Scrolling event: movieclip instead of dynamic text

Hello everybody. I am very very novice to actionscript, so probably my question will sound a little silly.
I am trying to put an arabic text to scroll with a custom scrollbar. So I found a nice video in youtube about doing that with a dynamic text field. It works wonderful for latin characters (left to right and separated letters) but unfortunately not for arabic characters (they don't get connected). Actually, I don't care to use just a movieclip with the text instead of the dynamic text field. But I don't know how to change the actionscript code for the movie clip instead of the dynamic text field.
Here I show you the code for the scrolling text in a dynamic text field (it's a short code), on the stage I got just the dynamic text field (instance name: texto_txt), the scrollBar (a vertical line, instance name: scrollBar_mc) and the scroller itself (a little rectangle, instance name:scrollHandle_mc):
var content:String = "cjeihfirehjfejlkfjkerjfirjfejifjrijwkjfirwjekñlkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllll";
texto_txt.text = content;
texto_txt.wordWrap = true;
var min: Number = scrollHandle_mc.y;
var max: Number = min +(scrollBar_mc.height - scrollHandle_mc.height);
var intervalo: Number = max - min;
var arrastrando: Boolean = false;
var bounds: Rectangle = new Rectangle (scrollHandle_mc.x, scrollHandle_mc.y, 0, scrollBar_mc.height - scrollHandle_mc.height);
scrollHandle_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrastrandoScroll);
stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopIt);
function arrastrandoScroll(mouseEvent:MouseEvent)
arrastrando = true;
scrollHandle_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, progress);
function stopIt(mouseEvent:MouseEvent)
arrastrando = false;
function progress(e:Event)
var moverScroll:Number = scrollHandle_mc.y - min;
var percent:Number = moverScroll/intervalo;
if (arrastrando == true)
texto_txt.scrollV = percent * texto_txt.maxScrollV;
What I want to do is clear the dynamic text field and use instead a movieclip (text_mc) that includes already the text, the bounding box would be a mask. How do I change the actionscript? Could anyone help me out?

It isn't really a matter of math, as much as it is logical reasoning, but if you plan to do things with programming, you better plan on getting comfortable with learning math as well.  Programming and math go hand-in-hand.
Here's a simplified explanation of what your code needs to do -> If you move the scroller 25% of the total distance it can move, then the movieclip should be moved 25% of the distance it can move (in the oppostie direction).
Your scroller handle can be moved a predefined distance.  In your code that value is called "intervalo".  See if you can figure out how that value is determined in the 3 lines of code.
var min: Number = scrollHandle_mc.y;
var max: Number = min +(scrollBar_mc.height - scrollHandle_mc.height);
var intervalo: Number = max - min;
Later on in your progress function you can see where the scrollbar handle values com into play again when determining where to place the textfield.  But if we change that to be the movieclip, it becomes more like the following...
function progress(e:Event)
    var moverScroll:Number = scrollHandle_mc.y - min;
    var percent:Number = moverScroll/intervalo;
    if (arrastrando == true)
         yourMC.y = percent * (yourMCmaxY-yourMCminY) + yourMCMinY;
        // where  yourMCmaxY-yourMCminY is the mc's movement range
        // which is likely to be negative since yMax is likely < yMin for the mc.

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    function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
        trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
    Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or of another approach?
    thanks in advance,

