Saving Keyboard Layouts

I have created a custom keyboard layout (and saved as...) and I want to save it on a thumbdrive or on our company network to be able to apply the settings on another work station.  Can this be done? and how?
Chris Randolph

OK, this worked for me.
Open Windows Explorer
On the left side, double-click the C drive to open it, double click the Users folder, and the double click on your user name folder.
Click in the Location bar and add \AppData\. You will then be able to see the hidden folder and continue navigating to the Adobe Premiere Pro data you need.
Double click each successive folder: Roaming, Adobe, Premiere Pro, 5.5
Copy the .kys file anywhere you like.
Paste it into a like location on your other computer. You should be good to go!

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    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "Keyboards Defaults"
    Driver "evdev"
    Option "XkbLayout" "latam"
    Option "XkbModel" "microsoft"
    MatchIsKeyboard "on"
    If there are a similar topic, Can you put the link?
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    Identifier "evdev keyboard catchall"
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    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
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    Yes you are right, this is not a bug, it's just bad user interface. Just imagine the following scenario...
    Writing a paper, switching to Greek to enter a couple of characters and leaving the mac idle for 5 mins.
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    then I tried using sudo loadkeys personal, also tried rebooting the system and I still get the ! character when I use SHIFT+1 which is weird (because I configured it so i would get the dollar sign)
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    I seriously don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure one of you guys will be able to help me since probably I'm making some kind of stupid mistake I cannot figure out. You can be sure it's not something that stupid as exiting the files withouth saving. To be sure I also reopened the files later to check if the changes where saved and they were, both for the vconsole.conf  and (which I gunzipped to read and then re gzipped).
    I really appreciate any kind of help you can give me. THanks!
    Last edited by volotec (2013-09-06 20:13:11)

    I have a custom keymap in use on my system because I hate the Caps Lock.  So that and a couple other small modifications were made into  Using /etc/vconsole.conf works just fine for me.  But I did notice that if I didn't have early KMS that I ran into a race condition with systemd-vconsole-setup.service and the system actually switching the graphics to KMS. 
    Though my issue might be entirely unrelated to what you are experiencing because I was indeed able to change things with loadkeys (at the time I did this stuff, there was no localectl… or if there was I wasn't aware of it).  Maybe try making some other small change to see if there is something inherently wrong with what you have done in the first attempt.  For example, since this is just for testing, use a more common character like a letter or number to replace something.
    I will tell you though that you are not the first person I have heard of recently who has run into vconsole.conf probems.  But the last person I read having such problems was at least able to correctly set their keymap with localectl (though the desired font apparently never took).

  • How to add individual keyboard layout under OS X 10.8.5

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    Any thoughts on how I might still be able to add my personal keyboard layout?

    The "add" button is for 10.9, not 10.8.  You should see a checkbox for your layout in 10.8.  Be sure you scroll down through the entire list.  If really not there, try putting your bundle in Home/Library/Keyboard Layouts, or try putting in a .keylayout file instead of a bundle.  To get to Home/Library you hold down the option key while doing Finder > Go.
    A forum for Ukelele issues is at!forum/ukelele-users

  • Keyboard Layout + Screen Sharing

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    You might want to look at creating an xmodmap file.  Some Google searches should help.
    My limited use of xmodmap in the past has been to do simple things like change the capslock key to a control key.  I have not tried remapping an entire keyboard.  But in theory it should be possible, and my might even find an existing file that will provide the entire mapping you desire.
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  • Final cut pro keyboard layout issue

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    I'm Italian, working in Italy, using fcp 6.0.5 with MacOSX 10.6.2 on a laptop and 10.5.x on a Mac Pro, and on both my computers I had big problems because fcp can't match with the Italian keyboard layout without some time-losing operations, that once completed, brought back fcp to normal use... lately (in the last week) this new layout I created (and saved, having to reload it EVERY time I launch fcp) started not working anymore, on both my computers, and keyboard shortcuts are almost not usable anymore. You can easily imagine what does this means in therms of time-losing and focus on the project.
    Now, I'm wondering how is this possible.
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    Does anyone else is having the same problem lately?
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    Thank you,
    and forgive me for the last part of this email, maybe a little off-topic.
    But maybe better complaining at home that doing it outside.
    best regards,
    Stefano Bianchi.

    Hi Nick, and thanks.
    Unluckily I've already knew about this option, but no result. Some tools work, some others (like zoom in/out) not.
    Anyway, this would switch my system language from italian into english, not big problem, but not very professional from Apple, leaving a bug like this.
    If there were technical reasons for which international keyboard layouts are not released from Apple, and you (or someone else) knew about them, may you please explain me? Knowledge will help me to revaluate Apple's operate.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards.

  • How come my custom keyboard layout won't work in Pages?

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    My question(s) is(are): How come in TextEdit my custom keyboard layout can work, but in Pages it doesn't? Is there something I need to change for Pages to start using my custom keyboard layout?
    - With regards:
    OSxOS (T. Levi Drayton)
    System Info: MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Pages (5.5.2)

    Thanks for sending the layout.  It installed properly in Home/Library/Keyboard Layouts and I was able to select its (generic) icon in the "flag" menu at the top right of the screen, and it worked fine in Pages 4 and Pages 5.
    Another place you could ask is!forum/ukelele-users

  • Assigning Keyboard layouts to Keyboard Shortcuts

    is this possible?
    I notice in the button list, there are buttons for "Keyboard layout 1-5"
    How are those used?
    I would like to assign my standard layout & multi-cam layout to F keys so I can switch between them quickly.

