Screen capture to poster

I need to produce a poster for our trade show. The content of the poster needs to be screen shots of our application. Is there any known software or strategies for handling this?

Full-monitor screenshots?
Shots of smaller application windows, dialogues or menus?
Please provide some physical dimensions (i.e.: inches W × inches H) you wish for these items to appear. For example: If a dialogue box captures at 300pxW × 400pxH, how big in INCHES (or cm) do you want it to print at?
Understand that for large/grand format printing often you can get away with printing at 72dpi, or even 36 dpi, because they're usually viewed from a distance of 4 feet or more.
Screenshots are tough to enlarge to any great magnification because the pixel data just doesn't exist.
If you want that 300pxW × 400pxH dialogue box to appear crystal clear when printed at 48 inches W × 64 inches H, it just isn't going to happen.

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    best regards, Ron Stone

    Hi JAR2010
    Assuming we are talking about the same thing
    , the blue lines aren't visible to your end user.
    They are there for you as the Captivate developer so that you know
    the path the mouse will travel. If you choose not to have mouse
    movement, they aren't visible to you as the developer either. So
    your worries are quite probably unfounded.
    Not following you on downloading the slides as JPEGs. Do you
    mean by your end user? Or are you possibly asking if you can obtain
    the screen captures as individual images from Captivate to use
    elsewhere? If you mean by the end user, I'm going to say it's
    probably not possible. But if you mean by Captivate, you should be
    able to look in the Library panel and export them from there.
    Either individually or as a group.
    Cheers... Rick

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    Go to System Preferences - Sharing and change the computer name there. You can also, optionally, change the name of your hard drive to further clarify the origin of your backups. Click once on the "Macintosh HD" on your desktop, then click its name to allow you to edit it.

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    You can't.

  • Changing file type format in Screen Capture (shift command 4)

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    The default file format when using SCREEN CAPTURE (ShiftCommand4) was a .pdf ... but then it was changed to .png Some people can't read .png... so I wanted my captures to be in .jpg format.
    You can change the file format type of your SCREEN CAPTURE to any of the following:
    JPG, JPG-2000, TIFF, BMP, PDF, Photoshop, PICT, SGI, PBG, TGA
    But first you have to have a file you want to change (say it is a png).
    Open the file using Preview.
    Once open, under File (in the menu bar) go down to SAVE AS.
    There's you'll see FORMAT and a pull down menu. Choose which one you want...
    Screen capture will now open your captured pictures in that format.
    Crazy, huh?

    The OP here was using a keyboard shortcut, not Grabber.
    I did some further exploring. I just tried TinkerTool again, and again was able to change the file format of saved screencapture files to jpeg. TinkerTool modifies the file the same way that the Terminal command does.
    This clearly works for command-shift-3 and command-shift-4, which save the screencapture image as a file. However, on looking more closely at the O.P.s initial post in this thread, he/she actually said
    I use keyboard shortcut control/command/shift/4
    When you include the control key in the command, the screencapture image gets saved to the clipboard instead of to a file, and you wouldn't normally be aware of its format until you pasted the clipboard contents somewhere else. I don't know where the OP was pasting it, but as was noted in the thread cited above by Baltwo, pasting a sceencapture image from the clipboard into a message results in a .tiff file being pasted. I also find this to be true in my system - perhaps this is what the OP was doing all along.
    However this is an issue caused by the receiving app, not by the screencapture function. It's possible to look directly at the contents of the clipboard via:
    Finder>Edit Menu>Show Clipboard
    With my screenshot format set to jpeg by TinkerTool, I used control-command-shift-4 to save a screenshot to the clipboard. Looking directly at the clipboard in Finder as above, the clipboard image was a jpeg. When I then pasted the clipboard contents into a mail message and used Mail>File Menu>QuickLook Attachments, the pasted graphic in the mail message was a .tiff.

  • How to Get Proper Video Screen Captures (Screencasts) of Lightroom or Photoshop in Win?

    Hello. I would like to get proper screen captures of Lightroom on Win 7/64, showing all screen elements as you see them. I tried FastStone Capture 8 and SnagIt 11.1, but they have various differing issues. Do you have a good hint?
    In my screen capture, i want a mouse-click-sound each and every time the mouse is clicked. This is not "system audio", because the computer doesn't play a sound for every ordinary click. The capture software must add that sound. (I'm aware i can add the sound manually in post production, but want it recorded together with video.)
    Experience with Faststone Capture 8's video captures:
    I get well usable footage
    Does optionally record mouse-click-sound for each click, with adjustable volume
    Does not properly record some elements of Photoshop or Lightroom screens:
    - cursors sometimes look rough or double-sized
    - Lightrooms "TAT (Target Correction Tool)" disappears while being dragged on the image
    - the color selector box of Lightroom's Adjustment Brush is not shown, while the cursor working within that color selector box is shown
    - Lightroom's three-second-splash-message after Undo etc. is not shown
    (All these missing elements do show up in *still* captures with Faststone Capture. They also *do* show up in video captures done with SnagIt.)
    Experience with Snagit 11.1's video captures:
    Does properly capture all those elements that FastStone does *not* capture (listed above)
    Does *not* optionally include a mouse-click-sound for each and every mouse click (they record "system audio", but a sound on every click is not "system audio")
    Videos are less smooth, cursor sometimes "jumping"
    Now do you know a screen capture software for Win 7 that can
    properly record *anything* that's seen within Lightroom and Photoshop
    and automatically add a mouse-click-sound for each and every click i do
    and produce smooth footage without "jumping cursors"?
    Thanks for your real-life experiences!

