Script tag appears automatically

We are developing a Web applciation using JSP & Struts. We are using Websphere as the server.
We have a place where XML file should be displayed. But XML file structure is not coming ..only the data is displayed as a piece of junk. When i pressed View Source of that page I saw that <Script>
tag was displayed with some value for document.cookie which we never wrote.This appears in all the screens .
I am not having this problem when i run the application with my local server. Im sure that its something to do with the server configuration. Waht should be the problem? Can someone please help me in this regard.

I think you can do this by standard.
1. Order Management - >Setup-> Shipping->Picking -> Define Release rule form.
You can setup this rule to pick and confirm. And after this you can schedule this rule Order Management - > Shipping->Release sales order ->Release sales order SRS
2.You have sample without confirm. . Look also Pick Release Batch generation
Edited by: Luko on 2011-07-04 12:51

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    Good morning all,
    Ok, Jon, thank you. I've not used a lot of </ within the scripts that I've written so, so far, that hasn't been a problem for me. Your explanation makes sense though. It also explains why it works if you select the option to:  close after typing the opening tag's ">". Because once the opening and closing tags have been populated, entering </ would have no effect on the scripot tag at all.
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    Message was edited by: tomster230000
    Message was edited by: tomster230000

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