Screen Sharing Won't Connect (kind of)

Here's what happens.
1. I connect to the other computer for screen sharing. I fill out the login/password, and press connect. The window for screen sharing stays blank. After about 8 seconds it'll say "reconnecting," then the cycle repeats itself.
2. I close the window.
3. I connect to the other computer for screen sharing. I fill out the login/password, and press connect. The window for screen sharing stays blank. After about 8 seconds it'll say "reconnecting," then the cycle repeats itself.
4. I change the preferences to "show the screen at full quality" as opposed to "adapt quality to network conditions"
5. I close the screen sharing window
6. I connect, and it works
Why is this happening?
Here's another issue:
Sometimes on the third try an old account name that was deleted on the computer I'm attempting to share screens with autofills in the login information. And, the old account works. It lets me screen share. Why would it allow me to screen share with a DELETED account?

You are welcome.
Note the date and time the problem occurred, then go to Applications/Utilities/Console and copy the log starting at the time you tried to connect. Paste the log in a reply. Please do not use a screen shot as they can be hard to read. If there are repeated runs of the same messages, please post only one run. Be selective about what you post and don’t  post huge amounts. Make sure there is no personal data visible. Information learned from Linc Davis.

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  • Screen sharing can't connect

    My husband and I both have mac books and are trying to use screen sharing on ichat. Audio chat works fine as well as video chat. But when we try to use screen sharing, it connects for about 2 seconds, you can hear the audio and then it disconnects with the error of: disconnected from screen sharing because: screen sharing could not be established. I don't understand why the others work fine, but screen sharing won't. Please help!

    Welcome to the    Discussions
    You have posted in iChat 2's forum.
    I have asked the Hosts to move it to Leopard > iChat and Screen Sharing.
    iChat Screen Sharing tends to need your Router or Modem if it routes to use UPnP to open the ports.
    This is because the Screen Sharing part happens on a random ports and not one of those listed in the two apple Articles on the Ports of iChat.
    11:11 PM Thursday; February 26, 2009

  • Ichat Screen Sharing Won't Work

    Can't seem to find any posts that are helpful with the problem. Was using Screen Sharing with my Inlaws the other night to help them, but now it won't let them share their screen with me. I can share my screen with them but not the otherway around. Has anyone run into this same problem and successfully resolved it?

    James Mol wrote:
    I spent time to day working on it. I had a G4 computer at work, migrated to a used Mac Pro with snow leopard and I could not get audio, chat or screen sharing to work to my home computer which I just upgraded to snow leopard. Text worked fine.
    This tells me that the computer changed and also the OS. It does not tell me what the G4 was running before hand.
    As there were changes in the Firewall from Tiger (10.4.x) to Leopard (10.5.x) and also to a somewhat lesser extent from Leopard to Snow (10.6.x) I would tend to look to the Firewall on the Mac.
    Check that in the Advanced Button Stealth is not Enabled and that Signed Apps are Allowed. (10.6.x wording)
    I check the forums and tried different things and have it so I can connect from home to the old office computer and from the old computer home.
    Umm, from a unknown computer to the aforementioned G4 with no insight to OS or iChat versions or settings.
    The new one still has a problem or two but I am getting closer.
    If getting closer is Audio Only or Video Chats then you are making progress.
    I have not changed any ports since upgrading and found a couple of simple things unchecked or checked that have cause my problems.
    It would be helpful to know what you changed and where.
    For instance if you set up the Firewall in Snow Leopard (Allow Signed Apps) or in Leopard (Allow Specific Apps or Allow All).
    Talking of Ports.
    If the Router at work was or is using Port Forwarding to open the ports then if the IP of the G4 has not changed it may be the only machine there that Can Video or Audio chat (Port Forwarding often requires you point the ports to be opened to One IP/Computer)
    As the Screen Sharing uses a Random port the Port Forwarding can not be set up for this.
    8:57 PM Saturday; November 13, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • After Lion install screen sharing won't accept my password

    I just updated my *headless* mac-mini to 10.7.  As soon as it rebooted
    Since updating to OS 10.7 on my Mac Mini, I have been unable to log in via Screen Sharing (using my 10.7 installed Mac Pro).  I continually receive the error "Authenticaion failed to 'MacMini'. Please verify you have entered the correct name and password."  The name and password are correct, and the mac-mini lets me "Connect As ..." with the username and password.  Only the Screen Sharing application fails to authenticate.  I had no troubles  an hour ago when it had Snow Leopard installed.
    Any solution before I have to travel to this mini?

