Security setting removal

How do I overcome the security setting on a pdf document so I can covert it to word. This is not to alter the meaning of the original document, purely to copy and paste into a word document.

You would need
1. Adobe Acrobat (not services)
2. The password chosen by the document's maker
The document might allow you to copy/paste text without converting to Word. Check it out. Otherwise contact the copyright holder to see if they will grant or sell you a copy for your use.

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  • Web service: Cannot remove WSS security setting

    i have a problem about developing web service with jdeveloper
    The problem is that ---> once i have add the security to the web service
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    call the web service always say missing wsse:Security SOAP header..
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    thank you...

    the issue is still there in, and it must be somewhere on JDeveloper or OC4J side. Moreover, it's not limited to removing security settings, as the situation (old settings remembered) is the same when editing security settings.
    before regenerating a web service and its xml files (editing security properties), make sure you have cleaned the project and then you can try deleting the oracle-webservices.xml file from your project directory, because JDeveloper does not seem to be willing to overwrite it during regeneration.
    If this does not help and you are using embedded OC4J, you can try the following steps before running the web service again:
    - delete the embedded-oc4j/application-deployments/current-workspace-app directory, because it contains an oracle-webservices.xml file which may be outdated,
    - empty the contents of embedded-oc4j/config/wsmgmt.xml, because it contains security settings for web services you have deployed so far, which also may be outdated,
    - restart JDeveloper :)
    Note that these are just guesses to solve the problem. Unfortunately doing all of these did not solve it for me.
    So if anybody has some more ideas, we'll be happy to hear them.

  • How to Export local security setting all filed name & value against filed.

    HI all,
    I am trying to export local security setting from local policy using bellow scrip. but it is showing only these are configured. I need expert help which allowed me to export all filed with value where it is configure or not. Please give me.
    $temp = "c:\"
    $file = "$temp\privs.txt"
    [string] $readableNames
    $process = [diagnostics.process]::Start("secedit.exe", "/export /cfg $file /areas USER_RIGHTS")
    $in = get-content $file
    foreach ($line in $in) {
    if ($line.StartsWith("Se")) {
    $privilege = $line.substring(0,$line.IndexOf("=") - 1)
    switch ($privilege){
    "SeCreateTokenPrivilege " {$privilege = "Create a token object"}
    "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege" {$privilege = "Replace a process-level token"}
    "SeLockMemoryPrivilege" {$privilege = "Lock pages in memory"}
    "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" {$privilege = "Adjust memory quotas for a process"}
    "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeMachineAccountPrivilege" {$privilege = "Add workstations to domain"}
    "SeTcbPrivilege" {$privilege = "Act as part of the operating system"}
    "SeSecurityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage auditing and the security log"}
    "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" {$privilege = "Take ownership of files or other objects"}
    "SeLoadDriverPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeSystemProfilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile system performance"}
    "SeSystemtimePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the system time"}
    "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile single process"}
    "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Create a pagefile"}
    "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create permanent shared objects"}
    "SeBackupPrivilege" {$privilege = "Back up files and directories"}
    "SeRestorePrivilege" {$privilege = "Restore files and directories"}
    "SeShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Shut down the system"}
    "SeDebugPrivilege" {$privilege = "Debug programs"}
    "SeAuditPrivilege" {$privilege = "Generate security audit"}
    "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify firmware environment values"}
    "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege" {$privilege = "Bypass traverse checking"}
    "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Force shutdown from a remote system"}
    "SeUndockPrivilege" {$privilege = "Remove computer from docking station"}
    "SeSyncAgentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Synchronize directory service data"}
    "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege" {$privilege = "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"}
    "SeManageVolumePrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage the files on a volume"}
    "SeImpersonatePrivilege" {$privilege = "Impersonate a client after authentication"}
    "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create global objects"}
    "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller"}
    "SeRelabelPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify an object label"}
    "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase a process working set"}
    "SeTimeZonePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the time zone"}
    "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create symbolic links"}
    "SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny local logon"}
    "SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Allow logon through Terminal Services"}
    "SeServiceLogonRight" {$privilege = "Logon as a service"}
    "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase scheduling priority"}
    "SeBatchLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on as a batch job"}
    "SeInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on locally"}
    "SeDenyNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny Access to this computer from the network"}
    "SeNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Access this Computer from the Network"}
      $sids = $line.substring($line.IndexOf("=") + 1,$line.Length - ($line.IndexOf("=") + 1))
      $sids =  $sids.Trim() -split ","
      $readableNames = ""
      foreach ($str in $sids){
        $str = $str.substring(1)
        $sid = new-object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($str)
        $readableName = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
        $readableNames = $readableNames + $readableName.Value + ", "
    $output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{            
            privilege       = $privilege               
            readableNames   = $readableNames.substring(0,($readableNames.Length - 1))
            #else            = $line."property" 

