Script help.. find folders (title oversimplified..)

What I need:
Have list of folder names in Excel
Script uses list to find specified folders. Folders (items in list) are actually three folders deep in directory (external archive disk/dated folder/folder I want).
Script then copies folders to another location.
Basically, I have a main archive directory (Archive1). On that disk are dated folders (102013). Inside the dated folders there are anywhere from 10-20 folders.. those contain the data (study data).. and those are the folders I want. I will have a list of 50-100 data folders provided to me.. all from random dates. I dont want to manually find, then drag and drop data into new archive. I have a list.. and would like to automate this.
What I have:
Script that will find FILES.. not folders... and not in subdirectories. It does everything i need.. if I was only looking for files in one folder.
Script I have is below. If one of you kind souls would point me in the right direction, id appreciate it.
If you want to test the script below:
Make a short list in excel.. maybe just a, b, c in a column.
Create two (named mine archive and transfer) folders on your desktop.. Place three dummy files named a, b, and c in the archive folder. Run the script wile the spreadsheet is open. You will be asked to choose the archive folder. Then the transfer folder. All files from archive folder will then be copied to transfer folder. The spreadsheet will be updated to include filenames with extension in the B colum.
set studiestofind to (choose folder with prompt "Choose Archive Location")
set transferto to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Transfer Location")
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
          tell active sheet
                    set lastIndex to first row index of last cell of (get used range)
                    repeat with i from 2 to lastIndex
                              set tFileName to my find_filenames(get value of range ("A" & i), studiestofind)
                              if tFileName is not "" then -- Study Found
                                        set r to my duplicateImage(tFileName, studiestofind, transferto)
                                        if r is not "" then -- no error on duplicate file
                                                  set value of range ("B" & i) to tFileName
                                                  set value of range ("B" & i) to ""
                                        end if
                              end if
                    end repeat
          end tell
end tell
on duplicateImage(tName, iFolder, mFolder)
                    tell application "Finder" to return (duplicate file tName of iFolder to mFolder) as string
          on error
                    return ""
          end try
end duplicateImage
on find_filenames(tVal, thefolder)
  --if cell begins with space or ends with space , text items of tVal return empty string, empty string added in list excludedWords
          set excludedWords to {"Mini", "and", ""} -- words in Menu Item to exclude in search
          set otid to text item delimiters
          set text item delimiters to " "
          set tWords to text items of tVal
          set text item delimiters to otid
          set thefolder to quoted form of POSIX path of thefolder
          set myListOfWords to {}
          repeat with i in tWords -- must be valid
                    if contents of i is not in excludedWords then set end of myListOfWords to contents of i
          end repeat
          if (count myListOfWords) = 1 then -- more filler i dont really understand
                    set i to quoted form of (tVal & ".")
  -- search file name 
                    set tpath to do shell script "cd " & thefolder & " &&  /usr/bin/find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -iname " & i & "*"
                    if tpath is not "" then return text 3 thru -1 of tpath --return name of exact match
          end if
          repeat with i in myListOfWords
                    set tPaths to do shell script "cd " & thefolder & " &&  /usr/bin/find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -iregex '.*[_/]" & i & "[_.].*'  \\! -name '.*' "
                    if tPaths is not "" then
                              set L to paragraphs of tPaths
                              if (count L) = 1 then return text 3 thru -1 of tPaths -- one path found
                              repeat with tpath in L -- many paths found, loop each path
                                        set isGood to false
                                        repeat with tword in myListOfWords -- check each word of this Menu Item in tpath
                                                  if ("/" & tword & "_") is in tpath or ("/" & tword & ".") is in tpath or ("_" & tword & ".") is in tpath or ("_" & tword & "_") is in tpath then
                                                            set isGood to true
                                                            set isGood to false
                                                            exit repeat
                                                  end if
                                        end repeat
                                        if isGood then return text 3 thru -1 of tpath -- each word of this Menu Item is in name of tpath
                              end repeat
                    end if
          end repeat
          return ""
end find_filenames

