Search REST API - Usage reports

We use the Search REST API to execute queries. 
The Usage reports on the Site Collection under Popularity and Search Reports do not contain any data.
Is there a way to get usage data for queries executed by the REST API?
Best regards,
Christoffer Vig

You suggest running queries directly against the SP log database? I see it described at as well.
I always thought this was strictly prohibited in a production environment and will void warranty, but is the logging database an exception to this?
Mikael Svenson
Search Enthusiast - SharePoint MVP/MCT/MCPD - If you find an answer useful, please up-vote it.
Author of Working with FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint

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    Thanks, Rakesh

    Hi Rakesh,
    To enable anonymous Search REST queries, we need to create queryparametertemplate.xml and upload it to the correct library in SharePoint.
    From your description I can know that you have created the file, then I recommend to check the things below:
    Please use “QueryTemplatePropertiesUrl” instead of “queryparametertemplate” in the Search REST API query as following: &QueryTemplatePropertiesUrl='spfile://webroot/queryparametertemplate.xml'.
    Make sure that the Query Properties you need have been added to the QueryProperties element in the queryparametertemplate.xml file.
    Make sure that the query parameters you need have been added to the WhiteList element in the
    queryparametertemplate.xml file. For example, if you want to use Refiners in the REST API, then the Refiners should be added to the
    WhiteList element in the queryparametertemplate.xml file as following:
    You can also debug setting properties in anonymous Search Rest queries following the link below:
    More references about anonymous Search REST:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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    I went through the same problem and yes it is possible. In my case, I created a Managed Properties specific to my site column metadata, and assign the value only the label of the column metadata for this managed property. So it returns only the value of
    the name and not the metadata ID | Name as the default. 
    So, just move on selectproperties the name of your managed metadata, so it returns the correct value.

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    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    {"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.REST.SearchServiceException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"We didn't understand your search terms. Make sure they're using proper
    syntax."},"innererror":{"message":"We didn't understand your search terms. Make sure they're using proper syntax

    The response is:
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    {"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)."},"innererror":{"message":"Guid should contain 32 digits with
    4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).","type":"Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException","stacktrace":"   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.EdmClientValue.ConvertTo[T]()\r\n   at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.REST.SearchServiceServerStub.query_MethodProxy(SearchService
    target, ClientValueCollection xmlargs, ProxyContext proxyContext)\r\n   at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.REST.SearchServiceServerStub.InvokeMethod(Object target, String methodName, ClientValueCollection xmlargs, ProxyContext proxyContext, Boolean&
    isVoid)\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerStub.InvokeMethodWithMonitoredScope(Object target, String methodName, ClientValueCollection args, ProxyContext proxyContext, Boolean& isVoid)\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.RestRequestProcessor.InvokeMethod(Boolean
    mainRequestPath, Object value, ServerStub serverProxy, EdmParserNode node, Boolean resourceEndpoint, MethodInformation methodInfo, Boolean isExtensionMethod, Boolean isIndexerMethod)\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.RestRequestProcessor.GetObjectFromPathMember(Boolean
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    pathForErrorMessage)\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.RestRequestProcessor.Process()\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.RestRequestProcessor.ProcessRequest()\r\n   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Rest.RestService.ProcessQuery(Stream
    inputStream, IList`1 pendingDisposableContainer)"}}}

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    Taking what Shakir said you would substitute queryText with a managed property query (KQL) to query against metadata from the Document library. So if your document library has a Owner column then you would either create or use an existing managed property
    defined in the Search Schema. So your query may look like this:
    https://<site URL>/_api/search/query?querytext='(owner:smith)+AND+(path:<library url>)'
    Blog | SharePoint Field Notes Dev Tools |
    SPFastDeploy | SPRemoteAPIExplorer

