Security propagation

I have a web application that uses servlets, session beans and entity beans,
each beloging to a particular layer of the app. The web application handles
the validation. However I am experiencing problems in propagating the user
id through the layers, since every method of the servlets and the session
beans knows exactly the identity of the user, BUT when those resources call
a method on the entity bean, the identity is lost (and defaults to guest),
i.e. there is no identity propagation between the session and the entity
bean layers.
I am using weblogic server 5.1 SP8
Any help would be highly appreciated
Eduardo Correia

Hi Deepak, thanks for your response. I seem to have the same opinion.
1) Servlet on 'domain 1' calling EJB on 'domain 2'
2) EJB on 'domain 1' calling EJB on 'domain 2'
5) MDB (configure to run as a user) on 'domain 2' trying to access message on secured JMS on 'domain 1'
The identity propagation in above scenarios is automatic within same domain. However if 2 domains are involved, trust needs to enabled.
3) Servlet on 'domain 1' calling Web Service(WSRM) on 'domain 2'
4) EJB on 'domain 1' calling Web Service(WSRM) on 'domain 2'
The identity propagation in above scenario requires setting of credential mapper on source and credential identity assertor on destination. Can somebody confirm this?
What I am also trying to understand is if my 2 applications(EAR) reside on same domain, can an EJB belonging to one application call another EJB from the second application without any special settings.

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    I don't have access to main thread which means Security.runAs is not vaiable for me.
    options i tired :
    1) subject.getPrincipals().clear; subject = null;
    2) system property, in which case, first call after login propagated the correct Subject amd from the next call onwards it went back to the old Subject.
    3) Authenticate.logout() in the logout of my LoginModule
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    solved it.
    used SwingUtils.invokelater() at client side to make sure that login happens in event queue + to true +
    clearing all contexts and principals at logout
    made sure that new subject is available for further calls.
    only worry is , when bea is going to deprecate the property....
    sorry for disturbing busy minds

  • Servlet and EJB on different machine: Security propagation

    Hi all,
    I have an application, where my servlets and EJBS are deployed on the same machine.So
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    Say your stub is in a jar called stub.jar.
    You need to put that stub somewhere that it can be reached through a protocol for which Java has a URL type - so you can put it on a shared file system and use a file URL or behind an http server and use an http URL.
    Let's use http - put stub.jar at the docroot of a web server.
    Then, when you start your SERVER code, include this VM parameter:
    Now your client will be able to use http to load the stub file out of stub.jar through http.
    If you do use a file URL, make sure the shared directory you put your jar in is not on the client's classpath.

  • Yet another security propagation issue

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         java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception:; nested exception is:
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    From the debugger in the ejb business method, the call:
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    The thing that most confuses me is the "cannot find user weblogic" - the subject reported by Security.getCurrentSubject() was "cadmin" - a user for which the ejb is configured to accept.
    One more item possibly of relevance: the servlet is in a separate war to the ear that the EJBs are in. This same ejb and other ejbs are successfully being invoked however.
    Thanks in advance for any pointers here,
    Hugh Madden
    Message was edited by hughmadden at Feb 17, 2005 3:35 AM
    Message was edited by hughmadden at Feb 17, 2005 3:43 AM
    I use the above Cooler Master PSU, zero issues. Has 4 pci-e connectors, so it's ready for quad sli if I ever want to go that route with my P6n Diamond. Has lots of different connection options, highly rated PSU. Not all Cooler Master PSUs underperform, just have to know what you're buying. The above supply also has 2 8 pin connectors so for instance when my GTX 295 arrives I'll have no trouble (card uses 6/8 pin). Reviews also can be helpful.

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    So far we have done the following to troubleshoot:
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    User: user
    EX Address: /o=company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=user
    SMTP Address: [email protected]
    OWA version:
    Mailbox server:
    Exception type: System.UriFormatException
    Exception message: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
    Call stack
    System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
    Microsoft.Exchange.Security.RightsManagement.DrmClientUtils.GetServiceLocation(SafeRightsManagementSessionHandle sessionHandle, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceLocation serviceLocation, String issuanceLicense)
    Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Premium.ConversationUtilities.LoadConversation(UserContext userContext, OwaStoreObjectId owaConversationId, PropertyDefinition[] requestedProperties)
    Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Premium.ReadConversation.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    User: user
    EX Address: /o=company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=user
    SMTP Address: [email protected]
    OWA version:
    Mailbox server:
    Exception type: System.UriFormatException
    Exception message: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
    Call stack
    System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
    Microsoft.Exchange.Security.RightsManagement.DrmClientUtils.GetServiceLocation(SafeRightsManagementSessionHandle sessionHandle, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceLocation serviceLocation, String issuanceLicense)
    Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Premium.ReadMessage.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

