Script that adds objects every 2ft.

So I need to make a script that adds an object every 2 feet around the perimeter of the page.
I really just have no idea how to start. If anyone could point me in the right direction, or show me an example of something similar being done, that would be awesome!
This is what I have so far:
if (x2 >= 96 || y2 >= 96) { /* If x or y are longer than 8 Feet (96 inches) */   
    var x = x2/24;
    while (x > 36 && x < 24) { /* Objects need to be added every 2 to 3 feet */
        x /= 24;
    var y = y2/24;
    while (y > 36 && y < 24) { /* Objects need to be added every 2 to 3 feet */
        y /= 24;
What I've been thinking (and what I have) is to get some fixed amount between 2 to 3 feet. Then I divide the total x or total y by that fixed amount, and that tells me how many objects I'll need to add.
I feel like I'm heading on the right track, but making the elements seems to be the most challenging part. I have a function that makes the element I need, and the function is formatted like this: addCircle(page, top, left, bottom, right);
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
I have come up with a solution! (somewhat)
So far it only does one side, but this works:
var x = x2/24;
while (x > 36 && x < 24) {
    x /= 24;
x = Math.round(x);
var stride = (x2/x);
for (var i = 0; i <= x; i++) {
    if (i == 0) {
        addCircle (myPage, 0.25, stride*i + 0.25, 0.5, stride*i + 0.5);
    } else if (i == x) {
        addCircle (myPage, 0.25, stride*i - 0.25, 0.5, stride*i);
    } else {
        addCircle (myPage, 0.25, stride*i, 0.5, stride*i + 0.25);

It seems you are on the right track, but I'm a really curious sort of person.
How BIG are these 'pages' when you are going to have more than a single object on each side, spaced apart by 61cm!?

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    @Colin – For the paste command you like to use, you have to:
    1. First select an object, in your case the added rectangle object
    2. Then use the pasteInto() method from the app object
    3. There is no content property for a rectangle object
    Watch out what is selected after you added the rectangle.
    What you have is a selection of the text frame when you start your code in line one.
    Adding a rectangle will not change that selection.
    The following code will do the job.
    However, if you use pasteInto() the pasted objects could be only partly visible inside the frame.
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    Make sure that you give the rectangle a proper size after or while you are adding it:
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    var parentObj = frameRef.insertionPoints.item(0);
    //Will add a rectangle sized 40 x 40 mm
    var anchorFrame = parentObj.rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[0,0,"40mm","40mm"]});; //Optional;

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    [email protected]