  • REST API POST and GET Error--Retriving following sites news feed

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    var feedManagerEndpoint;
    // Get the SPAppWebUrl parameter from the query string and build
    // the feed manager endpoint.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    var appweburl;
    var params = document.URL.split("?")[1].split("&");
    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
    var param = params[i].split("=");
    if (param[0] === "SPAppWebUrl") appweburl = param[1];
    feedManagerEndpoint = decodeURIComponent(appweburl)+ "/_api/social.feed";
    // Publish a post to the current user's feed by using the
    // "<app web URL>/_api/social.feed/my/Feed/Post" endpoint.
    function postToMyFeed() {
    $.ajax( {
    url: feedManagerEndpoint+"/my/Feed/Post",
    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify( {
    'ContentText':'This post was published using REST.',
    headers: {
    "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    success: getMyFeed,
    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
    alert("POST error:\n" + xhr.status + "\n" + thrownError);
    // Get the current user's feed by using the
    // "<app web URL>/_api/social.feed/my/Feed" endpoint.
    function getMyFeed() {
    $.ajax( {
    url: feedManagerEndpoint +"/my/Feed",
    headers: {
    "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
    success: feedRetrieved,
    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
    alert("GET error:\n" + xhr.status + "\n" + thrownError);
    // Parse the JSON data and iterate through the feed.
    function feedRetrieved(data) {
    var stringData = JSON.stringify(data);
    var jsonObject = JSON.parse(stringData);
    var feed = jsonObject.d.SocialFeed.Threads;
    var threads = feed.results;
    var feedContent = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
    var thread = threads[i];
    var participants = thread.Actors;
    var owner = participants.results[thread.OwnerIndex].Name;
    feedContent += '<p>' + owner +
    ' said "' + thread.RootPost.Text + '"</p>';

    Hi Scott,
    With EnableQueryRules and ProcessBestBets set to true in the search rest api, we can get the promoted results(best bets) in SharePoint 2013.
    I recommend to type the search rest api URL in the browser directly and then check if the best bets are displayed at the top of the search results.
    It will not displayed inside the table for normal results.
    Please also make sure that the query text matches the query rule condition.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • REST API and best bets / query rules

    Is there a bug in this?  I can not get best bet results regardless of the query string.  For example, the following (according to MSDN documentation) should process the query rules and return a best bet.  But it doesnt.  Am I doing something
    wrong in the query?  It only seems to return ordinary results.  Performing the same search via Sharepoint's UI returns the best bet at the top.
    url: "http://myserver/sites/mysite/_api/search/query/?processbestbets=true&enablequeryrules=true&querytext='" + searchText + "'",
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
    "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose"
    success: myCallback,
    error: function(data) {

    Hi Scott,
    With EnableQueryRules and ProcessBestBets set to true in the search rest api, we can get the promoted results(best bets) in SharePoint 2013.
    I recommend to type the search rest api URL in the browser directly and then check if the best bets are displayed at the top of the search results.
    It will not displayed inside the table for normal results.
    Please also make sure that the query text matches the query rule condition.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Is "2013-08" the latest REST API version or is the documentation outdated?

    I'm wondering if the Azure Notification Hubs REST API documentation is
    still correct and up-to-date or if there is already a newer API version than "2013-08" that can be used.
    All the single pages show "Updated: February 26, 2015", but I guess it was just a meta data update of all the pages, since the API version didn't change,
    it's still "2013-08". Is this intentional because the API didn't change or was it forgotten to update the API version?
    Here (and here)
    is an example for the REST API usage from Elio Damaggio which uses "2013-10" as the api version. I tried all possible api version values in the format "yyyy-mm" from "2013-10" to "2015-03" and the following
    were working: "2013-10", "2014-01", "2014-05", "2014-08", "2014-09", "2015-01". Are there actual changes to the API and if so, aren't they officially supported or what is the reason for the
    old API version in the documentation? 
    Is the API version "2015-01" officially supported and can I find the documentation for it or am I stuck with API version "2013-08"? Or
    aren't there any changes worth updating the documentation?
    Moreover the documentation for "Read All Registrations of a Channel" states to use
    following request URI, which doesn't work: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken eq ‘{deviceToken}’&api-version=2013-08
    Even more confusing, the german version uses double quotes, which doesn't work either: https://{Namespace}{Benachrichtigungshub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken
    eq "{Gerätetoken}"&api-version=2013-08
    I found out that the correct request URI must be like this to work: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken+eq+'{deviceToken}'&api-version=2013-08 ,
    so + instead of spaces and '' (apostrophe / straight single quote - U+0027) instead of ‘’ (single curved quotation marks - U+2018 and U+2019) or "" (straight double quote - U+0022), e.g.$filter=DeviceToken+eq+'2ED202AC08EA9033665E853A3DC8BC4C5E78F7A6CF8D55910DF230567037DCC4'&api-version=2013-08
    Is the documentation just wrong by mistake or is it not up-to-date? How are people even using the REST API without a 100% correct documentation? Is
    there something I am missing? Do you get a manual when you buy a Azure Notification Hubs subscription or is the REST API not even supported officially?