    Hi Noel,
    Base on my search, it may be due to IRM feature been enabled for OWA.
    I recommend you use the following command to check if the value of IRMEnabled parameter is true:
    Get-OWAVirtualDirectory – Identity “servername\owa (default web site)” |FL name,IRMEnabled
    If the value is true, you can use "Set-OWAVirtualDirectory" cmdlt to change it to false, and check if any helps.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

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    From our Jolt Engineer:
    "Configuration on Tuxedo side doesn't change if the new features
    (security propagation) is not used. Configuration on WLS 7.0, uses an
    xml file now - different from WLS 5.1. So, the configuration for Jolt
    also would be different. The client code changes slightly - only in
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    The main advantage of using webservices is to decouple the client and endpoint as much as
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    just Java. It is also a better choice if the client is being developed by either another organization
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  • JMS BC & BPEL Transaction Scope

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    My issue is that when the JMS BC picks up the message, it sends it to BPEL via NMR and as soon as it gets the "Done" response, it commits the associated XA transaction and the message is permanently off the JMS queue. But the "done" response is sent by the BPEL SE as soon as it gets the message, as opposed to only once it has called the external system successfully. This breaks the model as any failures are not retried... Is there a way around this? Am I doing something wrong? How can I get the transaction context to span the entire call flow from JMS BC to BPEL and back with failures resulting in the message remaining in the JMS queue to be retried later

    The reason for the current behavior of BPEL SE (sending DONE as soon as reeve completes) is by design to support asynchronous message communications and long running processes. We do not want to keep the transaction open for the life of process instance as the transaction may timeout (for long running processes). If you want to override this behavior you can do so by setting the Business Process as Atomic (Atomic attribute of business process as true), but the effect of this would be that all the operations in bpel engine and also outbound invocations would use the same (received) transaction context. Note that some of these features are still under development. I understand that this still might not solve your use case where the best solution would be reties. This work is underway and should be available in next release.
    Just to give you heads up; retry support is being provided as part of Systemic Qualities initiative which is underway and is targeted to provide support like wire qualities (throttling/reties), fault and security propagation among others across open-esb components. The particular solution to you interest would be wire quality initiative. Once implemented this would allow configurable number of reties a specified intervals.

  • Become our FIRST Microsoft TechNet Windows Server Guru of 2014!!

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    Active Directory: Ambiguous Name Resolution by
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    Migrating from a 2003 DC,DHCP to 2012R2 by
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  • SSO with AD error:An error has occurred propagating the security context...

    On Windows 2003, I have installed BOXI Edge 3.1 with SAP Integration Kit. My primary and only use of the SAPIK will be for retrieving SAP data for BOXI reports. I DO NOT want to use SAP Authentication. For BOXI, I want to set up only AD Authentication, but because the web.xml files change with the installation of the SAPIK, I have not been successful at setting up AD Authentication. I have modified the web.xml files so that they look like the original web.xml files (without SAPIK).
    The AD groups are imported successfully into BOXI. The members of those groups are imported successfully, too. But when a user attempts to login, they get error: An error has occurred propagating the security context between the security server and the client.
    I have tried nearly everything to clear this error and there are no Kerberos errors in Wireshark logs on the BOXI server.
    Thank you!
    PS - I asked this question in the SAP Integration Kit forum, and they suggested I ask here, I guess because in the end it may have nothing to do with the SAPIK...

    Thanks, Tim, for your willingness to help.
    The problem is resolved.
    I noticed in the Local Security Policy that the right "Log on as a service" displayed only the service account user ID, without the domain identifier - where I expected it to show as "DOMAIN\svcaccount", it only showed "svaccount".
    I stopped the Tomcat and SIA services, I removed "svaccount" from the list in "Log on as a service", I reset the account information in the Tomcat and SIA services as "DOMAIN\svcaccount" and saw that change reflected in "Log on as a service" and now AD Authentication works beautifully.
    My guess is that it must have been using the local account and not the domain account for running the services.
    Next task: SSO...
    Wish me luck!

  • Security Data Propagation

    Since propagation tool doesnt propagate some of the security data (like global roles etc for more details ).
    We would like to use the import/export options in the WLS console to migrate from one domain to another domain the embedded ldap data.
    can we use this options for migrating global roles. But this options will also move other data in embedded ldap associated with visitor roles etc. So can we use both the ldap migration option and propagation tool? In the ldap migration option there is no way to select to move only the global roles.
    Is there a possibility of inconsistency between the ldap data after the migration and using propagation tool
    Any ideas?