    Go here and get the file. Inside it should be a file named 'Microsoft.Experimental.IO.dll'. You can use that with the code below to get around the 248 character path limit, and it should
    be pretty fast, too. Just fill in the first few variables with the information you're looking for. Note that it is possible for a security descriptor's effective access to be identical to another one that has a different SDDL string (I don't think that will
    happen here, though, because of the use of the CommonSecurityDescriptor class).
    This creates a C# class that uses the LongPath methods to list files and folders, and it uses the GetNamedSecurityInfo() API call along with the paths to get the binary form of the security descriptors. The searching for the SDDL happens inside of a C# method,
    too, to try to speed things up. I'm not really a C# developer, so someone else could probably make this even faster. Please give it a shot, though, and let me know if it works for you:
    $ExperimentalIoPath = "C:\path\to\Microsoft.Experimental.IO.dll"
    $PathToSearch = "c:\path\to\search"
    $SddlToFind = "O:BAG:DUD:PARAI(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)"
    Add-Type -Path $ExperimentalIoPath
    Add-Type @"
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.AccessControl;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Microsoft.Experimental.IO;
    namespace HSG {
    public class Helper {
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetNamedSecurityInfoW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    internal static extern uint GetNamedSecurityInfo(
    string ObjectName,
    System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType ObjectType,
    SecurityInformation SecurityInfo,
    out IntPtr pSidOwner,
    out IntPtr pSidGroup,
    out IntPtr pDacl,
    out IntPtr pSacl,
    out IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor
    internal static extern Int32 GetSecurityDescriptorLength(
    IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
    internal static extern IntPtr LocalFree(
    IntPtr hMem
    public enum SecurityInformation : uint {
    Owner = 0x00000001,
    Group = 0x00000002,
    Dacl = 0x00000004,
    Sacl = 0x00000008
    public static CommonSecurityDescriptor GetSecurityDescriptor(string path, System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType objectType, SecurityInformation securityInformation, bool isContainer) {
    IntPtr pOwner, pGroup, pDacl, pSacl, pSecurityDescriptor;
    pOwner = pGroup = pDacl = pSacl = pSecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero;
    uint exitCode;
    exitCode = GetNamedSecurityInfo(path, objectType, securityInformation, out pOwner, out pGroup, out pDacl, out pSacl, out pSecurityDescriptor);
    if (exitCode != 0) {
    throw new Exception((new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Convert.ToInt32(exitCode))).Message);
    if (pSecurityDescriptor == IntPtr.Zero) {
    throw new Exception(String.Format("No security descriptor available for {0} object with path {1}", objectType, path));
    byte[] binarySd;
    try {
    int sdSize = GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pSecurityDescriptor);
    binarySd = new byte[sdSize];
    Marshal.Copy(pSecurityDescriptor, binarySd, 0, sdSize);
    catch(Exception e) {
    throw e;
    finally {
    if (LocalFree(pSecurityDescriptor) != IntPtr.Zero) {
    throw new Exception(String.Format("Error freeing memory for security descriptor at path {0}", path));
    return new CommonSecurityDescriptor(isContainer, false, binarySd, 0);
    public class LongPathFileSystemItem {
    public LongPathFileSystemItem(string path, bool isContainer) {
    this.Path = path;
    this.IsContainer = isContainer;
    public string Path { get; private set; }
    public bool IsContainer { get; private set; }
    public static List<LongPathFileSystemItem> GetChildItemLongPath(string path, bool recurse) {
    List<LongPathFileSystemItem> results = new List<LongPathFileSystemItem>();
    try {
    // Get directories
    foreach (string folderName in LongPathDirectory.EnumerateDirectories(path)) {
    if (recurse) {
    results.AddRange(GetChildItemLongPath(folderName, true));
    results.Add(new LongPathFileSystemItem(folderName, true));
    // Get files:
    foreach (string fileName in LongPathDirectory.EnumerateFiles(path)) {
    results.Add(new LongPathFileSystemItem(fileName, false));
    catch (Exception e) {
    // Not the best way to handle errors, but didn't want to terminate
    results.Add(new LongPathFileSystemItem(string.Format("Error enumerating FS objects for '{0}': {1}", path, e.Message), false));
    return results;
    public static List<string> GetFileSystemObjectsWithSpecificSddl(string path, string sddl, bool recurse) {
    List<string> results = new List<string>();
    string currentSddl;
    foreach (LongPathFileSystemItem childItem in GetChildItemLongPath(path, recurse)) {
    if (childItem.Path.StartsWith("Error")) {
    try {
    currentSddl = GetSecurityDescriptor(
    string.Format(@"\\?\{0}", childItem.Path),
    SecurityInformation.Owner | SecurityInformation.Group | SecurityInformation.Dacl,
    catch (Exception e) {
    results.Add(string.Format("Error getting security descriptor for '{0}': {1}", childItem.Path, e.Message));
    if (sddl == currentSddl) {
    return results;
    "@ -ReferencedAssemblies $ExperimentalIoPath
    function Search-Sddl {
    [string] $Path,
    [string] $Sddl,
    [switch] $Recurse
    process {
    [HSG.Helper]::GetFileSystemObjectsWithSpecificSddl($Path, $SddlToFind, $Recurse) | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_ -match "^Error") { Write-Error $_ }
    else { $_ }
    #All of that is used to define the Search-Sddl function, which is used like this:
    Search-Sddl -Path $PathToSearch -Sddl $SddlToFind -Recurse

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    Thanks, Girish R. Patil.

    When using the Custom XSLT option, you have to maintain the Extension Xml yourself, just as you would for inline custom Xslt that calls external Assemblies.

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    == We tried to make our macro work with Firefox

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    * Starting point: [ Developing Add Ons: MDN]
    * [ AMO API ]
    * [ Registering Plugins and Developement Overview]
    *[ Install.rdf file info for extensions]
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    I do not know. There are generating GUIDS []
    Be right back. I will try asking for backup.

