Search with keywords

The search function does not work any more. The keywords are present though as witnessed by the fact that when an image is selected, this is indicated in the list of keywords. nevertheless each search is returned with the message : no items to display.
Who can help?
Many thanks

A folder is indexed if you visit it and let the spinning wheel at bottom of screen finish building the cache. This waiting procedure also minimizes corrupting the cache, a common problem with CS3.
If you want to index all files (below your search point) do a search and click the box - include non-indexed sub-folders. This may take awhile if you have a lot of files. You will see the screen say "indexing xxx". The files should stay indexed so you can unclick that option the next time or it will go through the whole process again.
Be aware that when you add new files they will not be indexed unless you allow that to happen as stated in 1st paragraph.

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    No there isn't a maximum allowed but the developer's seem not to have considered that people may have more than a screen full of keywords.
    Use Smart Albums: Keyword -> Is -> Whatever, and of course you can have as many keyword conditions as you like.
    Use Keyword Manager which gives you an alternative interface with your keywords that makes assigning and searching easier - among other features.

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    {"app_name":"MobileMail","app_version":"1.0.0","bundleID":"" ,"adam_id":0,"os_version":"iPhone OS 8.1.3 (12B466)","slice_uuid":"4b48abd9-90e9-3dbe-a47d-b1cbf328da9e","share_with_app_d evs":false,"build_version":"53","is_first_party":true,"bug_type":"109","name":"M obileMail"}
    Incident Identifier: F88A90BF-A535-442B-AF70-B47F440BB339
    CrashReporter Key:   26449da9de7f92eef2a1b5775fa00d903ce1f8f6
    Hardware Model:      iPhone7,2
    Process:             MobileMail [1564]
    Path:                /Applications/
    Version:             53 (1.0.0)
    Code Type:           ARM-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:      launchd [1]
    Date/Time:           2015-02-14 01:27:45.003 +0530
    Launch Time:         2015-02-14 01:27:38.142 +0530
    OS Version:          iOS 8.1.3 (12B466)
    Report Version:      105
    Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Triggered by Thread:  0
    Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue:
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127270 0x19510c000 + 111216
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c5224 0x1951c0000 + 21028
    2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x000000019509eb14 0x19503c000 + 404244
    3   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x000000019515cd74 0x195150000 + 52596
    4   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x000000019515d130 0x195150000 + 53552
    5   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x0000000195155708 0x195150000 + 22280
    6   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x0000000195153b0c 0x195150000 + 15116
    7   CoreFoundation                 0x0000000184227bb8 0x184130000 + 1014712
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x0000000184135160 0x184130000 + 20832
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018421eaac 0x184130000 + 977580
    10  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018423bd48 0x184130000 + 1097032
    11  Foundation                     0x000000018504793c 0x185034000 + 80188
    12  Foundation                     0x00000001850478c4 0x185034000 + 80068
    13  UIFoundation                   0x00000001911ecaa8 0x19116c000 + 527016
    14  UIFoundation                   0x00000001911ecc70 0x19116c000 + 527472
    15  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191195f08 0x19116c000 + 171784
    16  UIFoundation                   0x00000001911822b4 0x19116c000 + 90804
    17  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191183d94 0x19116c000 + 97684
    18  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191184500 0x19116c000 + 99584
    19  UIFoundation                   0x000000019118d4a0 0x19116c000 + 136352
    20  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191182944 0x19116c000 + 92484
    21  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191183d94 0x19116c000 + 97684
    22  UIFoundation                   0x0000000191190c6c 0x19116c000 + 150636
    23  UIFoundation                   0x00000001911b9eb0 0x19116c000 + 319152
    24  MobileMail                     0x000000010018baf4 0x10008c000 + 1047284
    25  MobileMail                     0x0000000100111b50 0x10008c000 + 547664
    26  MobileMail                     0x0000000100111ab8 0x10008c000 + 547512
    27  MobileMail                     0x0000000100111700 0x10008c000 + 546560
    28  UIKit                         0x0000000188a86cec 0x1889f4000 + 601324
    29  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188389c10 0x18834c000 + 252944
    30  QuartzCore                     0x000000018837433c 0x18834c000 + 164668
    31  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188373918 0x18834c000 + 162072
    32  QuartzCore                     0x00000001883734a0 0x18834c000 + 160928
    33  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188354758 0x18834c000 + 34648
    34  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188354410 0x18834c000 + 33808
    35  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188353c04 0x18834c000 + 31748
    36  QuartzCore                     0x0000000188353988 0x18834c000 + 31112
    37  QuartzCore                     0x000000018834d3b8 0x18834c000 + 5048
    38  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420ea4c 0x184130000 + 911948
    39  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420b9d8 0x184130000 + 899544
    40  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420bdb8 0x184130000 + 900536
    41  CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    42  GraphicsServices               0x000000018d2d35a0 0x18d2c8000 + 46496
    43  UIKit                         0x0000000188a6aaa0 0x1889f4000 + 486048
    44  MobileMail                     0x00000001000902c4 0x10008c000 + 17092
    45  libdyld.dylib                 0x000000019500ea04 0x19500c000 + 10756
    Thread 1 name:  Dispatch queue:
    Thread 1:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510cc94 0x19510c000 + 3220
    1   libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194ff497c 0x194fe4000 + 67964
    2   libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194fe73b0 0x194fe4000 + 13232
    Thread 2:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 8 name:  Dispatch queue: NSOperationQueue 0x17442d120 :: NSOperation 0x1742ebd00
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c2fe0 0x1951c0000 + 12256
    2   Foundation                     0x0000000185097c5c 0x185034000 + 408668
    3   MobileMail                     0x00000001001d96d0 0x10008c000 + 1365712
    4   MobileMail                     0x00000001001d9bf8 0x10008c000 + 1367032
    5   Foundation                     0x00000001850505b8 0x185034000 + 116152
    6   Foundation                     0x0000000185112208 0x185034000 + 909832
    7   libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194fe5368 0x194fe4000 + 4968
    8   libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194fef4bc 0x194fe4000 + 46268
    9   libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194fe8470 0x194fe4000 + 17520