    calling 'new IntialContext()' should pass the authenticated user automatically to the
    initial context request. You could also pass the parameters like listed below:
    Principal princ = request.getUserPrincipal();
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    prop.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://host:port");
    prop.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, princ.getName());
    prop.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, ((;
    new InitialContext(prop);
    Make sure, that your realm implements the getCredential() method (this is not the case in WLS examples).
    sudarson schrieb:
    Realm based basic or form authentication, so that whenever user asks for anything
    under some directory(or context), login page/dialog box will be shown.
    "Amar Pratap" <[email protected]> wrote:
    What kind of authentication ur using in the Servet/JSP?
    "sudarson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c5e65a9$[email protected]..
    Hi All,
    If I use realm to enter ceratin web application then will the securitycontext
    (what ever credential user will provide)propagate thru the session? And
    if I
    call a ejb from any of the servlet or jsp, will the same security rolewill be
    used to determine the authorization level ?
    If yes, how should I create the context in that case ? Or Should Iuse
    new IntialContext()with out environment property hashtable ?
    Any suggestion is welcome.
    Przemyslaw Rychlewski . . . . . . Pixelpark AG
    Senior IT-Developer . . . . . . . Systems & Technology
    mailto:[email protected] .
    Tel.:++49.30.5058.1812. . . . . . Rotherstr. 8
    Fax.:++49.30.5058.1600. . . . . . 10783 Berlin

  • Propagation of security between appplications and servers

    It appears that WebLogic propagates security between applications and
    domains using a cookie. So as long as all applications use the same
    cookie id (JSESSIONID) then a single sign-on is enabled between
    Is it correct this would apply to propagation between portal and
    non-portal applications in the same clustered environment?
    In a different vein, is there a way of propagating security
    information between different servers or different clusters?
    Say, for example, server1 (or cluster1) allows a user to sign-in and
    presents a page with a link to server2 (or cluster2). We would like to
    be able to propagate transparently the security information gathered
    at the sign-in on server1 to the application on server2.
    I'm assuming the cookie placed in the browser from server1 would not
    be passed to server2. Is there a way, programmatically or otherwise,
    to enable this to occur in a secure way?

    try a test..
    take a simple Contact ejb (as simple as you can make it, just a name and email address). In the ejb-jar.xml set up a role, for example, user, and restrict the access to only this role for all methods.
    try to access the ejb from a jsp, and you should get the login form identified in your web.xml file.
    make sure that the ejb is noted in the web.xml file, also.
    this should work...
    no try this...identify a role in your web.xml file, (user, for example) and restrict the access to the a particular jsp which is not calling the ejb. IF you navigate to this jsp, you should get the login prompt...
    this should work....
    now the tough part
    in your application.xml create a role with the same name, user. By doing this, you have created a global role, and connect the two together.
    Now point your browser to the restricted jsp with no calls to the should get the login, so login in.
    now navigate to your jsp which is unrestricted, but calls the restricted ejb...
    there should now be no login prompt.
    This should work.

  • Security Context Propagation between Managed Servers

              I'm using WLS 8.1 SP2. I have one domain, two managed servers, each on a separate
              hardware server. Each managed server hosts a different web application. I want
              to authenticate to Web App "A" and be able to invoke Web App "B" (from "A") without
              having to re-authenticate. Is this possible via configuration and, if so, how?

    You do not have to do anything to propagate identity between the two
    containers. As long as the user is authenticating first..
    There have been a number of issues with the propagation, so be sure to stay up
    on the service packs.
    Frank wrote:
    How do you propagate security context information from Servlet to
    EJBs? I have an web app that uses the container's FORM based authentication.
    The servlet resource then calls a session EJB (w/ security contraints
    setup). The webapp and the ejbs are bundled into one EAR.
    Tom Mitchell
    [email protected]
    Very Current Stoneham, MA Weather

  • I keep getting an "SSL has not propagated yet" message on secure websites

    On any secure website, I get a message in Firefox warning "SSL has not propagated yet." Nothing seems to be affected, I can still access the sites (this one for example), but the message keeps popping up.
    This all started this morning when 11.0 was installed, I went back to 10.0 but that did not resolve the problem.

    Did you check your security software (firewall)?
    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

  • Security Principal propagation from Web Server to App Server

    How would I propagate a customer Principal from weblogic Web Server
    to a Weblogic App Server?
    For e.g this is what I want to do.
    1. User logs in via a login page with UserId and password.
    2. After a user is authenticated successfully, I want to fetch
    some user credentials like groups he belongs to, his status etc.
    basically his profile info (stored in oracle db). I want to store
    this as part of a security principal object. How do I let the weblogic
    web server know about this principal?
    3. I want the Weblogic Servlet container to recognize this principal
    and whenever any servlet calls a ejb, the web server should send
    this custom principal to the weblogic app server so that the ejb
    container can identify it.
    4. In the ejb, I should be able to do sessionContext.getPrincipal()
    that will return my custom principal object, which would give the
    ejb access to the credentials of the logged on user.
    Has anyone done this? This is urgent. Can anyone pls shed some
    light on this.

    Basically you need to install the loadbalancer plugin on the web server and then configure the loadbalancer.xml in the config folder. You need to turn the httpsrouting to true. Then all will work fine for HTTPS and HTTPS
    for HTTPS on web server and HTTP on app server, you need to turn the httpsrouting to false.

Maybe you are looking for

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