Saving quiz slide answers

Does anybody know if you can use an SQL database to
save the answers generated when a users completes a captivate
program with quiz slides?

No, "Traci-TN", that is not a built-in function of Captivate.
But if you have a LMS, it might be connected to a SQL database. And
there are those who claim to have built something like that using
PHP coding, but I haven't personally seen the result.
The purpose of a LMS is to give you that ability to keep
complete records and to track user activity, and my first
inclination would be to advise you to look into LMS.
Welcome to the Captivate User Community!

Similar Messages

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    I was having the same problem on the last Random Question slide (total 10 RQ slides), and was able to fix it by following the next steps:
    Make sure Quiz: Pass or Fail actions are set to Continue for both Passing and Failing actions in the quiz preferences.
    Delete the RQ slide not advancing, then duplicate one of the RQ slides working, and assign your question pool to the new slide if different from the original duplicate. This step will make sure you are using a good working RQ slide.
    For some reason, my last RQ slide was corrupted and wasn't advancing to the Score slide at the end of the quiz.
    I can finally finish this project.
    Good luck.

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    The most likely reason for this behaviour is that your 10% of users have entered the quiz and then thought they might jump back to the information slides to check the answer.  On doing so they have exited the quiz scope which immediately locks the quiz.
    Have you actually watched these problem users complete the quiz?  If you are able to do so, make sure that once they start the first question, they answer all quiz questions in turn without jumping to any other slides or leaving the quiz.  If my hunch is right, the person will be able to successfully complete the quiz.
    If the desire is to allow users to jump back to the content section to check information, place a scored button on the first or second slide of your project.  This extends the quiz scope and will mean that the user is still within the "quiz" no matter what slide they want to look at.

  • Adobe Captivate 4 Answers not appearing on quiz slide

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    Please let me know if there is something I can do to assure the answers appear all the time.
    Thank you,
    David Gambal

    As far as I am aware, deleting or replacing the Question Title or Question Text captions in quiz questions in any version of Captivate will cause issues.  So don't do it.
    You do not need to always choose Optional as your Preferences > Quiz Settings > Required setting.  But if you choose one of the other more restrictive options this drop down offers (Required, Pass Required, Answer All) then you may run into strange issues where your quiz seems to stall for no apparent reason, especially in situations where you try to Retake Quiz or move back and forth from quiz questions to content slides.  I recommend you start with Optional, and then once you have everything working perfectly, try the other settings if you really feel the need.  Personally, I never seem to use them.

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    Memorial day always falls on a:
    A) Monday
    If the user selects either B, C, D I want them to see feedback that says they are incorrect and to please select a different answer. Of course, if the user selects A, the correct answer, the captivate just moves on.
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    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    Sorry, but apparently we do live in different time zones, morning over here, have to teach in a few minutes.
    Will try to answer this afternoon. To give differentiated feedback, depending on answers, you'll need to construct your question slides instead of using the default Question slides. That means: using Text captions, interactive objects, user variables and advanced actions.

  • Localization of Quiz Slide Content

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    Hi MB_Design,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe Support.
    We would like to tell you that the standard objects or the navigation button text and the instructions have to be changed manually through Captivate.
    Since the project is created in English language there is not any feature that can convert standard object ot text according to the launguage you choose.

  • How do I add interactive objects to a quiz slide?

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    Hi Steve, thanks so much for the quick reply! 
    The Button Widget does the job admirably, I can add it in and even make it invisible with the alpha setting so it appears that an image is the actual link.  Totally lets me do what I wished!
    Thanks again!

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    Hi there
    Thanks for reporting as a bug. I might suggest that as a work around, you change the captions to read "Click here to continue". At least it would guide the user to the right and expected outcome.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Create rrandom slides that are not quiz slides?