    Hi KGLAD.  Thanks for the response.  Yes my code is a little messy.  Here I have included everything and tried to do a little cleaning.  Is there enough code here for you to get an idea of how/when things are firing?
    import com.distriqt.gmaps.kml.utils.*;
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    import com.anttikupila.utils.JPGSizeExtractor;
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    import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample;
    [Embed(source="ICONS/PHOTO_BLACK.png")]var photoIcon:Class;
    [Embed(source="ICONS/BLOG_BLACK.png")]var blogIcon:Class;
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    //map.key = "api key";
    //define the size of the map extent....
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    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createMarkerArrays);
    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createPhotoPingers);
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    //on map ready params
    function onMapReady(event:Event):void
    map.setCenter(new LatLng(48,-113.5), 8, MapType.PHYSICAL_MAP_TYPE);
    //Marker options for a photo piece
    var photoMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
    photoMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
    //Marker options for a blog piece
    var blogMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
    blogMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
    //load xml tester
    var pntloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var pntxml:XML = new XML();
    pntloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadpntXML);
    pntloader.load(new URLRequest("map_feed.xml"));
    // create an array of jpgs to index
    var JPGIndexArray:Array = new Array();
    //Create array that will be populated with points
    var pointsArray:Array = new Array();
    //Load the XML
    function loadpntXML(e:Event):void {
        pntxml=new XML(;
        pntxml.ignoreWhite = true;
         for (var i:int = 0; i< pntxml.row.length(); i++){
    //Create the markers and add them to the map
    function createmarkers(event:Event):void
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {
         var markerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
          if (pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="PHOTO")
               markerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
               markerOptions.tooltip = "Photo";
          else if(pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="BLOG")
               markerOptions.icon = new blogIcon();
               markerOptions.tooltip = "Blog Entry";
          pointsArray[i] = new Marker(new LatLng(pntxml.row[i].LAT,pntxml.row[i].LONG),markerOptions);
    var je : JPGSizeExtractor = new JPGSizeExtractor( );
    je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
    je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_FAILED, jeParseFailed );
    function createPhotoPingers(event:Event):void{
         for (var k:Number=0; k <pntxml.row.length(); k++){
         JPGIndexArray[k]=new JPGSizeExtractor();
         JPGIndexArray[k].debug = false;
         JPGIndexArray[k].addEventListener(JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
    function pingPhotoUrls():void
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {     
          var calledMarkerUrl=pntxml.row[i].URL_OF_CONTENT;
    var JPG1=null;
    function jeLoadHandler(e:Event) : void {
         trace(e.currentTarget.width + "x" + e.currentTarget.height );
    function jeParseFailed( event : Event ) : void {
         trace( "Parse failed" );
    var imageWidths = new Array;
    //Create blank array for use in indexing
    var markerA:Array=[];
    var pointindex=null;
    function indexCalledMarkerRecord(e:MapMouseEvent):void{
    function genIndexPos(a:Array,e:Marker):uint{
         for(var i:uint=0;i<a.length;i++){
                   return i;               
                   return null;
    //           SCROLLPANE FUNCTIONS              //
    spHeader.closeBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(eMouseEvent):void
                                                      , .5,{autoAlpha:0,overwrite:true});                                                            
    spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (e:MouseEvent):void
    spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function (e:MouseEvent):void
    scrollPane.source = scrollPaneContent;
    scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.condenseWhite = true;
    // Add listener.
    scrollPane.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener);
    function completeListener(event:Event):void {
    trace('Scrollpane content loaded');
    function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
        trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
    function scrollPanePopulate(event:Event){     
         //show scroll pane
         scrollPane.y=33;, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});
         //create the temp variables
         var calledMarkerIndex=pntxml.row[pointindex].ID;
         var calledMarkerDate=pntxml.row[pointindex].DATE;
         var calledMarkerDescription=pntxml.row[pointindex].DESC;
         var calledMarkerContent=pntxml.row[pointindex].URL_OF_CONTENT;     
         var imgWidth=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].width;
         var imgHeight=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].height;
         scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
         var imgBoxHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.height;
        var txtHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
        var contentHeight=(imgBoxHeight+txtHeight);
         //size the text box
         //if image is wide or tall, scale accordingly and create a string that will be used
              var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+250+"'"+"height='"+150+"'"+"/>";                    
              var calledImgHgh=160;          
              var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+110+"'"+"height='"+167+"'"+"/>";          
              var calledImgHgh=177;          
         //fill in the text
         //scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;     
         //pan the map to the called position
         //add the header to the SP and scale accordingly
         if (txtHeight>=250){          
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
         if (txtHeight<=5){
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
         if (txtHeight>=5){
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
         var scTextY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.y;
         var scImageY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.y;
         var scTextHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
         //update the scrollpane and reset the scrollbar
    var photoMarkersArray=new Array();
    var photoMarkersIndexArray=new Array();
    function createMarkerArrays(e:Event):void{
    for (var j:int=0; j<pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID.length(); j++){
              var tempMarkerIndex=pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID[j];
              var tempMarkerRef="mrk"+tempMarkerIndex;

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    I'd go ahead and externalize animations in this project, but there are other embedded SWFs in the project that work correctly only when they are not externalized.
    Anyone have experience with this or a similar issue?