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    ''arcadiune [[#question-1052917|said]]''
    Does anyone know how to stop a Firefox "Add-ons Manager" tab that keeps appearing every time I open a new web page ?
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    I have tried to watch which plist files it uses so I could edit those.
    It writes some text in and bit I can't find where the user is added.
    Any ideas guys

    No need to mess around with .plists. ARD has a command-line admin tool. The syntax is a little funky, but this should give you an idea:
    $ sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ickstart -activate -configure -access -on -users john -restart -agent -privs -all
    This is all covered in more detail in Apple's technote.

  • Advanced "Save as PDF" script that saves 2 PDF presets with 2 different Names

    HI Everyone,
    I am looking to improve a save as pdf workflow and was hoping to get some direction. Here is the background...
    I routinely have to save numerous files as 2 separate PDFs with different settings (a high res printable version and a low res email version). Each file has to be renamed as follows...
    Original filename =
    High Res PDF Filename = MikesPDF_HR.pdf
    Low Res PDF Filename = MikesPDF_LR.pdf
    I was able to alter the default "SaveAsPDF" script to save the files to my desired settings and to add the suffix to the name. So with these scripts here is how the workflow operates...
    1. Open all files I wish to save as pdfs
    2. Select script to save files as high res pdfs
    3. Illustrator asks me to choose a destination.
    4. Illustrator adds the appropriate suffix and saves each file as a pdf to my desired setting. ("Save As" not "Save a Copy").
    5. Now all of the open windows are the new pdfs, not the original ai files.
    6. Now I have to close each window. For some reason Illustrator asks me if I want to save each document when I tell it to close window, even though the file was just saved. I tell it to not save and everything seems to be fine.
    7. Reopen all the files I just saved as high res pdfs.
    8. Repeat the entire process except I run the script specifically designed for the low res pdfs.
    What I would like to do is to combine these two processes so that there will be one script that saves both pdfs. From what I understand, the script can't support "Save A Copy" so the workflow would go as follows...
    1. Open all files I wish to save as pdfs
    2. Select single script to save files as both high res and low res pdfs
    3. Illustrator asks me to choose a destination.
    4. Illustrator saves each file as a High Res PDF and adds the the "_HR" suffix.
    5. Illustrator then re-saves the open windows as a Low Res PDF and replaces the "_HR" suffix with "_LR".
    Here is the code for the High Res script, The Low Res script is pretty much the same except for a different preset name and different suffix. Any pointer that anyone could give me would be most appreciated. I am pretty much a noob to this stuff so please keep that in mind.
    /** Saves every document open in Illustrator
      as a PDF file in a user specified folder.
    // Main Code [Execution of script begins here]
    try {
      // uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs
      // app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
      if (app.documents.length > 0 ) {
      // Get the folder to save the files into
      var destFolder = null;
      destFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select folder for PDF files.', '~' );
      if (destFolder != null) {
      var options, i, sourceDoc, targetFile;
      // Get the PDF options to be used
      options = this.getOptions();
      // You can tune these by changing the code in the getOptions() function.
      for ( i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++ ) {
      sourceDoc = app.documents[i]; // returns the document object
      // Get the file to save the document as pdf into
      targetFile = this.getTargetFile(, '.pdf', destFolder);
      // Save as pdf
      sourceDoc.saveAs( targetFile, options );
      alert( 'Documents saved as PDF' );
      throw new Error('There are no document open!');
    catch(e) {
      alert( e.message, "Script Alert", true);
    /** Returns the options to be used for the generated files. --------------------CHANGE PDF PRESET BELOW, var NamePreset = ----------------
      @return PDFSaveOptions object
    function getOptions()
    {var NamePreset = 'Proof High Res PDF';
      // Create the required options object
      var options = new PDFSaveOptions();
         options.pDFPreset="High Res PDF";
      // See PDFSaveOptions in the JavaScript Reference for available options
      // Set the options you want below:
      // For example, uncomment to set the compatibility of the generated pdf to Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6)
      // options.compatibility = PDFCompatibility.ACROBAT7;
      // For example, uncomment to view the pdfs in Acrobat after conversion
      // options.viewAfterSaving = true;
      return options;
    /** Returns the file to save or export the document into.----------------CHANGE FILE SUFFIX ON LINE BELOW, var newName = ------------------
      @param docName the name of the document
      @param ext the extension the file extension to be applied
      @param destFolder the output folder
      @return File object
    function getTargetFile(docName, ext, destFolder) {
      var newName = "_HR";
      // if name has no dot (and hence no extension),
      // just append the extension
      if (docName.indexOf('.') < 0) {
      newName = docName + ext;
      } else {
      var dot = docName.lastIndexOf('.');
      newName = docName.substring(0, dot)+newName;
      newName += ext;
      // Create the file object to save to
      var myFile = new File( destFolder + '/' + newName );
      // Preflight access rights
      if ("w")) {
      else {
      throw new Error('Access is denied');
      return myFile;

