Screen turns out before finished reading etc.

How do you increase the time the screen stays lit up. when I'm reading a text message etc. the screen turns dark before I can read it all. It's very annoying! Is there any way of making the screen stay lit for longer? I need to know how to do it on a 2630 and a 6101. Thanks

Hello Cheryth, its infortunate to tell you that backlighting is not present in the 2630. However for the 6101, you can. Follow the instructions you got in the manual. or click on this link if you don't have one.

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    Man am I frustrated! Background Encoding is NOT selected...when I go to burn the DVD...Modified Assest Warning appears! When a DO the update...all of my chapters are messed up. Then when I try to burn the DVD...after an HOUR of processing...the DVD spits out completely BLANK...the message on iDVD says it's is finished...and the application is still running...This is a Wedding video that I MUST finish...can anyone please help

    Hello, Chris135,
    Welcome to the discussions.
    Just to add to Bengt's recommendations, I have found that this is a problem with iDVD 8. You posted in iDVD 6, so I am assuming that is what you are using. I found that version to be ok with handling modified assets, but not iDVD 8.
    What I noticed was that my chapter markers defaulted to selecting the same chapter after I had put my iMovie into my iDVD project, but then had gone back into iMovie and changed something. It could have been as simple as correcting the spelling on a clip title or changing an audio clip. Then, when I reopened iDVD, the 'assets have been changed' message would appear. So iDVD recognized the changes, it just was not able to incorporate the changes and play the movie chapters correctly.
    I found no fix other than to recreate the iDVD project. Now I don't put my iMovie into an iDVD project until I am certain that I am completely finished with the iMovie edits.
    I used 'Grab' to take screen shots of my customized menus and submenus so that I could more quickly recreate them. It took some time, but at least it worked and I did not spend hours and hours trying something else that did not fix it.
    If you did not make any changes to your iMovie after putting it into iDVD, your iDVD project is corrupt and needs to be redone anyway.
    You should definitely delete iDVD's preference file: Close iDVD and follow this path, YourUserName->Library->Preferences->
    Drag this plist file to trash. Don't worry, iDVD will create a new fresh one when you reopen it.
    Reopen iDVD and see if your movie plays ok with proper chapters.
    Oh, and be sure to follow the chapter marker rules: No marker at the beginning of the movie (iDVD creates that one automatically). No marker within 2 seconds of the beginning or the end of the movie, and no marker within 2 seconds of any transition.
    Most of us recommend that you do a 'Save as Disk Image' of your iDVD project, and do so from within iDVD.
    Select that option under File. I find it convenient to have the disk image saved to the desktop so I can locate it The process looks just like a burn, and the encoding is the same, taking the same amount of time. However, the end result is a disk image file, not a burned DVD disk. If the disk image file plays correctly, you can burn to DVD disks quickly using Disk Utility or Toast.
    How to create a disk image:
    To be sure the disk image file is good, you click on it to mount it, then open DVD Player and navigate the 'scenes' to see that each one begins where it should. You can watch as much of the movie as you need to view to be sure it is the way you edited.
    If so, then close DVD player, and open Disk Utility.
    Drag and drop the disk image file onto the left side of DU window under your drives.
    Click on the image file to highlight it, select 'burn' from the menu and insert your blank DVD disk.
    Select a burn speed of 4x or less.
    Be sure to use a good brand of DVD disk; Verbatim, Maxell, or Taio Yuden. I always use Verbatim DVD-R and burn at 4x or less.
    How to burn from disk image:
    There are several advantages to creating disk image files of your iDVD projects.
    A disk image file is self-contained, with all the media used encoded into the file, so once it has been created and is good, you can safely delete the original iMovie and iDVD projects, saving drive space since the disk image file is smaller.
    A disk image file is a great backup for the DVDs you burn. I wouldn't trust a DVD disk to be my only backup. DVD disks can break, crack, melt or have something spilled on them, etc.
    You can always burn another DVD disk from a disk image file.
    You can easily move a disk image file to another drive or computer.
    If you cannot get iDVD to create a disk image, post back for more suggestions. You may need to try signing on as a new/different account, or you may need to reinstall iDVD.
    If you are using iMovie 6, you might try exporting your finished edited iMovie as Full Quality QuickTime. Be patient, it will take time depending on the length and complexity of your movie. (I do this with most of my movies, and everything seems to be smoother).
    Once the QT movie has been created, open a new iMovie project, naming it, for example Wedding VideoQT so you know which iMovie is which.
    Then, drag the QT movie onto the new iMovie project. Again, this may take time.
    Now you have one long clip of your entire movie.
    Add your chapter markers. This is easy to do if you have both this iMovie open and your first iMovie. Just go to Chapters in both movies, and move the playhead of the new movie to the same point you had the marker in the first movie. (It actually goes pretty quickly).
    Now, close both iMovies. Open iDVD, create a new project. Go to the Movies tab and find the iMovie you just made with QT in its title and drag it into iDVD's main screen.
    Everything should be correct with the chapters/scenes, and this time it should burn just fine.
    An advantage to making a qt version is that you can place the chapter markers directly on a transition, since the transition is incorporated into the video and is now not a true transition.
    Please post back if this is not clear, or if you have any further questions.
    Good luck!