    I just had a similar problem and fixed it by embedding the font into the Flash SWF and also embedding uppercase and lower case characters.
    Not sure why this was needed since I never had to do that with Captivate 3, but that was the only thing that corrected the problem.
    Click here to visit the blog

  • On button rollover Dynamic text and Movieclip appear

    Hi guys,
    I've got an issue - When one of my buttons is rolled over, I want text and a movieclip to appear. When the button is no longer rolled over, I want the text and movieclip to disappear.
    The way that I was going to do this was to have anchor_mc as an anchor, and upon rollover have the movieclip play from inside the anchor (as its at the exact X & Y that its needed at) and dynamic text appear.
    1) How do I attach mc_textbox to mc_anchor --- OR, how do I set coordinate for just where mc_textbox should show?
    2) How do I then make the movieclip disappear if the button is no longer rolled over?
    3) Is it not possible for me to merge all of the dynamic text functions into one function, using IF statements? I tried this, but couldn't work it out.
    AS3 code is attached below.
    line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in1, false, 0, true);
    line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in2, false, 0, true);
    line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in3, false, 0, true);
    line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in4, false, 0, true);
    line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in5, false, 0, true);
    line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in6, false, 0, true);
    line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in7, false, 0, true);
    line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in8, false, 0, true);
    line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in9, false, 0, true);
    line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    function line_in1(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in2(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in3(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in4(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in5(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in6(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in7(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in8(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in9(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_out(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "";
            var mc= new mc_empty(); addChild(mc);

    It isn't relly clear to me what you have versus what you want, so these answers may be equally unclear to you.
    1. One way to join them together is to maually place one inside the other while authoring the file.  Another way is to use addChild to add the text mc to the anchor...  mc_anchor.addChild(mc_textbox);  To control where the text mc appears you can set its x and y properties.using actionscript... mc_textbox.x = 0;
    2. To make the movieclip disappear you can set its visible property to false... mc_anchor.visible = false;
    3. You can probably reduce that code substantially, though it partly depends on what variations there are really going to be in the text that displays for each rollover.  For now, I'll assume the text will be entirely different for each...
    for(var i:uint=1; i<10; i++){
         this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in, false, 0, true);
         this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    function line_in(e:MouseEvent):void {
         var lineTarget:MovieClip = MovieClip(e:currentTarget);
          // could use a switch instead of the if's in series if you know what a switch is
         if(lineTarget == line1){
              // do things for line1
         } else if(lineTarget == line2){
              // do things for line2
         ) else if.... etc

  • Scrolling text / Dynamic text Box

    Hi guys,
    Hopefully someone can help me. I am quite new to flash and
    scripts so excuse my stupidity..!!! I am creating a media player
    (CS3), and have almost finished it except on small thing that is
    driving me round the twist.
    I have a few dynamic text boxes that take info from id3 tag
    of the mp3 file and I want to make the info inside the boxes scroll
    as ideally some of the information will be longer that the text
    The code to populate the boxes is:
    function id3Handler(evt:Event):void {
    songInfo.text = song.id3.artist;
    songName.text = song.id3.songName;
    album.text = song.id3.album;
    I have set the boxes to be scrollable but nothing happens,
    hopefully this will be simple for someone to me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Just bumping this back up. I'd really like to figure this one

