Searching for WS logs

I have a WS which runs in WebAS. The WS method uses a set of API, which processes a lot of events and prints out sysout statements. Now whr do i chk these sysout statements in webAS, as these will give me some important input abt the WS that is running.
Where s/d i check for the WS logs, if any are present in webAS.
Please help me on that.

Trace and log information are written in standard log format into the log directory, location: .trc:
Contains detailed information of Solution Manager Diagnostics applications.
You can also configure your own logging/tracing;

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    Is there any sql script using which we can find out all local paths used in job steps and output_file_name path used in advanced settings in in each job step.
    Example ) if i have a job which has job steps which out file logging and I need display those jobnames,step id, and command where local paths are used. The reason I wanted to find this output because as we are going for server migration and so we need to
    create those paths and folders on the new server. I don't want to visit each n every job and look for local paths. That's where i am in search of the script.
    Thanks in advance

    You can look into sysjobsteps table for that
    select *
    from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps
    where output_file_name > ''
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  • Searching for dbm.log

    on I read that all inputs made via dbmgui can be shown in file dbm.log, which should be located in RUN_DIRECTORY.
    Rundirectory is located in /sapdb/data/wrk/SID, but there I do not find dbm.log. There are dbm.cfg, dbm.ins, dbm.knl and so on, but no dbm.log.
    Is it necessary to activate a paramter to get this log? Or do I need a special maxdb version?
    I would like to see the history of commands done via DBMGUI to know the correspondig dbmcli commands.

    Hello Natalia,
    I'm working with different maxdb versions, but for example I take MaxDB version 7.6.04 with DBMGUI
    In file dbm.prt I only see that commands are executed but not which one.
    Example from dbm.prt:
    2011-07-04 00:52:17 0x00005be4 INF        421 DBMSrv   Command 'user_response ...' was executed since 2011-07-04 00:52:17.
    2011-07-04 00:52:17 0x00005be4 ERR     -24580 DBMSrv   ERR_COMMAND_FAILED: Command 'user_response' has ended and failed with return code -24950.
                        0x00005be4 ERR     -24950 DBMSrv   ERR_USRFAIL: User authorization failed
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    I will have a look into the links too, but I think, there is a need to change a parameter to log this?!

  • Audit directory and searching through the logs for deleted file

    Windows Server 2003
    I have found article
    And in description of this article is: to found deleted files in auditing directory I have to found event 560.
    But I have about 60 000 events.
    My file abcd.txt is missing and I have to find who delete it, but I cant click 60 000 times to find it.
    Moreover most of that event looks like its objcect open not object deleted.
    How to find this particular?
    Event Type:    Success Audit
    Event Source:    Security
    Event Category:    Object Access
    Event ID:    560
    Date:        2/23/2014
    Time:        11:48:00 PM
    User:        DOMAIN\user
    Computer:    PLWAW1FS00003
    Object Open:
         Object Server:    Security
         Object Type:    File
         Object Name:    E:\Temp\\
         Handle ID:    1788
         Operation ID:    {0,477992664}
         Process ID:    1692
         Image File Name:    C:\WINDOWS\system32\xcopy.exe
         Primary User Name:    user
         Primary Domain:    DOMAIN
         Primary Logon ID:    (0x0,0x1C7D2FA0)
         Client User Name:    -
         Client Domain:    -
         Client Logon ID:    -
         Accesses:    DELETE
                ReadData (or ListDirectory)
                WriteData (or AddFile)
                AppendData (or AddSubdirectory or CreatePipeInstance)
         Privileges:    SeBackupPrivilege
         Restricted Sid Count:    0
         Access Mask:    0x11F019F
    Find fields are: Information/Warning/Error/Succes/Failure
    Event source: DS/IIS/LSA etc...
    Event ID:
    and no filename, or action.
    Maybe I can use powershell to search through the logs?