    10  libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194ff1220 0x194fe4000 + 53792
    11  libdispatch.dylib             0x0000000194ff2758 0x194fe4000 + 59224
    12  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c12e0 0x1951c0000 + 4832
    13  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127c78 0x19510c000 + 113784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1390 0x1951c0000 + 5008
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fa4 0x1951c0000 + 4004
    Thread 10 name:  CommonUtilities-WiFi-Thread
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ce7c 0x19510c000 + 3708
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ccf4 0x19510c000 + 3316
    2   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420decc 0x184130000 + 909004
    3   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420be20 0x184130000 + 900640
    4   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    5   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018418b1f8 0x184130000 + 373240
    6   CommonUtilities               0x000000018af4aa08 0x18af44000 + 27144
    7   Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ce7c 0x19510c000 + 3708
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ccf4 0x19510c000 + 3316
    2   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420decc 0x184130000 + 909004
    3   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420be20 0x184130000 + 900640
    4   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    5   Foundation                     0x00000001850417a0 0x185034000 + 55200
    6   Foundation                     0x000000018509be94 0x185034000 + 425620
    7   Message                       0x000000018de76248 0x18de6c000 + 41544
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de01728 0x18ddf4000 + 55080
    12  Message                       0x000000018df0bcd4 0x18de6c000 + 654548
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb29c 0x18ddf4000 + 29340
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    16  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    18  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    19  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    20  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    21  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    22  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    23  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    24  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    25  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    26  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    27  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    28  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ce7c 0x19510c000 + 3708
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ccf4 0x19510c000 + 3316
    2   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420decc 0x184130000 + 909004
    3   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420be20 0x184130000 + 900640
    4   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    5   Foundation                     0x00000001850417a0 0x185034000 + 55200
    6   Foundation                     0x000000018509be94 0x185034000 + 425620
    7   DAEAS                         0x000000018bac5d9c 0x18bac4000 + 7580
    8   Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    11  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 14:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de02848 0x18ddf4000 + 59464
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018ddf7ec8 0x18ddf4000 + 16072
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfaf10 0x18ddf4000 + 28432
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb57c 0x18ddf4000 + 30076
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de018d0 0x18ddf4000 + 55504
    16  IMAP                           0x000000018de3d94c 0x18ddf4000 + 301388
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    18  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    19  IMAP                           0x000000018de3b2b8 0x18ddf4000 + 291512
    20  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    21  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    22  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    23  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    24  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    25  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    26  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    27  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    28  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    29  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    30  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    31  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    32  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 15:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018defc3e0 0x18de6c000 + 590816
    6   Message                       0x000000018def8098 0x18de6c000 + 573592
    7   Message                       0x000000018def7cb4 0x18de6c000 + 572596
    8   Message                       0x000000018defcaa8 0x18de6c000 + 592552
    9   Message                       0x000000018df06b28 0x18de6c000 + 633640
    10  Message                       0x000000018df06a38 0x18de6c000 + 633400
    11  Message                       0x000000018defd4a4 0x18de6c000 + 595108
    12  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    13  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    14  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    15  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    16  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    17  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    18  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    19  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    20  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    21  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    22  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 16:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de02848 0x18ddf4000 + 59464
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018ddf7ec8 0x18ddf4000 + 16072
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfaf10 0x18ddf4000 + 28432
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb57c 0x18ddf4000 + 30076
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de018d0 0x18ddf4000 + 55504
    16  Message                       0x000000018df0bcd4 0x18de6c000 + 654548
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb29c 0x18ddf4000 + 29340
    18  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    19  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    20  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    21  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    22  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    23  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    24  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    25  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    26  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    27  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    28  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    29  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    30  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    31  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    32  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 17:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de02848 0x18ddf4000 + 59464