  • EDGE and HTML dynamic text in a "box" with scroll bar

    I'm new to EDGE, a win7pro master collection cs5.5 suite owner. I'm mainly in the Film/Video post production field (mostly AE, PPro, Pshop, IA) but have been branching into web design the last couple of years.  I use Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash. While I'm a expert user with all the Film/video apps, I would say I only have intermediate ability with the web apps. While I understand a lot of programing logic bulding blocks I'm not a coder.
    So since we're told "flash is dead",  my interest in Edge is to try to do some of the things that I can currently do in flash in  EDGE. I was excited when Edge first came out but lost interest when it became obvious that Adobe was not going to offer Edge and Muse to "suite owners" but only in their force feeding of the "Cloud". Better known as the "golden goose" for adobe stockholders and a never ending perpetual hole in the pocket for users. Anyway....
    I spent the last couple of days doing some of the tuts and messing with the UI. It's matured a lot since I was here last.
    I've been working on a flash site for a sports team where one of the pages is a player profile page where college recuriters and other interested parties can view recuriting relavent info/stats about players. This is how it works. While on the "Team" page a users clicks on  a button labled "Player Profiles" . (Animation) A "page" flies in and unfurls from the upper right corner (3d page flips effect created in AE played by flash as a frame SEQ). Once it lands filling most of the center of the screen there is a bright flash. As the brightness fades we see the "page" is a bordered box with a BG image of a ball field(End). (Animation) from behind the border in fly small pictures (player head shots with name and jersey number). They stream in and form a circle like a wagon train and the team logo zooms up from infinity to the center of the circle(End). As the user mouses over a player's pic it zooms up a little and gets brighter (like mouseover image nav thumbs for a image slider). If the user clicks on a player's head shot it flips over and scales up to become a text box with a scrollbar. The content of the box is a mix of images, static and dynamic text fields populated from data in an "player info data base" XML file, and some hyperlinks. It's all kept updated dynamicaly with current stats, info and images from the XML file. There is also a "PDF" button that allows the user to open/save/print a PDF of the player's profile (the PDF's are static files for now but the choice of which pdf to retrive is dynamicaly supplied via the XML file.
    So.... Is Edge now able to do something like this?  Would it need to be a collection of small animations? could these be "assembled" and connected as an asset in dreamweaver ?
    I thought I would approach this from the end (ie click on an image and display a box with dynamic TEXT fileds. ) since that is the most important part, ie displaying the dynamicaly updated profile info.  Sooooo....
    Can Edge display a scrolling text box with Images, static text, and html dynamic text in it??

    The code is in composition ready. Click the filled {}

  • Using loadVariables() to populate a Dynamic Text in a MovieClip

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to populate a Dynamic Text with data from a
    remote database. I have no problem populating the Dynamic Text with
    the data from the remote database if the Dynamic Text is placed in
    the main timeline using the following code.
    loadVariables ("php/attorney.php", "");
    Once I move the Dynamic Text into a Movie Clip with instance
    name of “MC_But_1” I am only able to populate the
    Dynamic Text if I place the above code in the movie clip. Since it
    is going to take sometimes for the data to be transferred from the
    remote database I rather to do this on the main timeline before the
    MC_But_1 is shown. I have used the following code but for some
    reason it is not working.
    loadVariables ("php/attorney.php", _root.MC_But_1);
    Can someone be kind enough to tell me where I am going wrong?
    Thank you very much and have a great day.

    > Since it is going to take sometimes for the data to be
    > transferred from the remote database
    That is one of the best arguments for abandoning
    loadVariables() in
    favor of LoadVars(). Check that out in the manual. It's
    better because
    there are events that get triggered when a data transfer has
    and you can write an event handler script to deal with server
    Christian Scholz-Flöter

  • Auto scrolling dynamic text field(news ticker)

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
    Does anyone know how to make a scrollable dynamic text field
    scroll on its
    own and also with user interaction?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Auto scrolling dynamic text field(news
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>Does =
    anyone know how to make a scrollable dynamic text field
    scroll on its own an=
    d also with user interaction?<BR>
    Thanks in advance for your help.<BR>

    I found this:
    I copied the actual scroller and put it in my .fla and it
    worked! Now if I can only figure out links in XML...

  • Dynamic Text Field Scrolling

    I have a dynamic text field that I want to add a UIScrollBar
    to. The dynamic text field has an rssreader attatched to it so it
    is reading from an xml file on the same server. When I attatch it
    and go to preview my movie, it doesn't work. There is just a white
    rectangle on the right side of the box with no arrows or thumb box.
    I can drag my mouse over the text and highlight everything, but I
    cannot get the scrollbar to work at all. I've checked to make sure
    that my scrollbar is connected to my text instance. Is there
    something special about dynamic text that I don't know about? Will
    it only work at runtime?

    I found this:
    I copied the actual scroller and put it in my .fla and it
    worked! Now if I can only figure out links in XML...