    My family has multiple Macs at home and I also help a friend at a remote location.  What is weird, is I was able to do screen sharing with the Mac at the remote location and a couple at home, but was not able to get screen sharing to work on the majority of our Macs at home.  Rebooting did not help.  Deleting my user login and corresponding home folder (then rebooting) and recreating a new user under the same login name that was deleted did not help.  Repairing permissions in Disk Utility did not help.  I did not try creating a user under a totally different login name and setting up screen sharing to share with that user name.  I was going to try that this morning.  However, on another thread, someone offered another thing to try.  I tried it and it worked.
    This is what eventually worked for me...  This work around seems to expose that there is definitely a bug:
    Quote from andifor:
    "Full name and account name on my computers are also the same.
    But I did some deviation last time I tried. I changed my name on the connection dialog. I changed the name from "user" to "uSer" (changed one letter to capital) and it did work!
    So if you login name is "peter", change it to "pEter" or "peTer", just on the login screen.
    Looks more and more like a bug and only Apple can help. Does anybody know, if they are monitoring these discussions or is there a possibility to log some bug report?"

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    Restart the computer while holding down the C key. This will take several minutes to start up as it trying to start from the Install Disc. If you still cannot get it started call AppleCare immediately, the phone number is in your manual or you can
    look it up here.

  • Screen Sharing trying to connect to Apple Kerberos server?

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    The culprit seems to be this:
    1/7/15 11:00:08.606 AM NetAuthSysAgent[10688]: NAHSelectionAcquireCredential The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -1765328228 - acquire_kerberos failed username@WELLKNOWN:COM.APPLE.LKDC: -1765328228 - unable to reach any KDC in realm WELLKNOWN:COM.APPLE.LKDC, tried 1 KDC)
    So it's trying to look me up on Apple's Kerberos server, and timing out. Any way to stop Yosemite from doing this? Or is there another solution?

    Make a rule in Little Snitch to forever deny outgoing connections for NetAuthSysAgent to port 88 (kerberos).
    No more delays.

  • Screen Sharing won't work.

    Sorry I pirated someone elses thread so I will start my own this time.
    I still can't get this to work, there are no DOS or other attack blocks that i have been able to find, we have tried every combination of settings that we can think of,
    IChat will connect, when we are both on line but not in a conference, display the "starting Screen Sharing" banner across the screen, audio starts but after a couple of seconds it disconnects.____________
    Defcom and I tried to get screen sharing working with no success, when we were connected to each other in a video chat, it failed with the usual notification, but announced itself as a "Audio Chat"
    when we were both Online but not in a conference, the banner came across the screen, the audio was working, but the connection died almost immediately,
    have been trying to get this to work for a month now with no success, any Ideas?
    Message was edited by: demadmonkey

    Firewall - Custom Filter Configuration
    Inbound IP Filter Rules
    No. Status Access Protocol Source
    Interface Source
    Address Source
    Mask Source
    Port Op Destination
    Interface Destination
    Address Destination
    Mask Destination
    Port Op Log Enable
    Disable Delete
    122 P,E permit GRE any any any N/A any any any N/A No Protected Protected
    124 P,E permit 50 any any any N/A any any any N/A No Protected Protected
    2000 P,E deny TCP any any any any any 127. 0. 0. 1 host = 53 No Protected Protected
    2002 P,E,S permit UDP any any any any any 127. 0. 0. 1 host = 53 No Protected Protected
    2004 P,E deny UDP any any any any any 127. 0. 0. 1 host = 53 No Protected Protected
    2202 P,E,N permit UDP any any any any any 127. 0. 0. 1 host = 68 No Protected Protected
    2206 P,E,N permit TCP any any any any any 127. 0. 0. 1 host = 7547 No Protected Protected
    2228 P,E,N permit UDP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 12526 No Protected Protected
    2230 P,E,N permit TCP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 12526 No Protected Protected
    2238 P,E,N permit UDP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 16402 No Protected Protected
    2240 P,E,N permit UDP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 32141 No Protected Protected
    2242 P,E,N permit TCP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 32141 No Protected Protected
    2244 P,E,N permit TCP any any any any any 192.168. 1. 64 host = 4 No Protected Protected
    Outbound IP Filter Rules
    No. Status Access Protocol Source
    Interface Source
    Address Source
    Mask Source
    Port Op Destination
    Interface Destination
    Address Destination
    Mask Destination
    Port Op Log Enable
    Disable Delete
    120 P,E permit any any any any N/A any any any N/A No Protected Protected

