SDK Kit?

When will the SDK Kit be coming out and what exactly is it?
My friend told me its the ability to create new apps.
Well if this is what it is then how can you get them onto the touch?

In Steve Jobs' Macworld 2008 Keynote Address he slipped in that the SDK is coming out LATE February. Meaning probably one of the last two Fridays of February because Friday is a popular day for software releases.
The SDK is being released to 3RD Part Developers. They will submit the Applications or Widgets to Apple. Apple will overlook them and put them into iTunes for sale. The 3rd Party Developers will get 70% of the profit. Applications will be between 0$ - 8$ and widgets 0$ - 3$. I am not sure how true that is so don't count on it.
You will be able to buy them from iTunes and sync them to your touch, or buy them through the iTunes Wifi store.

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    I disagree with the previous poster. A 40MB download for someone who's not blessed with broadband is not trivial. Doing that with a 28.8kbps connection is almost impossible.
    How 'bout downloading it from work and putting it on a Zip disk? That would get it to your home desktop.
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    Did you ever sniff the traffic to see what is going on? When you hit the directory button, the phone makes the following request:
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    Verzeichnis ausw..hlen
    Pers..nliches Verzeichnis
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    And it uses the locale to get the name of both directories in the appropriate language.
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    I think you know that I want this for a long time:
      sure I will support you
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    I prefer 1  
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    Any idea what may be causing this and how can I resolve this?

    Were there any minimum system requirements specified where you downloaded the file from ? According to the MSDN documentation, GlobalMemoryStatusEx is only available in Windows 2000 and above. You will probably need an earlier version of the SDK if you want to run it on NT or maybe there is a patch available for NT to support this method. Try searching on the MS website.

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    - A Windows 2003 server
    - Oracle 10.X.
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    - 7.1 Import Server
    - 7.1 Data Manager
    - 7.1 Syndication Server
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    - Write code in Java, SQL, VB and more, save and test them. (SAP NetWeaver WebDynpro for Java ???)
    - create a web screen in the portal and publish to a Portal or URL. (SDK kit or Developer's kit Like: SAP NetWeaver
    Developer Studio ???)
    - It looks to me like the "SAP NetWeaver BPM" product is "Nice" to have but not required.
    This is soo confusing, PLEASE help!
    Thank You
    Steve T

    Hi Steve
    Adding to Anu's response:
    The prebuilt packages (worksets) cannot be used on a CE portal - only on a NW Enterprise Portal.
    iView templates are also provided which allows you to put together your own pages and worksets. Again, these require the Enterprise Portal.
    You don't have to use an SAP portal. You can use any webserver combined with Java code
    (that makes use of the MDM Java API) to access the data (check out for a sample of this). Of course, this requires a lot more effort on your side.
    "SAP NetWeaver BPM" amounts to NetWeaver CE. It is required if you want to make use of the WebDynpro components in new MDM releases.
    Since you mentioned the MDM Publisher, if you want to simply publish "read only" data to a web front-end, you may be able to make use of the MDM Publisher together with Adboe InDesign.
    Java code can make use of the MDM Java API. Windows development tools can make use of the MDM COM and MDM .NET APIs.

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    Hi Experts,
          I'm Indesign Js developer. Now I wish to work with ID SDK. I go through guides in indesign sdk Kit. But there, there are things mentioned and if I tried to execute the sample provided by them and tried to build, It shows some errors that "WriteFishPrice.dll" file missing. I search a lot in google about how to create my owm plug-in & development. But I can't found a clear solution. There is no enough Guide as clear. While I start learning Indesign JS before a long time, It's very clear guide's and easy to learn. But SDK is not clear. Is Getting Adobe License must for creating Plug-in? no other way? Can any one Guide me.....!
    I'm using CS5 & Windows OS.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi AidySun,
            Thank you for your kind reply AidySun. I go through your steps. But I think I missed some steps while setting some paths. I've a following error when I opened the WriteFishPrice.vcproj. The screenshot looks like the below. I tried a lot to solve this issue by myself without disturbing anyone. Can u help me!
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Running Java

    This is what's happening to me. When ever i try and run a swing class from the command line nothing displays on the screen. Even the really basic swing stuff in the tutotiels does not wotk.
    The things i have tried.
    I did a seach on my computer for all java.exe and javac.exe unistalled all the runtimes as well as all the SDK kit's. Installed the latest SDK j2sdk1.4.0 installed it to it's default directory with all the default option. Rebooted the computer, set the correct path. So i can run call java any there on the system that works.
    I don't have a classpath set.
    I can run the HelloWorldApp from the command line. That works tried running same thing with swing from the command line (java HelloWorldSwing). It looks like it's running no error no complaints but nothing appears on the screen. Ohh made sure i recompiled all the classes with the ew installed SDK.
    java version:
    java version "1.4.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)
    Running on Win2000 server.
    And yes i did read the getting started instructions on how to set the PC up.
    Well now i am out of idea's. The weird thing is that i have a similar set up on another PC with Win2000 an it works fine there. I did exacly the same thing to the other PC as above.
    Any Ideas ?

    Ha Ha this is starting to be really funny.
    When i try and run the appletviewer HelloWorldApplet. From the same directory i have the applet in i get "I/O exception while reading: J:\HelloWorld (The system cannot find the file specified)"
    drive j:\ is a mapped drive on my system, Can't see why that should be a problem..

Maybe you are looking for