It is not hard to modify the existing script you posted so as to retrieve directories at depth 2 but I chose to rewrite it as follows because its filtering logic is very inefficient. In the current form, the script below will retrieve directories at depth 2 in the chosen folder.
The part scripting Excel is not tested, for I don't have Excel. It might fail to set the value of cell in column B when there are multiple matches in which case the script will try to set cell value to multi-line text of every found path. If it fails, we can adjust the code to work aronud it. Your original script only processes the first matched file but I thought it's better to process every matched one.
# Notes
• Filtering logic is modified so that it is now wholly processed by find(1). Also the regexp pattern is modified so that it compares the query word with string delimited by _ and . in file name.
E.g., Given query = "apple orange bananna", the original script matches these -
but not these -
The new script will match all of them except for "apple_orange_blueberry.html".
• I added code to handle NFD-NFC issue of HFS+ name. HFS+ name is represented as Unicode in NFD (Normalization Form D), while name in Excel could be in NFC (Normalization Form C), in which case find(1) will not match the name whose NFD and NFC are different. This is not a issue if name is only in a-zA-Z0-9. But, e.g., any diacriticals will cause trouble if not with special treatment.
• Script will write log to file on desktop when a) some query gives no result or b) some of the matched files/folders are not copied because item with the same name already exists in the destination.
• Script will behave (mostly) the same as the original script when you set the find parameters properties in _main() as -
    -- find parameters
    property type : "f" -- d = directory, f = file
    property mindepth : 1
    property maxdepth : 1
• Currently the value in column B will be the (list of) found and copied path(s) and not the found path(s). If you need all of the found path(s) to be put in column B, switch the following statements in _main():
    set value of range ("B" & i) to my _join(return, qq) -- found and copied
    --set value of range ("B" & i) to my _join(return, pp) -- found
• Script is tested under OSX 10.5.8. (except for Excel scripting)
# Script
on _main()
    script o
        -- directories and logfile
        property srcdir : (choose folder with prompt "Choose Archive Location")'s POSIX path
        property dstdir : (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Transfer Location")'s POSIX path
        property logf : (path to desktop)'s POSIX path & "copy_log@" & (do shell script "date +'%F.txt'")
        -- find parameters
        property type : "d" -- d = directory, f = file
        property mindepth : 2
        property maxdepth : 2
        -- working lists
        property pp : {}
        property qq : {}
        property rr : {}
        -- find & copy nodes
        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
            tell active sheet
                set lastIndex to first row index of last cell of (get used range)
                repeat with i from 2 to lastIndex
                    set query to value of range ("A" & i)
                    set pp to my find_filenames(query, srcdir, type, mindepth, maxdepth)
                    if pp = {} then -- not found
                        tell current application to set ts to do shell script "date +'%F %T%z'"
                        set entry to "Did not found a name with query word(s): " & query
                        my log_to_file("%-26s%s\\n", {ts, entry}, logf)
                        set qq to {}
                        repeat with p in my pp
                            set p to p's contents
                            set q to my cp(srcdir & p, dstdir, {replacing:false})
                            if q ≠ "" then
                                set end of my qq to p -- found and copied
                                set end of my rr to srcdir & p -- found but not copied
                            end if
                        end repeat
                        set value of range ("B" & i) to my _join(return, qq) -- found and copied
                        --set value of range ("B" & i) to my _join(return, pp) -- found
                    end if
                end repeat
            end tell
        end tell
        -- log duplicates
        if rr ≠ {} then
            set ts to do shell script "date +'%F %T%z'"
            set entry to "Did not copy the following node(s) due to existing name in destination: " & dstdir
            my log_to_file("%-26s%s\\n", {ts, entry}, logf)
            repeat with r in my rr
                my log_to_file("%-28s%s\\n", {"", r's contents}, logf)
            end repeat
        end if
    end script
    tell o to run
end main
on log_to_file(fmt, lst, f)
        string fmt : printf format string
        list lst : list of strings
        string f : POSIX path of log file
    local args
    set args to ""
    repeat with a in {fmt} & lst
        set args to args & space & a's quoted form
    end repeat
    do shell script "printf " & args & " >> " & f's quoted form
end log_to_file
on cp(src, dstdir, {replacing:_replacing})
        string src : POSIX path of source file or directory
        string dstdir : POSIX path of destination directory
        boolean _replacing : true to replace existing destination, false otherwise
        return string : POSIX path of copied file or directory, or "" if not copied
    set rep to _replacing = true
    if src ends with "/" then set src to src's text 1 thru -2
    if dstdir ends with "/" then set dstdir to dstdir's text 1 thru -2
    set sh to "
[[ $rep == false && -e \"$dst\" ]] && exit
cp -f -pPR \"$src\" \"$dstdir\" && echo \"$dst\" || exit $?
    do shell script "/bin/bash -c " & sh's quoted form & " - " & rep & " " & src's quoted form & " " & dstdir's quoted form
end cp
on find_filenames(query, dir, type, mind, maxd)
        string query : space delimited words to search
        string dir : POSIX path of target root directory
        string type : node type to retrieve
                    f => file
                    d => directory
        integer mind : min depth of nodes in dir to retrieve
        integer maxd : max depth of nodes in dir to retrieve
        return list : list of POSIX path of found node(s)
    script o
        property exclude_list : {"Mini", "and", ""} -- list of words to be excluded from query
        property pp : _split(space, NFD(query))
        property qq : {}
        property rr : {}
        -- exclude words in exclude_list from query words
        repeat with p in my pp
            set p to p's contents
            if p is not in my exclude_list then set end of my qq to p
        end repeat
        -- build arguments for find(1)
        (* query words are compared with tokens delimited by _ or . in file name *)
        repeat with q in my qq
                e.g. Given qq = {"apple", "orange", "bananna"}, rr is list of -
                    -iregex '.*[/_.]apple([_.].*|$)'
                    -iregex '.*[/_.]orange([_.].*|$)'
                    -iregex '.*[/_.]bananna([_.].*|$)'
                ( Note: |'s must be balanced even in comment... )
            set q to quotemeta(q) -- quote non-alphanumeric characters to be recognised as literal in regexp
            set end of rr to "-iregex '.*[/_.]" & q & "([_.].*|$)'"
        end repeat
        set |-iregex| to " \\( " & _join(" -and ", my rr) & " \\)"
        set |-type| to " -type " & type
        set |-mindepth| to " -mindepth " & mind
        set |-maxdepth| to " -maxdepth " & maxd
        -- build shell script
        set sh to "export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
cd " & dir's quoted form & " || exit
/usr/bin/find  -E . " & |-type| & |-mindepth| & |-maxdepth| & |-iregex| & " \\! -name '.*' -print0 |
/usr/bin/perl -CS -ln0e 'print substr($_, 2);'
        -- run shell script
        return paragraphs of (do shell script sh)
    end script
    tell o to run
end find_filenames
on NFD(t)
        string t : source string
        return Unicode text : t in NFD (Normalization Form D)
    set pl to "/usr/bin/perl -CSDA -MUnicode::Normalize <<-'EOF' - \"$*\"
print $ARGV[0] ? NFD($ARGV[0]) : qq();
    do shell script "/bin/bash -c " & pl's quoted form & " - " & t's quoted form
end NFD
on quotemeta(t)
        string t : source string
        return string : t where all non-alphanumeric characters are quoted by backslash
    set pl to "/usr/bin/perl -CSDA -e 'print quotemeta $ARGV[0];' \"$*\""
    do shell script "/bin/bash -c " & pl's quoted form & " - " & t's quoted form
end quotemeta
on _join(d, tt)
        string d : separator
        list tt : source list
        return string : tt joined with d
    local astid, astid0, t
    set astid to a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set {astid0, astid's contents} to {astid's contents, {} & d}
        set t to "" & tt
        set astid's contents to astid0
    on error errs number errn
        set astid's contents to astid0
        error errs number errn
    end try
    return t
end _join
on _split(d, t)
        string or list d : separator(s)
        string t : source string
        return list : t splitted by d
    local astid, astid0, tt
    set astid to a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set {astid0, astid's contents} to {astid's contents, {} & d}
        set tt to t's text items
        set astid's contents to astid0
    on error errs number errn
        set astid's contents to astid0
        error errs number errn
    end try
    return tt
end _split
Hope this may help
Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed some typos)