    You can use Custom View and XML filter to filter specific event logs. Firstly, create a custom view. Then type an XML query to filter by ObjectName (abcd.txt).
    For more detailed information, please refer to the article below:
    Advanced XML filtering in the Windows Event Viewer
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Vpdn: searching for snmp oid to log out vpdn session

    Hello colleagues,
    Cisco 7204 works as vpdn server.
    There are two problems:
    1) I'm searching for snmp oid to log out , terminate vpdn session
    2) radius server does not receives snmp statistics of incoming traffic of vpdn users.
    Please is anyone able to assist me?
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default local
    aaa authentication ppp default group radius local
    aaa authentication ppp VPDN local group radius
    aaa authorization network default local group radius
    aaa accounting delay-start
    aaa accounting update periodic 3
    aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
    aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
    aaa session-id common
    vpdn enable
    vpdn-group 1
    ! Default PPTP VPDN group
    description HOMENET
    protocol pptp
    virtual-template 3
    interface Virtual-Template3
    ip unnumbered Loopback1
    peer default ip address pool vpdn-pool
    no keepalive
    ppp authentication chap VPDN
    snmp-server community xxxxxxx RW
    snmp-server chassis-id 0x0E
    snmp-server enable traps tty
    radius-server host x.x.x.x auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
    radius-server timeout 60
    radius-server key 7
    radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type
    Best regards, Petr Akimov

    Hello –
    I received a reply from the developer of the script, and listed below is the new code that was suggested:
    value=`snmpwalk $1 -v1 -c $2 . | cut -d " " -f4`
    if [[ value -gt  $3 ]]
    echo " $value Users Online, Critical!"
         if [[ $value -gt $4 ]]
               echo " $value users online, Warning!"
               echo " $value Users online, fine."
    exit $retval;
    I checked the server in question, and there were two, 2, user logins active on the system. I ran the snmpwalk command, and the output was the following:
    HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0 = Gauge32: 15
    I then modified the script to include the above text, and ran it again. The output was the following:
    15 users on line, Normal.
    For some reason, the value of 12 appears to be that for no users logged into the system. I am not sure why that is the case.
    If nothing else, progress has been made with the modification of the script.  The snmp service that I have installed on the server is that which came bundled as a
    feature with the server. The only thing that was not installed was the SNMP WMI Provider option.


    E-Recruiting Netweaver 7.0 separate system
    Non XI R3 system for HR
    CL_HRRCF_CANDIDATE_ADMIN_BL error in search results
    Within the "Search for Candidates" page, when doing an open search, we only receive one candidate. Also with transaction code SLG1 there are multiple error logs stating that a candidate could not be found.
    What does the error message mean and how do we resolve what is causing them? If resolved will we get a full open search within the "Search for Candidates" page?
    Specific error: No candidate could be found for NA 50003803.
    The error occurred in program CL_HRRCF_CANDIDATE============CM003 line 345.
    Appreciate any help,

    I have solved this issue.
    Pass the logon data to the service for the external candidate registration
    Do the indexing and configuire the SES objects and index as well.
    Configure the missing entries in the serach profile/templates

  • Search for records in the event viewer after the last run (not the entire event log), remove duplicate - Output Logon type for a specific OU users

    The following code works perfectly for me and give me a list of users for a specific OU and their respective logon types :-
    $logFile = 'c:\test\test.txt'
    $_myOU = "OU=ABC,dc=contosso,DC=com"
    # LogonType as per technet
    $_logontype = @{
        2 = "Interactive" 
        3 = "Network"
        4 = "Batch"
        5 = "Service"
        7 = "Unlock"
        8 = "NetworkCleartext"
        9 = "NewCredentials"
        10 = "RemoteInteractive"
        11 = "CachedInteractive"
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml "<QueryList><Query Id=""0"" Path=""Security""><Select Path=""Security"">*[System[(EventID=4624)]]</Select><Suppress Path=""Security"">*[EventData[Data[@Name=""SubjectLogonId""]=""0x0""
    or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""NT AUTHORITY"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""Window Manager""]]</Suppress></Query></QueryList>" -ComputerName
    "XYZ" | ForEach-Object {
        $_cur_OU = ([ADSI]"LDAP://<SID=$(($_.Properties[4]).Value.Value)>").distinguishedName
        If ( $_cur_OU -like "*$_myOU" ) {
            $_logontype[ [int] $_.Properties[8].Value ]
    } >> $logFile
    I am able to pipe the results to a file however, I would like to convert it to CSV/HTML When i try "convertto-HTML"
    function it converts certain values . Also,
    a) I would like to remove duplicate entries when the script runs only for that execution. 
    b) When the script is run, we may be able to search for records after the last run and not search in the same
    records that we have looked into before.

