Search directory with a portion of a filename

I need to make a page that I can search a directory and it's subdirs for files that contain the text supplied. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

I was looking at the class methods, but I am still not sure on searching for filenames. Use listFiles(FileFilter filter) - Returns an array of abstract pathnames denoting the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname that satisfy the specified filter? Can someone give syntax on this?
Let me give my game plan and if you maybe tell me there is a much better way of doing this, that would be appreciated. We have about 7000 docs that I want to search from the parent dir down through all of the subdirectories using a string value that may only be a portion of the filename. We are currently using perl for this and want to convert it to jsp. I was thinking I could do a listfiles into an array then search the array. But my concerns are that a) 7000+ possible IFs b) how do I get a file listing of the parent and all subs and all their subs and so on? Please help out, I really appreciate it.
Basically here is my starting point with the code:
String subDir = "/docs";
File f = new File(subDir);
File[] files = f.listFiles();
for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
     out.println("<br>" + files);

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    I've LabVIEW 8.0.1 run time engine installed on target computer and would like to run LabVIEW executable on target computer.  I also have required low level support VIs for developed VIs. 
    Question is: how do I set the search directory for low level VIs with LabVIEW run time engine installed on the system.
    Suggestions/comments are appreciated.  Thank you.

    If your hierarchy is the same as was in the IDE, then there won't be a need to search for the VIs. If the VIs are not found where they are expected to be, then LV (including the RTE) starts to search for them first in the folder where the VI\application is and then in the folders in its list. To change the list, you need to place the viSearchPath key in your application's INI file. You can copy this key from the labview.ini file and then modify the paths listed in it.
    Try to take over the world!

  • [SOLVED] cd to directory with spaces zsh

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    cd:cd:6: string not in pwd:
    Here is my .zshrc
    # Auto Completion And Additional Settings
    autoload -U compinit
    zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
    export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history
    export HISTSIZE=50000
    export SAVEHIST=50000
    eval `dircolors -b`
    setopt autopushd pushdminus pushdsilent pushdtohome
    setopt autocd
    setopt cdablevars
    setopt ignoreeof
    setopt interactivecomments
    setopt nobanghist
    setopt noclobber
    setopt SH_WORD_SPLIT
    setopt nohup
    setopt completealiases
    setopt correctall
    #Colored Prompt
    autoload -U promptinit
    autoload -U colors && colors
    # allow approximate
    zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _approximate
    zstyle ':completion:*:match:*' original only
    zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 1 numeric
    #zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true
    # tab completion for PID :D
    zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select
    zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' force-list always
    #compdef _gnu_generic
    #zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command 'ps c -u ${USER} -o command | uniq'
    compdef _pids cpulimit
    compdef _pids ps
    compdef _pids appuptime
    # cd not select parent dir
    zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignore-parents parent pwd
    #Special Keys
    typeset -g -A key
    bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
    bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line
    bindkey '^[[5~' up-line-or-history
    bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char
    bindkey '^[[4~' end-of-line
    bindkey '^[[6~' down-line-or-history
    bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-search
    bindkey '^[[D' backward-char
    bindkey '^[[B' down-line-or-search
    bindkey '^[[C' forward-char
    # completion in the middle of a line
    bindkey '^i' expand-or-complete-prefix
    #Directory Colors
    export LS_COLORS
    #History Search
    bindkey "^[[A" history-search-backward
    bindkey "^[[B" history-search-forward
    alias -s txt=$EDITOR
    alias -s conf=$EDITOR
    #alias -s zshrc=$EDITOR
    #alias -s bashrc=$EDITOR
    alias -s png=eog
    alias -s jpg=eog
    alias -s gif=eog
    alias -s svg=eog
    alias cpulimit='sudo cpulimit -l 60 -p'
    alias wiki='firefox /usr/share/doc/arch-wiki/html/index.html'
    alias appuptime='/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts/'
    #Moved From Bash
    #CLI editor
    export EDITOR="nano"
    #Update System
    alias update='sudo pacman-color -Syu && yaourt -Su --aur'
    # dvdauthor
    ## Aliases
    alias grep='grep --color=auto'
    alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
    alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias sudo='sudo '
    alias pacman='pacman-color'
    alias tcpkill='sudo tcpkill -i wlan0'
    alias hist="fc -l 1 55000 | grep "
    alias vim="/usr/bin/vim"
    alias grepmod='lsmod | grep'
    alias peggle='padsp wine /home/dodo3773/Games/PopCap/pegglenights/PeggleNights/PeggleNights.exe'
    #Colorize Man Pages
    export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking
    export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m' # begin bold
    export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode
    export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode
    export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m' # begin standout-mode - info box
    export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline
    export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m' # begin underline
    #Del send to trash
    alias del='mv -t ~/.local/share/Trash/files'
    # Easy extract
    extract () {
    if [ -f $1 ] ; then
    case $1 in
    *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
    *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
    *.rar) rar x $1 ;;
    *.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
    *.jar) jar xf $1 ;;
    *.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
    *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
    *.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
    *.zip) unzip $1 ;;
    *.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
    *.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
    *) echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;;
    echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"
    #List All Available Commands
    function lac
    echo -n $PATH | xargs -d : -I {} find {} -maxdepth 1 \
    -executable -type f -printf '%P\n' | sort -u
    function lac
    COMMANDS=`echo -n $PATH | xargs -d : -I {} find {} -maxdepth 1 \
    -executable -type f -printf '%P\n'`
    ALIASES=`alias | cut -d '=' -f 1`
    echo "$COMMANDS"$'\n'"$ALIASES" | sort -u
    #Custom Terminal
    #PROMPT="%* %~$ "
    PS1="%{%F{green}%}%* %{%f%}%{%F{white}%}%~ %{%F{green}%}>> %{%f%}"
    #Syntax Highlighting
    source /home/dodo3773/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
    Has anyone else came across this? Is there something wrong with my zshrc?
    Edit: "chdir" still works. I guess I could use an alias.
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2011-09-07 08:54:30)

