SCUP - updates not required on machines where they should be?

I have set up an SCCM and SCUP environment to allow the patching of Adobe Reader.  I have approved the latest update (11.0.02) and assigned it to a group of machines which have version XI (initial release) of Adobe Reader. SCCM is saying that all machines in the group (40) do not require the 11.0.2 update but I have confirmed they are running 11.0.0?  Any ideas as to what I have missed?

This is most likely unrelated to the fact that the users are local admins. 
Examine CAS.log and LocationServices.log if the client is able to find content on a DP.
Torsten Meringer |

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    Thanks again for your help with this, tt2.  (I keep wanting to call you "Alan".)
    I totally botched the repair process, including my library and media collection, four different times.  If not for the fact that I had a complete, up-to-date copy of my library and all media files I would be completely scr3wed right now.  I'm going to outline the mistakes I made for the benefit of those who might reference this thread in the future.
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  • SCCM - software updates - Not required.

    Hi All,
    Can some one help with the understanding of "Not Required" software updates. How does actually SCCM decides why a particular software update is not required for a machine.

    Hi, The detection method for if an update is applicable comes with the WSUS component so, the WSUS client which is configured by the SCCM client policy to use the SUP as a WSUS servern.
    The client downloads infiormation about all updates and how they are detected from the SUP and then it sends the result to the MP that processes which updates are applicable or not into the SCCM DB.
    So it it the same way the Windows Update agent uses WSUS and Microsoft Update detects which updates are applicable.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter

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    It is likely that something has been moved. iTunes does not do folder watching so if anything moves or is renamed iTunes will not find it.
    If you open iTunes Music Library.xml with WordPad, you can see where iTunes thinks your music files are located.
    Look for Lines starting <Location>, note the the space character is represented by %20 in the path.
    You can look for specific files with Find.
    This may help you to workout what has gone wrong. Whether or not this leads to an easy solution is less certain. If the files are not where iTunes thinks they should be, and moving them so that the path is correct is one possibility if it can easily be done. The other is to use Find and replace to correct the paths if there is an easy edit that can be done. Then recreate the library from the xml file as in this article.
    The third possibility that is easy and certain to work is to start with a new library. But this loses all counts ratings and playlists.
    Close iTunes, drag iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Music library.xml out of the iTunes folder to the desktop.
    Open iTunes and an empty library is created. Use File>>Add folder to library... to add you iTunes Music folder.

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    I find the best way to do this is to right click on the song in iTunes and convert then select convert ID3 tags to V1.1 this usually completes the tag and adds all the missing info, provided it is in iTunes corectly.
    Were these songs you Dled or ripped form a cd directly?

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    Help needed

    Nothing happened in the logfile. I have no clue to what is happening.  What I ended up doing was that I recreated the Software Update Group with the exact same updates and downloaded it again. Problem solved. The views in the console are made from SQL
    queries. Guess the download process just didnt finish its sql job. 
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    I am using OS 10.5.8 and Dreamweaver CS3 Version 9 Build 3481.
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    Thank you so much for your help and Happy Thanksgiving to our American visitors. =)
    Diane Dennis

    In earlier versions of Dreamweaver, there used to be preview buttons/icons, as well as upload buttons/icons, in the "bar" at the top of the window of the page I was creating.
    Instead of having to go to File > Preview > Browser,  I used to be able to click on the button/icon in the "bar" and choose which browser I wanted to preview the page in.
    You can turn that toolbar back on using:
      View > Toolbars > Document

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    My first post. Greetings all!
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    C:\Useres\me\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\sub
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    root\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog
    but that file is the exact same file size as the one created this a.m. when I reinstalled PSE7 with an empty 'My Catalog'.
    So I renamed the new catalog file to.old and copied the catalog.pse7db from the old hd to the same place it was on the old hd to the new hd. Fired up Elements 7, selected 'Catalogs' for the File menu, but my old catalogs weren't there. So I put everything back to the default state (file-wise)
    My original catalogs were named:
    Dave & Debi's Collection
    RAW Files
    Clip Art
    Are all my original catalogs condensed into on master catalog file somewhere?
    Anybody have any ideas of where my old catalogs are on this bad HD?
    Thank you

    Thanks for the reply. I did another advanced search including non-indexed, hidden, and system files on the sub-dir ProgramData on the bad drive and it only found the same catalog.pse7db as it did before.
    It is the same filesize as the new one with no files cataloged in it.
    Again are all four of my catalogs condensed into one catalog file by default?
    Any other help guys?

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    Here's an example. The Irish word "Lúnasa" is showing up as "L�nasa" when I post it in places such as Yahoo! Groups. This does not happen with my old IE browser. Thanks for any help!

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    Thanks again for you help!

  • Podcasts not going where they should

    Using 2GB Nano
    Windows XP
    I am seeing a strange problem, searched the forums, and haven't found an answer.
    I have many podcasts that I have subscribed to, however, ONE of the podcasts has episodes that won't transfer over.
    To test this, I told iTunes to synch ALL episodes of ALL podcasts. With every podcast except this one, all episodes show up. With this one podcast, 2 or 3 episodes wouldn't transfer over. I even marked them as new, just to see if there was anything goof with that.
    Any ideas?

    Here is some other information I found on it. It seems pretty basic fixes but hey, It just might work for you.

  • My synced bookmarks are not correctly corresponding to what they should be after syncing, how do I correct this?

    Hi, I have been trying to sync my bookmarks/tabs from my laptop to a new PC running windows 8 on my laptop and windows 7 on the PC. It took a while for any of the tabs to appear. When the finally appeared on the PC in Firefox, I checked the bookmarks but they do not correspond to the right website ans many are missing. Will this correct itself in time while the data is being synced, or is this a permanent error?
    I've transferred the bookmarks many times over the years quite simply in the past, but this time, it has taken ages to work it out and see anything actually appearing on the new device (My PC). I don't know if this is normal or if I should I expect it to take a few days or hours! Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

    Sorry but I don't use sync. Only one computer.
    Press the '''Alt''' or '''F10''' key to bring up the tool bar. Then select
    '''Bookmarks'''. Hot key is '''<Control>''(Mac:<Command>)''<Shift> B.'''
    Once the window is open, at the top of the page, press the button labeled
    '''Import and Backup.''' Select '''Export Bookmarks To HTML,''' and follow
    the prompts and save it to a '''HTML''' file. Copy the file to another computer.
    Repeat the instructions above, BUT select '''Import Bookmarks From HTML,'''

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    I went onto windows live messenger today and all my contacts have disappeared from it, but I also noticed that they had somehow now appeared in my curve 9360 phone contacts. How did this happen, and how can I get them back into windows live messenger and out of my phone contacts on my phone? This is driving me crazy, can anybody help please?
    My phone is the curve 9360, OS is 7.0.0 bundle 2259 And it was purchased Easter Monday

    Thanks, but I checked iCloud and it has none of them.
    If it backed up to my laptop, that died and I just got the new computer. The one that's crashed won't even boot, so there's no way to even tell if it was syncing the contacts along with all the phone photos. Literally happened at the same time - it was because I had the new computer that I was finally able to pull the photos off the phone and make room for the upgrade. It had refused to upgrade for lack of space for some time.
    I had thought it was set to sync to iCloud but it vanished from BOTH my phone and the cloud. That's why I'm so angry about it.

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