    Thank you for the reply Bob!
    Am I correct in assuming that these few lines of code replace all of the lines that I posted above?
    Also, When populating the PDFSaveOptions lines, would the end result look like this? FYI, LowRes preset name = "Proof Low Res PDF - CMYK". HighRes preset name = "Proof High Res PDF"
    #target illustrator
    #targetengine "main"
    for (x=0;x<app.documents.length;x++)
         var workingDoc = app.documents[x];
         var workingDocFile = workingDoc.fullName;
    // populate these with your settings
         var lowResOpts = new PDFSaveOptions(Proof Low Res PDF - CMYK);
         var highResOpts = new PDFSaveOptions(Proof High Res PDF);
         var lowResFile = new File(workingDocFile.toString().replace(".ai","_LR.pdf"));
         var highResFile = new File(workingDocFile.toString().replace(".ai","_HR.pdf"));

  • Order to script creation of objects? Some reference each other.

    I'm writing a script that will add objects to a 10g schema. I have packages containing functions and procedures. The functions and procedures reference some views that also need to be added. The views themselves reference some of the package's functions. Which has to be added first? I think the package first then the views? Or maybe it does not matter?
    At the end of the script can a command be added to compile the various objects that have been added?

    I'm a little late to the party here but.
    To do this type of interdependent compile, the logical ordering would be:
    1. Package specifications (i.e. CREATE PACKAGE)
    2. Create views, since the views are really dependent on the public specification for the packaged functions, not the actual implementation.
    3. Package bodies, since the implementation is dependent on the existence of the views.
    At the end of the process, you will, assuming that everything is syntactically correct, have all valid objects.

  • Script throwing error" Object required: 'API'

    Hi All,
    We need help in one issue. We have following script which is running fine when we ran it from script editor, but when use this as expression in import format is throwing error
    Error: An error occurred importing the file.
    Detail: Object required: 'API'
    At line: 12
    Function ME_to_LE(strField, strRecord)
    ME_to_LE =API.SqlMgr.fMapItemLookup (749, "UD8", Left(strField,3))
    End Function
    We have created few other Scripts which are running fine and producing required result when we check them with MsgBox. But when we are using these scripts in import format it is saying: Object required: 'API'
    IF I can not use API object in import script, how can I process multiple column with one script. We need to derive three-four column based on one input column and we don't want to write separate import script for each column. How and where we can write this script?
    Are we missing any step? Any help will be highly appreciated. Looks I asked long question :)
    Edited by: shiv2 on Sep 16, 2011 9:30 AM
    Edited by: shiv2 on Sep 16, 2011 10:36 AM

    Hi Robb,
    "It looks like you and James are on the same project" That is correct.
    OK. In requirment we have three-four column based on these column we need to derive few other column. We want to do spilitting and validation in Import itself. This is mainly a Validation requirment.
    There is one column which may have 12,13,14,17 or any other number of character in it. first three will represent one dimension but exact value be a mapped result based on these three digits.
    There are many validation based on the number on charaters and most importantly we don't want to process other column is validation get failed at any stage.
    Do we have anything like Import Action? Probably we want to change that script. Or if we can write something like integration script. We need every column to be processed in one shot.
    I don't think it is self explantry. Can we have your email please?
    Edited by: shiv2 on Sep 16, 2011 8:52 PM

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