    I've just installed zsh and did some minimal config and cd works, so try commenting out your config one by one until you find the culprit ... or wait for somebody who actually knows something about zsh :-)
    [karol@black ~]$ cat .zshrc
    # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
    # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
    # The following lines were added by compinstall
    zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/karol/.zshrc'
    autoload -Uz compinit
    # End of lines added by compinstall
    # cd not select parent dir
    zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignore-parents parent pwd
    What does it do?
    Edit 2: I can cd just fine using your config. (should have tried it earlier ...) The only difference is I'm not using the syntax highlighting
    source /home/dodo3773/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
    because the path doesn't exist on my computer.
    Last edited by karol (2011-09-07 08:43:15)

  • Custom Icon can be loaded from search directory

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    C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2014 (32-bit)\Components\Icons
    C:\Program Files\TestStand 2014\Components\Icons
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    I made the zip file with WinZip in the same directory as the class file,
    as directed by the previous thread, and uploaded it to my server.
    It still does not load the applet.
    Here is my webpage:
    Can someone please take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong?

  • Can't delete file or directory with accent character

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    ls -al ls: Radiů Disney_ Jams Vol. 2: No such file or directory
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 3 scott staff 102 Jul 29 13:16 .
    drwxrwxr-x@ 21 scott staff 782 Jul 29 13:24 ..
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    I appreciate your help and have saved your suggestions (I'm sure they'll come in handy).

