Scrollable content

Hello. may be is a stupid question.... but i'm using Adobe CS 5.5 and would like no now how can create scrollable content (text box + pictures) for the ipad...
Any help?
There's any tutorial or something?

The help topic is here: 00.html
You can also find a sample tutorial in the DPS Tips app:

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    ...and so on...
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    Bob Levine wrote:
    You want to continue to carry on like this, knock yourself out but you’re acting like child now.
    You were told the proper place to ask a DPS related question. You got the answer and you’re still going on about it.
    And yes, it is a nice system because technically you were not asking an InDesign question.
    Bob, your tone of reply is regularly dismissive and unprofessional and you're being completely unreasonable. It isn't as if I asked about scrollable content in the Photoshop forum - it is a perfectly legitimate feature of InDesign!
    Peter, if you don't know then answer, you don't have to reply to the question. Leave it to someone who does in the future. As for you 'always asking people for more information', how is 'You might want to tell us how this is an InDesign question...' helpful.

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    So there is a way to retain the PDF version of an article with this?
    I've tried adding an MSO over a scrolling area of text (separate from the frame, but still on top of it), and I've also tried placing it within the scrolling frame.
    Neither of these worked.
    Is there something I'm missing? What specifically allows this workaround to work? I'd love to include some full page scrolling content without making the viewer get stuck on one scrolling page in the middle of the document.

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    I had the same problem. I had pasted the scrollable content directly into the container frame, but the pasted content was slightly 'taller' than the container window (the pasted object group was maybe 0.012 pixels larger than the container, so very slight) this caused it to display the coloured lines when I moved it up or down, although left and right movement worked fine. Resizing so the pasted content was smaller and exact pixels not 0.123 px (or the same size) as the container fixed it.

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    However, I'm having problems to get the hyperlinks to work.
    Any Ideas?
    Kind regards
    I'm using InDesign 5.5 on OSX 10.6.8 and the latest versions of the FolioPanel and FolioProducerTools

    I've always found hyperlinks to be kind of wonky. I stick with buttons for this.

  • Scrollable content PDF. Doesn't display on iPad - does on iPad2.

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    Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Hi Bob,
    Yes both the iPad and iPad2 have the latest version of the content viewer. Keith Gilbert mentioned that recommended limit for that type of graphic is 2000 pixels. Playing around with it I was able to get a 709x3500 pixel PDF to display on the original iPad.

  • In the vertical page with scrollable content, i can´t swipe to next article. why?

    in the vertical version of the page with one scrollable content frame, i can´t swipe to next article. the scrollable content frame has in both versions the exact size of the page. in the horizontal version this works perfectly. Used folio builder v22, pdf and smothscrolling off.
    Message was edited by: lost in dps

    Thanks for the answer. But i found out, that it was my fault. A status of an object was outside the scrolling content frame. But thank you for the possibilty to ask questions.

  • 'Scrollable Content Region' - Region Template - Anybody used successfully?

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    I noticed there is a Region template called "Scrollable Content Region". I tried applying this template to my region, and when this didn't work, to a container region.
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    I think this looks untidy as the header colour-styling ends, as well as other regions being stretched.
    Has anyone used this successfully before?

    Hi Amanda,
    What I've done with this region is edit the template and change the style for the div.uRegionContent.  You'll see that it says "overflow: scroll", I change it to "overflow: auto", this way the scroll bars will only show when they are needed.
    The other useful thing is to remove the hardcoded height and define it on a per region basis.
    So, if my region ID (STATIC_REGION_ID) is empRegion then the height can be defined as:
    #empRegion > .uRegionContent {height: 600px;}
    Of course you could do this without modifying the region by adding !important.
    #empRegion > .uRegionContent {height: 600px!important; overflow: auto!important;}
    Hope this helps.

  • Scrollable Content article gets [Error: Invalid asset location]

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    The Content  on the "Scrollable Content" layer is 3024x600
    Content is grouped text and image boxes
    Container frame on Layer 1 is 975x600
    Both Content and Containerhave the same name and are aligned along the left edge
    When I update the folio I get the following error:
    Content Generation Error
    [Error: Invalid asset location]
    Trying to preview in the desktop viewer gets the same error.
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    What am I missing here?

    looks like you are okay on the folio builder panel (first line)
    but you are still on version 18 of the producer tools. make sure to have
    the latest version of the folio producer tools (separate installer)
    installed. maybe uninstall previous version.

  • Cannot "grab" the scrollable content...?

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    I have a list of thumbnail pictures that at same time each thumbnail is  a button linked to different pages.
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    this wasnt happening in older version where i could perfectly "grab" to schroll and when I only "tap" the thumbnail jumped to the link...
    Is someone having the same problem?
    Thank you.

    Hi bob thank you for you replay.
    Yes I think there is no problem in the settings.
    Selected the frame  i have;
    direction : Autodetect
    indicator : hide
    position : upper left
    Here is an image of the scrollable content,
    i can't grab it when i touch the image=button
    but i can grab the gray part in between...
    and there is no problem when I test it in the desktop viewer,
    it only happens when I test it on the iPad,
    and tested it on different iPads...
    what can be the problem
    thank you.

  • Scrollable content not scrollable

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    Also the problem doesn't exist in the folio builder preview but in the produced single ios app.
    Thank you in advance

    The only other thing I can think of is that the scrollable frames are just being a little grumpy. You can try resetting them by selecting the text or grouped frame inside the scrollable frame, cutting it, pasting it in place on the page, cutting it again and then pasting into the scrolable frame. This should get everything reset, and will hopefully expose anything that might be invisably sitting on top of the frame.

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    At the moment I create dummy buttons that sit on top of the interactive content that have navto properties but my user would not usually figure out to tap instead of swipe to next article.
    Thanks for listening to my first post.

    This really needs to be fixed especially for vertically scrolling frames when swiping horizontally and vice versa.
    With the new choices in the scrollable frame overlay it should be obvious that if you swipe in the other direction you want to go to new page.

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    I try that but it doesn't work. Have any one a solution or is it not the supported in web dynpro's?
    best regards
    Markus Jura

    There is no way to define height of table in percents of parent container. You may only manipulate number of visible rows. For example, bind corresponding IWDTable property to context attribute of type int and change value of this attribute dynamically (in wdDoInit and/or action handlers code)
    Valery Silaev
    EPAM Systems

  • Creating Scrollable Content In a PDF

    I'm looking at creating a pdf to send to a client or potential employer (resume) with a scrollable frame so they can using their mouse to click on it and view multiple images by scrolling from left to right. This could for example be used to view 5 or 6 pictures of a photographers portfolio or a number of logo designs for a Graphic Designer. The idea would be to have a frame that contains a number of images that scroll from left to right using the mouse and cursor as the means of moving the images in the frame. I'm not looking for an animation or movie. It must be able to be viewed in Adobe Acrobat.
    I have searched but can only find solutions that are aimed towards EPUBS.
    What I really want to know is "can this be done". If it can't then I can look at producing something else.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Bob, unfortunate but at least now I know for sure.
    Thanks again.

  • Using scrollable content in layers

    I have a (top)half-page scrollable image, with a stationary logo in the top left of the page, and a stationary chapter name in the top right.
    I want the horizontal image to scroll from side-to-side – leaving the logo and chapter in a stationary position.
    When I upload the page, both the logo and chapter dissappear behind the scrolling image.
    I've already tried building them in separate layers, that doesn't help.
    Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

    Convert the logo and chapter name to an MSO. Set it to auto play once and put that above your scrolling frame.

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