Scheduling a task with powershell

Good morning,
I have a powershell command that I want to schedule to run on Mondays and send an email to my email group, can someone assist me or provide a good resource to help out.
The command is to search for uses who have been inactive for 30 days.
Search-ADAccount -UsersOnly -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 30.00:00:00 | Where {$_.Enabled} | Sort Name | Get-ADUser -Prop DisplayName | Select Name,DisplayName | Out-File users.txt

I ran it in the run box, and this is what the output shows.
The term 'Search-ADAccount' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function
, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a pat
h was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\temp\lastlogin.ps1:1 char:23
+ $body=Search-ADAccount <<<<  -UsersOnly -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 30.00:00:0
0 |
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Search-ADAccount:String) [], Co
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Send-MailMessage : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Body'. The argument i
s null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the
command again.
At C:\temp\lastlogin.ps1:5 char:184
+ send-mailmessage -to "Systems Engineering <[email protected]>" -from
"Inactive Accounts [email protected]" -subject "Accounts Inactive
for at least 30 days" -body <<<<  $body -smtpServer
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Send-MailMessage], ParameterBi
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.Power

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    I would suggest you to consider using the SPListItem that running the workflow instance to check the task content type.
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    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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    Here is a functioning task It can be easily edited in PowerShell or in notepad to alter the timing
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    <Task version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <January />
    <February />
    <March />
    <April />
    <May />
    <June />
    <July />
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    Fascinating. As a workaround could you try throwing in a dummy authorization? For example, externalize it with ServiceLink dummy and autocomplete adapters, or keep it internal, but conditional with a condition that would always be false.

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    I noticed that you set the idle time shorter than the waiting for idle time. In my opinion, we should set the idle time longer than the waiting for idle time if we schedule a task running during the idle contidion. As the documents described, the Task Scheduler service will verify that the computer is in an idle state every 15 minutes. If a task is set to start only if the computer is idle for 30 minutes, and the task waits for the computer to be idle for 10 minutes, then the task will launch in 5 minutes only if the computer has been idle for 25 minutes prior to the time the trigger was activated. The task will not start if the computer enters an idle state 5 minutes after the trigger is activated. For more information, please refer to Task Idle Conditions.
    Best Regards

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    I don't know if it can be done with the authoring tool or the console's "workflow" setup, but it can be done (I've done it). There are a couple ways..I'll first describe the way I've implemented it.
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    How will the workflow know which incident has been previously created by itself? Give it a unique marker..for example, in the notes field of your incident's template you could put something like "recurring incident". Your workflow's trigger criteria,
    then, would trigger on an incident that closes and whose notes field contains "recurring incident".
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    The other method is to, again, setup a workflow that runs on a timer. It simply executes every 7 days and does the same thing whether the previous incident is closed or not. The risk in that method is, of course, if your workflow engine goes down it may
    not generate another incident until another 7 days has passed.
    Finally, why are you generating recurring incidents? In the ITIL world, incidents are used to track unexpected issues, not routine tasks. I recommend you use a service request record instead, if you can.

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    Well here is a good article showing howto do this:

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    Hi Willem,
    one thing to note: I don't see why your script itself has a hostname parameter.
    One way around UAC has always been the Windows Task Scheduler. If you register a task as System run and triggered by an event, you can simply call the event locally (which doesn't require admin permissions) and it will perform the task.
    I don't know how your Nagios construct works and the script by itself doesn't make much sense. If you want advice on how to do this without resorting to tasks, I'd need to know more about the system you are using.
    There's no place like

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    $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
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    $OutlookFolders = $Outlook.Session.Folders.Item(1).Folders
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    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server version 14.00.0004.000">
    <!-- Converted from text/plain format -->
    <P><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="
    Incident IND000008655308 has been assigned to your group 'Windows
    Company: ABC<BR>
    Customer Name: XYZ<BR>
    Service Type: Infrastructure Event<BR>
    Priority: High<BR>
    SLA Resolve Target Status: Within the Service Target<BR>
    SLA Response Target Status:<BR>
    Reported Source: Systems Management<BR>
    Summary: Average (5 samples) total cpu is now 100.0
    0%, which is above the error t<BR>
    Notes: Average (5 samples) total cpu is now 100.00%
    , which is above the error threshold (100%)</FONT></P>
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    $latestmail.HTMLBody -match "IND"
    #but not getting full that is IND000008655308.
    Please help me.

