Scanning a 35 mm slide - what dpi to use?

What dpi should I scan a 35mm slide to produce a good image, via idvd, to a 36 inch television?

I suggest you read: Preparing images for DVD slideshows at
If you intent to produce a standard format NTSC DVD, you should have 720x540 pixels so you should scan at 540 ppi (say 600 ppi). This will give you a roughly 900x600 pixel image. (The DVD image is in a 4:3 ratio and your slides are in a 3:2 ratio.)
Keep in mind that if you are planning to view the slideshow on a TV set, you will not see the edges of the image due to a TV set ovescan. You can select 'Scale slides to TV safe area' in Preference>Slideshow. If you do this, your slides will have a black border when viewed on a computer monitor.

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    Thank you.

    What's your ultimate aim?
    A rule of thumb is that printing requires 300 dpi, web use about 100.

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  • What is the use of  keyword SCAN ABAP-SOURCE

    Hello experts,
    what is the use of scan abap-source. please explain. what is tokens, statements, levels in that.

    This statement is for internal use only.
    It cannot be used in application programs.
    <b>SCAN ABAP-SOURCE itab1 ...TOKENS INTO itab2
                           ...STATEMENTS INTO itab3.</b>
    Parts marked with " ..." are interchangeable
    <b>Addition 1</b>
    ... FROM n1
    <b>Addition 2</b>
    ... TO   n2
    Breaks down the source code table itab1 into tokens not from start to finish, but only from line n1 to line n2.
    The additions FROM n1 and TO n2 must, in this order, follow the specification of the source code table itab1.
    When using the start specification n1, use the addition WITHOUT TRMAC to ensure that there are no unnecessary database accesses to the table TRMAC.
    The end specification n2 is treated as "soft", i.e. a statement that begins on a line <= n2, but ends only on a line > n2, is returned completely.
    If the end specification n2 is split in a chain statement, only the split part up to the next comma is returned completely, not the entire chain statement up to the next period.
    Negative line specifications are not allowed and result in a runtime error.
    A line specification of 0 amounts essentially to no specification.
    If n1 number of lines in source code table, the scanner is not called (SY-SUBRC = 2).
    If n1 > n2 and n2 > 0, the scanner is not called (SY-SUBRC = 2).
    Addition 3</b>
    ... KEYWORDS FROM itab4
    Does not return all statements, only those specified in the key word table itab4.
    If the key word table is empty (i.e. it contains 0 lines), all the statements are selected.
    The lines of the key word table are treated as a character field.
    To select a Native-SQL-statement or a macro definition, you can specify the pseudo key words EXEC_SQL or DEFINE_MACRO. It makes no difference whether the statements EXEC or DEFINE occur as well. Native SQL statements and macro definitions are returned as one statement (of type E or M even if the expansion of a macro definition results in more than one statement.
    If the key word table contains a blank line, blank statements are also selected.
    <b>Addition 4</b>
    ... LEVELS INTO itab5
    Stores details about each edited source code unit (source code table itab1 itself, expanded include-programs, expanded macro definitions) in the level table itab5.
    Specification of a level table makes sense only with the addition WITH INCLUDES.
    The level table itab5 must have the structure SLEVEL.
    The fields of the structure SLEVEL - and consequently the columns of the level table itab5 have the following meaning:
    Type of source code unit with the following possible values:
    P (Program)
    D (Internal DEFINE macro)
    R (Macro from table TRMAC)
    Name of source code unit (name of include program, macro name)
    Current nesting depth of source code unit (>= 1)
    Index of superior (i.e. including or calling) source code unit in the level table (>= 1, if DEPTH >= 2, otherwise 0)
