Script to set all files in a folder to "Read and Write" permissions? Please

In advance my most abject apologies for posting such a simple question. I couldn't script my way out of a paper bag, and searching and googling have failed, no doubt because I don't even have the proper keywords. :-/
The script I need is so simple that it most likely exists somewhere already. Whenever I copy image files from a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM burned on a Windows laptop to my desktop Mac, the files and folders therein are "Read Only" on my Mac. If there are many files in the folder, it's very easy to Select All and do a Get Info on multiple items, so I can rectify the situation by changing the whole set in a single step. But if I have ten files or less in a folder, each file opens an Info dialog box and that can become very tedious when I have scores of folders with nine or so files in each.
Any guidance will be much appreciated.
Message was edited by: Ramón G Castañeda

You can attach a folder action to your destination folder, for example:
<pre style="
font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-size: 10px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
width: 720px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFDDFF;
overflow: auto;"
title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
on adding folder items to ThisFolder after receiving AddedItems
repeat with AnItem in AddedItems
tell application "Finder" to set owner privileges of AnItem to read write
-- tell application "Finder" to set everyones privileges of AnItem to read write
end repeat
end adding folder items to
... but you can also use the Inspector (option-command-i) to get a single info window for multiple items.

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    Thanks for your help.

    signed applet. You aren't going to find any easy way to distribute that policy file to users, and that policy file, if you asked me to put it on my PC, I'd tell you to take a flying leap. That would open any applet to access.

  • Script to search all files in specified folder for multiple string text values listed in a source file and output each match to one single results txt file

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    where the error was, just the match itself.
    Example:  (In the event this doesn't display correctly below, each match, it's corresponding filename and line number all go together on the same line.  It somehow posted the example jumbled when I listed it) 
    File1.txt Line 54 
    Job terminated unexpectedly
     File1.txt Line 58 Process not completed
    Line 101 User input not provided
    Line 105  Process not completed
    No errors found
    Line 35 No tape media found
    Line 156 Bad surface media
    File3.txt Line 188
    Process terminated
    Those are just random fake examples for this post.
    This allows me to perform analysis on a set of files for various projects I am doing.  Later on, when the entire search is completed, I can go back to the results file and look and see what files had items I wish to follow up on.  Therefore, the
    line number that each match was found on will allow me to see the big picture of what was going on when the entry was logged.
    I actually import the results file into a spreadsheet, where further information is stored regarding each individual text string I am using.  Very useful.
    If you know how I can successfully achieve this in one script, please share.  I have seen plenty of posts out there where people have requested all different aspects of it, but I have yet to see it all put together in one and work successfully.
    Thanks for helping.

    I'm sorry.  I was so consumed in locating the issue that I completely overlooked posting what exactly I was needing  help with.   I did have one created, but I came across one that seemed more organized than what I originally created.  Later
    on I would learn that I had an error in log location on my original script and therefore thought it wasn't working properly.  Now that I am thinking that I am pretty close to achieving what I want with this one, I am just going to stick with it.
    However, I could still use help on it.  I am not sure what I did not set correctly or perhaps overlooking as a typing error that my very last line of this throws an "Expected Statement" error.  If I end with End, then it still gives same
    So to give credit where I located this:
    I then adjusted it for what I was doing.
    What this does does is it searches thru log files in a directory you specify when prompted.  It looks for words that are contained in another file; objFile2, and outputs the results of all matching words in each of those log files to another file:  errors.log
    Once all files are scanned to the end, the objects are closed and then a message is echoed letting you know (whether there errors found or not), so you know the script has been completed.
    What I had hoped to achieve was an output to the errors.log (when matches were found) the file name, the line number that match was located on in that file and what was the actual string text (not the whole line) that matched.  That way, I can go directly
    to each instance for particular events if further analysis is needed later on.
    So I could use help on what statement should I be closing this with.  What event, events or error did I overlook that I keep getting prompted for that.  Any help would be appreciated.
    Option Explicit
    'Prompt user for the log file they want to search
    Dim varLogPath
    varLogPath = InputBox("Enter the complete path of the logs folder.")
    'Create filesystem object
    Dim oFSO
    Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Creates the output file that will contain errors found during search
    Dim oTSOut
    Set oTSOut = oFSO.CreateTextFile("c:\Scripts\errors.log")
    'Loop through each file in the folder
    Dim oFile, varFoundNone
    VarFoundNone = True
    For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(varLogPath).Files
        'Verifies files scanned are log files
        If LCase(Right(oFile.Name,3)) = "log" Then
            'Open the log file
            Dim oTS
            oTS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oFile.Path)
            'Sets the file log that contains error list to look for
            Dim oFile2
            Set oFile2 = oFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Scripts\livescan\lserrors.txt", ForReading)
            'Begin reading each line of the textstream
            Dim varLine
            Do Until oTS.AtEndOfStream
                varLine = oTS.ReadLine
                Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                objRegEx.Global = True  
                Dim colMatches, strName, strText
                Do Until oErrors.AtEndOfStream
                    strName = oFile2.ReadLine
                    objRegEx.Pattern = ".{0,}" & strName & ".{0,}\n"
                    Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(varLine)  
                    If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
                        For Each strMatch in colMatches 
                            strText = strText & strMatch.Value
                            WScript.Echo "Errors found."
                            oTSOut.WriteLine oFile.Name, varLine.Line, varLine
                            VarFoundNone = False
                    End If
                Exit Do
                If VarFoundNone = True Then
                    WScript.Echo "No errors found."
                    WScript.Echo "Errors found.  Check logfile for more info."
                End If
        End if