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    set feedback off;
    set serveroutput on;
    set termout off;
    set verify off;
    spool /u01/app/oracle/admin/common/bck/log/ts.log
    v_tablespace_name varchar2(50);
    v_total_space number(12) := 0;
    v_free_space number(12);
    v_space number(12);
    v_space_used number(12);
    v_pct_free number(6,3);
    v_pct_threshold number(3) := 2;
    v_table_exist number(2) := 0;
    v_sql varchar2(300) := 'select sum(maxbytes) from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name';
    TYPE t_tableref IS REF CURSOR;
    t_tablecur t_tableref;
    for tablespace_rec in (select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces)
    -- Get the total space for the current tablespace
    -- if this FILEXT$ view exists then some of the datafiles have autoextend on;
              select count(*) into v_table_exist from dba_tables where table_name = 'FILEXT$';
              dbms_output.put_line('table count: ' || v_table_exist);               
              if v_table_exist = 0 then
                        OPEN t_tablecur for v_sql;
                        fetch t_tablecur into v_total_space;                         
                        CLOSE t_tablecur;     
              --     select sum(maxbytes) into v_total_space from dba_data_files
              --     where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;               
              --      v_total_space := getMaxBytes(tablespace_rec.tablespace_name);
              end if;
              select sum(bytes) into v_space from dba_data_files
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;          
         if (v_total_space = 0 or v_total_space < v_space) then
              select sum(bytes) into v_total_space from dba_data_files
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              select sum(bytes) into v_free_space from dba_free_space
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              select sum(bytes) into v_free_space from dba_free_space
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              v_space_used := v_space - v_free_space;
              v_free_space := v_total_space - v_space_used;          
         end if;
    -- calculate the percent free for the current tablespace
    v_pct_free := (v_free_space / v_total_space) * 100;
         if (v_pct_free < v_pct_threshold) then
         dbms_output.put_line(tablespace_rec.tablespace_name|| ' - Percent Free: ' || v_pct_free      
         end if;
    end loop;
    spool off;

