Screen Viewing Problem

My screen seems to "float" beyond the edges of the monitor.  I have to use the mouse to drag unviewable parts of the screen into view (up/down/right/left).  This just began occurring yesterday and I am not able to determine how to return to full view.  Can anyone direct me how to get my screen in full view on the monitor?

Turn off Zoom from the Universal Access and Keyboard & Mouse panes of System Preferences.

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    Hi DawnBerry,
    How did you project the screen (Duplicate ,extend ,project only )?
    We can try different project methods to have a check by pressing Win keys() +P.
    Apart from this ,please open the device manager to update the driver or reinstall the driver to have a check.We may need to download the driver from the manufacturer website .
    Best regards
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Den.thed has probably nailed it, but another possibility is that the Zoom function became enabled via a keyboard combo. To check for the, open the Unversal Access pane in System Preferences; select the Seeing item in the top area. If Zoom is active, and you do not want that feature, turn it off. If this is the cause, the screen will immediately fix itself.

  • Transition Problems in Full Screen View

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    My Powerpoint presentation features photographs of a section the tapestry with each photograph placed on a separate slide. I've used the Powerpoint 'push left' transition to create a panoramic effect which creates the illusion that the tapestry is being scrolled from right to left  as the viewer clicks through the presentation. It all works very well in Powerpoint as the slides butt up against each other in transition without any 'seam' between them.
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    As you can probably tell, I'm pretty much a newbie with Acrobat 9 (but not with other Adobe applications) and I can't work out for the life of me how to get around this problem. Is there someting simple that I'm overlooking on the full screen view options or perhaps in the Powerpoint conversion settings or do I have to start adjusting resolutions etc? Or maybe it's just the nature ofthe beast (do hope not)?
    I'd be very grateful for any enlightenment or advice.
    PS: Forgot to mention the Powerpoint was created in default landscape layout and hence so is the PDF.

    Do you have the PDF version to fill the full screen and not leave borders? If you print to PDF (not create PDF), then a margin is added by default (as when you print to paper). The border can be reduced to 0, but that is an extra step with the print. As I recall, the PDF Maker (create PDF) does not include the margins. Thus the whole margin bit may be the issue.

  • Problem with iPhoto screen view

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    Delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder and try the slider again. If that doesn't help have you tried viewing the slides in the full screen view mode. You can view them two at a time by selecting two and clicking on the double arrow button that's next to the blue "i" button in the lower toolbar. You can advance either of the photos by using the forward/back arrows on the keyboard or on the screen.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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  • Maintenance view problem "No data maintenance Authorization; Display only"

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    <b>Question 1>>>></b>
    > I have created a table with Display/maintenance allowed and technical setting Data class - APPL0 (master data, transparent tables).
    >> Then I have created a maintenance view thought utilities->table maintenance generator where i have specified the Authorization group as &NC& (w/o auth. group)
    ->and also created a function group and specified in the maintenance screen-> I have selected maintenance type as one step-> i have given the overview screen number->and in Recording routine i have selected - no, or user ,recording routine.
    >>> Now when i go to transaction SM30  and put the table name and press on maintain button I get a information box saying "<b>No data maintenance Authorization; Display only"....</b> and it only displays the data.
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    SE93.  Enter a transaction name.  Create.  In the pop up enter a title and select 'Transaction with parameters'.
    Next screen fill the following;
    Transaction 'SM30'
    Check 'Skip first screen'
    In the table control at the bottom of the screen
    Name of screen field 'VIEWNAME'
    Value <your table name>
    Name of screen field 'SHOW'
    Value 'X'
    Job done.

  • Mac Pro 2007 with Nvidia 8800GT screen redraw problems on Mac OS 10.5.2

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    Also I make certain it is not heat related as I monitor that and it does not matter at what temp it is.