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018ddf7ec8 0x18ddf4000 + 16072
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfaf10 0x18ddf4000 + 28432
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb57c 0x18ddf4000 + 30076
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de018d0 0x18ddf4000 + 55504
    16  Message                       0x000000018df0bcd4 0x18de6c000 + 654548
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb29c 0x18ddf4000 + 29340
    18  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    19  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    20  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    21  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    22  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    23  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    24  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    25  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    26  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    27  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    28  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    29  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    30  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    31  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    32  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 18:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9d39c 0x18de6c000 + 201628
    4   Message                       0x000000018de98ac4 0x18de6c000 + 182980
    5   Message                       0x000000018de97f08 0x18de6c000 + 179976
    6   IMAP                           0x000000018ddf94a8 0x18ddf4000 + 21672
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018ddf9804 0x18ddf4000 + 22532
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018ddf99e0 0x18ddf4000 + 23008
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018de2e700 0x18ddf4000 + 239360
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    13  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    14  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    15  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    16  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    17  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    18  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    19  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    20  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    21  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    22  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    23  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 19:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de02848 0x18ddf4000 + 59464
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018ddf7ec8 0x18ddf4000 + 16072
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfaf10 0x18ddf4000 + 28432
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb57c 0x18ddf4000 + 30076
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de018d0 0x18ddf4000 + 55504
    16  Message                       0x000000018df0bcd4 0x18de6c000 + 654548
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb29c 0x18ddf4000 + 29340
    18  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    19  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    20  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    21  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    22  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    23  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    24  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    25  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    26  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    27  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    28  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    29  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    30  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    31  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    32  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 20:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Message                       0x000000018de9b4a8 0x18de6c000 + 193704
    4   Message                       0x000000018de9aef4 0x18de6c000 + 192244
    5   Message                       0x000000018de9aa3c 0x18de6c000 + 191036
    6   Message                       0x000000018de9a824 0x18de6c000 + 190500
    7   IMAP                           0x000000018de023e0 0x18ddf4000 + 58336
    8   IMAP                           0x000000018de14f1c 0x18ddf4000 + 134940
    9   IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa8ac 0x18ddf4000 + 26796
    10  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfa960 0x18ddf4000 + 26976
    11  IMAP                           0x000000018de02848 0x18ddf4000 + 59464
    12  IMAP                           0x000000018ddf7ec8 0x18ddf4000 + 16072
    13  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfaf10 0x18ddf4000 + 28432
    14  IMAP                           0x000000018ddfb57c 0x18ddf4000 + 30076
    15  IMAP                           0x000000018de018d0 0x18ddf4000 + 55504
    16  IMAP                           0x000000018de3d94c 0x18ddf4000 + 301388
    17  IMAP                           0x000000018de2e720 0x18ddf4000 + 239392
    18  IMAP                           0x000000018de2f09c 0x18ddf4000 + 241820
    19  IMAP                           0x000000018de3b2b8 0x18ddf4000 + 291512
    20  IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    21  IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    22  Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    23  MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    24  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    25  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    26  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    27  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    28  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    29  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    30  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    31  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    32  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 21:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00000001951270c0 0x19510c000 + 110784
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c1548 0x1951c0000 + 5448
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018503e4bc 0x185034000 + 42172
    3   MIME                           0x000000018da6c150 0x18da40000 + 180560
    4   IMAP                           0x000000018de2ed50 0x18ddf4000 + 240976
    5   IMAP                           0x000000018de26fec 0x18ddf4000 + 208876
    6   IMAP                           0x000000018de1de54 0x18ddf4000 + 171604
    7   Message                       0x000000018de8fa04 0x18de6c000 + 145924
    8   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    10  CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    11  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    12  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    13  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    14  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    17  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 22:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ce7c 0x19510c000 + 3708