    Hi, thanks for your suggestions. Now i also tried:
    - mouse click sounds very weird (my mistake?), does NOT record LR overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector
    Screen-cast-o-matic, optionally online, free:
    - DOES record overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector. Mouse-click-sound not in free version. "System audio" is promised in paid version, but that does not necessarily mean a sound for each mouse-click. Contacted support for more
    Straightforward using, lots of short video tutorials (useful for absolute beginners).
    Free downloaded program 1.4 only works on primary monitor, the online launched app also records on secondary monitor
    Don't see option to record a "window", only set resolutions
    More "jumpy" than Faststone
    More interesting pro-version seems to be rent-only-licenced, at 15 USD per year, not a one-time-buy
    DOES record overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector
    .camrec format isn't offered for recording, only .trec and .avi (on Win 7)
    Exported MP4 looks blurry and has colour blotches, that are not visible in the initial recording, only after exporting; this doesn't change at all after setting very high quality MP4 options; i guess i didn't look properly

  • How to Get Proper Video Screen Captures (Screencasts) of Photoshop and Lightroom in Win?

    Hello. I would like to get proper screen captures of Lightroom and Photoshop on Win 7/64, showing all screen elements as you see them. I tried FastStone Capture 8 and SnagIt 11.1, but they have various differing issues. Do you have a good hint?
    What's more: In my screen capture, i also want a mouse-click-sound each and every time the mouse is clicked. This is not "system audio", because the computer doesn't play a sound for every ordinary click. The capture software must add that sound. (I'm aware i can add the sound manually in post production, but want it recorded together with video.)
    Experience with Faststone Capture 8's video captures:
    I get well usable footage
    Does optionally record mouse-click-sound for each click, with adjustable volume
    Does not properly record some elements of Photoshop or Lightroom screens:
      - cursors sometimes look rough or double-sized 
    - Lightrooms "TAT (Target Correction Tool)" disappears while being dragged on the image
    - the color selector box of Lightroom's Adjustment Brush is not shown, while the cursor working within that color selector box is shown
    - Lightroom's three-second-splash-message after Undo etc. is not shown
    (All these missing elements do show up in *still* captures with Faststone Capture. They also *do* show up in video captures done with SnagIt, see below)
    Experience with Snagit 11.1's video captures:
    Does properly capture all those elements that FastStone does *not* capture (listed above)
    Does *not* optionally include a mouse-click-sound for each and every mouse click (they record "system audio", but a sound on every click is not "system audio", so a regular click on a menu item has no sound)
    Videos are less smooth, cursor sometimes "jumping"
    Now, do you know a screen capture software for Win 7 that can
    properly record *anything* that's seen within Lightroom and Photoshop
    and automatically add a mouse-click-sound for each and every click i do
    and produce smooth footage without "jumping cursors"?
    Thanks for your real-life experiences!

    Myles, thanks again, here are my findings with Camtasia:
    DOES record overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector
    .camrec format isn't offered for recording, only .trec and .avi (on Win 7), but trec is usable just as .camrec i guess
    Exported MP4 looks blurry and has colour blotches, that are not visible in the initial recording, only after exporting; this doesn't change at all after setting very high quality MP4 options; i guess i didn't look properly
    i see how to add mouse-click sounds; i don't like the sound they provide so much; maybe it can be exchanged.
    Other tests:
    mouse click sounds very weird (my mistake?)
    does NOT record LR overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector
    Screen-cast-o-matic, optionally online, free version:
    DOES record overlays like adjustment brush's colour selector. Mouse-click-sound not in free version. "System audio" is promised in paid version, but that does not necessarily mean a sound for each mouse-click. Contacted support for more
    Straightforward using, lots of short video tutorials (useful for absolute beginners).
    Free downloaded program 1.4 only works on primary monitor, the online launched app also records on secondary monitor
    Don't see option to record a "window", only set resolutions
    More "jumpy" than Faststone
    More interesting pro-version seems to be rent-only-licenced, at 15 USD per year, not a one-time-buy

  • No audio on screen capture

    has it been resolved yet why there is no sound when you use screen capture? i wanted to take some youtube videos and put them together, but i also want the sound.

    I can't help but wonder why they even botherd making the video recording software if they diidn't include audio .
    I tend to consider such features add-ons because to appeal to novice users because the features are incomplete as far as functonality is concerned or too dependent on the CPU power of the platform on which it is used. This is why I tend to use dedicated import and/or screen capture applications. Normally, I would recommend using an app like Snapz Pro X from Ambrosia ($69) but they too are having problems updating or replacing their audio "kernel extension" following system audio changes made in the Lion OS release. ScreenFlow ($99) is another good screen capture app but it includes a number of editing features that many users do not want or for which they are not willing to pay such a high price. I personally amd looking at what, for me, is a new app listed in an article URL posted by QTKirk. The app is called Screenflick and lists for $29. I am interested in it because they claim you can tap into user events like key presses (e.g., use of keyboart shortcuts) and highlight/include them in your captures. (I.e., this would be very handy for the makie of "quickie" tutorials.) In any event, I have not tried this app so I can't yet recommend it based on personal use... but it might be worthing looking at if you plan to purchase such a utility. (And yes, it does claim to support the audio capture of both system audio and/or a user selectable mic source.)