  • Dynamic Text Feild with Dynamic Scroll Bar

    I have a Dynamic Text Feild with a dynamic Scroll bar.
    It loads a simple ASCI text file with some html formating.
    but I still can not manage to get the text to format.
    The biggest problem with the format is a big space between
    I am not sure why but I think the Frame must need a var to
    render to html.
    Can anybody help please?

    My text had the following, similar but no parsing string.
    I guess
    takes out the carrage returns or <br>?
    I notice the one I had just say's String.
    I assume that would be the text that is the string?
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge of this.
    var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    my_lv.onData = function(src:String) {
    if (src != undefined) {
    myTxtFeild.text = src;
    } else {
    myTxtFile.text = "Error loading text.";

  • Dynamic text is inside movieClip

    I am working on flash & AS file, in flash file (main.fla) dynamic text is inside that movieClip (myButton) .I will like to send some text to that particular dynamic text field inside the movieClip (myButton) from AS file
    as file code is
    var myButton:Button;
    var myText:text;
    myButton.myText.text="Custom Msg";
    I import .as file in flash but it is not showing can anybody help me?

    This is working fine but my problem is that, in my another application I am importing the class from as file in that as file I have one loop
    if(errorCode == 0){
             trace("welcome ");
             mc.myText.text="Custom Msg";
                 trace("Error loging in to Server Error Code : "+ errorCode)
    It will trace message properly
    my problem is that I will like to put "Custom Msg" in dynamic text which is in MovieClip (mc) of fla file, how could I go wtih this ?
    If I include same as file in flash It will shows as error
    1037: Packages cannot be nested. What the solution for this ?

  • How to link one scroll bar with two dynamic text boxes.

    How to link one scroll bar with two dynamic text boxes.
    If i move scroll bar in one text box,automatically text will
    be moved in another text box.But scroll bar is not visible.
    Can you please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    See the following article:
    JavaScript - setFocus Method for tabbing to next form field
    And see if iOS can even handle the sample form.
    iOS and android devices are not a powerful as your desktop of laptop computer and have limited support for JavaScript within PDF forms. This limitation for specific apps ranges from none to quite a bit but not all JavaScript.

  • Linking a class to a dynamic text field to load XML data.

    I'm quite new to ActionScript and would be grateful for any help here.
    I want to load text into a dynamic text field (called 'about_tab') using  a class depending on the language selected (by clicking on a flag icon)  by the user.
    I managed to get this to work when the ActionScript was written directly  in the timeline, but am having problems with doing the same thing via a  class.
    This is my class file:
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class ChangeLang extends SimpleButton
    public function ChangeLang()
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, switchLang);
    trace("ChangeLang class working");
    public function switchLang(event:MouseEvent):void
    var lang =;
    var req:URLRequest = new  URLRequest("languages/"+lang+".xml");
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var substance:XML;
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    trace("function xmlLoaded is running");
    substance = new XML(;
    about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl;
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    Here's one of my XML files (the other is the same except "About" is  written in German):
    When I run it, it returns my trace statements that the class ChangeLang  and the function xmlLoaded are running, but no text appears in the  dynamic text field (I should/want to see the word 'About'). I get this  error message:
    1120: Access of undefined property about_tab
    The problem, I'm guessing, is in the part in red in my code. I think I need to target the text field in the display list by creating a  reference to it. If so, could someonw point out how I do this, or perhaps a tutorial that would help. I've tried adding the word stage (i.e.,stage.about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl; ) but it still doesn't connect. I guess there's something really simple I'm missing, so I  apologize if this comes across as a stupid question
    Thanks for any help.

    Hello flashrocket!
    I'm also new to AS3 and I've just started using external classes and I think I know what you should do to put your code to work.
    Instead of using the text field you created inside your flash file, why don't you use the "TextField" class to create an instance of this object? It's the exact same thing as when you create and instantiate a new text field inside Flash.
    First, import flash.text.*; (includes classes like TextField, TextFieldAutoSize, TextFormat, TextFormatAlign, etc)
    Than you just have to create a var like
    public var about_tab : TextField;
    public var about_tab : TextField = new TextField();
    then, to adjust the properties of this tab you use dotsyntax as if it where on your stage like:
    about_tab.x = 50; about_tab.alpha = .5; etc...
    you can even create a function to "config your textField"
              private function createAndConfigTextField() : void {
                   about_tab = new TextField(); //you only need this line if you
              // only typed something like "public var about_tab:TextField;
              // if instead you used "public var about_tab:TextField = new TextField(); outside
              // this function, just skip this first line because you already have an instance of
              // text field named "about_tab"...
                            about_tab.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                   about_tab.background = true;
                   about_tab.border = true;
                   var aboutTextFormat : TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                   format.font = "Arial";
                   format.color = 0x000000;
                   format.size = 11;
                   format.bold = true;
                   format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
                   about_tab.defaultTextFormat = aboutTextFormat;
    This is just an example of what you can do... I hope you get it... let me know if you have any doubt...