    Index of superior (i.e. including or calling) statement in the statement table (>= 1, if DEPTH >= 2, otherwise 0)
    Index of first statement of source code unit in the statement table (>= 1)
    Index of last statement of source code unit in the statement table (>= 1)
    If the source code unit contains include programs or macro calls, the line range [ FROM, TO] in the statement table also covers the statements in subordinate source code units.
    <b>Addition 5</b>
    ...  STRUCTURES INTO itab6
    Details of the construction of the source text table are given in the structure table itab6.
    The structure table itab6 must have the structure SSTRUC.
    The fields in SSTRUC (which are also the columns of structure table itab6) have the following meanings:
    Type of the structure with possible values:
    P (Beginning of the source code)
    R (Subroutine)
    M (Macro, EXEC SQL)
    I (Loop)
    A (Case distinction)
    C (Condition in a case distinction)
    J (Goto command)
    D (Structured declaration)
    E (Event)
    S (Follow-on from simple structured statement)
    The statement type of the beginning of the structure. The values are listed in the type pool SCAN in structure SCAN_STRUC_STMNT_TYPE.
    Flags whether the start of the structure is described semantically ('X' if there is a special statement, otherwise ' ').
    Flags whether the end of the structure is described semantically ('X' if there is a special statement, otherwise blank).
    Index of the first statement of the structure in the statement table itab3.
    Index of the last statement of the structure in the statement table itab3.
    Index of the first substructure of the structure in structure table itab6.
    Index of the last substructure of the structure in structure table itab6.
    Index of the structure in the structure table itab6 that contains the structure as a substructure (0 if the structure is the root structure of a structure tree).
    <b>Addition 6</b>
    ... OVERFLOW INTO c1
    The addition is only allowed and required if the token table itab2 has the structure STOKEN or STOKEX.
    If a token is too large to be stored in the token table in the field STR, it is placed in the overflow area c1. The offset of the token in the overflow area then lies in the token table in the field OFF1.
    <b>Addition 7</b>
    Breaks down each token t = a+b(c) according to the logic of the RSYN key word >ANALY into its three components a, b and c.
    Offset and length of components a, b and c are stored in the fields LEN1, OFF2, LEN2, OFF3, and LEN3 in the token table. (The offset of OFF1 is always 0 and therefore not required.)
    If you specify the addition WITH ANALYSIS, the token table itab2 must have the structure STOKESX, so that the fields LEN1, OFF2, LEN2, OFF3 and LEN3 are available.
    If the token table has the structure STOKEX, you must consider the following:
    If the whole token exists in the token table, the offset specifications are relative to the token start. If the token is in the overflow area c1, the offset specifications are relative to the start of the overflow area.
    <b>Addition 8</b>
    Returns comments also, with each individual comment representing a token. The system additionally stores entries for each full block of comments in the table itab3, differentiating between comments that occur within statements and those that occur at program level. In itab3, an entry for a comment within a statement always comes before the statement containing the comment.
    Look at the following program fragment. The preceding numbers are the indexes of the tokens.
    1    * An example  *
    2    * with scattered comments
    6    MOVE
    3    * Inserted comment 1
    7    X
    4    *  Inserted comment 2
    8    TO
    9    Y
    5    * Inserted comment 3
    SCAN then enters the following values for the components TYPE, FROM and TO (in this order from left to right) into itab3.
    'P' 1 2
      'S' 3 5
      'K' 6 9