  • Screen capturing in Premiere Pro 2.0?

    I'm looking to create a video presentation of my company's proprietary web applications and would like to capture my screen as I navigate through the pages and narrate.  I have seen other recently released video editing software that enables users to capture the current screen as video - but we have Preimier Pro 2.0 at the office.  Can I screen capture with this version or what kind of upgrade would support this feature?

    What Jim points out is unfortunately all too true. Some have had success with Camtasia footage (via conversions, etc.), but many just rely on the limited editing capabilities in the current release. It's also true for Adobe's screen-cap program (name eludes me right now). There seems to be less success with that one, than with Camtasia.
    Do not know if CamStudio has any editing features.
    You might want to also post to the Video Lounge, as both Jeff Bellune and Curt Wrigley do video tutorials and do them well. They WILL have some ideas for you. The Lounge is for non-Adobe specific questions. Though there is a technical nature to your question, I think it will fit right in, and both are likely to see and respond to your request for info.
    Good luck,

  • Trying to increase the sound of recorded screen captures

    Hi. I'm making screen capture movies with Snapz PRo 2 and they are being saved as QT movies on my desktop. When I open them in QT and try to increase the sound volume, the setting don't stick if I try to raise the volume over 0db. I read somewhere that QT won't let you save volume over 0db, is that true?
    If so, does anyone know how I can increase the gain on the movies without having to load them into Final Cut or iMovie? Is there some program that will let me just edit the sound of a QT movie?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hey, thanks for the tips. But... I don't think I'm making myself clear here.
    I don't want to spend ANY time in post with these tutorial screencasts that I'm making. If I did, I'd just whip out my Sennheiser and my mixer and take the whole shebang into FCP and cut it and sweeten audio there.
    What I'm doing is using Snapz to capture screen actions that I'm recording as tutorials for my students. I'm using either a Blue Snowball USB mic or my Logitech 250 USB headset with mic to record my voice as I demo apps on the Mac. Snapz is using the Apple animation codec to make the movies. But, what Snapz is not doing and cannot do is help me boost the audio a bit. If it did, then I'd have a finished movie right there. As it is, I have to wait a long time for Snapz to finalize the flick. What I don't want to do is load the film up in FCP (takes time) and then export it (also takes time) and be done. I want to package these things up fast. All I need to do is boost the audio a little and everything would be great. If Quicktime Pro allowed me to do that, that would be great because it would not have to re-encode the movie again.
    Maybe there is no way to do what I'm asking without doing it in FCP. If that's the case then that's what I'll do.
    THe whole point of this is that I want to keep it as simple and as past as possible because I am not making any money doing this (but I am teaching for money). I offer it to my students as a value added addition to their classes.

  • Localization - Automated Screen Captures?

    Hi RHelpers,
    I'm wondering how many of you localize your projects, and if you do, do you use or know of any tools to automate the screen capture process? Our RH projects contain thousands of images of our UI in them and we simply can't keep up with our standard process of getting the localized .htms back from localization and then trying to get screen captures on the backend. We support 15 non-English languages and will likely add more. There's just no way to keep up without such a tool. Just wondering what you all use or if your translators take care of the images along with the text.
    RH 7.0.3
    Win 7 - 64 Bit
    HTMl Help (.chm) Output

    I have since recalled the tool I was thinking of was an authoring tool and the problem I had when I looked at it was I couldn't write the topics the way I wanted and I couldn't use it as a tool to extract the images. I might have used it just for that purpose.
    Take a look at and download the PDF there. It lists lots of tools and may you will find something in that.
    If you do find something that works for you, don't forget to post back here.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips


    Dear all,
    what are the steps are involved  to activate excise capture and posting at T Code : MIGO.