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ccf4 0x19510c000 + 3316
    2   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420decc 0x184130000 + 909004
    3   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420be20 0x184130000 + 900640
    4   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    5   Foundation                     0x00000001850417a0 0x185034000 + 55200
    6   Foundation                     0x000000018509be94 0x185034000 + 425620
    7   Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 23 name:
    Thread 23:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ce7c 0x19510c000 + 3708
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x000000019510ccf4 0x19510c000 + 3316
    2   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420decc 0x184130000 + 909004
    3   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018420be20 0x184130000 + 900640
    4   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001841390a0 0x184130000 + 37024
    5   CFNetwork                     0x0000000183c3e4e4 0x183ba0000 + 648420
    6   Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 24 name:
    Thread 24:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127498 0x19510c000 + 111768
    1   CoreFoundation                 0x00000001842138c4 0x184130000 + 932036
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 25:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 26:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 27:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 28:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 29:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 30:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 31:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 32:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x0000000195127078 0x19510c000 + 110712
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c301c 0x1951c0000 + 12316
    2   Foundation                     0x000000018504d244 0x185034000 + 102980
    3   Foundation                     0x0000000185049f98 0x185034000 + 90008
    4   MIME                           0x000000018da6cd24 0x18da40000 + 183588
    5   Message                       0x000000018de8fce4 0x18de6c000 + 146660
    6   Message                       0x000000018de8f898 0x18de6c000 + 145560
    7   MobileMail                     0x00000001000ad7f4 0x10008c000 + 137204
    8   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018425c3bc 0x184130000 + 1229756
    9   CoreFoundation                 0x000000018415a134 0x184130000 + 172340
    10  Message                       0x000000018de7d8ac 0x18de6c000 + 71852
    11  Message                       0x000000018df11d38 0x18de6c000 + 679224
    12  Message                       0x000000018de7d590 0x18de6c000 + 71056
    13  Foundation                     0x0000000185129ba8 0x185034000 + 1006504
    14  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3e7c 0x1951c0000 + 15996
    15  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c3dd8 0x1951c0000 + 15832
    16  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001951c0fac 0x1951c0000 + 4012
    Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
        x0: 0x0000000000000000   x1: 0x0000000000000000   x2: 0x0000000000000000   x3: 0x0000000000000000
        x4: 0x0000000000000000   x5: 0x0000000000000000   x6: 0x0000000000000001   x7: 0x0000000000000000
        x8: 0x0000000008000000   x9: 0x0000000004000000  x10: 0x0000000000000000  x11: 0x00000000fffffff0
       x12: 0x00000000fffffff0  x13: 0x0000000195167346  x14: 0x0000000000000053  x15: 0x000000000000004d
       x16: 0x0000000000000148  x17: 0x0000000000000010  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000000000006
       x20: 0x0000000198cbb310  x21: 0x0000000000000001  x22: 0x0000000195167557  x23: 0x000000013e265e08
       x24: 0x0000000000000000  x25: 0x0000000000000042  x26: 0x0000000000000016  x27: 0x0000000000001319
       x28: 0x000000000000132f  fp: 0x000000016fd70450   lr: 0x00000001951c5228
        sp: 0x000000016fd70430   pc: 0x0000000195127270 cpsr: 0x00000000
    Binary Images:
    0x10008c000 - 0x10024ffff MobileMail arm64  <4b48abd990e93dbea47db1cbf328da9e> /Applications/
    0x120010000 - 0x120037fff dyld arm64  <21c893f791653e989e1c3e15446d772b> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x1825b0000 - 0x1825b9fff AccessibilitySettingsLoader arm64  <405bc785101a38439b0d4fda94536e0c> /System/Library/AccessibilityBundles/AccessibilitySettingsLoader.bundle/Accessi bilitySettingsLoader
    0x182a30000 - 0x182bc3fff AVFoundation arm64  <c9cd60a62cfb3e77be72db6cd3062a09> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation
    0x182bc4000 - 0x182c28fff libAVFAudio.dylib arm64  <017d90360b443ae788ef31cfd73d17f6> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/libAVFAudio.dylib
    0x182c6c000 - 0x182c6cfff Accelerate arm64  <e9ba7838f51634a7b59ed392be50e86f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Accelerate
    0x182c84000 - 0x182ea3fff vImage arm64  <da44067fc79931c7aef1b7e88bf82a83> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vImage.framework/vIm age
    0x182ea4000 - 0x182f4bfff libBLAS.dylib arm64  <e5276e7784ef34a4baca480264978ea0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/lib BLAS.dylib
    0x182f4c000 - 0x1832c6fff libLAPACK.dylib arm64  <165b05f9f75736d5ae8f5f39293bd6e7> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/lib LAPACK.dylib
    0x1832c8000 - 0x1832ddfff libLinearAlgebra.dylib arm64  <5574ec3bd4e537e1b662d38a63aec58b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/lib LinearAlgebra.dylib
    0x1832e0000 - 0x183348fff libvDSP.dylib arm64  <004f5668574139bc906c5fa4fdced3b1> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/lib vDSP.dylib
    0x18334c000 - 0x18336ffff libvMisc.dylib arm64  <5790e7ace143367ea6f2428852be384e> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/lib vMisc.dylib
    0x183370000 - 0x183370fff vecLib arm64  <211d7711a6e93fe8ae6d6b42585cad2d> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/vec Lib
    0x183374000 - 0x1833a2fff Accounts arm64  <2508d336b9893176ad4e1bc67ff04188> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Accounts
    0x1833a8000 - 0x18342afff AddressBook arm64  <09e2e24ef5e23fb8a62ae209466a64bd> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/AddressBook
    0x18342c000 - 0x18357cfff AddressBookUI arm64  <e79239b432af33e783296d2a9841578e> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBookUI.framework/AddressBookUI
    0x183580000 - 0x183593fff AssetsLibrary arm64  <d376d132d1053a928e3b5b199d92eabe> /System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/AssetsLibrary
    0x183744000 - 0x183a01fff AudioToolbox arm64  <f0b739a395993b808d66e85e1a6e9f18> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox
    0x183ba0000 - 0x183dabfff CFNetwork arm64  <68adcebf440d30769bd2d67adc7932a2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork
    0x183dac000 - 0x183e43fff CloudKit arm64  <8f226c83b2793a0db1eefa14d697c04b> /System/Library/Frameworks/CloudKit.framework/CloudKit
    0x183e44000 - 0x183ea9fff CoreAudio arm64  <10aae62ba1c43dd29bc678fbf0f985ef> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/CoreAudio
    0x183ecc000 - 0x183eedfff CoreBluetooth arm64  <b30de1ce792a318aa125a84b06e8a95d> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/CoreBluetooth
    0x183ef0000 - 0x18412efff CoreData arm64  <33c0d795a45e35c9affed5cf9d83a8a1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData
    0x184130000 - 0x18448cfff CoreFoundation arm64  <83a9627362