  • Screen turned orange before forcing update?

    Hi there,
    I was just relaxing when all of a sudden the screen my iMac 21" running Mavericks 10.9.3, which was in sleep mode, turned on and was a solid bright orange for a few seconds.
    After that, it started installing a Mavericks update which I'd kept telling to 'remind me tomorrow' - earlier today I selected 'tonight'. Are Macs able to force updates even when the computer is in sleep mode? I found this quite strange.
    Also, when the update was apparently complete, there was an application icon in my Dock - looked like a hard-drive with a suit and bow tie - following a little search on google the app is apparently called 'Bowtie'. The icon was there for a few seconds before disappearing.
    The reason I'm confused about this is that I've never heard of or installed the Bowtie app, and there doesn't seem to be any trace of it in my Applications, or when I perform a search. Any advice would be appreciated please?

    Probably sounded funnier in your head.

  • HT201263 my ipod screen turned white and i seen online that you hold the power button and the homescreen button for it to go off. But it wont turn back on. I would have to let it die and charge it it turns on but fades to white. what do i do?

    My ipod screen turned white. i had read online that if i hold the power buton and the home button that it would turn off. It turned off but wouldnt turn back on. I had left the ipod on the charger all night and tryed this morning. nothing would happen. but when i checked it this afternoon the battery was dead. when ever i turn it on the password screen fades to white. what do i do. My warrenty just ended a week ago.

    Try here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Also try letting the battery fully drain. After charging for at least an hour try again.
    If not successful time for an appointment a the Genius Bar of an Apple store.

  • Why does my 1st gen iPad always turns itself off and goes back to the screen. Whether I'm reading news, iBooks, etc, suddenly it goes off.

    Why does my 1st gen iPad always turns itself off and goes back to the screen. Whether I'm reading news, iBooks, etc, suddenly it goes off.

    If that doesn't help, the battery may be dying and need replacement. See here (tap on Battery Replacement):
    Alternately, might consider start saving for a new iPad. The newest iPad 6 should come out in the next few months. When it does, sellers will want to get rid of old inventory with good deals.

  • 2013 MBP 2.5 i5 4Gig 500MBHDD boots slow.  It finishes post in the same time as an identical MBP, and then hangs for 30 seconds on one of the ethernet adapters, before finishing the boot.  Once booted it is normal.   Turning off airport changes nothig.

    2013 MBP 2.5 i5 4Gig 500MBHDD boots slow.  It finishes post in the same time as an identical MBP, and then hangs for 30 seconds on one of the ethernet adapters, before finishing the boot.  Once booted it is normal.   Turning off airport changes nothing.  Hardline adapter is not plugged in.  Thunderbolt adapter is not used.  Bluetooth is off.  Did this out of box.  Identical MBP boots to login screen in 36 seconds.  Disk repair, permission repair, and safe mode boot have
    already been done, no change.  Boot time is consistent.  Hangs at the same place each time.  Right after post.  Bad adapter?
    Comments, solutions please.

    ... and so ... now a few days later, success.   I ran
    your software but it told me nothing I hadn 't seen
    in verbose boot.
    Consistently, following good post, the boot hung
    for 30 seconds on the adapters, (cards, chips, NICs.
    Ethernet cards, whatever you prefer to call them)
    either the airport card or the hard line.  It would then
    proceed at normal pace to the login screen.
    Since it came out of the box that way, software
    conflict was not a go.  I guessed glitched driver or
    fetch instruction.  I zapped the PRAM (cleared
    NVRAM) and reloaded the OS, updates, Garage Band,
    iPhoto (one of Apple's true dogs in an otherwise
    rare arena) iMovie, Photoshop, Lightroom, their
    updates, and my files.   MBP pro now boots to login
    in 31 seconds.  Note I have turned off as much gee
    whiz, rubber band scroll, global swiping and other
    hubcaps and hood ornaments as befits how like
    things ... and turned off all the Asian and other fonts
    I will. ever use.
    Best guess ... corrupt driver or corrupt fetch script ...
    bad server squirt at factory load.
    Thanks for your help, Cheers!