    If you just want to look for the new events since the last run, I suggest to record the EventRecordID of the last event you parsed and use it as a reference in your filter. For example:
      <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
        <Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4624 and
        <Suppress Path="Security">*[EventData[Data[@Name="SubjectLogonId"]="0x0" or Data[@Name="TargetDomainName"]="NT AUTHORITY" or Data[@Name="TargetDomainName"]="Window Manager"]]</Suppress>
    That's this logic that the Server Manager of Windows Serve 2012 is using to save time, CPU and bandwidth. The problem is how to get that number and provide it to your next run. You can store in a file and read it at the beginning. If not found, you
    can go through the all event list.
    Let's say you store it in a simple text file, ref.txt
    At the beginning just read it.
    Try {
    $_intMyRef = [int] (Get-Content .\ref.txt)
    Catch {
    Write-Host "The reference EventRecordID cannot be found." -ForegroundColor Red
    $_intMyRef = 0
    This is very lazy check. You can do a proper parsing etc... That's a quick dirty way. If I can read
    it and parse it as an integer, I use it. Else, I just set it to 0 meaning I'll collect all info.
    Then include it in your filter. You Get-WinEvent becomes:
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml "<QueryList><Query Id=""0"" Path=""Security""><Select Path=""Security"">*[System[(EventID=4624 and EventRecordID&gt;$_intMyRef)]]</Select><Suppress Path=""Security"">*[EventData[Data[@Name=""SubjectLogonId""]=""0x0"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""NT AUTHORITY"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""Window Manager""]]</Suppress></Query></QueryList>"
    At the end of your script, store the last value you got into your ref.txt file. So you can for example get that info in the loop. Like:
    $Result += $LogonRecord
    $_intLastId = $Event.RecordId
    And at the end:
    Write-Output $_intLastId | Out-File .\ref.txt
    Then next time you run it, it is just scanning the delta. Note that I prefer this versus the date filter in case of the machine wasn't active for long or in case of time sync issue which can sometimes mess up with the date based filters.
    If you want to go for a date filtering, do it at the Get-WinEvent level, not in the Where-Object. If the query is local, it doesn't change much. But in remote system, it does the filter on the remote side therefore you're saving time and resources on your
    side. So for example for the last 30 days, and if you want to use the XMLFilter parameter, you can use:
    <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 2592000000]]]</Select>
    Then you can combine it, etc...
    PS, I used the confusing underscores because I like it ;)
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Windows 8 hangs or freezes whenever search for anything

    Rebuild the Index
    Whenever you try to search for something in windows, its indexing which find the things quickly and brings that to you.If indexing is disabled or corrupt computer won't be able to search and will not present the search results.Windows uses the index to perform very fast searches on your computer.
    The index requires almost no maintenance. However, if the index can't find a file that you know exists in an indexed location, you might need to rebuild the index. Rebuilding the index can take several hours, and searches might be incomplete until the index is fully rebuilt.
    Go to Control panel and open Indexing Options.
    Click the Advanced button at the bottom of the Indexing Options window. This displays a new window titled Advanced Options.
    Click the Index Settings tab if it isn’t selected already.
    Click the Rebuild button to delete and rebuild the file index.
    Click OK to confirm.
    For more information on Advance indexing option you can read article on microsoft's website​-advanced-indexing-options
    Step 2 will always fix this issue but just in case its not helpful try the next Step 3.
    3.Check the Registry Value
    Manual Fix 1 
    1. Press Windows Key + R to get the run dialogue box.
    2. Type "regedit.exe" in the box and hit enter.
    3. Using the box on the left, navigate to the following directory:
    4. We need to change a registry called "Start_SearchFiles" to a value of 2. If you are like me, yours is already 2. We need to reset this so what we are going to do it change it to 0, then back to 2.
    5. Double-click Start_SearchFiles or right-click and select "Modify" to get the edit box. Change the number under "Value data" to 0 then click "Ok".
    6. Repeat step 5, changing the value back to 2.
    7. Restart your computer.
    Manual Fix 2
    Using the above information navigate to the following directory: Read More on​ws-8-hangs-or-freezes-whenever.html