  • Keyword search with exact phrase

    When I use the filter bar to search for photos I normally don't find myself in this situation. But now when the photos reaches 10 000+ this will be a problem. The searchfunction in LR does not support serching for an exact phrase like the exact phras "Tom". Exactly "Tom" not "Tommy" or "Romtomtom" or anything else containing "Tom".
    The problem appears when I want to search for this exact phrase. I have a real example. I took picture on a golfcompetition called Roland Cup. The founder of the Cup is called Roland. He is not on all pictures of course. The problem occurs when I want to search for the pictures of the founder Roland. If I search with the textfield with is by far the fastest way and type "Roland" I get all the pictures from the competition. That's not how I want it.
    Another example for clearance. Let's say that I take pictures of tomatoes and of course set the keyword "tomato". Later I take pictoures of tomato soup. And keyword it just "tomato soup". Then I want to search for the tomato soup pictures. Of course I now get all the pictures of the soup and the tomatoes.
    Does anyone have any tip how to do without changing the persons keyword to "Roland Andersson" which is the obvious solution?

    Thanks Ian,
    Your answer is part of my answer. Let's say that I took photos in Salt Lake City (classic example huh?). And in Salt Lake City I took pictures of a lake. I keyworded all my photos from Salt Lake City with "Salt Lake City" of course and all my pictures of lakes with lake, of course.
    Now I want to filter all my photos of lakes from all over the world. I then search for - what? If I search for "lake" I get all pictures of lakes and all pictures from Salt Lake City. Not good.
    And if I want to see the lakephotos in Salt Lake City, how do I perform that search in a good way?
    Maybe I'm getting you wrong with the + and !. If I do, can you give me an example how to use them in this Salt Lake City problem.

  • Keyword Search with the search field

    Hi everyone,
    I have a question regarding search by keywords: when I type in more than one keyword in the search field I do not get any results, no matter if I separate those with a comma or just a space. Isn't this supposed to work? Or do I have to use the search HUD for keyword search? When I am searching my entire library there are a LOT of keywords. I always thought I could use the searchbar just like Spotlight, typing several words and getting results in real-time. It works like this in iPhoto, so why not in Aperture?

    You mean you can't just click on the Magnifying Glass in the Search Box like I can?
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    And then Select Rating?
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    And then click on the Third Dot and it will become a Star?
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    Or even use a Smart Album? File -> new Smart Album: My Rating -> is -> And there's click on the third dot to make it a star trick again?

  • Searching photo keywords with spotlight

    Hi - I have been adding keywords to my photos - through Photoshop. Spotlight does search these keywords. The problem is, I also add "Author" data to the photos and I want to be able to search just by keyword - is there any way to narrow the search, or is there a third-party application that will do this. I can search within Photoshop's File Browse, but I am not crazy about the interface.

    Assuming you're using the ⌘F interface in Finder - you can select Keywords as a specific criteria option - click on Kind or Last Modified to change. If you give it a few seconds, it generates a list of all the keywords in the index allowing you to pick them from the drop down menu.
    Entering the term in the standard search oval, or on the menubar Spotlight offers some ability to narrow the search but its limited.

  • IPhoto 6 unusably slow (starting with keywords and then the rest o product)