    Hi All
    I got a PL/SQL script to find out free space in Oracle7,8,9 db. But because in Oracle 7 there is no maxbytes column in dba_data_files, so this script is not working. I am trying to use cursor and putting sql in a variable so that when program executes, it does not see maxbytes. But it still does not work.
    Please help. !!!
    set feedback off;
    set serveroutput on;
    set termout off;
    set verify off;
    spool /u01/app/oracle/admin/common/bck/log/ts.log
    v_tablespace_name varchar2(50);
    v_total_space number(12) := 0;
    v_free_space number(12);
    v_space number(12);
    v_space_used number(12);
    v_pct_free number(6,3);
    v_pct_threshold number(3) := 2;
    v_table_exist number(2) := 0;
    v_sql varchar2(300) := 'select sum(maxbytes) from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name';
    TYPE t_tableref IS REF CURSOR;
    t_tablecur t_tableref;
    for tablespace_rec in (select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces)
    -- Get the total space for the current tablespace
    -- if this FILEXT$ view exists then some of the datafiles have autoextend on;
              select count(*) into v_table_exist from dba_tables where table_name = 'FILEXT$';
              dbms_output.put_line('table count: ' || v_table_exist);               
              if v_table_exist = 0 then
                        OPEN t_tablecur for v_sql;
                        fetch t_tablecur into v_total_space;                         
                        CLOSE t_tablecur;     
              --     select sum(maxbytes) into v_total_space from dba_data_files
              --     where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;               
              --      v_total_space := getMaxBytes(tablespace_rec.tablespace_name);
              end if;
              select sum(bytes) into v_space from dba_data_files
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;          
         if (v_total_space = 0 or v_total_space < v_space) then
              select sum(bytes) into v_total_space from dba_data_files
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              select sum(bytes) into v_free_space from dba_free_space
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              select sum(bytes) into v_free_space from dba_free_space
              where TABLESPACE_NAME = tablespace_rec.tablespace_name;
              v_space_used := v_space - v_free_space;
              v_free_space := v_total_space - v_space_used;          
         end if;
    -- calculate the percent free for the current tablespace
    v_pct_free := (v_free_space / v_total_space) * 100;
         if (v_pct_free < v_pct_threshold) then
         dbms_output.put_line(tablespace_rec.tablespace_name|| ' - Percent Free: ' || v_pct_free      
         end if;
    end loop;
    spool off;

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    Click on it, choose Get Info from the File menu, and check the format.
    If it's formatted as NTFS, reformat it as MS-DOS, exFAT, or Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as desired, or install software such as Paragon NTFS on the computer.
    If it's formatted as FAT32 or exFAT, use the Disk Utility's Repair Disk command on it; this may also happen for a flash drive which is about to fail.
    If it's formatted as Mac OS Extended, click Authenticate and provide your administrator password, or change the permissions on that specific folder in its Get Info window.

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    if((app.documents.item(0).selection[myCounter].fillColor ==
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    myRegistrationSwatchUsed = true;
    if(myRegistrationSwatchUsed == true){
    alert("The Registration swatch is applied to some of the\robjects in the selection. Did you really intend to apply this swatch?");

    hellow lauv!!!
    i tried your command....
    ungrouped the object.item(n) between OR....
    function myCheckForRegistration(myEvent){
    var myRegistrationSwatchUsed = false;
    if(app.selection.length != 0){
    for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < app.selection.length; myCounter++){
    if(app.documents.item(0).selection[myCounter].fillColor ==app.documents.item(0).swatches.item("Registration")||
    (app.documents.item(0).selection[myCounter].strokeColor ==app.documents.item(0).swatches.item("Registration")){                   //  error is: expected:)
    myRegistrationSwatchUsed = true};
    if(myRegistrationSwatchUsed == true){
    alert("The Registration swatch is applied to some of the\robjects in the selection. Did you really intend to apply this swatch?");
    the error is:
    thanks for fastidious care on my script....
    shall i wait for the reply...