  • Random laptop screen Black out / Turn off .

     first of all my laptop is : HP Pavilion dv6-6160se Entertainment Notebook
    to the problem now
    A few days ago my laptops screen started  out of a sudden shutting down/turning black( no lights at all ). This was happening while using the laptop at random. The screen  had no lights, and if i use a flashlight on it there is nothing. like its turned off completelly.
    Before this happens. Ths behavior varies. Sometimes it flickers from my desktop to a black screen then back on and some times not. Most of the times screen changed to a radom color (green mostly) then becomes black/shuts down.
     NOTE: The laptop keeps runing, i can hear the videos playing so it probably isnt a gpu chip or gpu issue , music and games.
    I searched the web for all kind of reasons that this could happen and tried some of the fixes .
    Here are everything i tried and all or the details i could accumulate in past coupe of days:
    1. If the screen flickers , blacks out and then turns back on i get a message that gpu drivers have stopped working and recovered (  on both amd and intel ).
    2. If the screen blacks out, on rare ocasions if you close the laptop lid and let the laptop go to sleep , when waking up screen works again ( noticable due to screen moving)
    3. I tried installing 4 different drivers all with clear install. ( didn't work)
    4. I tried to  to recover system with restore point. ( didn't work)
    5. I tried to lower the screen brightness. ( didn't work)
    6. tried this trick: 
    Turn off laptop
    Remove battery
    Hold the power buttong for 30-45 seconds
    Plug-in the charger ( dont put the battery in )
    Turn on laptop and see if it works.
    Very Noticable details:
    7.  Since  on of the rare fixes requires to move the lid  i tried shaking the screen a bit or pushing it slightly to different directions. This actually  does the trick and turns the screen back on ( i am right now typing  this after using this "trick"
    So, with this one as a hint there are a couple of stuff i have in mind but i am not sure  and need help since i am not a technician.
    a) There is a loose LCD cable and when i type a little vibration moves it and ends up in a black screen.
    b) I read that if you use a flashlight and you cant see  your desktop it means its a bad inverter.
    c) Can the inverter have a lose cabe instead of the lcd ?
    That's all the feedback i could give you that i can recall now.
    Currecntly the screen looks ok ( maybe its the certain angle it has after i moved it  so i would aprecciate a fast reply before  it goes black again
    EDIT: Tried to play a game for a few mins and i got the black screen again. Closed the lid  so the laptop goes in sleep mode then opened it and it worked. Just for the records.
    EDIT#2: Just tried to play a game again. got the blackscreen, shaked the screen a bit and it worked but for the 1st time i get the message " Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" , Can it be that its the GPU after all or maybe drivers? 
    EDIT#3: Tried to play a game again and it seem to trigger the issue . ( i am currently running the laptop with only the intel drivers installed)
    thanks in advance
    P.S. Please feel free to ask me any question if you need more information, i am not a laptop expert but i know   more than the average person
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @Ntas 
    I have read through your post and it seems there are a couple of possibilities, and I noted that you have already tried several of the things I would normally suggest.
    I will however post some of those links anyway for you to review, it is always possible there may be something in one of them that may have been missed or may inspire an idea of the cause. Since you mentioned that sometimes just moving the screen will cause the problem or make it disappear, that does seem like either a loose connection or maybe something like pressure on a part of the display causing the issue.  Of course that last part may just mean the display is on its last legs, but hopefully not.
    First I will give you a link to the service manual, to help you check the connections. Just be careful to read the sections on precautions, to protect yourself and to prevent any other damage.This manual is also useful in that it lists all the compatible parts, so if the display is defective you could use this guide to help order a compatible replacement if you choose to do so. HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC - Maintenance and Service Guide
    Here are some other sources, that may be helpful to you.
    Resolving Problems with Notebook Displays (Windows 7 and Windows 8)
    Diagnosing a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for Damage
    Also for your convenience here is the drivers page for your notebook.
    HP Pavilion dv6-6160se Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers
    I hope this all helps.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • I installed snow leopard which I now realise that it was the wrong one because it came out before my laptop and now it won't changed from the grey screen with the apple on it how do I fix it ???

    I installed snow leopard which I now realise that it was the wrong one because it came out before my laptop and now it won't changed from the grey screen with the apple on it how do I fix it ???

