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048DD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048EF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048F50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048FB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049010
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049070
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0490D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049130
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049190
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0491F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049250
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0492B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049310
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049370
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0493D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049430
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049490
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0494F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049550
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0495B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049610
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049670
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0496D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049730
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049790
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0497F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049850
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0498B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049910
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049970
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0499D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049AF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049B50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049BB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049CD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049DF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049E50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049EB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049FD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A030
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A090
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A0F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A150
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A1B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A210
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A270
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A2D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A330
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A390
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A3F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A450
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A4B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A510
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A570
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A5D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A630
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A690
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A6F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A750
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A7B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A810
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A870
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A8D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A930
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A990
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A9F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AA50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AAB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ABD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ACF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AD50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ADB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AED0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AFF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B050
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B0B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B110
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B170
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B1D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B230
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B290
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B2F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B350
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B3B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B410
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B470
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B4D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B530
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B590
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B5F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B650
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B6B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B710
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B770
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B7D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B830
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B890
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B8F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B950
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B9B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BAD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BBF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BC50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BCB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BDD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BEF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BF50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BFB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C010
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C070
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C0D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C130
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C190
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C1F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C250
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C2B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C310
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C370
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C3D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C430
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C490
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C4F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C550
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C5B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C610
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C670
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C6D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C730
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C790
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C7F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C850
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C8B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C910
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C970
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C9D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CAF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CB50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CBB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CCD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CDF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CE50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CEB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CFD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D030
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D090
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D0F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D150
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D1B0
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D210
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D270
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D2D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D330
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D390
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D3F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D450
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D4B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D510
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D570
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D5D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D630
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D690
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D6F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D750
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D7B0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D810
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D870
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D8D0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D930
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D990
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D9F0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DA50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DAB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB70
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DBD0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC30
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC90
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DCF0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DD50
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DDB0
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE10
    Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE70
    STD_EsInit: FreelistCompactor active
    <ES> Info: disclaim threshold = 0 MB
    <ES> Info: disclaim coasting/alloc = 300 s
    <ES> Info: disclaim coasting/free = 0 s
    <ES> Info: blockdisclaimsize_KB = 0 KB
    Found implementation view
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    Using implementation view
    <EsNT> EsIOsInit
    <EsNT> ExecuteProtection is supported
    <EsNT> Using memory model view.
    <EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/initial_size_MB=5736MB
    <EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/address_space_MB=5734MB
    <EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
    <EsNT> Address Space set to 5734
    <EsNT> EsILocMthSlotsAttach
    <EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_000 ,size=2044 MB
    <EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_001 ,size=2044 MB
    <EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_002 ,size=1648 MB
    <EsNT> MemoryTotalPhys      8388144 KB
    <EsNT> MemoryTotalVirtual  8589934464 KB
    <EsNT> MemoryAvailVirtual  8588333064 KB
    <EsNT> Static              00000001417896C0
    <EsNT> Start Map Area      000007DE99A00000
    <ES> 1433 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    EmInit2: egSegSizeEsBlocks number = 274
    EgInit: esBlkSz = 4194304, maxEsBlocks = 274, segSz = (1149239296 EG_MAX_SEGSIZE = 68719476735
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 0 LockCount 0
    <EsNT> EsISearchAlloc Blocks = 274
    <EsNT> EsIViewInitSlots Blocks = 274, FromTop = 1
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 1
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 2
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 3
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 4
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 5
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 6
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 7
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 8
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 9
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 10
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 11
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 12
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 13
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 14
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 15
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 16
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 17
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 18
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 19
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 20
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 21
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 22
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 23
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 24
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 25
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 26
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 27
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 28
    Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 29
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 30
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 31
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 32
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 33
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 34
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 35
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 36
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 37
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 38
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 39
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 40
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 41
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
    <EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 42
    EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