    None of the Quiz slide options provides the required quiz type I need, so I am going to create the whole course from scratch.
    I want to be able to create several slides with questions just from text I put on a blank slide, that when the user clicks a button to go to the next slide they will go to a random slide from a defined group of slides.
    Is this possible?
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    Hi there
    Unless someone has some fancy script to randomize things I'm going to claim it's not possible to randomize regular slides. However, I've always thought it would be a neat feature to have. I think I've subitted a feature request to ask for it in a future version. If you also believe as I do (and it sounds like you do) I'm hopeful that you and any others that feel this way will take a moment and submit a Feature Request to ask for this ability. (Link to the Feature Request is in my sig)
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Saving a Slide Show

    I CANNOT seem to save a slide show such that I can fine it again.
    When I hit "save" in the Slide Show Editor, it gives me this message:
    So, I click "okay" and then exit out of the Slide Show Editor and go the Photo Browser. Then I get this message:
    And then I can't find the slide show ANYWHERE in the Photo Brower.
    Can anyone help me with this?????? (Please?)
    BTW, this is with Photoshop Elements 4.0. I use a PC.

    >I DEFINITELY tried this. The Creations menu was empty. Does that tell you something?
    Well it does not sound good.
    1- Do a File > Catalog > Recover
    that does a Catalog cleanup.
    Does that make any difference in what you see displayed?
    2- Then try this -
    go to the View menu > Media Types and only have Creations checked.
    Be sure that you are viewing All Photos(in order to satisfy the Clear your Current Search instruction of the message) If you use Folder Location be sure that all Folders are being displayed.
    What do see now in the thumbnail area?
    Be sure to go back to View > Media Types and recheck Photos and others. The settings for Media Types are sticky - so if you do not go back and recheck the others, you will wonder why you can't see your photos next time you use PS Elements.

  • Random Quiz Slides not displaying in published files when on server

    version 4.0
    Output - swf\htm
    Have been working on some elearning now locally for a while which combines straight slides then ends with random quiz slides.
    Have published locally to c:\ drive and tested the swf\htm files and they play and display fine . However have now published the files to our organisations elearning server so everyone can access and played them back. All works fine till you get to the first random question slide - its just a green blank screen ! The green is the same as the skin I have on the project as a whole.
    So basically the problem must be on the server. I have no idea what to try !!
    thanks in advance
    ps - just adding this bit, I meant to put it in quizzing forum but didn't . Can't see how to move it now
    Also just tried adding a normal quiz slide and that displays fine - its when I am using the random quiz slides from a pool. Thanks
    Message was edited by: marktko

    thanks for this - feel a bit thick now !
    I had no idea they created separate files. That serves me right for not working in separate folders when I am testing and working in the root of the directory (with about 50 other cp files in it !)as I missed it.
    Mystery solved - thanks again !

  • Is it Possible to Insert Quiz Slides at Set Times During a Video?

    Hi all,
    I'm fairly new to Captivate, so I apologise in advance if this question has already been answered and I couldn't find it.
    I work in higher education and we create a lot of screencasts with academics speaking over Powerpoint presentations. During a presentation there is often several points where the academic would like to ask the user a question. What I want to know is if there's a way of adding question slides during a video?
    Many thanks,

    You will have to split up that video to be able to insert slides in between.
    2015-04-23 16:42 GMT+02:00 Ross_P <[email protected]>:
        Is it Possible to Insert Quiz Slides at Set Times During a Video?
    created by Ross_P <> in *Adobe
    Captivate* - View the full discussion

  • Can you make buttons appear "on success" on quiz slide?

    I'm not an expert Captivate user and don't know Javascript, so please excuse my ignorance if this question seems strange.
    I have a Captivate 6 project with several quiz slides peppered throughout the entire file. In other words, the quiz slides are not grouped together. Each slide, including the quiz slides, has a forward button and a back button.
    I would like for users to move forward and backward through the presentation in a linear fashion as they like, and this is working well. However, it would be nice if users weren't able to skip answering the quiz questions. I would like the buttons to appear after the user has answered the quiz question correctly, and then I would like the buttons to stay on the slide thereafter.
    Is this possible? Do you have a Javascript resource I could use for the "on success" action, or what other solutions do you recommend?
    Thank you!