    As I've mentioned in a post in another thread, I upgraded to iPhoto 6 a few weeks ago. From the moment of upgrade, anything associated with the keyword function (applying, searching, even scrolling the keyword box) is painfully slow--60 seconds to 3+ minutes at a time (that's the average--I've had waits of 90 seconds to apply 1 keyword to 1 photo and 8 minutes to apply 1 keyword to 27 photos). Since that last post, I've also discovered that the longer I try to use the product, the slower EVERYTHING in the product gets (other than scrolling the library).
    I use iPhoto as a database, not an image editor. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, the types of things I'm trying to do include:
    * apply one keyword to 30 photos
    * click on one photo after having assigned a keyword to a different subset of photos
    * scroll down one page in the keyword box
    * select 4 photos
    * scroll one page in the main iPhoto view of photos
    * search by keyword
    I've re-installed, re-built, and re-started. I can also say that the longer I try to use iPhoto 6 in one session, the worse the performance gets. Yesterday morning I had to keyword 150 photos from a party and forced myself to use iPhoto so they could be searched with another set of pictures already in iPhoto. It took me OVER 1 HOUR to assign an average of 6 keywords to each photo with selections averaging 10-15 photos at a time. I am not exaggerating--I timed it (63 minutes). For the record, no other applications were running: iPhoto was flying solo (I thought running alone might help performance, but it didn't. I'm no software programmer but I have a lot of experience with computers and whatever is tying iPhoto's resources into a knot seems to be between iPhoto and iPhoto or iPhoto and the OS.)
    Also, the longer I used the product, the fewer "actions" it saw. So, for example, at the beginning I could click 3 keywords on the same keyword pane view and all 3 would apply to the selected photos (with a still dismal response, but at least I was getting 3 assignments for each response). By the end, only 1 assignment would be "seen" at a time even if 3 were clicked (and the other 2 would be translated into some random actions as iPhoto would scroll the keyword pane and assign a random keyword--not necessarily on the same side or the same position on the screen of the keywords I had actually clicked). The result? The functional response time tripled.
    The product is not only much worse than iPhoto 5, it's unusably slow. Sadly, I've already upgraded. So I'm wondering if anyone can tell me:
    1) Is there any way to know officially if Apple is addressing this specific problem? I know other people are experiencing this and thought there would be a fix from Apple by now, but nothing.
    2) Is there any way to bail out of iPhoto 6 and go back to iPhoto 5? I know there's no official path, but (A) is there any unofficial path and (B) what would I lose?
    3) Since iPhoto 6 is the only iLife product I use, I feel especially ripped-off. What I'd really like to do is get a refund and pursue a different solution. Any thoughts there?
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Old Toad
    Since I last wrote I have:
    * Rebuilt the directories with Disk Warrior. The problems I had were 30+ overlaps between iPhoto images and iTunes song files.
    This got rid of the 8 minute responses, but performance was still unusably appalling.
    * I cleaned out the user caches with OnyX.
    No change in iPhoto performance.
    * I reinstalled iPhoto. (Because of the overlaps I also tried to reinstall iTunes but it doesn't have an obvious path for that. Given the number of hours I've already burned on this Apple problem I didn't have the fight in me for another one).
    No change.
    * Per another post in this forum I emptied iPhoto trash, then per Old Toad I rebuilt the iPhoto library with the first 3 options.
    Noticeable improvement, but the performance is still dreadful.
    * Did a re-install and archive of OS X (per a friend's suggestion) and downloaded all the system updates anew.
    No improvement.
    So after rebuilding my system from the directories up, re-installing iPhoto, and rebuilding the iPhoto library I'm "back to" 30 second to 3+ minute waits for everything when the Photo Info pane is active. For example, it takes 30-90 second waits for tasks such as:
    * changing a tab in the Photo Info pane
    * trying to scroll the Keywords tab of the Photo Info pane
    * assign 1 keyword to 1 photo
    It takes 2-3+ minute waits for tasks such as:
    * scrolling the main window (one click in the scroll bar--not dragging) when the Photo Info pane is open
    * assigning 1 keyword to 36 photos
    * closing the Photo Info pane (AFTER however many minutes it took for the final commit i did before trying to exit)
    My observations:
    * When the ball is spinning on the screen, iPhoto doesn't "remember" what I do as other applications do, although the Keywords pane will occasionally scroll backward or forward--apparently randomly--in response to a single click anywhere in iPhoto. (And I'm not one of those people who bangs on the keyboard constantly when the computer is busy: I'm talking about a click that might get in before the ball starts spinning on the screen.)
    * The first "click" after opening the Photo Info Pane (either the Keywords tab or the first keyword box) is always "free"--no problem with excessively long waits. The second click after after a "free" click always has the burdensome wait times. Occasionally, though, in the first 3-5 clicks in the Photo Info pane the first click after what I'm assuming is a commit does not have the painful wait times. After those first 3-5 clicks, though, every click gets this excessive wait.
    * It seems odd to me how consistent the minimum wait is: right around 30 seconds. The click is either "free"--i.e. no perceptible wait time (or a reasonably minimal wait, given the task at hand)--or it's 30+ seconds.
    These response times really do make the product unusable for me. Does anyone:
    1) Have any other suggestions?
    2) Know how I can find out whether this problem is being pursued by Apple?
    3) Know of any path out of the product so I can put myself out of my misery?………
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Keywords PS CC - Number of photos applied to missing and can't search using keywords

    Last night in attempting to coordinate/consolidate the keywords assigned to 40k+ photos by over 4 programs the past 2 years I made an error.
    I had MANY photos with keywords Other/Statuary and I wanted to remove the Other part of the hierarchy and just have Statuary under Assigned Keywords.
    What I did was create a new keyword for Statuary so I had both the Other/Statuary and just the Statuary under Assigned Keywords.
    Then I clicked on Other/Statuary to display all in the Contents panel, Selected All, then applied the new Keyword Statuary and unchecked the Other/Statuary keyword.
    What happened is the keyword counted down from 200+ to ZERO and all photos in the Content panel disappeared. Then when the keyword Statuary was unchecked under Assigned Keywords -- it disappeared.
    Being late, tired and irritated I continued on thinking I had made an error and I would correct those keywords later.
    BAD MISTAKE. I made thing much worse by doing the same thing to several keywords.
    So, thinking I would be a "bright fellow" this morning, I deleted the Adobe Bridge Cache to let it rebuild it and copied back ALL my photos from a backup made yesterday when all was well in my world.
    Now I have all the keywords listed and they show up in my Contents Panel per photo BUT there is no number to the right of the keyword denoting the number of photos it is applied to and I can't search by a particular keyword.
    I had exported my keywords yesterday also and this morning I Cleared and Reimported those keywords.
    All looks great and works great but no number of photos per keyword and can't search.
    Oh God, please someone help me ????

    I reset my custom workspace and all seems to be well now. My keywords now show, the number of photos each applies to and I can again search.
    Thank you.