  • Replace Self-Signed FAST Search Certificate with Third Party Certificate

    We are trying to replace the Self-Signed FAST Search Certificate with Third Party Certificate in our SP 2010 environment. And are facing issues while enabling the SSL communication between the FAST servers and the corporate servers.
    Our FAST search servers are in a different farm than that of the Corporate Servers.
    The details of the certificate we received is as follows:
    Issued to : FastSearchCert
    Issued By: Issuer Name
    Valid From: 4/21/2015 to 4/20/2017
    We were able to successfully renew the certificate on the FAST Search Server by following the below steps:
    1.  Login to the Administrative and the Non-Administrative nodes 
    of the FAST server. Go to Windows Service and stop the FAST Search for SharePoint and the FAST Search for SharePoint Monitoring services in both the servers.
    Follow the below steps in the Administrative Node followed by the Non-Administrative Node
    Install the certificate in the following paths in the certificate store:
    “Certificates(Local Computer)\Personal”
    “Certificates(Local Computer)\Trusted Root Certification Authorities”
    3. Ensure that the user account configured for the “FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint” has access to the private key of the certificate.
    4. Go the Administrative node of the FAST farm and follow the below steps:
    Go to the certificate store.
    Expand the Personal folder and then click the Certificates folder. Double-click the third party signed FAST certificate.
    Open the Details tab and then click Thumbprint. Note down this thumbprint.
    5. Next, open
    Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint with Administrator
    Navigate to the directory, “D:\FASTSearch\installer\scripts” and execute the below command to replace the current certificate with the newly created
    third party signed FAST certificate.
    .\ReplaceDefaultCertificate.ps1 -thumbprint "certificate thumbprint".
    7. The FAST certificate was renewed successfully.
    Once the certificate has been renewed successfully in both the nodes, follow the below step:
    8. Start the FASTSearch for SharePoint and the FAST Search
    for SharePoint Monitoring services in the administrator server.
    Next, while enabling the SSL communication between the FAST servers and the other corporate servers, we follow the below steps:
    Copy the new certificate from any of the FAST servers to all the web-front end and application servers in the corporate farm, in order to enable SSL communication between these servers and the FAST farm.
    2.   Also, copy the script
    ‘SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1’ from the location “%FASTSearchFolder%\installer\scripts” in the FAST servers 
    to the web-front end and application servers of the corporate farm.
    3.  Follow the below steps on each of the servers in the corporate farm:
    Open ‘SharePoint 2010 Management Shell’ with administrator privileges and navigate to the directory in which
    SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1’ script is located.
    And then, execute the below command:
     .\SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1 -certThumbprint "certificate thumbprint" –ssaName “FASTCibtebtSSA” –username “DOMAIN\SP_Farm”
    - Thumbprint of the certificate
    -ssaName – FAST Content SSA
    -username – The account configured to run the SharePoint
    Search Service
    On execution of the above command, we receive an error message stating that the "Connection to the Content Distributor 14391 could not be validated...instance of FAST search server backend is running"
    Please help us resolve this issue. We have not been able to find the cause of the above error for a long time.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Your tip on exporting from eDir to locate a missing private key was very helpful. Here are my steps to renew an expired third party certificate when the private key, generated 30 months ago in my case, could not be located.
    In iManager, browse the tree and locate the likely certificate object. The Attributes for the object show Subject Name = Selected the certificate and exported to webmailcert.pfx.
    Then, the openssl commands in TID 7004039, "How to convert a SSL PFX to a PEM file", were run against the .pfx file to create cert.pem, key.pem and server.key files.
    TID 7015500, "How to determine if private key belongs to public key (certificate)", was followed to determine if the public key (downloaded from third party) and private key (just retrieved from iManager) match - they did - that is, the private key converted from webmailcert.pfx matches the downloaded certificate.
    TID 7013103, "How to create a .pem File for SSL certificate Installations", was followed to manually create a server.pem file using openssl.
    TID 7010584, "How to setup SSL Certificate for Apache", part labeled "Additional Information" was followed to modify /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.conf file. Server.pem file created above copied to /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/ and /etc/ssl/servercerts/ directories as specified in vhost-ssl.conf.
    Restarted apache2. has an SSL Certificate Checker that can be used to verify the installation is successful.

  • Photoshop replacing home directory with tilde~

    whenever I run an app.activeDocument.fullName (or app.activeDocument.path), it repalces the home directory with a tilde(~), so
    "Macintosh HD/Users/myname/Desktop/filename.psd"
    becomes just
    can anyone think of a way to get what's behind that tilde and get the FULL PATH of the file??

    Paul, beat me & it's better…

  • I had Copernic Desktop Search installed with an add in to Firefox. On removing CDTS it has left the add-in and the remove button is inactive ie greyed out and I can not delkete it or see the folder in the extentions. Help appreciated to get rid of it.

    I had Copernic Desktop Search installed with an add in to Firefox. On removing CDTS it has left the add-in and the remove button is inactive ie greyed out and I can not delkete it or see the folder in the extensions. Help appreciated to get rid of it.

    uninstalled firefox ....deleted all files still remaining under mozilla firefox directory in program files ... to avoid having to reprogram all my settings, reisntall all addons as well .. I did not remove anything from mozilla firefox that is stored in either appdata or under the windows users directory (if any)
    ... the as suggested reinstalled the latest version of the firefox browser using the link you provided in the email ..; tested and several issues still remain present and unresolved ....
    so please this is urgent or I will have to jump browsers and start using chrome .. because we work 14 hours a day 6 (sometimes 7) days a week, to get ready for the launch of our newest venture and we cannot lose that much days on browser related issues ... so please instead of putting me through week long step process .. of do this .. do that .. can you please actually look into the issue from your end .. I use firefox for so many, many years thta I deserve this kind of support .. thnx Robert

  • Specify directory with AS_TO_CLIENT

    Is it possible to specify the client side download directory with AS_TO_CLIENT?