  • Screen sharing stuck on 'Connect...' - but only on one client account. Please help!

    I've got a bizarre problem that cropped up sponaneously, and which I can't for the life of me seem to reslove.
    I have 2 home machines:
    MacBook running 10.6.8  (Server / Media machine)
    MacBook Pro running 10.7.4 (Client machine).  Apple Remote Desktop software is installed on this machine, and connections through it work fine.
    A few days ago, the sidebar "Share Screen..." link on the client machine stopped working.  All I get is the 'Connecting...' dialog box, endlessly.  The bugger of it is that this is only happening with my main account on the client machine. Switching into another (unused) admin account on the client results in the 'Share Screen...' button working as expected.
    I've tried the following cures, found on these forums, to no avail:
    Reset PRAM and NVRAM on both systems
    updated all software
    repaired permissions on both systems
    changed bonjour names of both machines
    rebooter & power-cycled router
    killed the NetAuthAgent process a billion times
    trashed all of the preferences, caches, etc. for screen sharing and remote desktop in the afflicted user account on client machine
    etc. etc.
    As far as screen sharing connection options go, these are my results:
    using connect to server (via finder > go > connect to server), and plugging in the address (vnc:// works
    launching /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen, and plugging in the above address: works
    connecting via the Apple Remote Desktop software: works
    using the "Share Screen..." link from the Lion Sidebar: DOES NOT WORK and results in the stall mentioned above, constrained to my primary user account on the client machine.
    As mentioned, this was working properly until a few days ago, and stopped spontaneously, with no changes to either system.
    Any help finding a resolution to this would be greatly appreciated; this is driving me utterly bananas .
    Message was edited by: Timoluka

    My wife ran into the very same problem today, while trying to connect Screen Sharing to her media center Mac Mini (server) from a Mac Book Pro (client). I was also unable to connect from my machine as well when logged into my usual account but noticed I had no problem with a Guest User account (as you've described), but had also tried most of the unsuccessful attempts at solutions that you've enumerated.
    Then, I read this very similar thread:
    ...and logged out of our now defunct MobileMe accounts on the affected machines. Upon hitting the "Share Screen..." button again, I was now prompted for a local login and password to the Mini, and once that was input, Screen Sharing connected and started up without any problems! Yes!
    Given the similarity of our problems, I hope this works for you as well. My best guess is that Screen Sharing might be prioritizing the use of MobileMe authentication over local logins and passwords, and some of Apple's recent work in decommissioning MobileMe had unexpected results for folks like us.

  • Video/Screen Sharing via 3G connection not possible - port restrictions?