    As an alternate approach wee can preset the hash and just update it.  This version also deal with trapping the errors.
    function Get-UserRights{
    $p=Start-Process 'secedit.exe' -ArgumentList "/export /cfg $tempfile /areas USER_RIGHTS" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru
    if($p.ExitCode -ne 0){
    Write-Error "SECEDIT exited with error:$($p.ExitCode)"
    $selines=get-content $tempfile|?{$_ -match '^Se'}
    Remove-Item $tempfile -EA 0
    $dct=$selines | ConvertFrom-StringData
    SeCreateTokenPrivilege =$null
    for($i=0;$i -lt $dct.Count;$i++){
    $privileges=New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
    A full version would be pipelined and remoted or, perhaps use a workflow to access remote machines in parallel.

  • Why can't I connect to my brother MFC-J4510DW printer wirelessly? The printer is connected to the router and I can surf the web. I wonder if some security setting may be keeping it from connecting to my MacBook Pro.

    Why can't I connect to my brother MFC-J4510DW printer wirelessly? The printer is connected to the router.
    I can surf the web. My wife can print from her PC wirelessly on it.
    I wonder if some security setting may be keeping it from connecting to my MacBook Pro. I've installed the software, firmware and driver updates but
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    with the printer power on. Any suggestions?

    All I can suggest right now is back up first the try to reset the printing system, (all printers in the list will be removed).
    Then connect directly to the printer via ethernet or to the Mac using USB and restart the efforts you have made up until now.
    As for router settings, it's possible but not likely that your router only allows a small number of clients. It's also posible that you have MAC address filtering on, lastly are you using the correct wireless protocol, (802.11a/b/g WEP or WPA etc)?

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    * You can see the permissions for the domain in the current tab in Tools > Page Info > Permissions
    * Create an allow cookie exception (Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: Exceptions) to keep such a cookie, especially for secure websites and if cookies expire when Firefox is closed.
    * In [[Private Browsing]] mode all cookies are session cookies that expire if that session is ended, so websites won't remember you.
    * Do not use [[Clear Recent History]] to clear the "Cookies" and the "Site Preferences"
    Clearing "Site Preferences" clears all cookies, images, pop-up windows, software installation, and password exceptions.
    If clearing the cookies doesn't help then it is possible that the file <i>cookies.sqlite</i> that stores the cookies is corrupted.
    Rename (or delete) <b>cookies.sqlite</b> (cookies.sqlite.old) and delete <b>cookies.sqlite-journal</b> and <b>cookies.txt</b>, if they exist, in the [ Profile Folder] in case the file cookies.sqlite got corrupted.

  • Airport Express not recognized by Utility after changing security setting.

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    It seems you have set a too strong security on the Extreme that is not supported on the Express.
    I don't know what model of Express you have so try to use a less strong security on the Extreme.
    (you can find the security specs of your express on Apple's website : )
    As you have reset the Express... you will first have to set it up again...
    P.S. : Do the connection drop problems occur on the Express and / or on the extreme ?
    As security settings "should" not be the cause for WiFi connection drop, something else is.
    Can you give more info on what you already tried ? Ex : Multicast Rate, Transmit Power, Use wide channels, Closed network, Use interference robustness
    Kind regards,

  • SendAndLoad fails in mac .app version - possible security setting problem?