  • Export Aperture library objects to Finder folders

    Inspired by the posted message by user I wrote a script that will do the following:
    1. Sync Folders/SubFolders/Albums/Projects..etc hierarchy tree from Aperture to a Finder folders tree
    2. At run-time the script will creates/append to a log file under (home directory)\Library\Logs\AppleScriptExportApertureLibrary.log
    3. Exports all projects images versions with embedded metadata
    4. Create a file system "hard links" for each photo in the respective Albums pointing to the project folder location in order to preserve space.
    5. Compare modification date on the image files and modification date within Aperture and export only modified images in order to save time for a full sync/export.
    6. In interactive mode you can select Export Folder location, Aperture Library location and Projects List (project list will contain project name and internal aperture project id).
    7. In non-interactive (from command line) mode there are two arguments:
    7a. "quiet" - exports all projects
    7b. "quiet" "Project Information" - export only certain projects. the project information can be found in the log file.
    8. Remove any images or folders from Finder export directory that do not exist in Aperture database any more.
    Hopefully this would help anyone who is looking to export from Aperture on a regular basis. I am not sure how it will handle large amount of photos. I tested it with 3k+ photos.
    Please note that you use this script at your own risk.
    Here is the script code:
    global theFoldersTree_G
    global theLibraryPath_G
    global theProcessedProjects_G
    global theSelectedProjects_G
    global theAllAlbums_G
    global theScriptName_G
    global Sqlite_G
    global ApertureLibrary_G
    global numExports_G
    on run argv
    set Sqlite_G to "/usr/bin/sqlite3"
    set ApertureLibraryPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/"
    set ApertureLibrary_G to ApertureLibraryPath & "Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/Aperture Exports/"
    set theScriptName_G to "ExportApertureLibrary"
    set theSelectedProjects_G to "ALL PROJECTS"
    set theFoldersTree_G to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    set numExports_G to 0
    set theArgv1 to {}
    set theArgv2 to {}
    if (count of argv) ≥ 1 then
    set theArgv1 to item 1 of argv
    end if
    if (count of argv) = 2 then
    set theArgv2 to item 2 of argv
    end if
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 1: " & theArgv1)
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 2: " & theArgv2)
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Aperture Library file" default location POSIX file ApertureLibraryPath) as string
    set ApertureLibrary_G to POSIX path of theFile & "Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder" default location POSIX file exportFolder) as string
    end if
    logEvent("ApertureLibrary_G path is set to: " & ApertureLibrary_G)
    logEvent("exportFolder path is set to: " & exportFolder)
    tell application "Aperture"
    logEvent("Getting list of project path information...") of me
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),A.ZUUID
    set SQLProjectUUIDPath to DB_execute(SqlStatement) of me
    set theProjectsOptions to SQLProjectUUIDPath as list
    set end of theProjectsOptions to "ALL PROJECTS"
    logEvent("Projects list: " & theProjectsOptions as string) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to choose from list SQLProjectUUIDPath with prompt "Please choose a project(s):"
    end if
    if theArgv2 is not equal to {} then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to theArgv2
    end if
    logEvent("The selected projects : " & theSelectedProjects_G as string) of me
    logEvent("Getting list of libraries...") of me
    set theLibraryList to every library
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theLibraryList) & " libraries") of me
    repeat with theLibrary in theLibraryList
    set theLibraryName to name of theLibrary
    logEvent("Processing library: " & theLibraryName) of me
    set LibraryFolders to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (exportFolder & theLibraryName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theLibraryName & " at " & exportFolder) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file exportFolder of me) with properties {name:theLibraryName}
    end if
    end tell
    set theLibraryPath_G to exportFolder & theLibraryName & "/"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    set theRootFolderList to {}
    if theFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree(0, theFolderList) of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    if (id of theFolder) is not in theFoldersTree_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root folder : " & (name of theFolder) as string) of me
    set end of theRootFolderList to theFolder
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theFolder)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    set end of LibraryFolders to processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me as list
    processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of projects...") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectList) & " projects") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of albums...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    set theRootProjectList to {}
    if theProjectList is not equal to {} then
    repeat with theProject in theProjectList
    if (id of theProject) is not in theProcessedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root project : " & (name of theProject) as string) of me
    set end of theRootProjectList to theProject
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theProject)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbumsTree(theProjectList, theFolderList) of me
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumList
    if (id of theAlbum) is not in theAllAlbums_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root album : " & (name of theAlbum) as string) of me
    set end of theRootAlbumList to theAlbum
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theAlbum)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootProjectList is equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    if theRootAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    end if
    cleanup(LibraryFolders, theLibraryPath_G, "all") of me
    end repeat
    logEvent("total exports : " & numExports_G) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "Total image exports : " & numExports_G buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end tell
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s))
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "ERROR : " & s buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end try
    end run
    on cleanup(theObjects, thePath, theSelection)
    logEvent("Cleaning export folders...") of me
    logEvent("# Objects: " & (count of theObjects)) of me
    logEvent("Export Folder: " & (thePath as string))
    tell application "Finder"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of files...") of me
    set theFileList to every file in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFileList) & " files") of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    if theFolderName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving folder " & theFolder & " to trash...") of me
    move theFolder to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    if theSelection is not equal to "folder" then
    repeat with theFile in theFileList
    set theFileName to name of theFile
    if theFileName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving file " & theFile & " to trash...") of me
    move theFile to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Cleaning completed...") of me
    end cleanup
    on logEvent(logMessage)
    set theLine to quoted form of (((current date) as string) ¬
    & " : " & logMessage)
    do shell script "echo " & theLine & ¬
    " >> ~/Library/Logs/AppleScript" & theScriptName_G & ".log"
    end logEvent
    on DB_lookupProjectPath(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(rtrim(ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject'),'/',':' )
    from ZRKFOLDER
    ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1)
    end DB_lookupProjectPath
    on processFolders(theFoldersList, theFolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processFolders... : " & theFolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfFolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theFoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    set foldersOfFolder to {}
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    logEvent("Processing folder : " & theFolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfFolders to theFolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theFolderPath & theFolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theFolderName & " at " & theFolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theFolderPath of me) with properties {name:theFolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfFolder to every album of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfFolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of folder...") of me
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderListOfFolder) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of project...") of me
    set theProjectsListOfFolder to every project of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectsListOfFolder) & " projects") of me
    if theProjectsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processProjects(theProjectsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if theFolderListOfFolder is equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processFolders(theFolderListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & ":"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(foldersOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfFolders
    end processFolders
    on processFoldersTree(theParent, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processFoldersTree...") of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    if theParent is not 0 then