    I'm running Jabber-based iChat AV 5.0.3 sessions from my MBP connected to the Internet via a wireless USB modem 3G/UMTS (German Telekom D1 network). My buddies are connected to the Internet via regular broadband connections (DSL). I have set up a hosted Jabber server via Dreamhost (without SSL, port 5222 used).
    Status Quo:
    - Contact status of remote Jabber users shows up properly. All buttons (text chat, screen sharing, video) are available (not greyed out) on both sides.
    - Text chat works fine.
    - Video chat and screen sharing can be invoked from both sides (confirmation window shows up), but after confirmation the initiation process doesn't finish successfully. The video/screen sharing session doesn't run. *iChat AV shows a message indicating that it doesn't receive an answer from the remote user device.* If the iChat session is initiated from a buddy's computer, the buddy gets the same message respectively.
    - For testing purposes, I changed the internet connection on my MBP from the mobile 3G USB modem to a regular *DSL broadband connection (same ISP, German Telekom). In this scenario, video/audio calls and screen sharing work flawlessly!* Therefore, I assume that the problems in 3G connection mode is caused by the ISP (German Telekom) blocking/restricting ports required by iChat AV for initiating the video call and streaming the data on their 3G network.
    Is there any way to bypass ISP restrictions, by either changing specific iChat AV port settings on both ends (client devices) or by port forwarding? If yes, which settings should I change? Unfortunately, it's couldn't find any document indicating which ports are opened/allowed by German Telekom's 2G/3G (GSM/UMTS) network.
    Below is an excerpt of the error message produced by iChat AV:
    iChat Connection Log:
    2010-11-09 21:18:19 +0100: AVChat started with ID 494414145.
    2010-11-09 21:18:19 +0100: [email protected]: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateWaiting.
    2010-11-09 21:18:19 +0100: 0x1a8bf8b0: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateInvited.
    2010-11-09 21:18:28 +0100: 0x1a8bf8b0: State change from AVChatStateInvited to AVChatStateConnecting.
    2010-11-09 21:18:28 +0100: [email protected]: State change from AVChatStateWaiting to AVChatStateConnecting.
    2010-11-09 21:18:48 +0100: 0x1a8bf8b0: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    2010-11-09 21:18:48 +0100: 0x1a8bf8b0: Error -8 (Did not receive a response from 0x1a8bf8b0.)
    2010-11-09 21:18:48 +0100: [email protected]: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    2010-11-09 21:18:48 +0100: [email protected]: Error -8 (Did not receive a response from 0x1a8bf8b0.)
    Video Conference Error Report:
    0.000000 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/DotMacConfiguration.m:1039 type=4 (FFFFFFFF/2)
    [HTTP GET failed (0)]
    0.000627 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/DotMacConfiguration.m:758 type=4 (FFFFFFFF/0)
    [HTTP GET failed (0)]
    0.346813 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/DotMacConfiguration.m:758 type=4 (FFFFFFFF/0)
    [HTTP GET failed (0)]
    1331.086051 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1333.086142 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1335.086270 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1337.086603 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1339.087985 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1341.088212 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    1343.088361 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/SIP.c:2917 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    Video Conference Support Report:
    929.446913 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2059 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Connection Data for call id: 1 returns 1
    934.996640 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2074 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Prepare Connection With Remote Data - remote VCConnectionData: 1, local VCConnectionData: 1
    935.002114 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2266 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Initiate Conference To User: u0 with Remote VCConnectionData: 1 with Local Connection Data: 1 conferenceSettings: 1]
    935.467624 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/SIP/Transport.c:2138 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP lip:16402;branch=z9hG4bK0fdd30e326aa779b
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=544473054
    Call-ID: 9c7ecf46-ec3d-11df-8530-f81eeb5f4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@lip:16402>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.4
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 708
    Video Conference User Report:
    928.427249 @:0 type=5 (00000000/16402)
    [Local SIP port]
    934.996832 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2171 type=5 (00000000/0)
    *[Remote Router]*
    934.996842 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2173 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Remote CommNAT Result: 0x000000d0
    936.003962 @:0 type=5 (00000000/60)
    [Detected bandwidth (kbits/s): 2627 up, 2627 down. (00000000)
    936.033015 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VideoConferenceMultiController.m:2423 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Start Conference With UserID: u0]
    978.787787 @:0 type=5 (00000000/16402)
    [Local SIP port]
    1014.011790 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2171 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Remote Router]
    1014.011800 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2173 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Remote CommNAT Result: 0x000000d0
    1015.024555 @:0 type=5 (00000000/60)
    [Detected bandwidth (kbits/s): 2627 up, 2627 down. (00000000)
    1015.031800 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VideoConferenceMultiController.m:2423 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Start Conference With UserID: u0]
    1323.083386 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2171 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Remote Router]
    1323.083396 @/SourceCache/VideoConference/VideoConference-415.22/Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:2173 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [Remote CommNAT Result: 0x000000d0