    The latest version is 2015-01. All or most of features works with starting version 2013-08.
    Version in documentation indicates that minimum version required for working that feature. Hence, all documentation is pointing to 2013-08.
    You should do the URL encoding before making http request. Otherwise special characters such as blanks and punctuation are passed in an HTTP stream without encoding, they might be misinterpreted. Hence your request failed due to space. You can use the following
    method to do the URL encoding.
    Yes, REST API is fully supported. May be there could be few gaps or bugs. We are putting constant efforts to fix all bugs as we find and improve it further.
    Mark Post as helpful if it provides any help.Otherwise,leave it as it is.

  • REST API to get and update Task Data

    On CPSC 9.4.1 R2, I am unable to find any REST API operation to get and update task data details (all the service form and dictionary fields).
    Task operations only return limited task meta-data not the details of the task/requisition data submitted, fields, etc.
    Does anyone know if such thing exist?

    Hi Rakesh,
    To enable anonymous Search REST queries, we need to create queryparametertemplate.xml and upload it to the correct library in SharePoint.
    From your description I can know that you have created the file, then I recommend to check the things below:
    Please use “QueryTemplatePropertiesUrl” instead of “queryparametertemplate” in the Search REST API query as following: &QueryTemplatePropertiesUrl='spfile://webroot/queryparametertemplate.xml'.
    Make sure that the Query Properties you need have been added to the QueryProperties element in the queryparametertemplate.xml file.
    Make sure that the query parameters you need have been added to the WhiteList element in the
    queryparametertemplate.xml file. For example, if you want to use Refiners in the REST API, then the Refiners should be added to the
    WhiteList element in the queryparametertemplate.xml file as following:
    You can also debug setting properties in anonymous Search Rest queries following the link below:
    More references about anonymous Search REST:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Schedule Webi report using RESTful API

    We are using BO 4.0 (SP2) and looking to schedule reports using our intranet application. I have searched for APIs avaialble and was able to find RESTful API for SP4 but not SP2.  How can we do it in BI 4.0, SP2?
    Quick help will be really appreciated.

    you can schedule Webi documents with prompts using the following:
    URL: http://<servername>:6405/biprws/raylight/v1/documents/<docid>/schedules
    Request Body:
    <name>Enter values for City:</name>
    <format type="webi"/>
    <once retriesAllowed="2" retryIntervalInSeconds="60">
    <parameter optional="false" type="prompt" dpId="DP0">
    <technicalName>Enter values for City:</technicalName>
    <answer constrained="false" type="Text">
    Using the above request you can schedule the Webi document with prompts to inbox destination  and set for once. The schedule can be sent in different formats to several destinations and set just for once, daily,
    hourly or monthly.
    BUT, its broken if you want to schedule a weekly report (Calendar Date) with prompts in BI 4.1 and SDK has been deprecated.

  • SAP BO 4.1 Webi report sample with prompts to try Restful api

    I was not able to find, in the report demo samples available in the SAP BO 4.1 installation, a Webi report with prompts.
    I found many Webi reports samples but all are without prompts.
    I need at least one Webi report sample with prompts to try the Restful API http://localhost:6405/biprws/raylight/v1/documents/7090/parameters and http://localhost:6405/biprws/raylight/v1/documents/7090/schedules with parameters body.
    Where can I found such webi sample?