    Hi Experts,
    I spent all weekend installing again IDES and the result was the same. I could find one possible error:
    DpSetAvoidTraceInSignalHandler: 0 -> 1
    DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapgw00' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300
    NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
    NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'SAPIDESECC' from operating system
    NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
    NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
    NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)
    Fri May 04 02:36:50 2040
    NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'www.doesnotexist0196.qqq.nxst' not found by operating system
    *** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiHostToAddr(www.doesnotexist0196.qqq.nxst) took 24 seconds
    Fri May 04 02:37:11 2040
    NiHLGetHostName: address not found by operating system
    *** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 21 seconds
    NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'http' from operating system
    NiIGetServNo: servicename 'http' = port 80
    NiSrvLGetServName: port 8080 not found by operating system
    NiSrvLGetServName: port 64555 not found by operating system
    NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapdp9988' not found by operating system
    ***LOG GZZ=> 2 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5079]
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 16 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 17 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: alarm handler installed (DpSigAlrm)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGINT installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGTERM installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
    SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 3 installed (DpSigQuit, flag 0)
    MtxInit: 30000 0 0
    Do you think this may be the main problem??
    Best Regards.
    David Cortes

  • Can't edit default domain controllers policy on windows 8 or server 2012

    I have found that I can't edit the "Default Domain Controllers Policy" from a Windows 8 or Server 2012 machine.  I can edit and save changes fine from a Windows 7 machine.  The domain controllers are running Windows 2012 Standard upgraded
    from Windows 2008 R2.  Is there a security setting I am missing?

    Posting the resolution from the other thread.  Hope it helps!
    I just accidentally resolved this issue today.  I added the GPMC to a 2008 R2 server so I could make a needed firewall
    change within the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security section of the Default Domain Controllers GPO (I enabled the Remote Event Log management rule for the Domain profile).  About an hour later, I forgot I was using my Windows 8 machine and I went
    to edit the Default Domain Controllers GPO and opened for edit without a problem.  I can now edit it from Windows 8 and from Windows Server 2012.  Until now, I was using a Windows 7 VM to make the edits, so in my case the problem was resolved by
    editing the GPO once from a 2008 R2 machine.

  • Sign-on screen appearing during deployments of Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2

    Hey guys,
    Minor annoyance our MDT based deployments of Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2. Part of the way through the deployment its like some sort of "time out" occurs and both these OSes will "lock" the screen by switching to the sign-on view. You just
    type in the password and it lets you right back in but (oddly enough) this behavior doesnt happen wen deploying Windows 7/Server 2008 R2. In an ideal world I'd like the entire deployment to run without locking to the sign-on screen at any point.
    Has anyone else encountered this and come up with a workaround?

    EUREKA! At last! I'm still a little uncertain as to how exactly it worked but his post resolved my issue:
    Under the oobeSystem pass you will see the following lines:
    Change this to the following:
                        <LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
                            <Description>Temp account</Description>
                            <DisplayName>Temp account</DisplayName>

  • Using SQL Server 2012 SSIS to Extract Data From SAP

    What is the current best practice for using SQL Server 2012 SSIS to extract data from SAP R3? Please note we are looking for a solution that does not use SAP BW or SAP OHS.
    Ideally we would like to build our ETL SSIS process to make a .NET call to an SAP RFC procedure and avoid using web services.
    With SS2012 can we use any of these without using SAP BW:
    - SAP .NET Connector
    - MS ADO .NET
    - BizTalk .NET 3.0 Adapter
    Thanks and take care,

    Hi Shayne,
    You can use the .NET Framework Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite along with SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) to import data from an SAP system into SQL Server database tables, flat files, or other compatible destination types. You can create an SSIS
    package that can be executed to import data from an SAP system.
    You must use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard to import data into the SQL Server database. You must provide a select query to specify data to be imported. The query must confirm to the semantics supported by the Data Provider for SAP. You can start the
    SQL Server Import Export Wizard either from the SQL Server Management Studio or from an Integration Service project in Visual Studio. Detail steps please see:
    Importing SAP Data Using SQL Server Management Studio:
    Importing SAP Data Using Visual Studio:
    Please feel free to ask if you have any question.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • MCSA Windows Server 2012 Certification Exam prep

    I am studying for the MCSA Windows Server 2012 certification. I have looked at the books on amazon and would like your opinion on book selection. In the past I have found the self-pace exam prep books by microsoft to my liking. If you know of any
    web sites that contain information on how to prepare for the MCSA Windows Server 2012 certification that would great too. I think I am going to setup a lab using Windows Server 2012 R2 machines to assist my learning so information on that topic would be great.
    I am currently using Virtual Box to create virtual machines.