    If the addition ... WITH COMMENTS is used, the table itab2 must have the line type STOKES or STOKESX.
    <b>Addition 9</b>
    Also breaks down subordinate source code units (included programs, called macros) into tokens.
    You should normally combine the addition WITH INCLUDES with the addition LEVELS INTO itab5.
    If (at least) one included program does not exist, SY-SUBRC is set to 1 and the relevant INCLUDE statement is flagged in the statement table itab3 by the statement type J (instead of I), but the breakdown process continues. The level table itab5 contains no entry for include-programs that do not exist.
    If you combine WITH INCLUDES with WITHOUT TRMAC , TRMAC-Macros are not expanded because the system does not recognize them as subordinate source code units.
    When macro calls are expanded, no position specifications are available. The corresponding fields in the token table itab2 and the statement table itab3 are then set to 0.
    <b>Addition 10</b>
    This addition has the same effect as the WITH INCLUDES addition, except that with the former include programs belonging to type groups are broken down into tokens.
    <b>Addition 11</b>
    Tokens of the form (a1, a2, a3) are not returned as tokens but broken down into the elementary components.
    <b>Addition 12</b>
    If a statement begins neither with an ABAP/4 key word nor with a DEFINE macro, the system does not check whether this is a TRMAC macro, but assumes an unknown statement. (Unknown statements are flagged in the statement table itab3 with a U in the field TYPE.)
    To avoid unnecessary database accesses to the table TRMAC, you should use the addition WITHOUT TRMAC whenever you assume that the source code to be scanned contains unknown statements. Unknown statements are particularly likely to occur if you use the addition FROM n1, because the scanner does not start at the beginning of the source code, but from a specified point.
    If you use WITHOUT TRMAC with WITH INCLUDES, TRMAC macros are not expanded because the system does not recognize them as subordinate source code units.
    <b>Addition 13</b>
    ... PROGRAM FROM c2
    <b>Addition 14</b>
    ... INCLUDE INTO c3
    <b>Addition 15</b>
    ... MESSAGE INTO c4
    <b>Addition 16</b>
    ... WORD    INTO c5
    <b>Addition 17</b>
    ... LINE    INTO n3
    <b>Addition 18</b>
    ... OFFSET  INTO n4
    The above additions have the same meaning as those for the
    SYNTAX-CHECK: statement: c2 is an input field for a program name to be assigned to the source code, while the fields c3, c4, c5, n3 and n4 are output fields in case an error occurs.
    To be able to analyze errors without modifying programs, use the additions INCLUDE, MESSAGE, WORD, LINE and OFFSET. These provide information about the errors which have occurred.
    <b>Variant 2</b>
    Parts marked with " ..." are interchangeable
    1. ... PROGRAM FROM c1 2. ... INCLUDE INTO c2
    3. ... MESSAGE INTO c3
    4. ... WORD    INTO c4
    5. ... LINE    INTO n1
    6. ... OFFSET  INTO n2
    The syntax of the program in table itab1 is checked. During the check, all of the information from the program, such as statement structures, statements, tokens, data objects, types and do on are placed into the result field. This field must have the type SYSCH_RESULT, which is defined in type group SYSCH. You must therefore declare type group SYSCH in your ABAP-program using a TYPE-POOLS statement.
    ... PROGRAM FROM c1
    ... INCLUDE INTO c1
    ... MESSAGE INTO c3
    ... WORD    INTO c4
    ... LINE    INTO n1
    ... OFFSET  INTO n2
    The above additions have the same effect as the corresponding additions in the statement SYNTAX-CHECK: c1 is an input field for a program name to be assigned to the source code, the fields c2, c3, c4, n1 and n2 are output fields, used when errors occur.
    To enable you to analyze errors without having to modify the program, you should specify the INCLUDE, MESSAGE, WORD, LINE and OFFSET additions for the information about the error that occurred.
    <b>Reward if usefull</b>