    Before going to capture excise invoice ,you need to configure all the cin configurations .
    here is the cin configuration..
    Check Calculation Procedure
    In this activity, you can check and, if necessary, change existing procedures for tax calculation.
    Standard settings
    Calculation procedures containing the necessary specifications for the calculation and posting of taxes on sales/purchases have already been defined in the standard SAP system for certain countries. Every calculation procedure groups several tax types together into a condition type (for example, output tax or input tax) in the calculation procedure, and determines calculation rules for it.
    The calculation procedure determines for which amount the individual condition types are to be calculated. This can be the base amount (total of the expense items and the revenue items) or a subtotal. The entry in column FrmLvl, determines for which amount tax is calculated.
    In this activity, the condition types for the check and the possible change provided in the standard system are also displayed. Here, for example, the condition calculation rule, or for which base amount the tax is calculated is determined (= condition type).
    If possible, do not change the condition types and calculation procedures provided in the standard system. Only check the standard condition types and calculation procedures regarding whether you can use them for your requirements. If necessary, make changes.
    If you cannot use the standard settings, change the condition types and calculation procedures delivered to meet your requirements.
    Procedure (pricing, output control, acct. det., costing,...)
    Specifies the conditions that are allowed for a document and defines the sequence in which they are used.
    Procedures are used, for example, in the following applications:
    · Pricing in sales and distribution
    · Applying overhead in Product Costing (costing sheets) and for CO internal orders
    · Calculating accrued costs in Profitability Analysis
    · Output control (printed confirmations, EDI messages, electronic mail)
    · Account determination
    · Calculating taxes on sales/purchases
    · Calculating accruals in Cost Center Accounting
    · Pricing for resource planning
    Definition: condition type
    Controlling (CO)
    A distinction, in overhead calculation, is made between:
    · Base condition types, which determine the object for which the overhead is to be calculated
    · Overhead condition types, which define the percentage overhead to be applied
    In resource planning, a condition type determines the types of resource prices that are stored in the SAP System. These can be absolute or percentage values, for example.
    Real Estate Management (RE)
    An exact definition of a condition that specifies the amount paid for a specific service.
    Condition types include:
    · Basic rent
    · Advance payment for operating costs
    · Pest control
    Sales and Distribution (SD)
    A characteristic of a condition.
    For example, in pricing, different condition types are used to distinguish between a discount that refers to a net price and a discount that refers to a gross price.
    Treasury (TR)
    A characteristic of a condition used to classify financial transactions.
    Typical examples of condition types are interest, dividends, or full repayment upon maturity. The various parameters specified for the individual condition types determine how the flows are calculated in the cash flow.
    Return ->
    Definition: condition_type
    Condition type
    The condition type is used for different functions. In pricing, for example, the condition type lets you differentiate between different kinds of discount; in output determination, between different output types such as order confirmation or delivery note; in batch determination, between different strategy types.
    Access sequence
    With the access sequence you define
    · the condition tables used to access the condition records
    · the sequence of the condition tables
    · which field contents are the criteria for reading the tables
    Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
    In this activity, you enter the key for the calculation procedure which determines the conditions which are allowed per document and which defines the sequence of the conditions in the document for each country.
    Each calculation procedure which you enter must contain the necessary specifications for calculating and posting the taxes on sales/purchases. For more information on this, read the chapter "Create calculation procedure".
    1. Assign a procedure for tax calculation to every country with which your company has business dealings.
    2. Make sure that the corresponding data for calculating taxes is stored for each calculation procedure which you enter here.
    Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing
    In this activity you make the necessary specifications for posting taxes. In doing this you specify under a process key the following indicators:
    · Tax type
    Output tax, input tax, additional taxes, or "not tax-relevant" can be specified as the tax type.
    · Nondeductibility of tax amounts
    For this, tax amounts are marked as not deductible.
    · Posting indicator
    Here you specify whether the tax amount is posted separately or distributed to expense or revenue items.
    · Tax not relevant to cash discount (Not discount relevant)
    This indicator is set only for Canada. If you select it, the system does not take into account the corresponding tax amount when determining the tax base.
    Standard settings
    Process keys with the most important characteristics for tax amounts have already been set in the standard SAP system.
    Do not change the standard settings. Check whether you can use these process keys for your company, making changes only if necessary.
    If you cannot use the standard settings, use new process keys and enter them in your calculation procedure. Do not change the standard SAP process keys.
    You must make enhancements to the standard settings if you want to specify a new account key in the "Create calculation procedure" activity. You must create and maintain this key beforehand in the "Settings for tax processing" activity.
    Internal processing key
    The internal processing keys are used by the system to determine accounts or posting keys for line items which are created automatically.
    The processing keys are defined in the system and cannot be changed by the user.
    Definition: posting key
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A two-digit numerical key that determines the way line items are posted.
    This key determines several factors including the:
    · Account type
    · Type of posting (debit or credit)
    · Layout of entry screens
    Return ->
    Definition: posting_key
    Maintain Excise Registrations
    In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your excise registrations.
    Enter each of your excise registrations, specifying a four-character code for each.
    Definition: excise registration
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    An entity in India that is entitled by law to produce any goods liable to excise.
    Each entity is assigned its own excise registration number.
    Every factory that manufactures excisable goods is required to register separately, so that a business with seven factories requires seven registrations.
    Return ->
    Definition: excise registration
    Maintain Company Code Settings
    In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your company codes.
    Maintain Plant Settings
    In this IMG activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants.
    Maintain Excise Groups
    In this IMG activity, you define your excise groups. For each excise group, you can also control how various excise invoice transactions will work.
    Definition: excise group
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A unit within an excise registration, in India, which keeps its own set of excise records.
    Whereas the excise registration reports to the excise authorities, the excise group is a purely internal organizational unit. Each excise group keeps records of all transactions that have to be reported to the excise authorities. When the time comes to present these records to the authorities, the excise registration compiles the information from all of its excise groups.
    Return ->
    Definition: excise group
    Maintain Series Groups
    In this IMG activity, you define the different excise series groups within your company. Series groups allow you to maintain multiple number ranges for the outgoing excise documents.