  • Some Adventures With Keywords

    I like many features of the Keyword system supplied with Aperture very much. But there are a few things which have been a little frustrating.
    * The way the autocompletion feature works in the "Add Keyword" field in the Control Bar makes it too easy to misenter a keyword. You type your keyword, hit "Enter", and--oops--you've entered something you didn't mean to enter.
    * Keywords entered in the HUD sometimes capitalize themselves when you don't want this. I haven't been able to determine why this happens, but I can't really understand why I would ever want the program to capitalize a word I didn't capitalize myself. Sometimes this is really frustrating--if I already have a keyword in the HUD, like "lake", and try to enter a phrase like "Kabetogama Lake" in the Control Bar field, Aperture simply won't let me make the "l" in lake uppercase no matter what I try.
    * When you apply a keyword via the Control Bar field, if it doesn't exist in the Keyword HUD Aperture automatically it. Many times I do not want this, and there ought to be a preference to allow turning this off.
    * The "keyword checkbox" interface of the Search HUD does not scale very well. As long as the pictures selected only contain a dozen or two unique keywords, this is fine, but when there are many all of the checkboxes and keywords overwhelm the HUD. Also, the HUD for some reason cannot be made wide enough to show long keywords after each checkbox, no matter how wide the screen on which it is displayed is.
    * In my library, the search HUD shows multiple checkbox items with the identical keyword. Interestingly, selecting one or the other provides different results from the search. However, entering the phrase in the "Quick Search" field does return the correct picture subset. Perhaps rebuilding the library would help with this problem.
    * I thought that the point of the hierarchical structure of the Keywords HUD would make it automatic to enter mutiple keywords which were related. For example, if I have a keyword of "tree" with a subcategory of "oak" I thought you would automatically get "tree" when you applied "oak" to a picture or pictures. Unless I'm missing something there is no way to do this. May a modifier key held down while dragging a keyword to a picture could add the parent keyword(s) as well.
    Has anyone else had similar experiences?

    Here is another issue with keywords.
    Why is a search using a single keyword so slow? On my PowerBook, a search of a relatively small library--1500 images--takes in the neighborhood of 17-20 seconds. How can it take this long? A similar search of my full library (about 7000 images) using Portfolio 7 is virtually instantaneous. The graphics card surely can't be blamed for this one. This is, after all, the company which highlights their Spotlight technology...
    Two other nits. First, it's not clear when the search is complete. There's no progress bar or other indication of completion, so sometimes when you do a search, a group of pictures appear and you think it's done, but suddenly more images appear. Then you wait a while until you feel certain it must be done.
    Secondly, when a search is finished and the subset of images which were found is displayed, there's no indication that it's not the entire project or libarary, particularly when the Search HUD is dismissed. For example, it just says "104 images displayed", rather than "104 of 1500 images displayed" or something like that. It ought to be very obvious that you are not viewing the entire container of images.

  • TOC problem; lost Search and Keyword boxes

    I inherited a Robohelp X5 project that was originally started
    by a person very familiar with these types of programs, then
    ultimately messed up by someone who knew nothing about them or the
    content. I spent most of my time re-writing and updating the
    content using X5, then upgraded to 7 this morning. I have learned
    quite a bit about the program, not obviously not enough. I'm sure
    these are things I've messed up, because they worked before; but I
    don't know what I did or how to fix it...
    First, the TOC is built, with books and pages are in the
    order I want. The books are linked to a page - presumably, so that
    when a user clicks on the book, it defaults a particular page, and
    from there they can move to other pages in the section. However,
    when I view the results, you have to click on the book, then click
    on the individual page to get the page to open.
    Next, I have 'lost' the Search boxes for the Index and
    Keyword searches. When I look at the skin, they appear there, but
    when I view the project, they aren't - the index and keyword lists
    appear instead of the boxes.
    If anyone can give me some direction on what I need to do,
    I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks so much for trying to help me - I apologize in advance
    for being suce a novice, and I promise I'll try to learn more about
    this program and not bother you guys so much in the future. Right
    now I'm just in a bind with needing to get the file posted.
    I right-clicked on each of the books, went to Properties, and
    confirmed that the Book with Link box is checked, near the bottom
    of the window, in the Link to: box is the page that I want the book
    to open with. However, when I view the project, that isn't what
    happens. For example: I have a Book named Getting Started, under it
    are several pages related to initial set up of the software, one of
    which is named Getting Started. The Book is linked to the page; but
    when I open the project in View, I click on Getting Started and it
    expands to show the pages; I have to actually click on the Getting
    Started page to open it. Before, whenever I clicked on the Getting
    Started Book, the Getting Started Page opened to reveal the
    contents of the Book. On the Book Properties window, there isn't
    anything in the Available Variables box, and if I go to the
    Advanced tab, the Frame reads Default (none) - should the Book or
    the Page be designated as a Parent Frame?
    With regard to losing the Search and Keywords boxes - I have
    an Index full of words; went through yesterday and cleaned it all
    up, then generated Webhelp. When I open it to View, the project
    opens to the TOC, which is good, but the Search button that usually
    appears at the top of the Help screen is not there. Then, when I
    click on either the Index or Search tabs, what I see is the
    alphabet where the Search box should be, with a list of all of the
    index words below. If I open the Skin that was used on the project
    and View it, the Search boxes appear there.
    I looked at the website that Peter directed me to, but I
    don't really see anything there that addresses either of these
    issues. Under the Tools menu I did locate an Update DHTML Effects
    in Topic; but when I click on it, it returns a message that tells
    me that after the conversion the topics cannot be opened by
    previous versions of RoboHelp HTML. I've answered No to convert all
    of the topics, because I'm not sure that's what I should do.