    set end of theFoldersTree_G to (id of theFolder)
    end if
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    if theFolderListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree((id of theFolder), theFolderListOfFolder) of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFoldersTree completed...") of me
    end processFoldersTree
    on processAlbumsTree(theProjectsList, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree...") of me
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of every subfolder of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of folder id (id of theFolder))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree completed...") of me
    end processAlbumsTree
    on DB_lookupImageInfo(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    SELECT replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',datetime(B.ZDATELASTSAVEDINDATABASE, 'unixepoch', '+31 years','localtime'))
    B.ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return {theImagePath:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1), theImageDate:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 2)}
    end DB_lookupImageInfo
    on processProjects(theProjectsList, theProjectPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processProjects... : " & theProjectPath) of me
    logEvent("processOrder: " & processOrder) of me
    set arrayOfProjects to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theProjectsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    set ProjectFolders to {}
    set theProjectName to name of theProject
    set end of arrayOfProjects to theProjectName
    set theContinue to 0
    if "ALL PROJECTS" is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    if (id of theProject) is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Skipping project: " & theProjectName) of me
    set theContinue to 1
    end if
    end if
    if theContinue = 0 then
    -- set theProjectPath to theProjectPath & DB_lookupProjectPath(id of theProject) of me
    logEvent("Processing project : " & theProjectName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theProjectPath & theProjectName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theProjectName & " at " & theProjectPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theProjectPath of me) with properties {name:theProjectName}
    end if
    end tell
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    set end of theProcessedProjects_G to (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImageList to every image version of project id (id of theProject) as list
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImageList) & " images") of me
    set end of ProjectFolders to processImages(theImageList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "project", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfolderList to every subfolder of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfolderList) & " subfolders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    if theSubfolderList is equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of ProjectFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfolderList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "all") of me
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "folder") of me
    end if
    end if
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processProjects completed...") of me
    return arrayOfProjects
    end processProjects
    on exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, imageType, isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt)
    set imageInfo to DB_lookupImageInfo(imageUUID) of me
    set imageTime to theImageDate of imageInfo as Unicode text
    set imageDate to date imageTime
    set isExported to 0
    set imageName to imageName & imageExt
    set theFile to POSIX file (exportFolder & imageName)
    tell application "Finder"
    set isUpdate to 0
    if not (exists theFile) then
    logEvent("Image does not exist in folder : " & exportFolder) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    logEvent("Get image modification date") of me
    do shell script "ls -l " & quoted form of (exportFolder & imageName)
    set imageFileDate to modification date of (info for theFile)
    if imageDate ≥ imageFileDate then
    logEvent("Image file date: " & imageFileDate as string) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    end if
    end if
    if isUpdate = 1 then
    if exists theFile then
    move theFile to the trash
    end if
    if isAlbum is equal to "album" then
    logEvent("Creating a link for image: " & imageName) of me
    set theProjectFolder to theImagePath of imageInfo
    do shell script "ln " & quoted form of (theLibraryPath_G & theProjectFolder & "/" & imageName) & " " & quoted form of exportFolder
    set isExported to 1
    logEvent("Exporting image: " & imageName) of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    if imageType is "master" then
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    end if
    end tell
    end if
    end if
    end tell
    return isExported
    end exportImage
    on DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    set SqlScript to Sqlite_G & space & "-separator '|'" & space & (quoted form of ApertureLibrary_G) & space & (quoted form of SqlStatement) & " 2>&1"
    set SqlResult to do shell script SqlScript
    set theARray to {}
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
    set SqlRecords to text items of SqlResult
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return SqlRecords
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "SQL Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s)) of me
    end try
    end DB_execute
    on DB_record(SqlRecords, row, col)
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set SqlCols to text items of (item row of SqlRecords)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return item col of SqlCols
    on error
    return {}
    end try
    end DB_record
    on DB_lookupRecord(SqlRecords, theReturnCol, theText, theCol)
    set theResult to ""
    repeat with theRow in items of SqlRecords
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set theFields to text items of theRow
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    if item theCol of theFields is equal to theText then
    set theResult to item theReturnCol of theFields
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    return theResult
    end DB_lookupRecord
    on processImages(theImageList, exportFolder, isAlbum, exportSettings)
    logEvent("processImages... : " & exportFolder) of me
    if exportSettings contains "JPEG" then
    set imageExt to ".jpg"
    set imageExt to ".ANY"
    end if
    set arrayOfImages to {}
    with timeout of 6000 seconds
    set theCount to count of theImageList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theImage in theImageList
    set imageUUID to id of theImage
    set imageName to name of theImage
    set end of arrayOfImages to imageName & imageExt
    logEvent("Processing image : " & imageName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set numExports_G to numExports_G + (exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, "version", isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt) of me)
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end timeout
    return arrayOfImages
    end processImages
    on processAlbums(theAlbumsList, theAlbumPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processAlbums... : " & theAlbumPath) of me
    set arrayOfAlbums to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theAlbumsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumsList
    set theAlbumName to name of theAlbum
    logEvent("Processing album : " & theAlbumName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set AlbumObjects to {}
    set end of arrayOfAlbums to theAlbumName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theAlbumName & " at " & theAlbumPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theAlbumPath of me) with properties {name:theAlbumName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImagesList to every image version of album id (id of theAlbum)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImagesList) & " images") of me
    if processOrder is equal to "albums" then
    set end of AlbumObjects to processImages(theImagesList, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "album", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    cleanup(AlbumObjects, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "all") of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbums completed...") of me
    return arrayOfAlbums
    end processAlbums
    on processSubfolders(theSubfoldersList, theSubfolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processSubfolders... : " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfSubfolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theSubfoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theSubfolder in theSubfoldersList
    set theSubfolderName to name of theSubfolder
    logEvent("Processing subfolder : " & theSubfolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfSubfolders to theSubfolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theSubfolderName & " at " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theSubfolderPath of me) with properties {name:theSubfolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    set SubfoldersFolders to {}
    logEvent("Getting list of albums ...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfSubfolder to every album of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfSubfolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder to every subfolder of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder) & " subfolders") of me
    if theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder is equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfSubfolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(SubfoldersFolders, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processSubfolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfSubfolders
    end processSubfolders