    Regarding current information we can't say that it related to this exe file.
    We need to use Clean boot mode and Safe mode to test the results:
    Please first restart the Windows in Clean boot and see if the issue still persists after reboot:
    How to perform a clean boot
    If the issue doesn’t appear, you can determine which one can be the cause by using dichotomy in MSconfig. Checking on half of Non-Microsoft service and restart, determining which half of the services cause the issue and repeating to check half of the problematic
    half services.
    If the issue still persists in Clean boot mode, please test in Safe mode.
    Let me know the results in Safe mode.
    If we cannot identify this issue in Clean boot and safe mode, please help to collect the boot trace and let's see what cause this issue:
    Windows Performance Toolkit: Simple Boot Logging
    You can upload the etl file from this tool for our research.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition 32 bits Service Pack 2 never finishes searching for updates and use 100% of CPU.

    Hi everyone, I am having issues updating a clean Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition 32 bits Service Pack 2, so any help with be appreciated cause I've already tried all my cards for the past 5 days in this particular issue without success.
    All I did so far is installing Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 2, open IE to update, it keeps searching for updates and never stop, after 20mn to 30mn the process svchost.exe start using 100% of my CPU.
    I already tried the following scenarios:
    1-  Install IE8, install the update KB927891 and the Windows Update Agent 3.0 (I already had this one installed). Reboot and run windows update trough IE8 and the problem did not solved.
    2- Install those 2 software "MicrosoftFixit.wu.MATSKB.Run" and "MicrosoftFixit50777", open IE to update, it still hangs and continues eating my CPU. This is the output of "MicrosoftFixit".
    Windows Update error 0x8007000D(2014-01-06-T-06_06_34A) --> Not Fixed
    Cryptographic service components are not registered (This service is actually running successfully) --> Not Fixed
    3- I found the following script that would register some DLL, deleting the "SoftwareDistribution" and forcing windows update to solve the problem and nothing happened either.
    Link to script:
    Here is a link to the content of my WindowUpdate.log file:
    Thank you in advance for helping.

    All I did so far is installing Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 2, open IE to update, it keeps searching for updates and never stop, after 20mn to 30mn the process svchost.exe start using 100% of my CPU.
    Herein is the root cause of your issue. A topic that's been discussed in several blogs, forums, and even in the media since September regards a known issue with attempting to patch IE6 RTM via Windows Update.
    Aside from that particular issue... browsing the Internet with an unpatched instance of IE6, especially from a Windows Server system, is also asking for a world of hurt.
    Might I suggest the following:
    Download the IE8 for Windows Server 2003 installer to a thumb drive.
    Download the latest Cumulative Security Update for IE8 for Windows Server 2003 to a thumb drive.
    Reinstall Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2.
    Upgrade to IE8 from the thumb drive installer and apply the
    Cumulative Security Update.
    Now your machine is capable of safely browsing to Windows Update to install the rest of the updates (well, maybe, there's also all those other Security Updates from the past seven years that your machine still has vulnerabilites for -- even those seven
    years of updates are going to take a Very Long Time to scan for, download, and install).
    Why don't you have a WSUS server? -- noting, wryly, that you've posted in the *WSUS* forum.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • I normally dont need a login when I install new program, but I try to Install a new flash player im asked to write a login and I have no clue? when I search for help it suggest to put in the original installation cd but that doesnt work. Please help!