    Sorry about that, I was under the impression that clientFile was only specifying the filename to the client not the directory. I got it to work very smoothly, and added user input to select the download path with the following code:
         l_filename varchar2(200);
         FLAG BOOLEAN;
    l_filename := webutil_file.file_save_dialog
         (directory_name => 'C:\'
    ,file_name => :data_block.file_name // Displays filename.type (test.txt)
    ,file_filter => null
    ,title => 'Select client side filename where App Server file will be saved');
    FLAG:=WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.AS_TO_client_with_progress(l_filename , :data_block.file_location || :data_block.file_name, 'Downloading File...', 'Please Wait');
    message('The image has been saved to ' || l_filename);
    Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate what you do for the development community.

  • Remove directory with force?

    What is the command to remove directory with force?

    for this question, the appropriate answer is: man rm a small portion of the manpage:             -r, -R, --recursive              remove directories and their contents recursively
                -f, --force                         ignore nonexistent files, never promptroot has an alias for 'rm' after a default installation, which aliases 'rm' to 'rm -i'. using 'rm -rf', with 'f' (force) rm does not signal confirmation for every single file.

  • Directory with restriction based on a subset of users (multiple companies)

    We would like to setup a proof of concept system based on UCM7.x and being able to share it with multiple entities like customers.
    My concern in this topic is that I don't want a customer to be able to see the number of another one via the standard corporate directory service.
    Is there any way to make a custom service based on "something" that the sending phone/profile can provide in order to limitate the search to the subset of the customer only, and not all the numbers configured?
    I know that for extension mobility, the MAC address is sent as parameter but I don't know if it's possible to send something else?
    Do you have any examples of such scripts to limitate the view to a subset only of the directory?
    Thanks in advance

    The 2 "simple" informations you can obtain when you add a service on the phone are :
    MAC Adress (#DEVICENAME#) and IP Adress.
    You can also create a special service which is susbribe differently for each phone
    Ie :
    Phone A subscribe service Directory with url : http://IP/MyService?restriction=PhoneA
    Phone B subscribe the SAME service Directory with url : http://IP/MyService?restriction=PhoneB
    The only problem is that it could be long for the subscription
    Please Rate this Post

