Scroll Rect broken /  bug?

Hello all, I am trying to use a HSlider to navigate a s:List component in flex and having a hard time.  Now before you say "But Andrew, you could just use a scroll bar" that is not what i want because it will not allow me to do the animations that i require.  So that being said,  i have the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                  xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
public function init2():void{
     ,200,200 );
               dog.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0,0,100,100);
<s:Group id="dog" creationComplete="init2()">
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
          <s:Label text="dog"/>
Which succesfully applies a scroll rect to the square, i see part of the red circle, and a few dogs.  Then, when i add
<s:List dataProvider="{oData}">
after the VGroup, everything breaks, scroll rect no longer is applied (een though i see it if i trace it out), and i see all of everything...  anyone see something that i am blatently missing?  Any help would be apprecaited.
The only way i see around this is attaching a HScrollBar to the group'dog' and then making the HScrollbar visible=false.  This forces a scroll rect to the size i would like.
Thanks - Andrew

You should use clipAndEnableScrolling=true instead of interacting directly with a Group's graphic object:
<s:Group id="dog" creationComplete="init2()" clipAndEnableScrolling="true" width="100" height="100">
Message was edited by: Shongrunden

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    Date:     2009-06-26 16:58:50 -0700 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009)
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    Rect radius bug fix -   Rect with only radiusX properly set does not render properly
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    Thank you for the great repro case. It was exceptionally helpful.
    You've exposed a bug that's probably been there forever which required just the right combination of objects both on the page and off the left of the page in order to be triggered. We'll write up a bug to be investigated for a future release. Unfortunately the next major release is due out very soon, so this bug won't be fixed in time for that release.
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    Hello there, konkere.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers some great recommendations for issues with erratic behavior with the Trackpad on our MacBook Pro:
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    Follow these steps and recommendations to resolve the issue.
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    Jewelry may also cause interference. Try removing rings or bracelets and see whether the jumpy or erratic behavior disappears.
    Apple has had some reports of this behavior on Mac notebooks being used with power supplies made by a third-party company. If you are using one of these power adapters, unplug it and try running from the Apple battery to see how the trackpad behaves correctly. Also, try using the Apple AC adapter instead of the third-party AC adapter. If the trackpad behaves normally while running from the battery, there is most likely an issue with your adapter or outlet.
    If none of the above resolve the issue, try to rule-out software not created by Apple as a cause. To do so, start in Safe Mode. 
    Magic Trackpad can act erratically when there is interference. See Wi-Fi and Bluetooth: Potential sources of wireless interference for more information.
    Additional Information
    Learn about Multi-Touch gestures.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    ... as noted previously, that always worked, including scroll wheel usage.  But a little hunting turned up the advice to change it to IMPS/2 and now it works again.  For the record, the complete entry now says:
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier    "Maus"
        Driver        "mouse"
        Option        "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
        Option        "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
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    You might check out this Knowledge Base Article about cleaning your Mighty Mouse:

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    I have not edited the Search Results categories that are selected (in Preferences > Spotlight)
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    Thanks for the reference link above, but it was not helpful to me:
    The thread refers to OS 10.6., and I did not observe this bug in that OS, or 10.7.
    One recommendations is to delete the plist (preferences), but this is not a practical solution because the problem comes back quickly.
    The other recommendation is to turn off calculate size of files or the Spotlight results folder. It is not possible, as far as I can see, to turn calculate sizes on in the View Options for the Spotlight results window. It is possible to turn on/off sizes as a column in the results, but this made no difference with the bug.
    Other tests I've performed that did not fix the bug:
    Change "Show scroll bars:" to  "Always". This made no difference.
    Change "Click in the scroll bar to:" to "Jump to the spot that's clicked". No difference.
    Other tests that could be performed:
    1) System Preferences > Spotlight: Search Results - turn categories on and off to see if that makes a difference.
    And finally, this has reduced the problem to occurring only 10% of the time now!
    turn off Smooth Scrolling. This is no longer a checkbox in System Preferences > Appearance in 10.8 ML, so you have to use a shell command in Terminal. If you want to explore this approach look at these two references:
    Now I'm waiting to see if other parts of the ML OS will be negatively affected by turning off Smooth Scrolling, and then I'll decide which is worse. Bottom line, this is not a fix, but it seems to have reduced the occurrence of the Spotlight results scroll focus change OS bug.

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    I have created this thread so that responsible people can take actions accordingly.

    Thank you for your reply. I will take a look at your links.
    Use Case:
    Application will have different BC for different IT Assets (like Monitor, Keyboard, Servers etc), which will basically hold records for all available Assets (like Display Resolution, screen size etc for all monitor in Monitor BC).
    I want to give user; the ability to create, for e.g., the sub-class of Monitor to store more specific attribute-values in different table (which will be linked Parent BC). For e.g.: They may want to care about holding CRT and LCD Monitor records in separate new database table -- Application will ask user what all attributes/Columns they want to see for LCD which is specific to this type AND which is not present in already existing out-of-box Monitor BC/Table - e.g. - "Viewing Angle" Attribute).
    With that said, I can write code to create database table on fly (having 1-to-1 foreign key reference to parent table) but writing ADF part seems difficult. I also wanted application to automatically generate new page for newly added VO BC. E.g.: LCD-Monitor.JSPX inheriting all attributes from monitor (parent VO) in the same structure as Monitor.JSPX file is having with extra LCD-specific Attributes in separate panel tab (which again UI developers can customized it).
    Too much to expect huh !
    I am going to start building the application so If not above way, any other suggestion to achieve the requirement ?
    Edited by: Anandsagar Sah on Aug 29, 2011 9:23 PM

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    This is too much of a fundamental, functional problem to have continued for so long.  I upgraded to 5.1 in hopes of the frequent crashes ceasing, but now I'm immediately struck with this problem.  Not a good start.

    Agreed, going to Firefox is the step in the right privacy direction. -after-logging-out
    AdBlock Plus, BetterPrivacy, Ghostery, Click&Clean and yes even NoScript (drag a Temp allow all button to the toolbar)
    To deny your computer from accessing Facebook
    In Admin user
    sudo pico /etc/hosts
    Arrow down below the material you see there and don't change it
    control x to exit and save.
    another easier way (can use in Standard User this way) is to use the free TextWrangler and open file by name:
    and perform the same thing.

Maybe you are looking for

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