  • Why won't my script work on all files in the folder?

    Hi, below is a script I hobbled together from various sources using the search function on this forum. It is supposed to change hyphens to en-dashes in a ai files in a folder. However, when I run it, it only works on one file. After it makes the change and closes the first file, it stops. Can anyone help me troubleshoot and fix the problem?
    var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pdfSaveOpts;
    sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog;
    if ( sourceFolder != null )
        files = new Array();
        fileType = "*.ai";
        files = sourceFolder.getFiles( fileType );
        if ( files.length > 0 )
            destFolder = sourceFolder;
           for ( i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
                sourceDoc =[i]); // returns the document object
    var active_doc = app.activeDocument;
    var search_string = '-';
    var replace_string = "\u2013";
    var text_frames = active_doc.textFrames;
    if (text_frames.length > 0)
        for (var i = 0 ; i < text_frames.length; i++)
              var this_text_frame = text_frames[i];
               var new_string = this_text_frame.contents.replace(search_string, replace_string);
               if (new_string != this_text_frame.contents)
                        this_text_frame.contents = new_string;

    no easy way as you may wish, but not as difficult either. For eps files, you have to use SaveAs() method,
    if ai - do save
    if eps - do saveAs
    here's a sample from the Documentation, or search the forum for other samples
    // Exports current document to destFile as an EPS file with specified
    // options, destFile contains the full path including the file name
    function exportFileAsEPS (destFile) {
    var newFile = new File(destFile);
    var saveDoc;
    if ( app.documents.length == 0 )
    saveDoc = app.documents.add();
    saveDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var saveOpts = new EPSSaveOptions();
    saveOpts.cmykPostScript = true;
    saveOpts.embedAllFonts = true;
    saveDoc.saveAs( newFile, saveOpts );

  • Script to copy current files from one folder to another and to FTP it to a another server

    I have created a simple script that copies the file, but doesn't give me only the current day file.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    :: @echo off
    :: Checking for production cluster
    if not exist e: exit
    date /t
    for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%A in ('date /t') do (
       set M=%%B
       set D=%%C
       set Y=%%D)
    xcopy E:\ACHDlrPPcsvDownload\*-%Y%%M%%D%*-GMACTEST.csv /y E:\ACHDLRCSV
    I also want to ftp this file to another server. I've tried the basic FTP command but it doesn't work.

    Here is a more reliable method of extracting the date.
    @echo off
    :: Checking for production cluster
    if not exist e: exit
    set M=%date:~4,2%
    set D=%date:~7,2%
    set Y=%date:~10,4%
    set target=%Y%%M%%D%
    @echo E:\ACHDlrPPcsvDownload\*-%target%*-GMACTEST.csv /y E:\ACHDLRCSV
    xcopy E:\ACHDlrPPcsvDownload\*-%target%*-GMACTEST.csv /y E:\ACHDLRCSV
    Look at the command being echoed to validate the filename template.  Try it at a prompt.