    Based on excise regulations and exemptions from the authorities you can maintain multiple number series for outgoing documents. But each of these series has to be declared to the excise authorities.
    · Define excise series groups based on type of outgoing document
    · Assign series group to excise registration ID
    · If no financial postings are required for an Excise invoice in this seris group then you tick the 'No utilization' indicator.
    · If the CENVAT has to be paid immediately and you need not wait for the Fort nightly payment then mark the 'Immediate Utilization' indicator.
    You could define two series groups, group 001 for excise invoices, and group 002 for 57 F4 documents.
    Maintain Excise Duty Indicators
    In this IMG activity, you maintain the excise duty indicators.
    Maintain Postal Addresses
    In this IMG activity, you maintain the addresses of various customs and excise organizations that your company deals with.
    You use these addresses in the ARE Documents functions. When you create an ARE-1 or ARE-3, you enter the address of the excise department and the customs department involved in the export process. The system then prints their names and addresses on the AREs.
    You can then define a default local excise department for each excise group and a default customs department for each series group.
    Definition: ARE-1 document
    Logistics - General (LO)
    A form, in India, that companies have to fill out when they remove excisable goods from their manufacturing plants for export.
    The form exempts them from paying excise duty when they remove the goods from their premises.
    Return ->
    Definition: ARE-1 document
    Definition: ARE-3 document
    Logistics - General (LO)
    A form, in India, that allows companies to sell otherwise excisable goods from their premises without paying basic excise duty. The buyer of the goods must be in possession of a deemed export license.
    The ARE-3 states what goods are being removed and which deemed excise license covers it.
    Return ->
    Definition: ARE-3 document
    Maintain Subtransaction Type with Text
    Sub Transaction Type
    Sub transaction type is used for multiple purposes
    It determines the subcontracting attributes and determines the accounts for the posting while doing a sub contracting transaction.
    Excise removals
    Sub transaction type is also used for determining the accounts while doing excise removals.
    With in CIN the account determination is based on the transaction type. So normally you can have a single set of accounts for Excise utilization. In case you need alternate account determination for handling various scenarios you can define sub transaction types. The sub transaction types and corresponding account assignments needs to be maintained in CIN customization
    Select Tax Calculation Procedure
    In this IMG activity, you specify which tax procedure you want to use for determining excise duties and sales taxes on input materials in India.
    · If you use condition-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINN.
    · If you use formula-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINJ.
    This tax procedure also supports condition-based excise determination, so that you can work with both concurrently.
    We strongly recommend that new customers use condition-based excise determination. Note that once you have started using a tax procedure, you cannot switch to another one, otherwise you will not be able to display old documents.
    Definition: condition-based excise determination
    Logistics - General (LO
    A method that the system uses of determining excise duty in India.
    This method requires you to create condition records for each combination of vendor or customer and material (and possibly other conditions).
    When you create a purchasing document, the system calls the tax procedure assigned to India. The tax procedure finds all of the condition records that you have created for that combination of vendor and material.
    When you create a sales document, the excise duties and sales taxes are determined by the pricing procedure (not the tax procedure).
    Return ->
    Definition: condition-based excise determination
    Definition: formula-based excise determination
    Logistics - General (LO)
    A method that the system uses of determining excise duty in India.
    This method was used in the Country Version India Add-On and requires you to maintain additional data in the Excise Rate Maintenance transaction, J1ID.
    When you create a purchasing document, the system calls the tax procedure assigned to India. Each of the excise duties in the tax procedure has its own condition types, and each condition type is assigned to a formula. This formula instructs the system to calculate the excise duty using the data that you have maintained in the Excise Rate Maintenance transaction.
    When you create a sales document, the system determines the excise duties and sales taxes using the pricing procedure (not the tax procedure).
    Return ->
    Definition: formula-based excise determination
    Maintain Excise Defaults
    In this IMG activity, you define which tax procedure and pricing condition types are used in calculating excise taxes using formula-based excise determination.
    If you use condition-based excise determination, fill out the CVD cond. field and leave all the others blank.
    If you use formula-based excise determination, fill out all of the fields as follows:
    · Enter the tax procedure and the pricing conditions that are relevant for excise tax processing.
    · Specify the purchasing and sales conditions types used for basic excise duty, additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess.
    · Specify the conditions in the sales order that are used for excise rates.
    · Specify the countervailing duty condition type used for import purchase orders.
    See also
    SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Determination and -> Formula-Based Excise Determination.
    Definition: basic excise duty
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    The main type of excise duty in India.
    It is levied on a wide range of products, for example, foodstuffs, metals, jewellery, leather goods, and machinery.
    Return ->
    Definition: basic excise duty
    Definition: additional excise duty
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A form of excise duty, in India, levied on a select range of products, for the most part, textiles.
    Return ->
    Definition: additional excise duty
    Definition: special excise duty
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A form of excise duty in India on a limited number of goods, mostly luxury goods, including pan masala, sparkling waters, furs, and yachts.
    Return ->
    Definition: special excise duty
    Definition: cess
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    In India, a tax on the manufacture of certain products, mostly foodstuffs.
    Return ->
    Definition: cess
    Definition: countervailing duty
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A form of excise duty imposed on imports that are subsidized by the country in which they were manufactured.
    Countervailing duty (also known as CVD) is intended to make the imports more expensive, thereby redressing any competitive advantage they might have over goods produced locally.
    Return ->
    Definition: countervailing duty
    Define Tax Code for Purchasing Documents
    In this IMG activity, you define a tax code for the purposes of calculating excise duty when you enter purchasing documents.
    Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination.
    Create a new tax code, and set the tax code type to V (input tax). Do not make any other settings for it.
    See also
    SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Deter
    Sales Tax Code
    The tax code represents a tax category which must be taken into consideration when making a tax return to the tax authorities.
    Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate calculation rules and further features are stored in a table for each tax code.
    For tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, you should use tax codes with a 0 percentage rate if the corresponding transactions are to be displayed in the tax returns.
    You must define new tax codes if tax rates are changed by the state. The old codes with the old tax rates must remain in the system until no more open items which use this tax code exist.
    Definition: tax code