    When you are talking about the default buttons Back and Next that you find on question slides, you don't have much control over them. As you probably did see they do not even appear as separate objects on the timeline. And I doubt that Javascript could realize what you want.
    Try first to understand how the work flow of question slides is designed:
    You can drag the Next button under the Clear button (see blog post), normally Next during a Quiz is not needed, since the second step (Press Y or click on the slide) will move to the next slide.
    However the Back button is a more tricky button if you really want to have it. Maybe, didn't check it out, try to hide the back button to the user (make it transparent without a stroke) and have an image appear on top of that button after the first step on the question slide. The invisible Back under the image will remain active, it even has absolute priority over other objects.

  • Captivate 7, sequencing quiz question, answers are not reshuffled

    I have made a quiz using Cp7. The questions are all sequencing questions. The first time around, the answers are shuffled, as one would expect. Then the quiz-taker puts the answers in the correct order. However, the following times the quiz-taker does the quiz, the answers aren't shuffled! So if the quiz-taker gets Question 1 right the first time, when he or she tries the quiz again, the answers for Question 1 are in the right order when the question first opens.
    Does anyone know what's going on here?
    Thank you. Marvin DuBois

    Thank you again. And yes, I should make a formal request.
    I might just mention that I've found something of a work-around. (This won't be news to you, but others in the same boat as myself might appreciate this.) Note that this works within a very specific context, so it is by no means a complete solution. But here goes.
    We run the Cp quizzes in an LMS (and that means, of course, a specific LMS). The solution works in this context. When making up a Cp quiz, I add a regular (non-question) slide after the score slide. On this slide I put a button that opens a webpage via a URL. And this URL is for the quiz itself--i.e. it is the LMS's address for the quiz. Thus, clicking the button simply restarts the quiz all over again, and this takes care of the randomization issues.
    This solution has two major drawbacks:
    1.The resume option has to be off.
    2.The Cp quiz itself cannot keep track of the attempts at doing the quiz (since with each new retake, the counting restarts at '1').
    I don't like having to do without the resume function. But in our particular case, the second issue isn't all that important. The LMS itself tracks the attempts at taking the quiz, so this information is always available both to quiz-takers and to administrators/teachers. (On the score slide itself, I simply remove the fields for the number of attempts.)
    At the moment, I'm trying to come up with a solution that would allow us to retain the resume function. So far, no luck, but we'll see.
    Best regards,
    Marvin DuBois

  • Saving a slide show when catalog runs from flash drive

    A little background - I manage two separate classes of students who use the same laptop with PSE8.  Each student has their own flash drive to save a custom catalog for the PSE8. Each time students open PSE8 they load their custom catalog.  All image files are saved onto the flash drive.  We have been using custom catalogs because our computers have Deep Freeze installed. This system has worked well for images.
    When saving a slide show there is no way to specify where the slide show should be saved.  I assumed that the slide show would save to the catalog which is sitting on the flash drive.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  How can I save a slide show on a external flash drive?  I want students to be able to save and be able to reopen their slideshows.

    Right now,I am looking at my current PSE 7 install on Vista. There is a .psess file type which contains slide show project information. I suspect that this might be the file you are seeking.  And I think this file exists with the same purpose in PSE 8.
    For PSE 8, you might find those files under a folder structure of
    ..... \Elements Organizer\Catalogs\name of the specific catalog\projects
    I desginated the dots at the beginning of the folder structure because they could be different depending on what version of Windows is running and potentially even other installation choices specific to that machine.
    Therefore, you might try searching for the .psess slide show project file type.
    Note 1: I am not sure v8 will place the project folder and the .psess files in your case where you have used a custom location for the Catalog that is on a flash drive. Please post back here with the location where you do find the files
    Note 2:  I suspect that if you are teaching syncing to, you might also need to be concerned about the location of the syncdb folder. My guess would be that it is near that project folder. If you do determine the syncdb location, please also post it back here. Thanks.

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