    When Trying to install the newest Flash player, Im asked to fill in my login.
    I have no clue what my login is. (It happened very rarely that I was asked to fill in this when installing a new program, and the login I have used before are not valid now.
    When I search for help, I am suggested to put in the original installation Cd.. and press the "C" button when I hear the starting sound... but when I do this nothing is happening.
    Please Help me If you have an idea for a solution to this problem!
    / Joel

    You need the admin password you created when you first set up the machine.  Just about every installer running under OS X will require you to authorize the installation by entering an administrator password - even software update requires this.  You really should not forget your admin password, as it is required for many things in OS X since, unlike Windows, you often need to manually type in the admin password to proceed with an install or update (whereas Windows will take admin authority, if you are logged in as an admin, by simply clicking continue or yes).
    If you cannot remember your admin password, you can reset it from the recovery CD that came with your mac -

  • Creative Cloud Desktop App crashes on search for apps

    so my Creative Cloud isn't working
    i downloaded the desktop "app" logged me in and tried to install  any of the programms but as i clicked on the "apps" button it just kept searching and then it crashed, i can't change any of the settings either they are just grey.
    i deinstalled it and reinstalled it several times now, searched for any resolutions on the internet but found nothing, so it would be nice if someone can help me in some way.
    OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
    CPU: Intel i5 4670
    RAM: 8gb
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 770 4gb

    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • I keep getting an error message while trying to search for flights on Expedia

    I have used Expedia many times in the past without difficulty. Recently, however, whenever I try to search for flights on Expedia, I get a message that says "Sorry, we're having a problem on our end. Please try your search again later". But I'm able to search without problem from other computers. I've cleared my cache, cookies, and browsing history. I'm using the most recent version of Firefox. I had let some people borrow my laptop recently to check gmail accounts, but I've logged them out of everything. Any suggestions?

    <code>*cue Expedia commercial theme*</code>
    Can you try to start Firefox in Safe Mode to see if Firefox works properly with no error? You can start Firefox in Safe Mode below:
    *'''Windows/Mac''': Go to Help > Restart with add-ons disabled
    *'''Linux''': Run ''firefox -safe-mode'' in the Terminal/Konsole
    If Firefox opens up fine with no problems, it's probably one of your extensions that's causing the issue. You can re-enable your add-ons one by one until you find the one that causes the issue upon being re-enabled.
    I'm suspecting HTTPS Everywhere as the culprit in this though.

  • The following error occured while searching for on-premises exchange server

    I've previously posted this under the Exchange Forums - Exchange Server 2010
    I look after a company where I installed a new DELL server last year, The server is running Windows Small Business Server 2011 which we installed. Exchange 2010 was installed as part of the Windows Small Business Server 2011 installation. At the time we
    did not configure Exchange because they use external POP accounts for email. Eventually they wanted to move over to Exchange
    When we created the user accounts using Windows SBS Console, it created a local mailbox for each user
    No problems - [email protected]
    Since late last year every time I create a new user within SBS Console, it errors creating the mailbox
    Add a user account and assign a user role
    Getting "Unexpected error occurred" when Setting up an e-mail account for user
    Looking at the error "Unexpected error occurred" & MessagingManagement "Unexpected error occured"
    The user account is created ok just no e-mail address is created for the user
    I never thought much about this at the time as we weren't using Exchange email accounts. I decided to have a look at this issue over weekend
    When I try to open Microsoft Exchange Management Console I'm getting "Initialization failed"
    The following error occurred when searching for the On-Premises Exchange server
    When I try to open Microsoft Exchange Management Shell, I get a similar error
    I've download & run EMTShooter which just identifies there is an error & gives me the same error
    I've installed & re-installed WinRM IIS Extensions
    I've checked all the settings in IIS, Default Web Site, PowerShell, Modules & Paths...
    Still cannot connect to Exchange
    I've trawled through the internet for two days checking & testing every solution but no luck
    I've checked every setting against another Windows SBS 2011 Server we've installed & works
    I cannot find a difference
    Can someone help me or point me in the right direction?
    Peter Ralphs

