Scroll botton wrong

What will happen if i do reset all the factory setting?
because, my scroll button is not working properly.
When i open the computer it gives unwanted sound like Tong tong.......>>>>>> continunely ..

automatic scrolling down the page..
when i open any of the page. it start to scroll. i can't scroll up. alway it scrolling down.

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    You are in VoiceOver mode, you need to go into your settings>general>accessibility and turn off VoiceOver. 

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    There are some rules associated with titles in DV.
    This info has been around so long it is almost funny, but it never goes out of style.
    Also, the speed of the scroll matters when working with interlaced footage. If the scroll looks wrong, change the speed ever so slightly. Keep doing that until you are happier with the results.

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    You're taking a rather large loss on a new computer and spending the money on another one to fix one issue on an obscure piece of hardware? Do this instead.
    1) Cancel the order on the Dell.
    2) Use Boot Camp to install Windows on your Mac Pro. WAY less expensive to buy a copy of Win 7 to run on your Mac than the money you're planning to flush down the drain.
    3) Get on the lazy butts of the company that make your thermal printer to write a Mac driver that has all of the same settings and features of the Windows driver. Which may not be easy as their site marks the printer you have as discontinued, though still supported.
    DataMax has one heck of a crappy site. I've looked around a dozen pages and can't find something as simple as print drivers to download.
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    This maybe possible B'coz the Line Number is taken considering the Headers so you should subtract 1 or 2 depending on the no. of lines in Header and then delete the record.
    so write the Code as

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    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Sounds like you might have a series of corrupt preference (.plist) files, or else more problems.
    likely a corrupt  and a files in your User/Library folder
    However it might not be just that alone
    Run through this list of repairs in the order given (1-16)
    Step by Step to fix your Mac
    If you can't isolate the and solve problem by #16, then do #17 after backing up your data

  • Zen Neeon Suggesti

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    Here are two suggestions I have thought of:
    . I listen to electronic music among millions of other people. Often times they are recorded as sets, up to hour or so long. If there could be faster 'fastfoward' times, or perhaps some sort of skip by percentage or something to that effect it would help greatly. Many car cd/mp3 players have this feature available now. This way you dont have to listen to the first 20 minutes of every set, but never hear the finish.
    2. Put the volume buttons in a different location or change the interface. Your hand generally cover the volume buttons when pushing in the scroll wheel, and if a volume button is pressed in the scroll wheel will not select.
    Hopefully these suggestions are in the right place, I had a look around but could not find anywhere else to put them. Thanks.Message Edited by Phikticious on -4-2005 05:48 PM

    I'm not quite happy with my neeon. My current firmware version is .009.
    Here are the features that I think creative should have already included on it Neeon:
    . Neeon should remember where it was when I turn it off. Let's me give you an example. Suppose you are listening to a 2 hours audio progrom (Audio Book, Blog, etc) and at some point, you have to stop listen to it and do something else, what should happen. For iPod (even the shuffle one), when you turn the player back again, it will continue where it left. For Neeon?, First you have to browse for the record first (If you play the program from the playlist) then you have to manually scroll through the record until it reach the point that you have left, via the scroll botton. And suppose you do one too more click and it go to the next record, you have to do this whole thing again.
    2. It should remember the playlist. As I've already mention in the st features: When you play from a playlist, the Neeon will not remember that it 's play from the playlist. So, when you turn off your and turn it on later, it will just goto the first music/song/program on your neeon, not the first one on the playlist.
    3. It should support audible just like other mp3 in the Zen series or even the low-end muvo.
    I've already contact their technical support and here is a quote from them:
    "As regards to your request, what we can assist you is to feedback the information to the relevant development department. As such it will be up to the development team to determine if this is within the product means. If this is possible then, perhaps they may be able to implement in the update."
    The last sentence is great :: it says if we can and we want to, perhap we maybe do it.
    I'm considering these lack features as a bug in design/implement. Maybe my expectation is too high as I'm a previous iPod user and such a stupid problem have never occur to me. Maybe yo wonder why I switch to zen Neeon. The reason is at that time, iPod Nano 4 GB is out of stock in Thailand, so I pick up this one (since the shop owner only tell it's good point, like sound quality is good, it have one GB more, etc).
    I do really hope that the creative's "Development Team" is capable, willing, and do implement these features, in order to make the Neeon be what it should already be or put it the other way round, just to make it work, at least as best as, the entry level iPod Shuffle.
    I know that Neeon have more features comparing to iPod (and it is what lure me) but as an mp3 player, I think it should focus most on mp3 features. All other features is just an add-on.
    I believe creative do have a future, but it should know where to focus.