    Hi, I always liked the exam prep book from MS with hand-on lab. There is from MS as well, could be a good place to check. I know too that @KeithMayer on twitter do post a lot of ressource too.
    I will move the thread to the learning section, as maybe other users got other ressource of value.
    Regards, Philippe
    Don't forget to mark as answer or vote as helpful to help identify good information. ( linkedin endorsement never hurt too :o) )
    Answer an interesting question ? Create a
    wiki article about it!

  • Windows 8 and Server 2012. Not detecting network is a domain.

    Hi Guys,
    I hope I have posted this to the correct forum.
    I have 2 x Windows 8 PCs that do not detect that they are connected to a domain (network location awareness not working). I can join them to the domain but they still don't recognise the network as a domain. Instead they identify it as "private".
    Other PCs on the network (Win XP and Win 7) work prefectly, just the windows 8 machines don't work.
    Also, when I do join them to domain I also receive this message.
    "changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed. The name will remain xxxx.local. The error was: the specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. "
    I have tried the following
     - DHCP and DNS has being tried both as static and dynamic (can ping DNS server which is the domain controller Windows Server 2012) .
     - Updated PC NIC drivers.
     - No AV is installed on either server or PC.
     - Updated PC to windows 8.1.
     - Disabled both server and PC firewalls.
     - Check NLA service and all dependent services are running.
     - Disabled all adapters on server except for one.
    I am really hoping someone can help with this as I would really appreciate it.

    Hi Guys,
    I managed to find a solution to the problem. I noticed that the DNS server zones did not look quite right. The _msdcs zone was missing the subfolders (dc, domains, gc, pdc).
    To fix this issue: on the NIC adapter I had to tick the box "register this connection's addresses in DNS" (found under TCP/IP v4 > advanced > DNS tab).
    I then had to remove the DNS role, reboot then re-add the role. Problem solved. Hopefully this saves someone else pulling their hair out for an entire day.

  • How to disable the Super User menu - (Right click windows icon menu) - Server 2012 R2 - RDS

    Greetings all,
    Can anyone please advise how to remove the Administrator / Super User menu that appears when you right click the Windows Icon (old start button) in Server 2012 R2 - for RDS users. I have searched and been able to disable access to each of these menu items (Control
    Panel, Event Viewer, Run, etc). But I am searching for a way to completely remove the menu. This menu also appears when you use Win-X shortcut.
    Hope someone can help.

    Hi Terry,
    You can try following points, might helpful in your case. Go to 
    there you will see file called WinX 
    Right click this file and copy then go to
    then paste the file into the folder.
    NOTE: replace YOUR_USERNAME with your actual username. 
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Windows Explorer View, Server 2012 and WebDAV

    I am using SharePoint Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012. I cannot get Windows Explorer View working from client machines on this server. These machines are Windows 8, running IE 10 (I am also having problems on my Windows 7 / IE 9 machine).
    I have done everything on the client that I have read about (Trusted Site, the WebClient services, the patch mentioned in a Kb article), but to no avail.
    The client machines CAN open Windows Explorer View on a SharePoint Foundation site that I have hosted on the internet, although in this instance they access the internet directly, rather than through the company network.
    Therefore, I take it that my problem lies either on our SharePoint server, or somewhere in the network. The Proxy does not seem to be a problem as this is bypassed for local sites.
    Somedody said for an earlier version of SharePoint that the WebDAV server role should be
    disabled (which seems counter-intuitive).  Does this make sense, or what else should I be looking at on either my server or in the network environment?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I get the standard message ("We're having a problem opening this location in File Explorer. Add this web site to your Trusted Sites list and try again"). I am not using HTTPS.
    I do not think that the WebDAV is irrelevant on the server, as there are two separate things there:
    Desktop Experience Feature, which installs the WebClient service to allow the server to use WebDAV, and
    WebDAV Publiching Role under Common HTTP functions
    Curiously, after removign the WebDAV Publishign Role, my Win7/IE9 pc (which is not logged on to my client's domain (although I access their network and use SharePoint in my browser) DOES allow Windows Explorer View.
    The domain PCs do not allow it, still.  They get challnged for a user name and password three times before they get the standard message.  But, I did test a machine of their connecting to an internet-hosted website, and it could use Explorer View.