    If you do externalize your Masters to folders anywhere (same drive, internal/external drive, multiple drives, whatever), never be tempted to use Finder to mess with them.
    As Frank said, use Relocate Masters.  Otherwise you'll confuse Aperture when it wakes up expecting Masters to be in certain places when they have moved elsewhere.
    It's possible to fix up the mess, but it's no fun!

  • Scripts you find useful

    Just wanted to get maybe a few new free scripts and wondering if anyone is willing to share any links or code of cool scripts they have in their arsenal that just makes things easy for them.
    Here's some of my favourties that I've accumulated over the years
    Apply Clipping Path
    For some reason clipping paths may or not be applied to your photohsop files. If you turn on or off the clipping path for one image, then select the rest of the images and run the script it will apply or unapply the clipping path!
    Create Hex Swatches
    Speaks for itself really ocuments.php
    Footnotes to Endnotes
    Various reasons for doing this, mainly because indesign can't handle spanning footnotes across two columns!
    But it's very handy and has a lot of uses!
    This script takes it one step further by creating the cross-reference, if you need that functionality
    Multipage Importer
    Import and place multiple PDF pages or InDeisgn Pages directly into your indesign document! ndd-files.php
    There others mentioned in the link below. But Preptext is fantastic for taking in Word file that has no styles applied to it's text and it creates the bold, italic, bold italic, superscript, subscript or any other character formating into Character Styles!
    It's really fantastic!
    Smart Title Case
    You can edit the script easily enough and follow the format to add in your own conjunctions, or to add in your own intentional capital letters.
    The link to download is on the left
    Table Sort
    Does what it says on the tin - it sorts a table, quite nifty!
    Data merge into a table
    InDesigns Data Merge is quite powerful but it doesn't allow data merging into a table, say for a table plan of guests or something like that.
    This resolves that issue
    Follow the instructions carefully!
    Replace Text
    Have to replace your text with Lorem Ipsum for some reason? I requested this script and you follow the thread below
    Highlights styles within text - I find it handy for if you need multiple people to proof text - but there's bound to better uses than that!
    Batch Convert
    This is Golden! You can select a folder of InDesign files and choose an output method, from IDML, to Package, to JPEG, to whatever else is mentioned in the conversion options.
    Set your JPEG export options by exporting a sample page first. As you don't get a dialog to choose what JPEG settings you want to choose, it uses the last JPEG setting you choose.
    Setup a PDF export option so it's available to choose if you're batch exporting PDFs.
    Run with no documents open to select a folder. Run with a lot of documents already open and it will use them.
    It basically lets you select what pages to export to a specific format - it's very handy and easy to use.
    I use it mostly for RTFs as InDesigns RTF export is a bit dodgy.
    (the Batch Convert above for RTFs of multiple files is just pure golden!
    That's it
    Hope to hear from the rest of you guys on the scripts that make your life handier while using InDesign!

    Good idea for a thread!
    One script that I use regularly and is very useful is the late Teus de Jong's HyphenationChecker. This displays a complete list of all hyphenated words used in a document so that you can double-check them at a glance. Available here:
    I also must mention a couple of my own freebies, both of which I use regularly. I'll just copy the blurb from my site:
    Quick Apply with Next Style
    Have you always wished that the quick-apply feature would respect your paragraph style’s Next Style setting? Have you always wished that there would be an easy shortcut for Next Style? Well, now there is!
    Case Cycle
    This little script is a great timesaver. It simply cycles through three of InDesign’s capitlization options: All caps, lowercase, sentence case.
    They can both be accessed from this page:

  • PowerShell script to find a string of characters in office documents in Doc Libraries and List Item attachments?

    Hi there,
    For SharePoint 2010 site - Does someone have the PowerShell script to find a string of characters in Office/Word/Excel/PDF documents in document libraries or the ones attached to List Items?
    Thanks so much in advance.