  • [OBPM 10gR3]How to configer a hybrid directory with Oracle LDAP Server

    Hey, guys,
    Does anyone have experience on configering a hybrid directory with Oracle LDAP Server? How to config the mapping conf file for Oracle LDAP in the directory of \OraBPMwlHome\conf?
    Here is my conf file. But I got some LDAP mapping errors. It's really weird OBPM doesn't support Oracle's self LDAP, at least it does not provide the conf file.
    Exception [javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - Function Not Implemented]; remaining name '']. Reason: [LDAP: error code 53 - Function Not Implemented] Exception [javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - Function Not Implemented]; remaining name '']. at at at at at at at at at at fuego.server.service.DirectoryListener.updateEngineFromDirectoryImpl( at fuego.server.service.DirectoryListener$DirectoryPollingItem.execute( at fuego.server.execution.DefaultEngineExecution$AtomicExecutionTA.runTransaction( at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.startBaseTransaction( at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.startTransaction( at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.start( at fuego.server.execution.DefaultEngineExecution.executeImmediate( at fuego.server.execution.DefaultEngineExecution.executeAutomaticWork( at fuego.server.execution.EngineExecution.executeAutomaticWork( at fuego.ejbengine.ejb.EngineStartupBean.executeItem( at fuego.ejbengine.ejb.EngineStartupBean.updateFromDirectory( at fuego.ejbengine.ejb.engine_startup_bpmengine_wodkyx_ELOImpl.updateFromDirectory( at fuego.ejbengine.servlet.SchedulerServlet$DirectoryPollingTask.runImpl( at fuego.ejbengine.servlet.SchedulerServlet$ at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop( at Caused by: javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - Function Not Implemented]; remaining name '' at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode( at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode( at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode( at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.searchAux( at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_search( at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_search( at at at at at ... 23 more
    -----------mapping conf file for Oracle LDAP---------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?fuego version="6.1 ALPHA" application="albpmenterprise"?>
    <!-- This file contains the propper attribute mapping for the FDI Generic Ldap Provider using Oracle Directory Service.          
    * Preference for group object
              <preference id="assignedParticipants.containsId" value="true"/>
              This preference is useful to speed up the provider and it can only be used if the assignedParticipant value is the dn of the user and the dn contains the participant id
              <preference id="assignedParticipants.containsId" value="true"/>
              This preference is useful to speed up the provider and it can only be used if the assignedGroup value is the dn of the group and the dn contains the group id
              <preference id="modifyTimeStamp.suffix" value="Z"/>
              This preference is useful when the suffix mofidyTimeStamp format of your ldap is not .OZ.
         <object id="person">
                   <!-- the relative dn for person -->
              <attribute id="id" value="uid"/>
              <attribute id="lastName" value="sn"/>
              <attribute id="firstName" value="givenname"/>
              <attribute id="accountLock" value="orclIsEnabled">
                   <attribute-comparator operation="EQUALS" compareTo="ENABLED"/>
              <attribute id="facsimileTelephoneNumber" value="facsimileTelephoneNumber"/>
              <attribute id="displayName" value="displayName"/>
              <attribute id="mail" value="mail"/>
              <attribute id="telephoneNumber" value="telephoneNumber"/>
              <attribute id="employeeId" value="employeeNumber"/>
              <attribute id="thumbnailPhoto" value="jpegPhoto"/>
              <attribute id="manager" value="manager"/>
              <attribute id="modifyTimeStamp" value="modifytimestamp"/>
         <object id="group">
                   <!-- the relative dn for group -->
              <attribute id="id" value="dn"/>
              <attribute id="modifyTimeStamp" value="modifytimestamp"/>
              <attribute id="displayName" value="displayName"/>
              <attribute id="name" value="cn"/>
              <attribute id="description" value="description"/>
              <attribute id="assignedParticipants" value="uniquemember"/>
              <!--attribute id="assignedGroups" value="memberOf"/-->
              <attribute id="ou" value="uniquemember"/>
         <object id="ou">
                   <!-- the relative dn for ous -->
              <attribute id="name" value="orclsubscriberfullname"/>
              <attribute id="description" value="description"/>
    Edited by: Lemonice on 2009-3-30 上午2:08
    Edited by: Lemonice on 2009-3-30 下午7:01
    Edited by: Lemonice on 2009-3-30 下午8:43

    in my case, I am trying to configure the OBPM directory using ALUI and its native LDAP service.
    Now, I found that the first name and the last name in BPM are retrieved from the ALUI display name : provided we enter the display name in the format %first name% + %last name% we get them into BPM. But the display name is not always in this format...
    In addition, it's the portal telephone number information which is retrieved into BPM Telephone and Fax numbers.
    And, the email adress remains blank
    I have installed the latest patch for OBPM (Version: Build: #97172)
    Would you have any documentation about creating a Profile Web Service in ALUI and specifying which LDAP attributes to map to which ALUI properties in the Profile Source ?
    Thanks !
    Edited by: vVince on May 6, 2009 3:46 PM

  • Configuring dynamically loaded VI's search directory for both 64 and 32bit

    I have an application that has been developed, built in LV2012 32bit.  It needs to run on a 32bit and 64bit machine (Win7, I understand the application itself will only ever be 32bit, but it needs to run in both environments).  The application dynamically loads a bunch of VI's which are raw vi's on disk (think just copy directory of files over from developer machine to the target machine that already has a exe running -- and just a copy, not a build of any sort).  All of these dyanamically loaded vi's at some point reference vi.lib, so I have a few things I need to do to the application to get it to work
    a) within the .ini file for the running exe viSearchPath=......C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\<<bunch of directories>>\*
    b) within the VI object cache directory, I have a lvDistPath.txt file that includes C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012
    This works just fine for when I deploy these files and run the application on a 64bit version of Win7.  However, when I try to run the application on a 32bit version of Win7, it breaks -- LabVIEW is installed in C:\Program Files\.... (no (x86)).
    I am stuck with the dynamic loading architecture we have, and I can't start making changes to my code because it's not my code that is specifying where to find the files -- it's LabVIEW's internal searching algorithm.
    What can I do (short of managing two separate .ini & .txt configuration files, one set each for x86 and 64bit and managing two separate installers) to get around this problem?