    Here's another similar experience -- and my solution.
    I bought a Quad-core 2.8GHz (8GB RAM) Mac Pro in May and got the "better" Nvidia 8800GT. I thought I was happy, but there were redraw issues after sleeping and a display "roughness" I found annoying. Upgrading to OSX 10.5.4 didn't help.
    I found it to be mostly absent on startup, but sleeping the Mac would bring it on. I.e., after sleep, the relatiionship between the 8800GT would be different than before. when I logged out and in again, the problem woud vanish. No what I expect from a "superior" graphics card. I ascribed it to funky drivers from Apple.
    The store I bought the Mac from offered to swap for my suggestion of an ATI HD 3870, so I went for it about a week ago.
    This card is far smoother than the 8800GT and just as fast in rendering benchmerks for graphics. (I'm not a gamer.) I am a happy camper! There is no stuttering, oddball redraw, or jerkiness as there had been with the 8800. It's perfect! Never mind that it may be 5% slower for gamers, it feels faster for my use.
    BUT NOTE: As I now see from reading several forums, I wasn't alone is getting a screaming-Mimi at first! The first 3870 ran at nearly full fan speed at power-up. The speed changed a little with resolution changes on my big Mitsubishi CRT monitor, and actually stopped when I switched to 1080x1920 @ 72Hz! Then the fan would start and quit, start and quit randomly -- convincing me it was defective.
    I returned this RED-shrouded unit and the store replaced it, this time with (randomly) a BLUE-shrouded unit. (Slightly lower serial.)
    Bottom Line: This replacement 3870 is quiet as a mouse! Fan runs near-silently at startup and after hours of regular use in a 75ºF room. I get the distinct feeling that a bunch of cards with wonky fan controllers were built, and some of us got 'em.
    Bad News: The ATI HD 3870 does NOT support multiple refresh rates under Windows XP-SP2 booting the Mac Pro, with or without Boot Camp drivers installed. No version of the ATI drivers fixes this, and ATI does not officially support Boot Camp yet. You can choose a resolution okay, but you're stuck at 60Hz refresh -- a pain for those of us who hate 60Hz flicker. (I like 100Hz refresh.)

  • 7.4 changed my full screen view of videos

    I updated to iTunes 7.4 this morning after realizing most of the new features are useless to me who has no iPod or iPhone, but I did see mention of full screen support (and couldn't remember if that was new or not.)
    I played a couple of videos going from command-0 to command-3 and then command-F and back again, getting inconsistent results (ending up with command-F giving me a small video view in an entirely black background.
    Not only that, the thumbnail for one of my videos, changed from its former image to a solid green screen, (although the video still plays when clicked on.)
    I went back to my daughter's PC with iTunes and noted that I have complete control of the same videos from the command-0 setting all the way to command-F (full screen view) and back and forth without weirdness.
    Anyone else note similar quirks with 7.4 full screen support?

    Well, I have solved part of my problem - in Preferences>Playback, I changed "Play movies and TV shows" and "Play music videos" to "in a separate window" and the sizing issue seems to have settled down. Command-F seems to have a toggle action.
    Choosing Command-0, command-1, command-2, command-3 steps up from smallest size to "fit to screen" size and then command-F takes you to full screen mode. but hitting command-F again then takes you back to "double size (command-2) although the menu shows View>Fit to screen command-3 as selected. Weird.
    Choosing one of the other selections, say double size (command-2) repeatedly just sets that size on the first attempt and then on later repeats of command-2 it just flashed the "View" menu item without toggling to another size (and continues to display View>Double size command-2 as it should.
    So the remaining question I guess is how to get my thumbnail view back from the green screen. How is that image selected anyway? It doesn't appear to be the first frame of the video necessarily.
    And here I am back later editing this after reading the iTunes Help stuff. I fixed this by control-clicking on the frame I liked and then selecting "Set Poster Frame" from the dropdown.
    So overall, not much to complain about other than the weirdness with video sizing and command-F
    Message was edited by: WebSailor

  • Bridge won't show me full screen view when pressing spacebar?

    This has been happening for a while now.  I've had this mac and cs4 for a while with no problems.  Then one day, I was looking through a recent photo shoot, I pressed space bar so I could view the image in full screen view, and the dashboard disappeared as well as the menu bar at the top for Bridge itself. ??
    I did all updates, as well as un-installed Bridge and re-installed.  Still having the same (ANNOYING) issue?!
    Why would Bridge just ONE DAY start doing this?  Is it some setting or something I clicked?  I don't get it.
    If anyone's had this problem before (and figured it out!) I would be SO GRATEFUL for some help!

    I pressed space bar so I could view the image in full screen view, and the dashboard disappeared as well as the menu bar at the top for Bridge itself. ??
    Not sure I understand your problem, Bridge by default shows only the image at full screen with a grey background bordering the parts that don't fit to the screen ratio. Clicking with the mouse in the image shows that part at 100 % and having used rating (cmd + . or cmd + , ) for in- or decreasing rating brings the rating and filename bottom left in view. Has always been this way to my knowledge.
    For good sharpness of the full screen image select the option to generate monitor sized previews in Bridge preferences advanced tab.

  • In PSE4, F11 (full screen view) deselects current image

    I hesistate to put this in "suggested features" in case there is a trick I do not know about.
    If I am in organizer and decide I would like to have a better look at the currently selected photo, I press F11 for a full screen view.
    When I press Esc to get back, not only has my image been deselected, but the thumbnail pane has jumped back to the top so the image of interest is not even on the screen.
    This means I have to remember the file name and scroll down again looking for it to get back to where I was.
    Is there a way around this?
    It would also be nice if the filename could be displayed while in full screen mode as many of my images do not have captions set. And a caption may not uniquely identify the particular file anyway.