  • Add all files of one folder to aperture by running a script

    i have a question:
    I will make my Aperture Tethered more easy (with my Canon eos 30D) i have coded a script / folder action to do this but: this folder action does not import all pictures (wy ever, i think that the files coming in to fast were not recognized).
    Now i will code a script which will include all files of a folder to aperture when it is run.
    i will give it a try, and the import does function, but, i don't know how i can tell the script which files it should import (with a folder action its easy, with this line:
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    but how to do this without the "on adding folder items" cause that does not happen in the case i will use it.
    i'm looking forward to anthers:D
    Best Regards

    yes i tryed this application, and there was the same problem as with my one (i have programmed my based on this application)
    but both had the same problem they open on imageadd, but if i take more images in seconds (i think the script is still running => it can't recognize new images) it does not recognize the newly taken images.
    and i hope some script that imports all images in the folder will solve the problem.
    the more ore less only problem is to tell the application which images to import (like: on run import ALL files)

  • Power shell script to list all files and folder permissions recursively

    Hi All,
    I am looking for a powershell script to perform the following operations.
    1) To list the folder and file permissions(Allow,Deny both) recursively in a given folder.
    2) List out all the files and folders which are having the deny permission or having only the read access (or) only the write access. Basically the folder should have Read,Execute,Write permissions. Else we have to flag that file/folder name.
    I had written a batch script for the same which does this task using icacls.exe output, but this script takes lot of time to recursively parse all the files ( ~1 lakh files).
    Please help me with the powershell script for the same.

    Try this module:
    After importing the module, you can run something like this:
    dir c:\folder -recurse | Get-AccessControlEntry
    That output can be exported to a CSV for later viewing. You can also provide some parameters to Get-AccessControlEntry to limit the results:
    dir c:\folder -recurse | Get-AccessControlEntry -FileRights Write
    dir c:\folder -recurse | Get-AccessControlEntry -AceType AccessDenied
    dir c:\folder -recurse | Get-AccessControlEntry -AceType AccessAllowed -FileRights Write

  • I need applescript to change all files in a folder and its subfolders ending in .xlsx changed to .xlsb

    I need applescript to change all files in a folder and its subfolders ending in .xlsx changed to .xlsb

    try something like this:
    with timeout of 3600 seconds
      -- long timeout to because the Finder is horribly slow
              tell application "Finder"
      -- collects the files from a folder called "whatever" in your user home folder
                        set xlsbFiles to every file of entire contents of folder "Whatever" of home whose name extension is "xlsb"
                        repeat with thisFile in xlsbFiles
                                  set name extension of thisFile to "xlsx"
                        end repeat
              end tell
    end timeout
    you could make a more efficient script using System, but this will get the job done with a minimum of thought.

  • [Solved] Foreach loop that loops over all files in a folder does not consider first file found

    I have a foreach loop in SSIS (as part of Visual Studio 10 and with SQL Server 2012).
    It loops over all files in a folder (ForEach File Enumerator).
    I set the folder: OK
    Traverse Sub folders: OK
    I have set up a Variable in Variable Mappings called FileName so it shows User::FileName: OK
    Index of variable is 0: OK
    It almost works ok. Except that the first file it finds is never considered.
    I set a breakpoint then and the first file it finds, is shown in black in the watch variable window. All subsequent files found are shown in red font. When I change the names of the files so another file is the first file found then it skips the other one
    which now is the first file.
    What is going on here? Why does SSIS skip the first file it finds in a foreach file loop?
    Any suggestions highly appreciated.
    Thank you

    "red font - interesting, any example to show us (image)
    It would be interesting to share with us whether you use any file masks or expressions.
    It appears a variable value turns red when it changes between breakpoints. It started black for the first value (the first file, obtained BEFORE the execution reached the breakpoint), and then turned red. I was able to reproduce this behavior on a test environment.
    However, it did not skip any files.
    OP, please set up the test shown in the image below. Create a breakpoint in the sequence container for the "OnPreExecute" event.