    It sounds like you really don't have a problem with a 32 bit app vs. a 64 bit app.  It sounds like a problem with file paths being different on a 32 bit app on 32 bit windows vs. a 32 bit app on 64 bit windows.
    Two things you could do.
    1.  (Not sure this would work.)  Put 2 paths in the search directory, one for c:\program files path for 32 bit windows, and one for c:\program files (x86) for 64 bit windows.  One or the other will exist.  I don't know if something will hangup if it searches the other path that doesn't exist.
    2.  Since you are dynamically loading the VI's, you should specify the path when you are dynamically loading them rather than having LV search for them.  There is a function called Get System Info in the File I/O >> File Constants palette that will return the path to the Program Files folder for you environment so that you can build on that to get to your dynamic VI path.

  • Programmat​ically Inserting search directory

    Hi Ppl,
    I tried programmatically inserting a search directory. I used the method Engine.SearchDirectory.Insert. After calling this method I called the SearchDirectory.Reload method. Despite calling this method the newly added directory was not displayed in the search directories list in sequence editor. When we change Mytypes.ini or other configurations external to sequence editor I get the pop up to reload them. But when I inserted search directory It didnt ask for reloading. I had to restart sequence editor for the new directory to be listed. How do I reload without restarting sequence editor ?
    Below is the code that I used .
    Go to Solution.

    Sathish -
    I believe the behavior you are seeing is expected. When you call the VI stand-alone outside of TestStand, you are creating a different instance of the engine. Thus, you have one instance of the TestStand Engine in the Sequence Editor process, and one instance of the TestStand Engine in the LabVIEW process.
    Now, when you call SearchDirectories.Reload() from the LabVIEW VI, you are telling the LabVIEW instance of the TestStand Engine to reload the SearchDirectories that it has cached from the SearchDirectories on disk, however, this has no effect on the Sequence Editor instance of the TestStand Engine.
    Now, if you were to call your VI as a code module from a sequence that you execute within the Sequence Editor, and you pass the Engine as an input to the VI (RunState.Engine), then you would see the behavior you are expecting.
    You could also try the following as a test: With the Sequence Editor open, run your VI as you have been. Then, in the Sequence Editor, execute a step that calls RunState.Engine.SearchDirectories.Reload() (if you're in TestStand 4.0 or newer, you can simply call this in a Statement step). Then check the Search Directories... have they updated?
    Hope this helps.
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

  • Relative path for Download directory folder.I created a firefox profile and i wanted to use this profile in multiple machines.I wanted to use a relative path for download directory with respect to the profile folder.I need this on Linux machines

    I have a use case where I need to use different download directories with different firefox profiles.I need to use this profiles in multiple linux machines.
    I need to have a relative path to my download directory with respect to the profile folder.
    Ex: I have a selenium test which opens a website and downloads it to my machine.I want this downloaded file to go into some specific folder relative to this profile folder.How do I do this??

    That is not a practically empty xinitrc - that file only needs one line: exec WM.  Other things are entirely optional, and some of them very useful, but I'd encourage you to stick with the simplest xinitrc that will do what you require.
    Is slim involved?  Probably.  That is the source of many problems.  But to start narrowing this down, I have 3 suggestions:
    1) temporarily (at least) change your inittab to default to runlevel 3 ... actually, is it currently set to 5 or 3? if it is currently 3 that would explain why slim doesn't start.
    2) at a tty in runlevel 3 use "xinit" instead of "startx".  Startx is fine most of the time, but it is essentially just a complex wrapper for xinit.  That complexity can often iadd useful functionality, but it *always* makes troubleshooting more difficult.  So for now just use a vanilla 'xinit'.
    3) remove dbus-launch from your exec line in xinitrc.  This is done by console-kit so it is redundant and potentially problematic.  Further BOTH of these are taken care of by slim, so I'd even suggest getting both a jump start on being ready for slim and simplifying troubleshooting by removing both of them.  Just make that line "exec openbox-session"
    Edit: adding one more:
    4) temporarily switch out openbox-session for openbox.  I suspect the reason feh's setting of the background is getting overridden is due to a script or setting in openbox's autostart settings - many of these are only invoked when "openbox-session" is called, while "openbox" starts *just* the window manager itself.
    Last edited by Trilby (2012-10-03 17:30:36)

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