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    What will this do?

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    Cheers... Rick

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    Many thanks for this, but it doesn't happen upon start-up, it happens when i select scans on the pasteboard. The programme always starts up fine, it's when i start try and use the program when the problems start.

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    My ipod 5 hs white horizontal lines and I doesn't want to slide, what should I do?

    Hi Ted,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Take a look at the article linked below, it provides tips that should help you resolve the display issue that you described.
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    Display image issues
    This can include bright or dark pixels, lines in video, or sections of video missing.
    Try turning the iPod touch off and then on again.
    View different content to verify that the issue is not content related.
    If the image is too dark, adjust the brightness. In General Settings choose Brightness and slide the slider.
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.

  • What DPI should I have photos at for iPad?

    I understand the ideal resolution for photos on the iPad is 1024x768. What DPI should I save them at for the optimal display quality?

    But it won't make a large file size smaller right?
    If your files are managed by iPhoto or Aperture on a Mac, then yes it will. You need only compare the storage space allocated for your iPad photos against the storage space required for the original photos in the managing application. For example, I have 3 April Aperture albums currently installed on my iPad. On the iPad they require a bit more than 200 MBs of space. The original files that remain stored on my hard drive by Aperture take up 600 MBs of space. The amount of storage space saved will depend on the format and dimensions of the original files. I.e., the less compressed and larger the original file, the more space you will save during this automated optimization by iTunes as it syncs the content. Conversely, the smaller and more compressed the files you sync via iTunes, the less savings your will realize until you reach a point where no optimization takes place and the iPad file is the same as the original file. I don't think we can explain this in any simpler terms here.
    As to the dpi vs. ppi (and/or lpi for that matter), I assume the poster was left-handedly attempting to point out that the terms have somewhat technical differences and should be applied more judiciously with respect to the medium or device to which you are making your reference. However, most of us did realize what you were trying/meant to say.

  • How do I take 300 dpi photos with my iPhone 4s? And how do I export them to my MacBook Pro at 300 dpi to use as I want to print photos.

    How do I take 300 dpi photos with my iPhone 4s?
    And how do I export them to my MacBook Pro at 300 dpi to use as I want to print photos.
    I have been using the standard camera on the iPhone and require 300 dpi to create photo books as the photos are resized according the layout.
    Your time and assistance in appreciated.

    Thanks Tonefox!
    After looking at a few of the links I found a mathematical equation that assisted me.
    Inches = Pixels/DPI
    eg: 3 inches = 300 pixels/100 DPI
    Using this equation and the fact that iPhone 4s takes photos that are 3264 x 2448 I was able to work out the largest print I could make with 300 DPI.
    Width 3264 pix/ 300 DPI = 10.88 inches
    Height 2448 pix/ 300 DPI = 8.16 inches
    Therefore, the largest print (with 300DPI) I can make of these photos is 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches.
    Which is great!
    So is it critical for me to change the dpi in say photoshop or does it not matter as long as I don't go above the 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches?
    From what I can gather the smaller I resize the photo the higher the DPI and the bigger I stretch the photo the lower the DPI?
    Further clarification will be much appreciated. Thanks

  • 'Jump to' a particular slide in adobe captivate using edge animate.

    I would like to 'jump to' a particular slide in adobe captivate using interactions created in an edge animate file. Is anyone able to help me with the javascript needed to do this?

    Hi Leith,
    From what I know, such functionality is currently not available.
    Found something related, but this does not answer your question, I think
    Using Edge Animate with Captivate

  • What is the use of initial value in a database table?

    Hi can anyone help me in knowing what is the use of initial value which is present besides primary key while creating a table?

    Initial Value:
    Indicator that NOT NULL is forced for this field
    Select this flag if a field to be inserted in the database is to be filled with initial values. The initial value used depends on the data type of the field.
    Please note that fields in the database for which the this flag is not set can also be filled with initial values.
    When you create a table, all fields of the table can be defined as NOT NULL and filled with an initial value. The same applies when converting the table. Only when new fields are added or inserted, are these filled with initial values. An exception is key fields. These are always filled automatically with initial values.
    Restrictions and notes:
    The initial value cannot be set for fields of data types LCHR, LRAW, and RAW. If the field length is greater than 32, the initial flag cannot be set for fields of data type NUMC.
    If a new field is inserted in the table and the initial flag is set, the complete table is scanned on activation and an UPDATE is made to the new field. This can be very time-consuming.
    If the initial flag is set for an included structure, this means that the attributes from the structure are transferred. That is, exactly those fields which are marked as initial in the definition have this attribute in the table as well.
    hope it helps,

  • What should I use: removeChildAt?