  • I have been trying to download photos. It keeps saying can't create file, please check permissions on destination folder. Ihave made sure I have set the permissions on read and write. What am I doing wrong?

    I have been trying to download photos too my MAC. It keeps saying can't create file, please check permissions on destination folder. Ihave made sure I have set the permissions on read and write. What am I doing wrong?

    Try this it worked for me Pat Willener gave it to me off the site :
    I have not read all you wrote, so I may have missed some points. As I understand it, you installed FP 10 on IE7, but it won't play any Flash content?
    Try this
    download the FP uninstaller from
    close all browser windows, then run the uninstaller
    download the offline ActivX installer for Internet Explorer from
    close all browser windows, then run the installer

  • How to Read all files inside resource Folder inside Jar?

    I have a Jar file,,,, The program reads for resource files in the resource folder inside the Jar. I want my program to read all files inside this folder without knowing the names or the number of files in the folder.
    I am using this to make an Applet easy to be updated with spicific files. I just want to add a file inside the resource folder and Jar the program and automatically the program reads what ever is in there!!
    I used the File class to get all file names inside the resource folder. it works fine before Jarring the program. After I jar I recieve a URI not Herarichy Exception!!
    File fold=new;
    String[] files=fold.list();
    I hope the question is clear!!

    How to get the directory and jar file that you class resides in:
    // returns path and jarfile (ex: /home/mydir/my.jar)
    public String getJarfileName()
            // Get the location of the jar file and the jar file name
   outputURL = YourClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
            String outputString = outputURL.toString();
            String[] parseString;
            int index1 = outputString.indexOf(":");
            int index2 = outputString.lastIndexOf(":");
            if (index1!=index2) // Windows/DOS uses C: naming convention
               parseString = outputString.split("file:/");
               parseString = outputString.split("file:");
            String jarFilename = parseString[1];
           return jarFilename;
    }If your my.jar was in /home/mydir, it will store "/home/mydir/my.jar" in jarFilename.
    note: getLocation returns "file:/C:/home/mydir/my.jar" for Windows/DOS and "file:/home/mydir/my.jar" for windows, thus why I look for the first and last index of the colon so I can correctly split the string.
    If you want to grab a file in the jar file and get an InputStream, do the following:
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    // jar stuff
    import java.util.jar.*;
    public class Jaris
       private JarFile jf;
       public Jaris(String jarFilename) throws Exception
                           jf = new JarFile(jarFilename);
           catch (Exception e)
       public InputStream getInputStream(String matchString) throws Exception
           ZipEntry ze=null;
              Enumeration resources = jf.entries();
              while ( resources.hasMoreElements() )
                 JarEntry je = (JarEntry) resources.nextElement();
                 // find a file that matches this string from anywhere in my jar file
                 if ( je.getName().matches(".*\\"+matchString) )
                    String filename=je.getName();
          catch (Exception e)
          InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(ze);
          return is;
       // for testing the Jaris methods
       public static void main(String[] args)
               String jarFilename=getJarfileName();
               Jaris jis = new Jaris(jarFilename); // this is the string we got from the other method listed above
               InputStream is=jis.getInputStream("myfile.txt"); // can be used for xml, xsl, etc
          catch (Exception e)
             // this is just a test, so we'll ignore the exception
    }Happy coding! :)

  • 10.6.4:  how to unlock all files in a folder

    how do you unlock all files inside a folder?
    thank you..

    thank you.. (I wonder why you can't just do it by getting info on the folder, then saying, unlock all files inside.. (u can do like that in windows) this is always more practical than having to select all files (and accidentally opening them, or something...-) in windows you can select a folder and then say, (un)lock all files and and dirs -- and subdirs and files inside -- inside this folder.. can u do something like this in mac os? if not, that's not very good.. (I guess on the mac would need to find unix commands for doing something like this..)
    they really need to consider this for future versions, this is a no-brainer...;-)
    thank you..

  • Read all Files from a Folder on Server

    Can anyone help me in finding if there's any way to read all files in a folder on the server?Any Function module or anything.

