Security 2008-006 now FINDER is in a tight loop

Desktop in finder flashes on and off.....nothing stays put. Keeps "flickering" - icons appear, then disappear. Can't access anything including Force Quit. Fine before 2008-006 update which indicated that it was not complete, as could not update everything. NO problems before that.
Original install of Tiger....from laptop computer(ibook), not as old, with DVD (multiuser, legit), which this one does not have (imac doesn't handle DVDs), Treated the newer laptop as target computer & did update from DVD mounted on laptop. Worked just fine, as it did with other G4 computer.
other old computer update on G4...just fine via laptop as target computer. Corrected internet/password id problem, ok with the rest of 2008-006 security update.
But, the recycling finder problem on Imac....tried using laptop with OS X tiger install dvd. Finder still in loop, can't access. Took external drive & loaded with OS X Tiger install. Same recognition of disk.
Restarted with "c" key down in both cases....did nothing.
Not sure that getting a pristine Tiger OS disk will help. Any comments? No guru here, but better than the average user....many years as mainframe programmer. Learned to accept being dumb!
Genius said NOT to restore from that the only recourse?? And, not sure if that would work, since finder, altho it recognizes external disk, won't let it be accessed. Show up on desktop, but clicking on them doesn't work.

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
"Repair Disk Permissions" from Disk Utility may help you.
Also, you can create a new user account and see if the problem appears there.

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    Log in to an admin account and then try going to /Library/Receipts/boms and moving this file to the Desktop:
    Then try running Software Update again.
    RE: Kijote
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    Message was edited by: Scott Griffith1

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    How can Apple release something that would absolutely destroy my computer?
    They can't, and didn't.
    Is archive and install my only option?
    Might be, or if you simply restored the backup you made prior to installing the update. Though an archive and install may not totally overwrite the security issues. It suggests you have some data files that are corrupted as a result of using Applejack in the past. Such utilities should never be used without a backup.
    Will Apple release a fix for this?
    Speculation on this board is strictly prohibited. Please read the Terms of Use on the right. Your question requires speculation.
    Is it worth the wait for the next security update.
    No. Because if one issue happens directly following a security update, chances are it will continue happening until you find the software that doesn't work well with security updates, or the damaged preference or cache file that's doing the problem.
    You can sort of backtrack but you should do the following if you have no backup.
    1. Clone backup your machine twice*:
    2. Erase and install your operating system using the retail installer, or installer that came with your Mac (whichever is newer).
    3. Run the combo update that brought you where you were before.
    4. Repair permissions.
    5. Run the security update.
    6. Repair permissions again.
    7. Restore your user data to the appropriate folders as outlined in my backup FAQ before once you have verified none of the built-in software is causing an issue. If there is an issue with the built-in software, it says that perhaps your router is not properly configured to understand Apple's security updates and needs an updated firmware or replacement with one that is known to work with the system.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.
    Message was edited by: Eric W at request of a brody

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    Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

    Hi !
    I use NIS since 2001 and never had any serious trouble with this software.
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    Sep 15 22:42:44 xxxx[1] (org.clamav.freshclam[58]): Exited with exit code: 2
    Sep 15 22:42:44 xxxx org.clamav.freshclam[22827]: LibClamAV Warning: Cannot dlopen libclamunrar_iface: file not found - unrar support unavailable
    Sep 15 22:42:44 xxxx org.clamav.freshclam[22827]: ClamAV update process started at Wed Sep 15 22:42:44 2010
    Sep 15 22:42:44 xxxx dovecot[57]: SIGHUP received - reloading configuration
    Message was edited by: Apple Martin
    Message was edited by: Apple Martin

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    You may find a battery for your Macbook here:

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    It is 26, but should be 0
    4 missing files/directories found during the verification process. They may be responsible for certain printing problems. Printer Setup Repair cannot replace these items. Please refer to the log file for a list of the missing files/directories. You may need to reinstall OS X to resolve your printing issues. Certain files and directories are deleted when using the Reset Printing System option. These files and directories, if required, will be recreated during normal printing.
    LOoks like I will have to do archive & reinstall - unless there is something else to try
    Message was edited by: danhale

  • Updated Safari and Security 2008.. Operating system won't start.

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    Hello Utahmedic and Welcome to Apple Discussions ...
    Usually a folder with a question mark indicates your Mac doesn't know which disk to boot from. When you say you booted from your install disks, can you please tell us exactly what you did? In order to boot from a restore disk you have to first, shut down your Mac. Now, hold down the C key, insert the restore disk and press the Power Button all at the same time. Hopefully you'll see the Apple logo on the Desktop, this can take a few minutes depending on the size of the drive. This will boot from the restore disk. An Installer window will open. Ignore that and instead go to Utilities/Startup Manager in the Menu. When that window opens select MacintoshHD 10.4.x in the panel on the left. Then click Restart...
    I'm hoping you could do this. You have to run Disk Utility from your restore disk not the Disk Utility app that resides on the hard drive in the Application/ Utility folder.
    If Disk Utility can't fix the errors on the volume you might consider purchasing DiskWarrior from It does a great job of repairing disk errors.
    Also, while you have Disk Utility launched with MacintoshHD selected in the panel on the left, look down on the right side of the window where it says:
    Capacity and Availability. Make sure you have a minimum of 15% free disk space at all times... more if possible.

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    As the tile suggests I dug my receipt out and I replaced my original battery with a new one for $170 in Nov 2008. Now the battery is cutting out at various stages ( 10, 20, 30 even 50% )and not holding charge despite attempts to calibrate, reset PVRAM etc etc etc.
    Is this grounds for a replacement or just the natural life of the battery ?

    The purpose of the forums is to ask and answer technical questions on OS X and other Apple products. Polling is forbidden. If you want to find users with similar problems then do a forum search rather than asking. Searching the forums is always the first thing you should do before posting a question.
    Just so you won't think I'm being persnickety about this please read the Terms of Use by clicking on the link on the right of this page.
    But specifically you are asking if you have grounds for a part replacement. No one here can answer that question because it is up to AppleCare or the vendor to make the determination. And such determinations are done on a case by case basis. Nothing you're told here in this regard is reliable.

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    Check the More Like This section at the right particularly i upgraded my imac hard drive to a 2tb drive. how do i use time machine to get my computer back to normal?

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    I have recently upgraded to OSX 10.8.2 and now find that I cannot operate my scanner, an hp psc 1310 series printer/scanner. I get a message saying that Power PC is no longer supported. I am still able to print on the same device. What should I do?

    PSC 1315 no longer supported for scanning since Mac OS X v10.5 or while using any newer OS, there is no scan software provided by either HP or Apple (Image Capture)
    You may find this information stated below for Leopard, the same apply for any newer OS version: &os=219&product=374568&sw_lang=
    Image capture will not recognize your device as well, only print is supported as you may find listed for teh PSC 1310 Series below:
    Although there is no official scanning support for your device you may still try the 3rd party VueScan software which list your scanner as supported and compatible with Mountain Lion:

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