    MacBook Pro
    Apple - Support - MacBook Pro
    Mac OS Version builds
    When did yours come out? what does the above show as model and minimum build?
    You should have yoru OEM OS X DVD, not one from another Mac, or retail, though the last retail OS X DVD was a year ago 10.6.3.
    If it installed, I don't see an issue unless the drive had corrupt directory etc.
    What you need to do is repair your boot drive or restore from backup.

  • My Ipad 2 is not working. Is not tuening On. I dont' know what's happening. I'm trying to turn on and I have no ansewr. Screen is out, nothing come to the screen.

    My Ipad 2 is not working. Is not turning On. I dont' know what's happening. I'm trying to turn it on and I have no answer. Screen is out, nothing come to the screen. Battery is ok at 60% charged when I turned off last time, and after minutes when I turned on, it not worked anymore. If somebody have an idea what may happenning, please let me know.

    I don't know what yu mean by "screen is out" but try this.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

  • HT1212 my iphone 5's screen blacks out every now and then. the phone is turned on but the screen is black and i can receive calls. what is wrong with my phone

    my iphone 5's screen blacks out every now and then. the phone is turned on but the screen is black and i can receive calls. what is wrong with my phone?

    I have to believe this has something to do with iOS 7 issues. I have taken my screen blacked out 5s twice to the Genius Bar and the found a bunch of system apps had crashed.  So if this is the case, is iOS7 the problem?

  • My MacBook turn out black screen after restart.

    When I restart my MacBook Pro it turn out black scene. At first I can see the apple loading screen and after it turn black after load. So I tried to click on the keyboard the cap lock can be turn on/off and the volume still have sound. I tried to hold the power button for 10 second to see if I restart will i have to same problem but unfortunate it turn out the same. So I try to hold shift control option and power key to turn it off and later turn it on again. But the result is the same... I even uses a touch to shine on the monitor to see is the light problem or not, but I see nothing. Can anyone please help me out.thank you!

    I don't know if it's something to worry about per se, but it might be a sign your computer isn't happy. If it's been a while, I would:
    - boot up from OS X install disc (shut down the computer and then hold down the C key to make it start from Install disc) then run Disk Utility. Select your hard disk and then select Repair Disk.
    It might find/fix the software related problem that is mucking up your computer.
    If it starts up normally afterwards, I'd then run "Repair Disk Permissions" from Disk Utility as well (from the macbook is fine - you don't need to restart from the Install disc for Permissions repair).
    If everything checks out, and you're still having problems, it might be hardware related, but I'd run Disk Utility first and see if that helps.
    Reset the Ram/Pram:: Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    Try these and post back, I'll do more research and figure this out, promise.\

  • My IPad screen is grey even after I tried pressing the sleep and home button for reboot but turns out it stays grey.

    My IPad screen is grey even after I tried pressing the sleep and home button for reboot but turns out it stays grey.

    You can try to reboot a few more times. If it doesn't come back and you normally sync to a computer, hook it up and see if the 'guts' are working even if the screen isn't.
    Beyond that you should make an appointment at your local apple store and have them check it out.

  • The volume icon sticks on my screen making it hard to read emails, games and such. Also ads feeeze adn I have to continually shut my iphone off and turn it back on to be able to move from advertisement to another screen

    The volume icon stucks on my screen making it hard to read emails, games, etc....also advertisements freeze on my screen so I have to turn the phone off then back on to move to a different screen....any suggestions??

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • My ipad logs me out of every site if my screen turns off. It also clears all history. Even some of my email accounts won't let me send mail. Ever since the ios7 update, I am frustrated daily! How do I fix these problems?

    My ipad logs me out of every site if my screen turns off. It also clears all history. Even some of my email accounts won't let me send mail. Ever since the ios7 update, I am frustrated daily! How do I fix these problems?

    My ipad logs me out of every site if my screen turns off. It also clears all history. Even some of my email accounts won't let me send mail. Ever since the ios7 update, I am frustrated daily! How do I fix these problems?

  • Is anybody else having a problem with Bluetooth functionality after iOS 7? I have lg tone Bluetooth headset that I use while working out, cutting the grass, etc. Before the update I could press the "next track", but anymore.... Help?! Please!!!!!!

    Is anybody else having a problem with Bluetooth functionality after iOS 7? I have lg tone Bluetooth headset that I use while working out, cutting the grass, etc. Before the update I could press the "next track", but anymore.... Help?! Please!!!!!!

    Tell Apple about it:
    Be sure to give as much detail as possible.
    I would also check LG's site.

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