    On App server?  Try this sample program.
    report zrich_0001 .
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          rec(1000) type c,
          end of itab.
    data: wa(1000) type c.
    data: p_file type localfile.
    data: ifile type table of  salfldir with header line.
    parameters: p_path type salfile-longname
                        default '/usr/sap/TST/DVEBMGS01/data/'.
    call function 'RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL'
              name           = p_path
              file_tbl       = ifile
              argument_error = 1
              not_found      = 2
              others         = 3.
    loop at ifile.
      format hotspot on.
      write:/ ifile-name.
      hide ifile-name.
      format hotspot off.
    at line-selection.
      concatenate p_path ifile-name into p_file.
      clear itab.  refresh itab.
      open dataset p_file for input in text mode.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
          read dataset p_file into wa.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
          itab-rec = wa.
          append itab.
      close dataset p_file.
      loop at itab.
        write:/ itab.
    Rich Heilman

  • I'm trying to share folder between users on a single mac.  I put the folder in "shared," set permissions so other user can read and write, enabled file sharing, but can't find the folder on the second user's account.  Any help?

    I'm trying to share a folder between users on a single mac.  I want both users to be able to read and write so the folder stays current on both accounts.  I put the folder in "shared," set permissions on folder so other user can read and write, enabled file sharing, but can't find the folder on the second user's account.  Any help?

    Did you log out of one account and into the other or just used Fast user switching?
    Is the permissions set to anyone?
    When you move data to teh Shared folder is it copied or just moved?
    If copied then it's not a folder both can access, just a way station like a USB thumb drive that things are coped too and off of likely.
    You can run this #5 on each user account to reset the user permissions once they are taken back out of the Shared folder
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

  • Windows 2008 R2 Folder assign permission "Read and Write" problem with *.doc file

    Hello All,
    I am a new one here,
    I am sorry for any mistakes and also my english is so poor.
    M Brother company runing Windows 2008 R2 as Active Directory...
    We have folder Name: Admin
    and in this folder, there are alot documents files as : *.doc, *.dwg, *.txt etc.....
    All user accesing to these files and they can open to edit and save...
    One day my brother want me to set Admin folder for all users just"Read and Write.." mean they still can open files to edit and save... but can't delete..
    I did success with this..
    But only one thing happen.. when they open *.doc file to edit and attempting to save, the message alert" access denide " and they can only "SAVE AS"...We don't want "Save as"
    Could you show me how can we fix error with *.doc file while they trying to save? because it allow only save as.. but other files as *.text file or *.dwg they can save without problem..
    Could expert here ever face this issues and fix by yourself, please share me with this..
    Please help me..
    Best regards,

    Office programs are specific. They will create a temp file when edit, then the temp file will be deleted when close. So Delete permission is needed for users to saving Office files like Excel/Word.
    For more detaile information, please refer to the thread below:
    Special Permissions - User cannot save files
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    I used the nifty new Annotate / Add Oval feature in Preview to highlight something of interest in a PDF. The PDF was originally a graphic PNG file, converted to PDF using Save As from Preview. I saved the changes to the PDF and they appear if I open

  • Code Inspector - Object Set Versions

    Hello Gurus, Suppose We've created an Obj set (Using Tcode SCI ) say by name "zobjset" (with version 001) and it contains 7 objects (Say) . Subsequntly i've created another Version (Version 002) under same obj set name, and it has 9 objects (Say).  N

  • 5thGen 80GB Classic Backlight in settings has no arrow no

    80GB Classic ipod. Suddenly there is no backlight. I need a flashlight to see what's playing and after having thousands of songs on here, it's just another apple frustrating issue with this ipod. It has been pretty much trouble free, except for a few

  • LG optimus exceed 2

    My flashlight on the LG optimus exceed 2 has stopped working, haven't had this phone not even a month yet. Haven't dropped it in water or dropped it at all

  • I want to use my iMAC as a secondary display

    I have a Dell M4500 with displayport connector running Windows 7 Pro. I have a displayport connector on the Dell. I have a displayport to HDMI adapter cable and a HDMI to thunderbolt cable. Can I utilize the iMAC display as a secondary display with t