    Try this:
    if($latestmail.HTMLBody -match 'IND(?<x>\d+)\S'){
    Write-Host 'Not found'

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    I just ran a test and the task was scheduled accordingly
    What I have done was to set the Saturday and Sunday as working days in Change Working time
    if you are using 'days' to schedule your tasks, there is no need to change the other options (e.g. Hours per week)
    If you are assigning resources to your task, make sure the resource calendar is also having Saturday and Sunday as working days
    Hope this helps

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    For email, available with an Exchange or IMAP account only, not with a POP account.
    All server stored mailboxes with an Exchange or IMAP account are kept synchronized with the server with each email client used to access the account.
    Although it is possible to access a POP account with more than one email client, a POP account is designed to be accessed with a single email client only.

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    I don't know what Control-M is, but if it can invoke a java task, then it can connect to OIM and start the scheduled task.
    A scheduled task doesn't have to be run within OIM. The scheduler within OIM simply provides a way to invoke the java code that performs tasks or Recons within OIM. So long as your system can run java to connect to OIM and run some code, you can run it in whatever way you'd like.

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    the start date to the next working day. Relationships between tasks are also not visible in the plan. I've also read that in general it' better to avoid using links, but is there a better way to manage this in Project 2013 ?
    Best regards,

    There are several elements of your description that need more detail.
    You mention a variable duration. That could simply be a normal task that changes scope as the plan progresses (i.e. more work content, slipping schedule, etc.), or it could be indicative of what is called a hammock task (See Faq 19 on the MVP website at:
    You mention linking as a way to define task dependencies. That is exactly what task predecessors and successors are designed to do. Task links have nothing to do with resources. It's not clear why you say only one resource per task.
    You talk about manual scheduling and entering start and finish dates. Manual scheduling is intended for a very rough first cut at a working schedule. To get the full benefit of Project's scheduling engine, tasks should be auto-scheduled and the whole logic
    network sequence of tasks should be defined by durations and links, not by manually entering dates. It's fine to set critical milestones or use Project's deadline feature, but otherwise let Project tell you how your plan all works given the basic data.
    You say relationships are not visible in the plan. Don't understand that at all since link lines between tasks are shown by default in task views (e.g. Gantt Chart view).
    Not sure where you read that it is better to avoid using links because that is flat out wrong, at least for normal predecessor/successor links within a single file. If you are working with a linked structure (i.e. master/subproject), or using external predecessors/successors,
    then yes, links become a whole new area of concern.

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    is it possible to manage machines which have powershell 2 installed from a machine with powershell 4?
    Background: I plan to write a script running in powershell 4 and like to query servers with have either powershell 2 or powershell 4 installed.
    Is that possible? Is there something I need to consider?
    Thanks for your feedback

    You cannot get scheduling from WMI.
    You do not need WinRM to use WMI.  WF does not necessrilu use WInRM.  These are all separate technologies in WIndows that just happen to be available to PowerShell.
    Start by learning how Windows works and what all of these technologies do.
    You cannot guess your way through any of this.  Without good fundamtentals in WIndows technologies you will not be able to understand the lessons or discussions.
    Here is a blog that has many good backgrounders and examples:,%20Scripting%20Guy!%20Blog&

  • Facility of Scheduling background tasks  in jdk1.2.2 as avb in jdk1.3

    JDK1.3 - java.util.Timer
    A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread. Tasks may be scheduled for one-time execution, or for repeated execution at regular intervals.
    I want to know what is alternate to this in jdk1.2.2.
    I want to schedule teh tasks for thread to run in background in future using jdk1.2.2.

    Hello all,
    Is there a timer class that I can use for a stopwatch program for PersonalJava, which uses jdk 1.2.2? The java.util.Timer class is available starting with jdk 1.3. I've seen reference to a class called PTimer, but I can't find it. Nor can I find the pj.jar file which is supposed to contain PTimer.
    Harry Mitchell

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