    Thanks for the reply Larry
    I've added more detail about the error, this server is exactly how I initially installed it. This was a clean install not a migration so Exchange was a new installation. I have not applied any service packs as I did not want to confuse matters
    or compound the issue. I was wondering whether to install Server 2008 Service Pack 1 & the Exchange Service Packs. I will check the event logs & report back with what I find.
    Here's the original error I was getting when opening Exchange Management Console
    Initialization failed
    The following error ocurred while searching for the on-premises Exchange server:
    [server.myd.local] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid.
    For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic. It was running the command 'Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $true -SuppressError $true -CurrentVersion 'Version 14.1 (Build 218.15)
    I got similar error when trying to access the Exchange Management Shell
    VERBOSE: Connecting to SERVER.myd.local
    [server.myd.local] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid.
    For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
        + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [],                          
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionOpenFailed
    When I opened the Exchange Management Console this week, the error had changed slightly
    Initialization failed
    The following error ocurred while searching for the on-premises Exchange server:
    [server.myd.local] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client received an HTTP server error status (500), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure. For more information,
    see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic. It was running the command 'Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $true -SuppressError $true -CurrentVersion 'Version 14.1 (Build 218.15)
    I could only run Exbpa from a command prompt (obviously no access from Exchange Management Console)
    This is the result of the Health Check Scan
    Organization: First Organization
    Default Global Address List Changed
    The 'msExchQueryFilter' attribute of the default Global Address List 'Default Global Address List' has been changed. Default: '(Alias -ne $null -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user' -or ObjectClass -eq 'contact' -or ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox' -or ObjectClass
    -eq 'msExchDynamicDistributionList' -or ObjectClass -eq 'group' -or ObjectClass - eq 'publicFolder'))'. Current: '((Alias -ne $null) -and (((ObjectClass -eq 'user') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'contact') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox') -or (ObjectClass
    -eq 'msExchDynamicDistributionList') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'group') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder'))))'.
    Admin Group: Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)
    The default public folder database is remote
    The default public folder database for mailbox database 'Mailbox Database' on server SERVER isn't local. Public folder database: CN=Public Folder Database 1529293969,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First
    Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=myd,DC=local.
    Server: SERVER
    Disk timeout changed
    Disk timeout on server SERVER.myd.local is not set at the default of 10 seconds. This is normal if third-party storage software is installed. Current timeout value is 160 seconds.
    Client RPC binding found
    The 'Rpc_Binding_Order' is set on server SERVER.myd.local. It is possible that either the Exchange or Outlook client is installed on the server. Current registry value: ncalrpc,ncacn_ip_tcp.
    One thing I've noticed from the start is that the error occurs when it is "searching" for the Exchange Server, it then goes on to name the server [server.myd.local] it knows it's there but cannot access it ?
    Another thing I've noticed is that it always refers to the "remote server" this server is Windows SBS 2011, it's the Domain Controller, DHCP Server, DNS Server & Exchange Server all in the same box
    I also noticed that the Health Check stated that "The default public folder database is remote"
    Has this something to do with it ?

  • Is there a way to search for state in a web app then show results ?

    So what i am trying to do is search my web app data, first step is i ask a question like I am after 4 machines or less, then i ask i am after 5 machines or more, then what i want to do is group the results by state/province then the total number where it be 2, 4, 5 ect click the number then show the results for the state selected.
    Basically is there way to create your own search for a web app or are you basically left with what the system does ...
    Any help would be appreciated.

    What Anjaneai also means to say is that Adobe has neglected to provide a Usage button for variables as they have for Advanced Actions and Library objects so that you can see exactly where they are used.  This is a BIG problem when you have a lot of variables and AAs to search through.
    By all means log an enhancement request and add your voice asking for this VERY necessary feature.

  • How to go for the Log Polar Conversion of the image.

    How to go for the Log Polar Conversion of the image.

    I'm not sure if you mean using the polar plot vi, but if so there is an example shipped with LabVIEW. Go to Example Finder and search for 'polar', and you should find Polar Plot Also, here are some useful links:
    Link 1
    Link 2
    Hope this helps!
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments

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