    Hi all,
    I'm having trouble with sendAndLoad working on the .app version of a flash application I made. So far it's only happening on one computer, so it appears to be some sort of security setting.  Here's what's going on:
    I've built a flash application (Flash 9, AS2) that has three versions: an online version, a standalone  .exe version for PC, and a standalone .app version for mac. The user must log in to use the application. Online, this is handled by the portal hosting the flash. In the standalone versions, the user must login through the flash application. Through sendAndLoad, it accesses the same database of user info as the online version. The user just enters username/password, clicks "Submit," and if it finds the combination in the database, it lets the user in. If not, it gives them a message saying they entered the wrong username/password.
    This has tested fine across macs and pcs, but sadly one macbook can't use the .app version. It launches, they put in valid username/password, hit submit and it freezes. All I can tell is that it gets the httpStatus number 0. As you can see below, I've got it set up to spit out an error message if it fails to load (login_lv.onLoad = function(success)), but it doesn't even do that.
    I've put a crossdomain.xml file at the root level of the domain that's set to allow access from any domain.
    This computer can log in successfully to the online version of the course, but the .app version seems to be hampered by some sort of security setting. The problem computer's settings match the settings of a mac I've tested successfully. It has up-to-date Flash 10 and is running Leopard. Here are security settings:
    System Preferences>Security
              Everything is unchecked
              Turned off
              "Allow all incoming connections" is selected
    I'd appreciate any ideas anyone has. I'm far from wise about the ins-and-outs of mac security, so I may be missing something. I'm happy to clarify anything.
    Code is below. It loads login_lv first, then bookmark_lv. It never gets far enough to load bookmark_lv. The severAppUrl is set to a placeholder for confidentiality's sake. The path is defintely right. It works on other computers.
    // create a LoadVars instance
    var login_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // add the login variables to pass to the server
    login_lv.userid = "";
    login_lv.pwd = "";
    login_lv.modname = "a";
    // setup login urls
    var serverAppUrl = "http://myurlhere"; //this is just a placeholder. good ol' confidentiality agreements...
    var loginUrl = serverAppUrl+"login.asp";
    // setup bookmark urls
    var bookmarkUrl = serverAppUrl+"menu.asp";
    var bookmark_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // add the bookmark variables to pass to the server
    bookmark_lv.studentid = "";
    bookmark_lv.isAdmin = "";
    bookmark_lv.modname = "A";
    _global.modnameTemp = bookmark_lv.modname;
    // setup login function
    function doLogin() {
    login_lv.userid = login_mc.user_txt.value;
    login_lv.pwd = login_mc.pwd_txt.value;
    // send the login info
    login_mc.continueBtn_mc.onRelease = function() {
    this.enabled = false;
    // variables will appear in the login_lv object
    login_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
    if (success) {
    if (this.studentid == undefined) {
    login_mc._x = 0;
    trace("not logged in");
    debug_mc.body_txt.text+="\nnot logged in";
    if(this.reas == "Please Complete Overview and first 3 Module(s) with at least 70 score."){
    login_mc.loginBad_mc._visible = true;
    } else if(this.reas == "Please Complete Overview Module first."){
    login_mc.loginBad_mc._visible = true;
    } else {
    login_mc.loginBad_mc._visible = true;
    } else {
    login_mc._x = 800;
    trace("now logged in");
    debug_mc.body_txt.text+="\nnow logged in";
    trace("studentid: "+this.studentid);
    trace("isAdmin: "+this.isAdmin);
    //track variables for later use
    _global.studentidTemp = this.studentid;
    _global.isAdminTemp = this.isAdmin;
    bookmark_lv.studentid = ""+this.studentid+"";
    bookmark_lv.isAdmin = ""+this.isAdmin+"";
    debug_mc.body_txt+="\nlogin load error"