  • Adding Scrollbar and buttons to Dynamic Text

    I am trying to connect dynamic text to scrollbar and buttons. I did tutorial and and practically pasted the code in with my file names and for some reason it does not work. It says I have a "Access of Undefined Property mask_mc" Did I need to create a variable for this? I didn't in the tutorial.
    Right now I have the dynamic text loading successfuly in 2 different places and I wantd to add the scrollbar. I put the variables on frame 1 code and then I put the actually load code on the frame where it is needed.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks! Sandra
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest;
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = philText_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    textReq = new URLRequest("text_philosophy.txt");
    function philosophyTextLoaded(event:Event):void {
        philText_mc.philosophy_txt.text =;
        minScroll = philText_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - philText_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        philText_mc.y -= (philText_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(philText_mc.y > minScroll)
            philText_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(philText_mc.y < maxScroll)
            philText_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (philText_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    philText_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, philosophyTextLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

    Hello again,
    Maybe I am asking this question wrong. Instead of making you try and figure out what's going on in my file what I really need to know is how you would take this code I am attaching and make it happen on another frame besides frame 1 and it doesn't appear on frame 1. I think this may help me understand a little better.
    Also another way I was thinking to get around this would be to pull in an external swf into the spot where I want this text to go because I can make the scrollbars and external text work when it is the only thing going on in the movie. Would this be a bad way to set this up? and also SInce it is an external movie would I have maintimeline issues with mouse/scroller control?
    thanks! sandra
    Here is working code:
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textFile:URLRequest = new URLRequest("text/external.txt");
    var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
    var minScroll:Number;
    var maxScroll:Number;
    var targetScroll:Number = text_mc.y;
    var easing:Number = 5;
    var scrollAmt:Number = 15;
    var scrollDirection:Number = 0;
    function textLoaded(event:Event):void
        text_mc.external_txt.text =;
        minScroll = text_mc.y;
        maxScroll = minScroll - text_mc.height + mask_mc.height;
    function dragScroller(event:MouseEvent):void
        var dragX:Number = line_mc.x - scroller_mc.width/2 + 1;
        var dragY:Number = line_mc.y;
        var dragW:Number = 0;
        var dragH:Number = line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height;
        scroller_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(dragX,dragY,dragW,dragH));
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
    function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setScrollPercent(event:Event):void
        scrollPercent = (scroller_mc.y - line_mc.y) / (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height);
        if(scrollPercent < 0)
            scrollPercent = 0;
        else if(scrollPercent > 1)
            scrollPercent = 1;
        targetScroll = (scrollPercent * (maxScroll - minScroll)) + minScroll;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
    function scrollUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    function scrollDown(event:MouseEvent):void
    function setDirection(dir:Number):void
        scrollDirection = dir;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollText);
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling);
        stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setScrollPercent);
    function scrollText(event:Event):void
        targetScroll += scrollDirection;
        text_mc.y -= (text_mc.y - targetScroll) / easing;
        if(text_mc.y > minScroll)
            text_mc.y = minScroll;
            targetScroll = minScroll;
        else if(text_mc.y < maxScroll)
            text_mc.y = maxScroll;
            targetScroll = maxScroll;
        scrollPercent = (text_mc.y - minScroll) / (maxScroll - minScroll);
        scroller_mc.y = (scrollPercent * (line_mc.height - scroller_mc.height)) + line_mc.y;
    function stopScrolling(event:MouseEvent):void
        scrollDirection = 0;
    scroller_mc.buttonMode = true;
    text_mc.external_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    scroller_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragScroller);
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);
    up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollUp);
    down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollDown);

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