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    A two-digit code that represents the specifications used for calculating and displaying tax.
    Examples of the specifications defined under the tax code are:
    · Tax rate
    · Type of tax (input tax or output tax)
    · Calculation method (percentage included or percentage separate)
    Return ->
    Definition: tax_code
    Definition: tax rate
    Financial Accounting (FI)
    The percentage rate used to calculate the tax amount.
    Return ->
    Definition: tax_rate
    Assign Tax Code to Company Codes
    In this IMG activity, assign the tax code for purchasing documents to the company codes where it will be used.
    Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination.
    See also
    SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Determination
    Classify Condition Types
    In this IMG activity, you specify which condition types you use for which sort of tax. Note that this only applies to condition types that you use with the new excise determination method.
    The system uses this information when you create a document from another one. For example, when you enter an incoming excise invoice from a purchase order, or when you create an outgoing excise invoice from a sales order, the system determines the various excise duties in the excise invoice using the information that you have entered here.
    In addition, when you create a purchasing document, the system only uses the condition types that you enter here.
    · For taxes on purchases, use the condition types contained in the tax procedure.
    · For taxes on sales, use the condition types contained in the pricing procedures.
    Standard settings
    The standard system comes with sample settings for the tax calculation procedures and pricing procedures.
    Use these settings as a basis for your own.
    Maintain Chapter IDs
    In this IMG activity, you maintain the chapter IDs and the corresponding descriptions as per the schedules published by the Central Board of Excise and Customs.
    Definition: chapter ID
    Logistics - General (LO)
    The number given to a material in the schedules of materials published by the government of India.
    The schedule lists all materials involved in manufacturing, input materials and output materials alike. It shows how much excise duty is levied on each material.
    Each material in the schedule is assigned its own identification code, called "chapter ID."
    The schedule contains an entry for ceramic roofing tiles, which are liable to basic excise duty at 16%. The chapter ID associated with these tiles is 6903.10.
    Return ->
    Definition: chapter ID
    Assign Users to Material Master Screen Sequence for Excise D
    In this IMG activity, you customize the material master data so that it shows the information relating to excise duty.
    Standard settings
    Country Version India comes with a screen sequence (IN) that shows the excise duty fields. You have to assign it to each of your users.
    1. Double-click User Screen Reference.
    2. Assign all users who need to see the excise duty information to the screen reference IN.
    Name Screen Reference
    Screen Sequence Number
    Alphanumeric key identifying the screen sequence. The screen sequence defines the sequence of information units in the material master dialog. A screen sequence is made up of data screens. For information on the screen sequences defined in the standard R/3 system, see the IMG documentation Configuring the Material Master.
    When creating a screen sequence, use an alphanumeric key beginning with the letter Y or Z (customer name range). This key cannot subsequently be changed.
    You can assign screen sequences to users in the IMG activity Assign Screen Sequences to Users/Material Types/Transactions/Industry Sectors.
    Screen reference depending on the user
    Grouping of users that determines what screens are displayed in accordance with the user master record when you maintain material master records. It also determines the order in which the screens appear.
    Definition: user master record
    User and Authorization Management (BC-SEC-USR)
    Record that contains important master data for a user in the SAP System.
    The user master record contains the assignment of one or more roles to the user. This is how a user menu and the corresponding authorizations for the activities contained in the user menu are assigned to the user. Only users who have a user master record can log on to the system.
    Return ->
    Definition: user_master_record
    Define Form Types
    In this IMG activity, you define which form types you want to record in the system. You can only use form tracking for the form types that you enter here.
    · Form type: CT3
    · Form description: Concessional tax form
    · Status: Receive
    Define G/L Accounts for Taxes
    In this IMG activity, you specify which G/L accounts you will use to record which taxes.
    You have set up G/L accounts for each of the processing keys listed below.
    Assign an account to each of the following posting keys. The accounts for VS1, VS2, and VS3 are used as clearing accounts during excise invoice verification.
    · VS1 (basic excise duty)
    · VS2 (additional excise duty)
    · VS3 (special excise duty)
    · VS5 (sales tax setoff)
    · MWS (central sales tax)
    · MW3 (local sales tax)
    · ESA (service tax)
    · ESE (service tax expense)
    Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction
    In this IMG activity, you specify which excise accounts (for excise duty and CENVAT) are to be posted to for the various transaction types. Enter all the accounts that are affected by each transaction type.
    If you use subtransaction types, enter the accounts for each subtransaction type as well.
    Transaction type UTLZ is used for determining accounts only while posting excise JVs and also if the payment of excise duty has to be done fortnightly.
    The fortnightly CENVAT payment utility picks up the credit side accounts from the transaction types of GRPO, EWPO, and TR6C for determining the CENVAT and PLA accounts. There is no separate transaction type for fortnightly payment.
    Excise TT DC ind Account name
    GRPO CR CENVAT clearing account
    GRPO CR RG 23 BED account
    GRPO DR CENVAT on hold account
    Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction
    In this IMG activity, you assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts.
    When you come to execute the various transactions, the system determines which G/L accounts to post to by looking at the:
    · Excise group
    · Company code
    · Chart of accounts
    Furthermore, if you want separate account determination settings within an excise group, you can also use sub transaction types.
    You have already:
    · Defined the G/L accounts
    · Defined the excise groups
    · Maintained the transaction accounts
    For each excise group, assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. For most businesses, one set of accounts will suffice for alltransactions.
    You need not remit the CENVAT to the excise department immediately, so maintain the credit account for transaction type DLFC as an excise duty interim account. This will be set off when you remit the duty.
    Define Processing Modes Per Transaction
    In this IMG activity, you specify which processing modes the user can use in the various Incoming Excise Invoice transactions.
    This way, you can tailor the transaction to what your users have to do.
    Standard settings
    The system comes with three standard transactions relating to the Incoming Excise Invoices function (those that are included in the role SAP_CIN). The processing modes available in these transactions are as follows:
    · J1IEX_C
    This transaction is for excise clerks: users of this transaction can only capture and display excise invoices.
    · J1IEX_P
    This transaction is for excise supervisors: they can change, display, cancel, and post excise invoices.
    · J1IEX
    In this transaction, users can capture and post excise invoices, as well as displaying, changing, and canceling them.
    If the standard settings meet your requirements, do not do anything.
    Otherwise, you can adjust the standard settings or you can create your own transactions. To do so:
    1. In Maintain Transaction, create a new transaction by making a copy of one of the standard transactions. Give the new transaction a transaction code of your choice.
    2. In this activity, enter data as follows:
    o Tcode: The transaction code that you have just created.
    o Proc. mode: Specify what the users of the transaction will do with the excise invoices.