    Thanks Codebreaker for the "Alt+Enter" trick - that helps a lot.
    Brian has isolated the problem well. I was a bit confused that things sometimes seemed to work OK. Unfortunately, showing only files in the selected folder is my preferred mode to make scrolling the thumbnails up and down a bit easier.
    It would be nice to think the problem may be solved in a future update, but for now, knowing what is going on makes it easier to get on with the job.
    I do not think the other bug, jumping thumbnails, is related because in that case F5 corrects the problem (which it does not do in this case).
    I do not quite understand Karin's suggestion. My "Back" button (top left of screen) is greyed out much of the time anyway.

  • Colors different in full screen view

    I could as well post this under "Mac OS X", but I think here in the Aperture forum it is more likely to get help.
    I have the following problem: when viewing images in full screen mode, their colors are different than in the normal windows mode. The difference is not subtle, but severe. For example blue skies have a lot more red and appear much more saturated.
    While trying to narrow down this problem I found out the following (and here it starts to get really strange): I exported one image as a JPEG to the desktop to see what the colors would be. The thumbnail then had the oversaturated colors of the full screen view in Aperture. When clicking on it, Preview showed the correct colors with a normal blue sky. When switching to slideshow mode in Preview, again the oversaturated colors from Aperture full screen came up.
    When I disconnect my 23" Cinema Display, the full screen view of Preview shows the same colors on my PB like in window mode. So I believe it has something to do with my 23" CD.
    Can anybody come up with a good explanation for this behaviour? Could this be some kind of a profile problem?
    Any help appreciated
    PB G4/1.5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Aperture 1.1.1

    I read Zausel's post that referred to the Colorsync Utility. Under the Devices tab I was able to see both my monitors and confirm they were both assigned the proper profile (they were). There is an option to "Make Default Display" in this utility. I noticed it was defaulting to the Color LCD of the MacBook Pro. I had already set my 23" to my main screen in the display control panel by dragging the menu bar to the big screen in the layout tab. I selected the 23" screen in Colorsync Utility and selected it as the "Make Default Display". Now my full screen previews are accurate. Aperture must use the display profile for normal view screens, thumbnails, light table, but change to the default display profile when it does full screen. (previously, it was using the profile for the 15" MBPro screen for full screen views; thus the inaccurate color) Now everything is in sync and my color looks good on the big display in both normal view and in full screen. Hope this helps someone else.
    MacBook Pro 15   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2 GB Ram
    MacBook Pro 15   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2 GB Ram
    MacBook Pro 15   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2 GB Ram

  • How to Remove maximize/minimize/close top-bar in full-screen view [MAC]?

    My Q. is pretty much as the title implies.
    It's a small thing, and maybe kind of trivial,
    but I'd like to know how to get rid of the maximize/minimize/close top-bar in full-screen view in Adobe Reader on the Mac.
    I am definitely in fullscreen view [I hit command+L], just so you know,
    but I still have that top grey bar showing with the maximize/minimize/close buttons [the red, yellow, and green].
    As I said, kind of a trivial concern, but I'd like to know how to hide that in full-screen mode.
    I tried searching around a few places for an answer, but there is nothing too obvious.
    I can't find anything in the full-screen preferences of reader either. Maybe I'm missing something...

    Version 11.0 , so I guess that is the most recent?
    I think this is an application-specific problem too, because I don't encounter this in full-screen mode with other applications.

  • Explanation sought: why do alternate photos appear with top/bottom border in full screen view?

    I've moved over to Photos - no especial problems to report.
    But I'd be very glad if anyone can explain why, in full screen view, some photos appear as smaller than others. That is, some photos appear with larger black borders to the sides and about half a centimetre of black border top and bottom. Normally photos go to the edge of screen top and bottom - which is as you'd hope, so you can see the maximum amount of detail.
    It happens with portrait and landscape format. So far as I can work out, the pattern is that one photo will display in full screen, then the next one not, flip-flopping back and forth. Apart from wasting screen space, this makes it harder to (e.g) HDR and normal versions of the same shot. Is anyone experiencing the same, or got any ideas what could be going on, or even better, how to stop this?
    For clarity: I am looking at photos taken in the past few days on an iPhone 5s.
    Using Photos Version 1.0 (209.52.0)
    MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) running OS X 10.10.3

    Old Toad asserts  "This [border problems] is new territory"
    With all due respect, Old Toad, this problem was extensively documented (with examples) in the question of April 22: "screen aspect ratio is wrong in Photos slideshows".
    Indeed, you yourself were one of the commenters on that thread.
    Present status At the present time, no fix or workaround is known for border-related issues in Photos.

Maybe you are looking for