Searching in Mail is slow

I've just upgraded to mac os 10.4.3 on my powerbook G5 and I'm using 2.0.5 for the first time. I've read a lot on this forum about how the application is slow in importing mail especially from an IMAP account (which is what I have). I was wondering if anyone has noticed that the search feature is also EXTREMELY SLOW. I'm only searching my inbox in either the subject or entire message, but it's taking minutes if not tens of minutes to search those fields. Search in the To and From are quite fast. In comparison the search in Mail 1.3.9 was nearly instantaneous, which was why I switched to mail in the first place. Is this a temporary affliction until Mail 2.0.5 indexes the messages? I assumed it did this when it took 4 hours to import my mailboxes but apparently not. Thanks in advance for your help.

Guys I might have a fix for you.
If you locate your Mail folder inside your User Account Library you will find a document called "Envelope Index" - it could be quite a large file.
Quit out of Mail
Move the Envelope Index file to the desktop (don't delete in case something goes wrong) and then re-open Mail again. It will start to build a new index. Depending on how much email you are storing and how large the previous index file was will decide how long this re-build takes. You will notice that comparing the two files shows that the new file can be much much smaller. Also I hope this makes thing run a lot faster too. Doing this periodically does no harm and don't be freaked out about how many emails it is indexing. It can take quite some time depending on how much you have.
Hope this helps.

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    First, follow all the instructions in this support article. If the problem isn't solved that way, see below.
    Boot in safe mode. This will cause certain caches maintained by the system to be rebuilt.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot than normal.
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    MAC Mail, for some reason, wants a DNS server setting in the network setup.
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    Quit Mail if it's running. Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    sqlite3 L*/C*/*.mail/*/L*/*/*/*.db vacuum
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
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    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    You should see a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) appear below what you entered. If not, press return. You can then quit Terminal and relaunch Mail. Test.
    Note: This procedure will have no effect unless you quit Mail when you begin.

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    Here is what fixed the problem for me:
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    Re-open mail. If this didn't fix anything, then you will need to re-index:
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    Hope this helps,

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    the ONLY way to search mail messages from Mail is by importing them into Mail. no way around that. but you can search them from finder without importing. nothing needs to be done for that. just mount the remote computer via file sharing and do a finder or spotlight search and it will search on the remote computer when you switch the search location to shared. to restrict the search to Mail only preface the search string with kind:message

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    From the Mail menu bar, select
              Window ▹ Connection Doctor
    In the window that opens, uncheck the box marked
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    Is there a way to make a new "search cache" or whatever that overview file is called ...
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    Try posting this in the 10.7 Mail forum. You'll get more help there.

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    I too am having this problem. Doesn't seem to happen all the time though. No rhyme nor reason ? I am using an IMAP account if this helps ?
    Message was edited by: Visioneer

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