    As you have BI 4.1 installed, you could design a sample webi report using Webi Rich Client tool.
    Open Webi rich client, select the sample eFashion universe drag few objects in the query and a filter. Set the filter as a prompt and save the report to Enterprise.
    Now you could now use this sample report for your handson on REST SDK.

  • How does schedule with RESTful API a Webi report for a group of users ("Schedule For" to "Schedule for specified users and user groups" with one or more users/groups)?

    SAB BO 4.1 SP1
    Does it have an RESTful API to schedule a Webi report with the parameter to specify a group of users ("Schedule For" to "Schedule for specified users and user groups" with one or more users/groups)?

    Hello Ricardo,
    have you try a call like this one ?
          <format type=\"webi\"/>

  • Rest API search by updatedAt?

    I've been trying to do a search by updatedAt through the REST API.  I haven't been able to get it to work.  Is it possible to do this search?
    I've tried using epoch time, and I've tried using the date formats mm/dd/yyyy and yyyy/mm/dd.  Maybe I just don't have the right magic format?
    Also, I've tried using both greater-than > and greater-than-or-equal-to >=.  So, my parameters might look like: ?page=1&search=updatedAt>=1371745091806
    The exact error message is: "Invalid query"
    .  Topher

    I finally was able to figure out how to do this.  So, for posterity:
    The trick is that you don't use the 'search' parameter.  There's a separate parameter just for getting data updated since a specific timestamp.  It's called lastUpdatedAt (rather than updatedAt).  The value of the parameter is applied as a "greater than or equal to" filter, and is in seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
    So, for example:
    GET /API/REST/1.0/assets/campaigns?page=1&lastUpdatedAt=1369841921
    The tip that got me there was that I noticed on the campaigns page the list call included a distinct parameter for lastUpdatedAt.
    .  Topher

  • Using REST API: Query search box to return list items

    My goal is to create a search box which returns the items (matching to the name) from a list.
    Bonus: The return would happen without requiring user to click a
    Search button or such.
    To achieve this I assume the SharePoint 2013's REST API should be used. I'm completely inexperienced in using the REST API so all kind of suggestions are available.

    Here are some articles about SharePoint 2013 REST API for your reference:
    Get started with the SharePoint 2013 REST service
    How to: Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints
    SharePoint 2013 – CRUD on List Items Using REST Services & jQuery
    Working with SharePoint list data - OData, REST and JavaScript
    Best regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • REST API searching customObject data

    Using the tool at:
    I'm attempting to search through customObject records using the GET command like:
    This works like a charm if I leave the 'search' parameter empty, but any other value causes a 500 error like:
      There was an internal server error.
      The error has been logged with log identifier 102142565.
      Please provide this log identifier to technical support.

    Hey Chris (or anyone else),
    Do you know how to search all records of a Custom Object that contain a specific value in a specific field from the REST API (like you can in the front end of Eloqua)?
    I've tried a ton of different variants of: GET /data/customObject/{id}?count=1&page=1&search='fieldValues=id=1234567890' AND 'fieldValues=value=abcdefghi'
    But I can't get anything to work in the search parameter other than ...&search=id=789456132 (not even '...&search=contactId=456789123' would work)
    The body of response is usually something like:
    <html><head><title>Internal Server Error</title></head><body><h1>
            Internal Server Error
            There was an internal server error.
            The error has been logged with log identifier <b>666997947</b>.
            Please provide this log identifier to technical support.
    Here are the results when I make the following call: GET /data/customObject/{id}?count=1&page=1
    { elements:
       [ { type: 'CustomObjectData',
           id: '789456132',
           contactId: '456789123',
           fieldValues: [
                   { type: 'FieldValue', id: '1234567890', value: 'abcdefghi' },
                   ...bunch of fields
    page: 1,
    pageSize: 1,
    total: 10000 }
    1) How can I query fields of a record? In the above response, each field is represented as an the object in the fieldValues array.
    2) How can I incorporate a logical 'AND' operator into the query? I think I need this to query for both a field's ID AND the value of that field on the record: i.e. something like ''fieldValues=id=1234567890' AND 'fieldValues=value=abcdefghi'.
    Thanks to all in advance!

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