    o Active: Select this indicator to activate the setting.
    You might want to create a transaction that only allows users to display excise invoices.
    Define Reference Documents Per Transaction
    In this IMG activity, you specify for each combination of transaction and processing mode which reference documents you want the users to be able to use.
    If the standard settings meet your requirements, you do not have to do anything.
    Otherwise, add the entries that you need to the table: For each transaction, make one entry per combination of processing mode and reference document. Activate each entry for it to work.
    Definition: excise invoice reference document
    Logistics - General (LO)
    A document, in India, that you refer to when you enter an incoming excise invoice.
    If you have already posted the goods receipt, you can use the goods receipt document as the reference document. Otherwise, you can use the purchase order (or another purchasing document, such as a be a contract or a scheduling agreement).
    In the SAP System, you create a purchase order for 100 bags of sand and send the order to your vendor. Two weeks later, the vendor delivers the sand, accompanied by an excise invoice.
    When you enter the excise invoice in the system, you specify the number of the original purchase order: this is the reference document.
    Return ->
    Definition: excise invoice reference document
    Maintain Rejection Codes
    In this IMG activity, you define the rejection codes that are used in the Incoming Excise Invoices transaction.
    For each rejection code, enter a code and a description. You can also specify whether the excise duty in the invoice is to be posted to the CENVAT on hold account, instead of the CENVAT clearing account.
    Specify Which Movement Types Involve Excise InvoicesUse
    In this IMG activity, you specify which movement types relating to goods receipts involve excise invoices.
    The system uses this information during the goods receipt procedure. When you post a goods receipt using one of the moevement types that you have specified here, the system prompts you to enter the excise invoice number.
    This option cannot be used for processing goods receipts without purchase orders.
    Maintain Default Excise Groups and Series Groups
    In this IMG activity, you specify which excise group and series group you want to appear in these fields by default. You can make separate settings for different combinations of sales organization, distribution channel, division, and shipping point.
    This activity is optional, unless you want the system to automatically create outgoing excise invoices when you create a customer invoice.
    In this case, you must also make the appropriate setting in Customizing for Excise Duty, by choosing Basic Subcontracting Attributes
    The subcontracting attributes help determine conditions for a combination of an excise group, a transaction type, and a subtransaction type.
    The conditions such as the number of excise items per subcontracting challan, if the nonexciseable materials have to be filtered or not when the subcontracting challan is created, the movement type groups for issues and receipts and the hierarchy of determining the excise base value are mentioned here.
    Before you continue with this activity, work through the following activities:
    · Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Goods Issue / Transfer Postings -> Define Screen Layout.
    For the movement type 541, maintain the field Purchase Order as an optional entry or as a required entry.
    · Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Output Determination ->Maintain OutputTypes.
    Maintain the output type. On the Default Values tab, maintain the dispatch time and the transmission medium. Maintain the print parameter on the Print tab. This output type has to be maintained in this activity here.
    · Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Output Determination ->Assign Forms andPrograms.
    Maintain the Program, FORM routine, and the form for the output type.
    · Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Output Determination ->Printer Determination -> Printer Determination by Plant / Storage Location.
    Enter the output device that you use.
    Settings -> Maintain Excise Groups, and selecting Create EI (Create Excise Invoice Automatically).
    Maintain Movement Type Groups
    In this IMG activity, you group movement types together to form movement type groups.
    Definition: movement type
    Inventory Management (MM-IM)
    A classification key indicating the type of material movement (for example, goods receipt, goods issue, physical stock transfer).
    The movement type enables the system to find predefined posting rules determining how the accounts of the financial accounting system (stock and consumption accounts) are to be posted and how the stock fields in the material master record are to be updated.
    Return ->
    Definition: movement type
    Utilization Determination
    In this IMG activity, you specify which CENVAT accounts are to be debited by the Fortnight Utilization of CENVAT report: When the report calculates how much excise duty you must remit, it automatically proposes which CENVAT accounts the duty should be debited to. Here, you specify those defaults.
    You can either:
    · Debit all the excise duty to one account
    · Debit the excise duty to more than one account, in which case you specify which percentage is to be debited to each account
    If you want 50% of basic excise duty (BED) to be debited to the RG 23A account and the remaining 50% to the RG 23C account, you would make the following settings:
    Acct name BED perc.
    RG 23A BED account 50
    RG 23C BED account 50
    Alternatively, to debit all of the BED to the RG 23A account, and then RG 23C account, if there is not enough in the RG 23A account, you would make the following settings:
    Acct name BED perc. +
    RG 23A BED account X
    RG 23C BED account X
    When you come to run the report, the system takes the RG 23A account because it is the first one you have entered. If this account does not cover the BED, the system takes the RG 23C account instead.
    Maintain Minimum Balances for Excise Accounts
    In this IMG activity, you can maintain minimum balances in your excise accounts. When the balance in these accounts during utilization falls below this level, the system automatically utilizes funds in the PLA account.
    Maintain the minimum balance amount for the excise accounts. If you have more than one excise group, you can maintain different minimum balances.
    Specify SAPscript Forms
    In this IMG activity, for each of your company codes, you specify which SAPscript forms the system prints the excise registers with.
    Standard settings
    Country Version India includes a number of sample SAPscript forms and printing programs, which you can use as follows:
    Reg. name Lay. no. Form Tcode/Prog
    RG 23A Part I 1 J_2IRG23A_PART1 J_2IRAP1
    RG 23C Part I 1 J_2IRG23C_PART1 J_2IRCP1
    RG 23A Part II 1 J_2IRG23A_PART2 J_2IRAP2
    RG 23C Part II 1 J_2IRG23C_PART2 J_2IRCP2
    PLA 1 J_2I_PLA J_2IPLA
    RG 23 D 1 J_2I_RG23D J_2IRG23
    RG 1 1 J_2I_RG1 J_2IRRG1
    RT 12 1 J_2I_RT12_ABSTRA J_2IRT12
    RT 12 1 J_2I_RT12_ABSTRA J_2IRT12
    RT 12 1 J_2I_RT12_3 J_2IRT12
    The layout description can be left blank or an appropriate description maybe filled in. You may not change the register name. You can have your own layouts and maintain the name here. If the output device and number of copies are maintained it is automatically picked up for printing.
    Number Ranges
    You can maintain the number ranges for all CIN Number range objects using this transaction
    Please maintain the number ranges for the folllowing objects The no nr has to be '01' for all
    1. j_1iintnum
    At an Excise group
    1. j_1irg23a1
    2. j_1irg23a2
    3. j_1iRG1
    4. j_1irg23c1
    5. j_1irg23c2
    6. j_1ipla2
    7. j_1iintpr2
    8. j_1irg23d
    9. j_1irg1_t ( material level)
    10. j_1iconpla ( if Consolidated PLA is used )
    At Series group
    1. j_1iexcloc
    2. j_1iexcexp
    3. j_1idepinv
    4. j_1i57Fc ( 57F Challans
    After configuring cinraise the po aganst the material which is lliable to excise.
    in migo enter the po the ok indicator and click check button
    now can observe excise tab in the header
    enter excise invoice no and date.
    now post the goods reciept.
    according to configuration settings in excise tab it gives whether excise inoice is saving when you posting migo .if invoice is only saving
    go to j1iex_p tc and post the excise invoice.
    hope your dubt is clearded.