    Does this 3G device have any set up functions that are on your Mac ?
    If it does not it is likely that it is wide open to all Port (65535 of them).
    I presume that in System Preferences > Network you see a Public IP when using this device ?
    Again this would tend to pint to all the ports being open.
    Is there anything on the ISP's web site that suggests this device is unsuitable to be used with VoIP or SIP connections ?
    VoIP (Voice over the Internet) uses the SIP connection process the way iChat does.
    Most likely the issues is the way packets are sent.
    When you do a download, for instance, do you find the speed increases in the first few minutes ?
    When some data packets are sent over the Internet the next one is not sent until confirmation that the first has arrived.
    This Latency effects Point to Point WiFi (antenna to Dish on House) and satellite connections mostly particularly when it is a two way thing.
    It can effect Mobile/Cell phone type connections.
    What sort of Speeds are you getting on the 3G device ?
    Do these seem to get faster as the time proceeds ? (this can be difficult to spot).
    The Log mentions one end being at just over 2Gbps although it does not make it clear which end.
    As the Remote end is the end that reports "Router: Port Restricted" and it works over standard DSL we have to presume they have the ports open.
    You could try restricting iChat 's Bandwidth in iChat menu > Preferences > Video Section to 500kbps (try it at both ends)
    If that does not work try 200kbps
    This may stop iChat from trying to send data too Fast for the Network Connections.
    Realistically there are a few too many variables here.
    It could be Speed of data throughout at the Initiation point. (Slow Start up of data transfer)
    It could be an Internal setting preventing SIP.
    It could be that the 3G network sends and receives data by different routes.
    (I have seen this once when a ISP was repairing some Cabling. To maintain end user speeds they managed their own network to split Incoming and outgoing data to the end point.)
    iChat does not like this as it checks the IPs and the Hops (number of intermediate stages/servers) and if the data is different it will not connect (Man in the Middle attack protection).
    I can't remember the last time I knew of someone being successful with either an 3G USB dongle or a 3G phone as Modem (internet Sharing).
    Despite my ideas I think you will be unlucky and this will not work.
    10:31 PM Saturday; November 13, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Screen Sharing won't work, but every other VNC client will

    I have been trying to resolve this for months, and nothing has worked so far. I can connect to my Mac Mini Server (Snow Leopard Server) from LogMeIn, from Chicken of the VNC, from JollyFastVNC, and from VNC clients on my iPad and iPhone. However, I cannot connect using OSX's own Screen Sharing service. I'm really frustrated, and I've posted here before without any sort of help. Is there ANYONE that can solve this problem for me?

    To restate your issues and your question and your concern, you're frustrated, you're using a WiFi connection, you're not attempting remote access, it's not working for some protocols, and you're receiving unspecified error message(s).
    Start by posting the diagnostics and messages received when this "doesn't work".
    Then reconfigure the network, and (for testing) specifically move the screen sharing client box onto (and add one if needed) the same network switch as the server. Remove the WiFi device (a router) from the network connection. (Unmanaged gigabit network switches are cheap, too.)
    In addition to and in parallel with reconfiguring the network (for testing), also confirm that all of the network port connections on the WiFi are established on the correct physical ports, if you're using that device as a network gateway and NAT device in addition to using it as a router.
    Also ensure the firmware on the WiFi device is current.
    Drop the firewall on the client.
    Given you're probably on a NAT-based network and (guessing) using the WiFi device is configured as a gateway, post up some DNS or mDNS information, and a forward and reverse dig of the IP address. (I haven't seen issues such as this with local screen sharing via the Apple tools, but other Apple tools are known to be sensitive to incorrect DNS configurations.) From the same client you're attempting the screen-sharing:
    dig -x

  • Screen Sharing won't  work (keeps contacting)

    I have a problem with the new VNC screen sharing feature in Leopard.
    My setup consists of a +Macbook Pro running 10.5 and a Mac Mini G4 running 10.4.10+
    Previously i would use the app "+Chicken of the VNC+" to take controle of my Mac Mini over the home network. The Mini does appear in the finder sidebar and i'm able to login and access all the files and apps.
    But when I click "Share Screen" The Screen Sharing app opens and i get a progress bar that says "*contacting ...etc*" and it just stays there. I have left it contacting for about an hour now.
    I have no idea would this could be (probably something simple..)
    Hope anyone has a solution for this and I gave enough info/made my problem clear enough.
    Thx in advance