    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to find some specific string character in list items using PowerShell Command.
    $w = Get-SPWeb "http://devmy131"
    $l = $w.GetList("http://devmy131/lists/fieldslist");
    $i = $l.Items[0]["Title"].ToString();
    if ($i -like '*document*')
    Write-Host "Title contains document character" $i;
    More information:
    PowerShell -contains -like
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • VB Script to find the last modified file and time in a directory

    I am new to VB script i need a script to find the latest modifed file and last modifed time in a directory(Contains  folders and sub folders inside it). it has to go through all the folders and get the latest file and last modifed time.

    Thanks it worked for me Get-ChildItem C:\Users\sujith.reddy.komma\Desktop\Suj1\* -recurse |?{-not $_.PsIsContainer} |Sort LastWriteTime -desc | select -first 1 now in my script i have hard coded the directory i need to run this script in different
    servers from one location i will put all the different paths in one text file and ineed to pass them to this script can you help me with this?
    Essentially you are incrementally asking us to write each line for you.  I recommend freeing yourself of this misery and leraning PowerShell.  THe answers to all of your questions are learned in the first few hours of study.
    Start here:

  • Shell Script Help

    I'm an IBM guy and I was assigned this MAC projet. I'm a MAC noob. I have a multi-user eMac. The user account folders are blown away when the computer shuts down leaving just the root accout and default account. I included a new javapolicy file in the default user account. A file called java.policy resides in the user home folder at log in (/users/johndoe/java.policy) for every new user that logs in. I need to create a logon shell script that finds the java.policy file in their home folder and renames it .java.policy to make it hidden. Remaming it in the default profile is not an option, and I don't know who will be using the computer at any given day. Can someone help me with the code.
    I'm clueless, thanks for the help

    The generic bash rename syntax for your specified command is:
    mv /Users/shortuser/javapolicy /Users/shortuser/.java.policy
    Here's a typical script:
    mv /path/to/source/.java.policy /Users/shortuser/.java.policy
    The most direct mechanism would be via a computer login preference and workgroup manager, setting up a script that executes at user login. That script is invoked at login and can copy over or create the required file. Another of the usual techniques for executing commands at login is the so-called [login hook (HT2420)|], though if you're using Open Directory (OD) or OD with Active Directory (AD), it'll probably be better to go that way than the login hook.
    Other discussions [here|] and [here| et.html]
    I'd tend to expect to see the policytool used for this file, too. Launch and see +man policytool+ for details on that.
    I'd also tend to expect to see this sort of stuff established within the system-wide policy module from the JRE that's usually located in [the system library directory | snow-leopard] (/Library/Java/Home/lib/security/java.policy) and not with a per-user setting, too, and that's a rather different approach than populating the per-user settings. (But then I'm not a Java geek.)
    FWIW, it's "Mac" and not "MAC", it's Unix, and files and directories doesn't get blown away unless there's a problem somewhere, or unless this is a school or kiosk or other environment that's using specific system-reset processing. And if there's system-reset processing here, then you'll obviously need to work within that. That processing is usually associated with OD, hence the earlier pointers. (And if there's this sort of reset processing going on, there's usually a reason for it, I'd probably try to keep as much sensitive stuff out of the local directories as I could reasonably manage.)

  • How to query XML file RDL SSRS Report to find column titles?

    I have list of SSRS reports  theirRDL file. How can we query the file to find like text book name as below(  <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">). Catlog t able in report server does not provide column title
    but i am trying to find column title through RDL file. How can we query in SQL server 2012 version too? I am new in XML please help is appreciated.
                        <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">

    You will first need to get your report XML from the dbo.Catalog table but something like this should work:
    -- !!TODO get your report XML from the dbo.Catalog table
    DECLARE @ssrsXML TABLE ( yourXML XML )
    SELECT '<TablixCell>
    <Textbox Name="bippie_passed_qa_photostamps_orders_amount">
    SELECT t.*, c.c.value('@Name', 'VARCHAR(100)' ) nameProperty
    FROM @ssrsXML t
    CROSS APPLY yourXML.nodes('//TablixCell/CellContents/Textbox' ) c(c)

  • PS Script to find the list of users and the groups in a Workgroup server

    Hi There, could you please explain on how to get a complete list of local users and local groups in a "Workgroup" server to which they belong to using Powershell. I'm able to get the users list but couldn't find any help in finding
    the script to find to which localgroup the user belong to. Anticipating your response. Also let me know the cmdlet for Win2k3 servers to find the same.

    Here's some code from David Pham (don't remember wher I fund this code):
    Trap {"Error: $_"; Break;}
    Function EnumLocalGroup($LocalGroup)
    $Group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$strComputer/$LocalGroup,group"
    "Group: $LocalGroup"
    # Invoke the Members method and convert to an array of member objects.
    $Members= @($Group.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
    ForEach ($Member In $Members)
    $Name = $Member.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $Null, $Member, $Null)
    # Specify the computer.
    $strComputer = gc env:computername
    "Computer: $strComputer"
    $computer = [adsi]"WinNT://$strComputer"
    $objCount = ($computer.psbase.children | measure-object).count
    foreach($adsiObj in $computer.psbase.children)
    switch -regex($adsiObj.psbase.SchemaClassName)
    { $group = $
    EnumLocalGroup $group }
    } #end switch
    } #end foreach

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