    Hi Bryan
    Perhaps this reference will help?
    Saving and Loading Keyboard Layouts: 6section=13
    Saving and Using Custom Button Bar Layouts: 6section=20

  • Swiss keyboard-layout only french version! Need german version (ö,ä,ü)

    Hi folks,
    I use a swiss keyboard on my Mac under Bootcamp. Problem, there are two different
    layouts here in Switzerland for the same kayboard. One is in french, one is german.
    Bootcamp seems to support both of them, but its not true. Both keyboard layouts
    are similar. Either layout: "Deutsch > Schweiz (Apple)" or "Französich > Schweiz (Apple)
    in both layouts, the key é, è, à still are é, è and à instad of changing to ö, ü, ä.
    This is really bad... the programmer should come visit switzerland, and see why this works like that!
    what can I do?
    kind regards.

    Hi Xenitra
    I had the exact same problem when using Parallels Desktop. I resolved the problem by downloading and installing "Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4" as source I chose " existing keyboard -> Schweiz(Apple) and did the necessary modifications for ä.ö,ü resp. é,à,è and saved and verified the new keyboard layout.
    Then I selected build which created the application to install the new keyboard layout in the system.
    Finally I chose my new layout, et voilà ;-)  Should work also with bootcamp.
    HTH dentistar

  • How can i disable Illustrator from changing my language / keyboard layout.

    I have an azerty laptop and a qwerty external keyboard. Switching from any application to illustrator changes the language and therefore also my keyboard layout. No other application does this.

    Thanks for the reply Mike
    But i have a laptop with azerty layout (Belgian) and an external qwerty keyboard (Brittish).
    So i need both languages selected in the System Pref >> Keyboard >> Input source
    When "Brittish" is selected and i switch from Apple Mail to Photoshop to Skype to Chrome to ... it all works fine.
    Only when i switch to Illustrator it also changes my language/layout from "Brittish" to "Belgian" and stays like that. I need to manually change it back in the menu in Finder.
    I like the brittish better (with a qwerty keyboard) because of the shortcuts (eg. sqare brackets -> shortcuts for order in Illustrator are not even on an azerty (Belgian) keyboard).
    Any idea?

  • Exchange a brand new computer because of the keyboard layout ?

    Hi !
    I'm currently in Finland for work, and I bought a Macbook Air, it's brand new so.
    But I didn't thought of the keyboard layout, which is of course Finnish;
    Do you think I can exchange this MBA with a one with the correct layout back in my country;
    Or is it better to return this MBA here, and buy a new one once I'm home ?
    I'd like to be able to return or exchange the MBA in my country, is the refund/exchange policy international ?

    The European law state you have anyway a 7 day open box return policy for this kind of product, I think I'll go to the store and ask if they can exchange it for one with international/US keyboard or give me a refund if they havn't got one.
    I got a callback appointement with Apple Support France tomorrow (my country) to ask them if it's possible to use the warranty to exchange layout. But as you said, I don't think it's possible since the keyboard is working perfectly fine..

  • Problem with Mail and customized keyboard layout

    I have created a customized keyboard layout in XML, it loads and works perfectly with all applications except Apple Mail. I noticed on a googlegroup that somebody has the same problem. How can I submit this Mail bug to Apple?

    download and run Find Any File to search for  "Antidote".
    FAF can search areas that Spotlight can't like invisible folders, system folders and packages. Any file you find will be in the search results window and can be dragged to the Desktop and then to the Trash bin.

  • Bug report: A keyboard layout is incorrect on the remote with Japanese keyboard

    This is a bug report for Microst Remote Desktop
    ## Summary
    A keyboard layout is incorrect on the remote with Japanese keyboard
    ## Version Information, I tested
    * Client
        * Case 1
            * MacBook Pro with JIS106 Keyboard
            * Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
            * Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0.24308
        * Case 2
            * MacBook Pro with JIS106 Keyboard
            * Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.1
            * Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0.24308
    * Remote
        * Case 1
            * Windows 7 Professional Japanese
        * Case 2
            * Windows Server 2008R2 Datacenter Japanese
        * Case 3
            * Windows Server 2012R2 Datacenter Japanese
    ## Detail of bug
    When login from Mac OS X with Microsoft Remote Desktop, the keyboard layout is always incorrect on the remote.
    The client machine have a built-in keyboard of JIS 106 layout,
    and the primary language is set to Japanese.
    But on the remote, the keyboard layout is US 101.
    So a input of Shift+2 does not result " but @.
    I've seen the above behavior on the 3 remote enviornments described the above.
    This bug did not occcur with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac 2.1.1, even if the system language is English and keyboard layout is Japanese.
    ## Captures
    I've took some of screen captures.
    I'm sorry for the capture includes Japanese words, so I added description in English.
    Capture 1:
    Mac OS X Keyboard Setting
    Capture 2:
    Windows Server 2012R2 Screen Keyboard
    Capture 3:
    Windows Server 2012R2 Screen Keyboard, with a additional registry key configured.

    This bug also affects the Canadian English settings.  If the client is set to Canadian English with a US keyboard the remote server is setup using a Canadian French keyboard.  Using the language selection in the toolbar you can temporarily correct
    the problem but the keyboard resets to french at the most inopportune times.  The was a problem in the earlier RDP client and was fixed so it's sad to see it reoccur in the new client.

Maybe you are looking for

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