    Same problem here.
    After many restarts, and with the firewall off on both machines, my MacPro is unable to share my Mac Book's screen. Both are running Leopard.
    The laptop has no problem sharing the desktop's screen, but just sits there on the "Connecting..." progress dialog when attempting to view the laptop's screen from the desktop.
    Note that without changing a single setting, ChickenOfTheVNC connects right away.

  • Screen Sharing Failed to Connect Please Try Again with different credentials

    Very strange behavior from Screen Sharing - which I have been using across multiple Mac system and OS versions for years. I have one system that is 10.8, several that are 10.7 and a 10.6. Most of the time it works as expected - the weird thing is that every so often I get a failure and please try different credientials but that do not get any way to enter other credientials.
    Even stranger - sometimes - after failing to connect mulitple times - if I connect with LogMeIn - then Screen Sharing works.
    In some cases I am able to connect no issue - then disconnect - and opps need to check something else and unable to reconnect.
    I have looked in KeyChain access - and preferances - and other places - cannot find where Screen Sharing is storing info bits that might need deleting to clean things up.

    Perhaps stranger still - one of the systems - a Mac OS X Server 10.7 - which is headless - had not been rebooted for nearly 100 days - so I rebooted it - and no can connect to all remote systems on the first try - repeatedly - even though I have not changed anything on or rebooted any of the others. And the OS X Server is NOT my domain, or DNS server.
    except now Time Machine is not finding the backup disk on the server - which has been workign for the past year - and I did not delete the time machine stored keychains. ugh.

  • Screen sharing won't

    I have a strange behavior happening and I can't seem to find the issue... let me explain...
    I own a MacBook Pro 17 inches 2009, an iMac 27 inches 2010 and my wife has an iMac spring 2008 all on the same network at home. I'm able to screen share between my MBP and my iMac without any issues. I can't screen share between my MBP and my wife's iMac, but I can screen share between my iMac and my wife's iMac !
    We use DropCopy on the 3 computers to share files and I can send files between my MBP and my iMac, I can do the same between my Imac and my wife's iMac, but can't send files between my MBP and my wife's iMac ! and she can send files between her iMac and my iMac but can't send files between her iMac and my MBP ! ! !
    All 3 computers are configured exactly the same and are on the same network ! What is more bizzare is I can see my wife's iMac name in my MBP finder but can't screen share...
    Check the SHARING configs between all and it' the exact same config...
    Somebody have seen this issue before ? because I'm out of ressources !
    Really thanks for your help !

    Same problem here.
    After many restarts, and with the firewall off on both machines, my MacPro is unable to share my Mac Book's screen. Both are running Leopard.
    The laptop has no problem sharing the desktop's screen, but just sits there on the "Connecting..." progress dialog when attempting to view the laptop's screen from the desktop.
    Note that without changing a single setting, ChickenOfTheVNC connects right away.

  • Ipod stuck on usb/itunes screen but won't connect to anything

    My ipod touch is stuck on a screen with a picture of a usb plug and says itunes store.  It will not connect to the itunes store and I have tried restarting with menu and power key.

    UPDATE: It finally decided to start working again, but it's been rather wonky for quite some time now. I'm not at all happy, especially considering I can't afford a new one.

  • Screen sharing and remote management no longer working after some uptime

    Server is withoiut monitor.
    Users need to login via screen sharing from time to time.
    "Enable screen sharing and remote management" is ticked in everything is working fine (for days, weeks).
    ARD reports "Screen Sharing Available", so remote management is not running how it should.
    Screen is "Connecting…" forever.
    Kickstarting ARD ( does not help.
    Restart fixes it.
    Is there a workaround (over ssh) or a fix?

    seduc wrote:
    Do you know if
    fdesetup authrestart
    works then too?
    Off-hand, no.   I don't.  See this posting, or as would be typical in any case, try it?

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