  • Display Drivers for intel (R) G45 express chipset on windows 8(multipoint server 2012) 64 bit

    I recently bought windows multipoint server 2012 from Microsoft which comes with windows 8. I am having trouble with installing display drivers from my computer's manufacturer. The display device is  Intel (R) G45 express chipset. Intel only supports
    windows 7 and when I try to troubleshoot it's compatibility,  the driver still does not work. I get an error notifying me that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements. My computer system is 64 bit and the drivers I download are meant
    for 64 bit systems,  I am currently using Microsoft basic display adapter and when I try to automatically update the driver it says that the drivers are up to date 
    why do I get the error that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements?
    and what can I do to get the drivers working on windows 8? 

    I had the most up-to-date Intel driver installed, as far as Windows can determine (right click Intel display adapter -> update drivers, search automatically). I was also using that exact download you linked me to.
    I also tried switching my graphics card to dedicated discrete mode in BIOS, which made my device ID change, but it too was not supported. I have since managed to reinstall the old drivers from 2010.
    Is there some place I can go to download a more recent version of the Intel drivers than Windows can find automatically?

  • Will Disabling IPv6 harm a Windows 8 or Server 2012 R2?

    I have a script that was written for Windows 7 and server 2008. I would like to know if it was harm a Windows 8 or any build of Server 2012 box. If so, could you please list what it would harm.
    It was create to help with speed issues for an older network based program.
    Thanks in advance.
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
    ocsetup MSRDC-Infrastructure /uninstall
    @Echo off 
    @ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg
    @ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters] >> %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg
    @ECHO "DisabledComponents"=dword:ffffffff >> %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg 
    @ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters] >> %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg
    @ECHO "Smb2"=dword:00000000 >> %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg 
    REGEDIT /S %TEMP%\DisableIPv6.reg
    ipconfig /flushdns
    sc config CscService start= disabled
    sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
    sc config mrxsmb20 start= disabled

    I don't think anyone can say for sure if it would cause any harm to any build of Windows 8 or Server 2012Rx.  No one would have tested disabling IPV6 on all the possible combinations.  The conventional wisdom is to NOT disable IPV6, but given special
    circumstances I suppose it might be done:
    While written for Server 2008 and SBS 2008, you might want to check the above link for ideas.  About half way down it discusses some considerations.
    Are you still running some older program that might benefit from this?  If so, have you actually tested it without disabling IPV6 on say one server and one station.  It would be easy enough to test then reverse the changes if there was no perceived
    Larry Struckmeyer[MVP] If your question is answered please mark the response as the answer so that others can benefit.

  • Windows XP and Server 2012 R2

    I have a new 2012 R2 Domain Controller and Exchange 2013 server running on Server 2012 R2. I have a few Windows XP clients that for some reason as of Monday cannot browse or access the file shares on the Domain Controller. However they can still access the
    shares on the Exchange server. SMBv1 appears to be enabled on the Domain Controller and the Windows Firewall is off so I do not know what the issue is. DNS is working and I can ping the server from the client without any issues. The Windows Vista/7 workstations
    can access the server without any issues.
    Vincent Sprague

    What's the error message when failing to access the shared folders on DC?
    Please test to:
    1. logon same account in Windows XP and Windows 7 to see if the issue related to account.
    2. Logon different accounts (one of them should able to access the shares on another computer) in Windows XP to see if it related to device.  
    Meanwhile have a try to disable SMBv2 on your DC to see if it is SMB related issue. 
    To disable SMB2 Server functionality set the follwing registry key: 
    REG_DWORD Smb2 
    Value: 0 = disabled 
    Value: 1= enabled
    Check if issue still exists after diable SMB2. You can enable it after testing. 
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • Windows Backup Retention: Server 2012 R2 Essentials

    We are backing up a Server 2012 R2 Essentials machine's files and folders, using Windows Server Backup, to an external hard drive. That backup drive is now 84% full. It is my understanding that Windows Server Backup will automatically delete old backups
    when necessary, but does anybody know at what point that happens? When the target reaches 90%?