  • Restore state of listview connected with CollectionViewSource

    Hi it's 10 days that I'm stuck on saving and restoring state of ListView connected to collection ViewSource
    there's nothing special... the problem is that when I try to restore state save scrollview(extracting from ListView) position (VerticalOffset), then restoring, the position of scroll is wrong, so for eg. items in the middle of the listview are wrong.
    In few words all seem works, I mean saving and restoring,  but actually the scroll position is completely wrong, when I try to restore scrollposition near middle of the list, if the position to restore is near bottom or top it works fine.
    So, I mean, if I scrolled near item in the middle, then suspending and resuming the position is not right but is some items down...
    the listview is groupped with albums (group ) and songs (item), nothing special, here's a piece of code
    /// <summary>
           /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
           /// </summary>
           /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.
           /// This parameter is typically used to configure the page.</param>
           protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
               if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pageKey)) return;   //vuol dire che lo stato è caricato e non necessita altro
               this._pageKey = "PageSongView";
               var frameState = SuspensionManager.SessionStateForFrame(this.Frame);
               if (frameState.ContainsKey(_pageKey))
                   var pageState = frameState[_pageKey] as Dictionary<String, Object>;
                   if (pageState.ContainsKey("AlbumListIn.VerticalOffset"))
                       var v_offset = (double?)pageState["AlbumListIn.VerticalOffset"];
                       AlbumListIn.Loaded += (snd, arg) =>
                           var scroll_viewer = VisualTreeHelperEx.ScanVisualTree<ScrollViewer>(AlbumListIn).First();
                           scroll_viewer.Loaded += (snd2, arg2) =>
                              scroll_viewer.ChangeView(null, v_offset, null, false);
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
    var frameState = SuspensionManager.SessionStateForFrame(this.Frame);
    var pageState = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
    frameState[_pageKey] = pageState;
    private void _saveState(Dictionary<string, object> pageState)
    var scroll_viewer = VisualTreeHelperEx.ScanVisualTree<ScrollViewer>(AlbumListIn).First();
    pageState["AlbumListIn.VerticalOffset"] = (double?)scroll_viewer.VerticalOffset;
    var k = 0;
    in the xaml
    <ListView x:Name="AlbumListIn"
    ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource AlbumCollection}}"
    XamlHlp:XamlHelper.SetItemsCommand="{Binding Path=VM.SongItemControl.SelectedSongItemsCommand, Source={StaticResource SongService}}"
    SelectionMode="{Binding Path=VM.SongItemControl.IsMultipleSelection, Source={StaticResource SongService},Converter={StaticResource BoolSelMode}}"
    Style="{StaticResource AlbumSongZoomInStyle}"
    <GroupStyle HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource AlbumListGroupHeaderDT }">
    please help me I'm really stuck and I don't find any solution...

    >In few words all seem works, I mean saving and restoring,  but actually the scroll position is completely wrong, when I try to restore scrollposition near middle of the list, if the position to restore is near bottom or top it works fine.
    I think this may be due to cached UI layout, this need to measure again manually:
    If the above methods are not working, share a demo.
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help

  • How to calibrate the touchpad of my Envy 15 ?

    The touchpad on my Envy 15 laptop seems to need to be re-calibrated.  As far as two-finger scrolling is concerned, the computer thinks the cursor is about 1 to 2 inches farther to the left than it really is.
    The malfunction happens in a multi-paned screen or GUI, such as Windows Explorer or Evernote--any interface that is split amongst multiple columns that each have their own scrollbar.  If the cursor is resting in the right-most pane but near the border between the two panes, then two-finger scrolling will scroll the wrong pane.
    For example, in Windows Explorer, in the right-most pane (i.e., the area that lists all my files), if the cursor is in the right-most pane but resting within 1 inch of the border between the two panes, attempting to two-finger scroll will mistakenly scroll the left-most pane.  
    In other words, the computer thinks the cursor is about 1 to 2 inches farther to the left than it really is.
    My Envy laptop is out of warranty. So I'm hoping there's some way for me to do the recalibration on my own.
    Envy 15-3040NR
    Windows 7 64-bit
    Synaptics Touchpad driver 16.0 .1 .0
    Thank you.
    Martin L.

    The last section of the following article may help:
    Note: This is for Windows 8 but you should be able to work this out form Windows 7.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Bought my 1st iPhone today (4S)  Just started using for less than 5 minutes and it has a voice command that talks on Everything and the pages wont scroll up and down and cant change screens from the page it boots on.  Wrong apps open when I open an app...