  • Searching with large text

    We are evaluating Oracle 10g specifically for its Oracle Text functionality and are having a difficult time trying to figure out how to use large text for searching.
    Specifically, we have a table containing large, full-text descriptions that we wish to find using smaller abstracts. Our full-text may be anywhere from ten thousand to a hundred thousand characters in length. Our abstracts tend to be much smaller; in the five hundred character range.
    We wish to use these smaller, five hundred character abstracts to locate documents that may be related based solely upon common keywords. We will eventually get into concept matching, but for now we simply wish to find document matches based upon keywords. This query is quite similar to ORing every term in the abstract and performing a CONTAINS query, but should hopefully be less clunky.
    SQL Server allows us to do this quite simply by performing a freetext search. We plug our abstract into the search algorithm and receive a listing of documents that it deemed to be similar.
    Does Oracle Text provide a similar functionality and, if so, can someone point me in the right direction?
    Many thanks,

    We are currently using a tool mandated by our client to cluster documents and perform concept (theme) based searching. This tool does not, however, perform keyword searching. We are looking to supplement its results with keyword search results from, say, Oracle Text or SQL Server (or Google or any of 100 other keyword search capable tools on the market).
    We already have a working prototype that uses SQL Server. Using fulltext keyword matching, it accepts an abstract and returns to us all of the documents that mostly closely match. We would like to also perform this test in Oracle Text, however, we are unable to figure out how to make Oracle accept a large text for searching without significant reformatting.
    For example, say my text is "Four score and seven years ago". In SQL Server, I am able to pass this in, as is, and it will return to me the Gettysburg Address as its highest ranking match.
    With Oracle Text, I was able to produce similar results, but I had to reformat the query string to "$Four$|score$|and$|seven$|years$|ago". I am looking for a way to pass in "Four score and seven years ago" without having to perform any gyrations on the text.

  • How to tag media with keywords in Premiere CS5.5?

    I'm searching for a way to tag media (movie clips, subclips, sequences..) with multiple keyword tags.
    It seems that Bridge uses tags, but this functionality is only for real files. I'm using many subclips that I need to keyword tag within Premiere, and then be able to perform filtered searches by keywords.
    I'm really surprised that the metadata function in Premiere does not include keword tagging support. The best it seems to offer is a field named "description".
    It seems that earlier/simplified (premiere elements) versions did support this. Is it relly possible that the Pro version of Premiere does not include this basic and useful tool ?
    Many thanks in advance !

    You can't (unless you want to store them next to the originals, a proposition I find untenable).  Some of the scratch disk settings are stored at the project level (things like video and audio previews), but the one's you're talking about are global - one setting for the whole program.
    I don't like that arrangement myself.  ALL scratch disks should be stored per project.

  • Improving Search for Keywords in NI Example Finder

    Search for Keywords is presently limited to logical "OR" search. It would highly profit from logical "AND" Search.

    Thinking out of the box here...
    It's possible to search just the bookmarks with a script. The problem is how to show the result, since it's not possible to highlight the found bookmarks.
    One option I can think of is to change the color of the matches to a different color, like red. Unfortunately, this doesn't work in Reader...
    The only other option that might work in Reader is to tell the user where to look, ie which position in the tree (and what items are before and after it).

  • Finding images with keyword tags in PE 12 Organizer

    I am experiencing difficulties while finding images with keyword tags.
    I am using the Organizer of Photoshop Element 12 (French version) and I think I follow the procedure described in “ADOBE ELEMENTS ORGANIZER Help and tutorials” (page 168 in the English version or alternatively 150 in the French one), i.e. :
    In the Keyword Tags panel, I click the ">" symbol of the keyword of which I want to know the relevant images
    Whatever the search option (Select either Hide Best Match Results Show/Hide Close Match Results, or Show/Hide Results That Do Not Match), I am not able to select and show only the Best Match Results.
    Please note also that the Tip
    To automatically display close matches after a search, choose Edit > Preferences > General, or Adobe Elements Organizer 11 > Preferences > General, and select Show Closely Matching Sets For Searches, and then click OK.
    does not seem to work with Adobe Elements Organizer 12

    You are right, my problem is to select only the close matches.
    Based on your comment, I am afraid it’s one of the recurring problem in PE whatever the version (PE11 or PE12)
    De : MichelBParis 
    Envoyé : vendredi 30 mai 2014 08:40
    À : Michel ROUSSEAU
    Objet :  Finding images with keyword tags in PE 12 Organizer
    Finding images with keyword tags in PE 12 Organizer
    created by MichelBParis <>  in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion <>

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    Safari has just crashed 'unexpectedly'. I say 'just', actually about 3 hours ago and I've been wrestiling with the problem since then. Restarting Safari, it works OK with the exception of three tabs that are remaining from just before the crash. If I

  • Preview (and Skim) crashing with certain pdfs.

    I get pdf copies of my Visa bill and preview regularly crashes when I try to view them. Note that this happens some months, and not others. I have downloaded and tried Skim with the same result. Sometimes Safari crashes at the same time. Here is the

  • Power Mac Wont StartUp

    My Power Mac just decided not to start up this morning, I have checked the power cords, its working fine, the power outlet its working fine, Is there a way i can check to see if there is Power getting to the board

  • Portal Header details to be added

    Hi, In the SAP GUI, in a report program, I'm creating a URL by calling the function module CALL_BROWSER. I'm calling the report program in Portals. In the report program, when I call the URL, the URL should appear with Portal header details. When the