    Windows Server Backup will delete oldest backup when there is no enough space for storing a new backup.
    You can also manually delete old backups with one of the following 2 methods - you can create a schedule so old backups will be deleted automatically before or after new backups created.
    1.       Deleting System State Backup: wbadmin delete systemstatebackup –keepversions:10   
    The above command will keep the latest 10 versions and delete the rest all the system state backups.
    2.       Deleting other backups:  Backup application stores multiple backup versions in the VSS shadow copies. Hence, older backup version can be deleted by deleting older shadow copy. Commands to list and delete VSS shadow copies are
    below. They need to be run in an elevated command window.
    ·         vssadmin list shadows /for=x: – for listing the snapshots on x: where x: is the backup location
    ·         vssadmin delete shadows /for=x:  /oldest – for delete the oldest shadow copy. It can be called multiple times in case there is need to delete multiple older backups.
    Note: wbadmin get versions or backup UI would still report deleted backups until next backup runs. At end of each backup – non-existent backups are removed from the backup catalog.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Virutal machines on Windows Hyper-V Server 2012 R2

    How many Virutal Machines ( Guests)  can we create on a host with Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 installed on the host .
    Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 is free version from Microsoft right ?

    What I understood from above is ,if we install the hyper-v server 2012 R2 standard version on the host, we can create only 2 windows VM's.
    Not quite. There's no such thing as "Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 Standard". You either install Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 which is free and then license the servers you install on it separately, or you install Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Datacenter edition
    and configure Hyper-V on there.
    I believe you CAN buy a licence for just a virtual machine, though it would be a bit pointless when Standard covers you for two virtual machines.
    Going the free Hyper-V Server route is useful in particular if you're installing non-MS VM's which don't require MS licensing, or if you're P2Ving some existing physical servers which are already licensed.
    Note, if you install a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard licence to cover two VM's then it may be worth simply installing that rather than the free version unless you really don't want the UI available on the host. A standard licence covers you for 2 servers,
    and as long as the host server is doing nothing other than handle Hyper-V the copy of Standard on the host doesn't count towards it. So for instance you could have Server 2012 standard installed on the host, install the Hyper-V role on it and also install
    the IIS role on there, at which point you can only have 1 VM running there on that licence, but without IIS or anything else on there you can have 2 VM's. If you need more than 2 VM's (while not needing enough to warrant the cost of Datacenter) then you can
    install a second Standard licence which covers you for another two virtual machines.
    There's a guide to licensing Hyper-V here though as Eric said it's probably worth giving the licensing guys a call rather than putting your trust in unknown non-MS people
    on the internet! :-)

  • When is or will there be a SQL Server 2012 R1 SP2 release date?

    SQL Server 2012 SP 1 was released over a year ago on 11/8/2012. When is the next service pack going to be available?  I see announcements for SQL Server 2014 CTP's, but what about fixing 2012?
    SQL Server is now up to CU5. I had a small hand in CU5 after reporting issues with CU4.  One of the fixes found in CU4 broke SSRS multi-value reports, oddly enough.  CU5 continues to have 'unexpected errors' but SSRS is
    fixed.  Where CU's clearly stated to have limited testing and no guarantee to work in all environments, it is essential these cummulative updates are packaged in a hardened Service Pack.
    Is there no SP2 release date in sight?

    I have never seen Microsoft releasing a service pack of SQL Server on January. I think you should
    expect the next SQL Server 2012 service pack between February and April.
    Customers should expect SQL Server service packs every 12-15 months except for the first service
    pack of each new version. The first service pack of each new version comes usually 9 months after RTM has been released.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

Maybe you are looking for