    So I bought my wife our 1st iPhone 4S today w/ Verizon.  I booted it up and it started having a voice repeat every command, and function (no, its not Siri).
    BTW...  Siri doesn't work, I can't scroll in the settings, when I open an app it actually opens the wrong app, and I can't find a way do fix any of it.  I tried a hard boot by holding down the power button and the button on the lower midddle of the phone.  When it rebooted, it got worse.  Now what?
    Not too excited about switching phones if this has already begun...  Any advice would be appreciated.

    iPhone User Guide
    Voice Over Fix
    Settings > General > Accessibility > Voice Over > Off
    Press the Home Button 3 Times
    iPhone: Configuring accessibility features (including VoiceOver and Zoom)

  • In the last few days, I've encountered a problem with scrolling with my up & down keys. The up & down keys seem to, now function as Home & End keys. MyPage Up & Page Down keys seem to do nothing. What is wrong?

    In the last few days, I've encountered a problem with scrolling with my up & down keys. The up & down keys seem to, now function as Home & End keys. MyPage Up & Page Down keys seem to do nothing. What is wrong?

    Hit the '''F7''' key, you probably have Caret browsing turned on.

  • IPod is using voice over and won't scroll. What setting did my child click? It will allow me to use voice control, but i need to know what's wrong first so I can give the correct command.

    My daughter's iPod is using voice over and won't scroll. What setting did my child click? It will allow me to use voice control, but i need to know what's wrong first so I can give the correct command.

    VoiceOver is an Accessibility feature while Voice Control allows you to control the Music app via voice.
    To turn off VoiceOver triple click the Home button and go to Settings>General>Accessibility and turn it off. Use three fingers to scroll if necessary.
    iPhone: Configuring accessibility features (including VoiceOver and Zoom)
    iOS: Getting started with VoiceOver for accessibility

  • Macbook Pro Retina Trackpad scrolls wrong way

    IR and yellow screen issues aside !...
    my new macbook pro retina (with Mountain Lion already installed) has an issue with scrolling. It came with 'reverse' scrolling i.e. moving your fingers down the trackpad makes the screen move upwards and vice-versa. I find this confusing so I went to the system prefs to change it. Under the 'Scroll and Zoom' tab the first option is 'Scroll direction: natural - content tracks finger movement'. This is what I wanted. But curiously, this option was already checked, and giving me the reverse scroll direction! I unchecked it, so technically I should now have the reverse direction, but then I had the natural direction?!
    Ok, so it's not so much of a problem, as I can change the direction. But obviously it is the wrong way around. Just wondered if anyone else had discovered this on their MBPr and if so, can it be corrected?

    Un check that setting. What Apple thinks is Natural is Backwards from what every other person in the world thinks and Knows it is.

  • Scroll listener .. what did i do wrong

    hi whats wrong in this code, im not a good coder so i have no idea why this doesnt work for me
    var myDiv = sym.$("bgg");
    var hlight = sym.$("HLGHT");
    if (myDiv.scrollTop() > 100) {
                                            hlight.animate({right: 132}, 1000);
    placed it in scroll under stage
    thx for any help

    Maybe this will help:
    Suggest you create a disc image and then burn the DVD. File/Save As Disc Image...
    This will isolate any encoding/burning issues you may encounter. Once the disc image is created, double-click the .img and burn the virtual disc that should appear on your desktop, using Toast to burn the DVD. Disk Utility to burn the .img file. Usually, you can select a burning speed in Disk Utility.
    Open Disk Utility (in Utilities folder in Applications folder), click on the virtual disc (not the .img, the one below) in the left-hand window. Click the Burn icon. Your SuperDrive tray will open. Insert a recordable DVD. (DVD-R preferred by me.) Click the Close button. Wait. Then click the Burn button.
    -->If the virtual disk selection won't allow you to click the Burn icon, use the .img file instead. This may have changed in 10.3.9 and did change in Tiger.
    b Also, you can use DVD Player to play the virtual disk to check your iDVD 5 project before burning to DVD. Launch DVD Player. File/Open VIDEO_TS (Open DVD media... in Player 4.6). Find the VIDEO_TS folder and open that. (The audio folder is for DVD-Audio disks.)
    Try to find and use Verbatim DVD-R. Not DVD+R. Not DVD-RW. Not DVD+RW.
    Of course, putting the disk into my TV DVD player does not work, with an unpleasant "no disk" message..
    Can your player play recordable DVDs? Many older ones can not...

  • Just started up iPhone 4S and done something wrong, I have speaking on all buttons and apps, I would like to switch it off but the phone will not scroll?? Please I'm going mad!!

    Just started up iPhone 4S and done something wrong, I have speaking on all buttons and apps, I would like to switch it off but the phone will not scroll?? Please I'm going mad!!

    triple click the home button. Then you can go into accessability options in settings and turn off that feature

Maybe you are looking for

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