    I have the following code which brings pictures from xml into a slideshow and upon pressing btnNext the next image slides on and the one that was on stage slides off... Now when I press btnBack the previous images slides on but a next image slides on too and they collide!!!
    Would you be so kind as to review my code and tell me what I should use to eliminate the casualty toll! I was thinking something like removeChildAt, but that does not quite work how I have it set up. When I publish it, it removes my stage background... and then my btnNext... and then my btnBack... and then I can't do anything...
    Thanks for any help!!
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import com.pixelfumes.reflect.*;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    var xmlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("imageData.xml");
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader(xmlRequest);
    var imgData:XML;
    var imageReflect:Reflect;
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var rawImage:String;
    var rawH:String;
    var rawW:String;
    var inTween:Tween;
    var outTween:Tween;
    var imgNum:Number=0;
    var checkSec:Timer=new Timer(100);
    var numberOfChildren:Number;
    var imageLoaderHost:MovieClip;
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoadedF);
    btnNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextImgF);
    btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevImgF);
    function xmlLoadedF(event:Event):void {
         checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
         imgData=new XML(;
    function packagedF():void {
         checkSec.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
         imageLoaderHost=new MovieClip;
         imageLoader=new Loader;
         imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler);
         imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(rawImage));
         imageLoaderHost.y = (stage.stageHeight - Number(rawH)) /5;
         inTween = new Tween(imageLoaderHost, "x", Regular.easeInOut, 1500, (stage.stageWidth - Number(rawW)) /1.65, 1.5, true);
    function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event) {
         imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler);
         imageReflect=new Reflect({mc:imageLoaderHost,alpha:50,ratio:50,distance:0,updateTime:0,reflectionDropoff:1});
    function checkerF(event:TimerEvent):void {
         if (imgNum==0) {
         } else if (imgNum < numberOfChildren) {
         } else {
    function nextImgF(e:MouseEvent):void {
         checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
         outTween = new Tween(imageLoaderHost, "x", Regular.easeInOut, (stage.stageWidth - Number(rawW)) /1.65, -1200, 1.5, true);
    function prevImgF(e:MouseEvent):void {
         checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
         outTween = new Tween(imageLoaderHost, "x", Regular.easeInOut, -1200, (stage.stageWidth - Number(rawW)) /1.65, 1.5, true);

    Well, if you want people to actually watch your movies make a DVD using iDVD.

  • How to make the dblink and what is the use of this

    plz any body tell me "how to make the dblink and what is the use of this"

    Do you understand how to make the Slider work using code to read its value?  You will need to look into that in order to do this.
    What you can do is have the yello rectangle be a movieclip that sits over the red rectangle and use the Slider to control the yellow rectangle's alpha property from 0 to 1.  That way the yellow will gradually fade as you slide.
    What you will then need  to do is figure out how to make the number of dots that appear reduce from 15 to 8 over the same range of the slider.  You need to use the fractional value from the slider to decide how many dots either appear or do not appear.
    You should not start new postings for the same topics that you arlready have postings for.  Doing so in the future might result in them being removed.

  • How do I find out what program is using what port?

    I would like to know what program is using what port? I would also like to know how to close a port. I did a port scan and these ports were open:
    Open TCP Port: 1033 netinfo-local
    Open TCP Port: 20221
    Open TCP Port: 20222 ipulse-ics
    Open TCP Port: 20223
    Open TCP Port: 20224
    Open TCP Port: 20225
    Open TCP Port: 20226
    Open TCP Port: 20227
    Open TCP Port: 20228
    Open TCP Port: 47807
    I am using netbarrier on my computer.
    Thank you for your help.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    This document may help with your first question:
    "Well known" TCP and UDP ports used by Apple Software Products
    This IANA listing of the port numbers is also useful, if more detailed.
    You can use the Sharing tab of System Preferences to configure the firewall to block all ports except for those specified; you can use the command-line ipfw utility to set up more detailed firewall configurations.

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