  • Capture and post list in MIGO for excise in return delivery

    Dear All,
    when I am doing return delivery in MIGO by 122 mov type and wants to capture and post the invoice at the same time.
    the list apperaing only part 1 enty and no excise duty in selection list.
    can anybody reply how to get this option added for capture and post

    If u have done only GR for Both materials then Cancel ur GR and Post it again.
    And if you have Done J1iex for first material then Cancel GR first then Cancel Excise Invoice.
    Now to cancel Excise Invoice follow the path as
    From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics ® Materials Management ® Inventory Management ® Goods Movement ® Goods Movement (MIGO).
    In the top line:
    Select Cancellation.
    Select Material document.
    Enter the number of the goods receipt that you want to cancel
    Choose .
    Flag all of the line items as OK.
    Save the reversal document.
    Reversing CENVAT Postings
    From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Indirect Taxes ® Procurement ® Excise Invoice ® Incoming Excise Invoices ® Individual Processing ® Change/Display/Post/Cancel.
    In the top line:
    Select Post CENVAT.
    Select Vendor Excise Invoice.
    Enter the excise invoice number.
    Choose .
    Choose Simulate CENVAT.
    A dialog box appears, showing which postings the system will make to reverse the CENVAT.
    To close the dialog box, choose .
    Choose Post CENVAT.
    Canceling Excise Invoices
    From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Indirect Taxes ® Procurement ® Excise Invoice ® Incoming Excise Invoices ® Individual Processing ® Change/Display/Post/Cancel.
    In the top line:
    Select Cancel.
    Select Vendor Excise Invoice.
    Enter the excise invoice number.
    Choose .
    Save the excise invoice
    if Not solved then please specify that is error by system.
    Pardeep malik

  • Record screen captures smaller than the screen size of my captivate tutorial

    I'm fairly new to captivate, but what I want to do I thought
    was very simple. I'm using the Record feature to record screen
    captures navigating applications, but when I use them in the
    captivate tutorial I'm creating, I don't want them to show full
    screen. I would like my template frame (with company name, logo,
    and some buttons) to remain on the left side of the screen, and
    show the recording in a box on the right. How can I do this?

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    categories. Please direct any replies to the post in the category
    where the question was first asked. You may do this by
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    here if you are curious as to why cross posting is a bad

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