Search of Discussions

When is search coming back? That was the best too in the entire support section!

JazJon wrote:
That was posted Friday. AFAICT, the boards are not faster.
I suspect it has to do with the iPhone release and updates, so when that settles down, perhaps the board speed and error rate will return to normal and the search and ratings will be put back.
I find myself quickly losing interest in posting when it takes so long and often results in a server error.
I am just as sure that many people with issues of their own are frustrated at the slow response to their problems.
"In time, this too shall pass"
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
I would add that this problem is resulting in unintentional double posts, adding to the server load.
Message was edited by: nerowolfe

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    Command: Finder
    Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
    Parent: WindowServer [63]
    Version: 10.4.6 (10.4.6)
    Build Version: 1
    Project Name: Finder_FE
    Source Version: 5292800
    PID: 225
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x0000006c
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 0x9288053c THFSPlusStore::GetGenericIconRef(OpaqueIconRef*&) const + 88
    1 0x9286a508 THFSPlusStore::ReadIconRef(OpaqueIconRef*&) const + 172
    2 0x9286a3bc THFSPlusStore::GetIconRef(TPropertyReference&) const + 92
    3 0x9285bcf0 THFSPlusStore::GetProperty(unsigned long, TPropertyReference&) const + 116
    4 0x9285b974 TNode::GetProperty(unsigned long, TPropertyReference&, unsigned long long&) const + 996
    5 0x9285b510 GetNodeProperty(OpaqueNodeRef const*, unsigned long, unsigned long long*, TPropertyReference&) + 160
    6 0x9286a348 GetNodePropertyAsIconRef + 40

    Did you update your OS recently?
    After each OS update I download, I always repair my
    Disk Permissions afterwards.
    Try repairing your permissions using Disk Utility.
    Remember to mark as helpful or solved.
    Thanks for the reply.
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    in Spotlight. But why the crash?
    Shouldn't Spotlight just ignore the volume name,
    or better, access it through NFS?

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    Hi Mike,
    The terms find and process are very general, and can apply to many functions of OS X. Therefore the Search results will be numerous and widespread.
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    ali b

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    Please see the announcement about Search and RSS
    Eric W.
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