    login_lv.onHTTPStatus = function(httpStatus:Number) {
        this.httpStatus = httpStatus;
        if(httpStatus < 100) {
            this.httpStatusType = "flashError";
        else if(httpStatus < 200) {
            this.httpStatusType = "informational";
        else if(httpStatus < 300) {
            this.httpStatusType = "successful";
        else if(httpStatus < 400) {
            this.httpStatusType = "redirection";
        else if(httpStatus < 500) {
            this.httpStatusType = "clientError";
        else if(httpStatus < 600) {
            this.httpStatusType = "serverError";
    debug_mc.body_txt.text+="\n login_lv HTTPStatus number="+httpStatus+" HTTPStatus type="+this.httpStatusType;
    //prepare bookmarkXML to receive returned info from bookmark_lv function
    var bookmarkXML = new XML();
    bookmarkXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    bookmarkXML.onLoad = bookmark_lv;
    // variables will appear in the bookmark_lv object
    bookmark_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
    if (success) {
    trace("bookmarkXML: "+bookmarkXML);
    var bookmarkNode = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(this.firstChild, "/bookmark");
    trace("bookmarkNode: "+bookmarkNode);
    var bookmarker:String = unescape(eval("bookmark_lv"));
    trace("bookmarker: "+bookmarker);
    bookmarker = bookmarker.split("<xml>").join("");
    bookmarker = bookmarker.split("<bookmark").join("");
    bookmarker = bookmarker.split("/bookmark>").join("");
    bookmarker = bookmarker.split("</xml>").join("");
    var startIndex:Number;
    var endIndex:Number;
    startIndex = bookmarker.indexOf(">");
    endIndex = bookmarker.indexOf("<");
    var bookFinally:String;
    bookFinally = bookmarker.substr(startIndex+1, endIndex-2);
    bookFinally = bookFinally.split("<").join("");
    setBookmarkStr = ""+bookFinally+"";
    trace("string: "+setBookmarkStr);
    _global.newBookmark = bookFinally;
    debug_mc.body_txt+="\nbookmark load error"
    bookmark_lv.onHTTPStatus = function(httpStatus:Number) {
        this.httpStatus = httpStatus;
        if(httpStatus < 100) {
            this.httpStatusType = "flashError";
        else if(httpStatus < 200) {
            this.httpStatusType = "informational";
        else if(httpStatus < 300) {
            this.httpStatusType = "successful";
        else if(httpStatus < 400) {
            this.httpStatusType = "redirection";
        else if(httpStatus < 500) {
            this.httpStatusType = "clientError";
        else if(httpStatus < 600) {
            this.httpStatusType = "serverError";
    debug_mc.body_txt.text+="\n bookmark_lv HTTPStatus number="+httpStatus+" HTTPStatus type="+this.httpStatusType;

    try using different loadvars instances for your send loadvars and for your receive loadvars.

  • Security Setting in Microsoft Excel Prohbit XL Report From Running

    Dear Expert,
    When I run XL Report following  error message display
    Security Setting in Microsoft Excel Prohbit XL Report From Running
    On  server Excel 2003 is installed and its working ,
    But  client  PC Excel 2007 is installed and when run xl addon above error display...
    all the micro setting and trust center setting  is done.
    Pls help me.......
    Ashish Nandgaonkar

    Dear Ashish Nandgaonkar,
    You may check this thread first:
    XL reporter issue in SAP Business one 2007 B patch 15

  • I forgot my security questions and I have a different email address but it's not updated to my Apple ID how can I change my security setting and how to rescue my Apple ID?

    I forgot my security questions and I have a different email address but it's not updated to my Apple ID how can I change my security setting and how to rescue my Apple ID?

    Alternatives for Help Resetting Security Questions and Rescue Mail
         1. Apple ID- All about Apple ID security questions.
         2. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
         3. Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security.
         4. Fill out and submit this form. Select the topic, Account Security.
         5.  Call Apple Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support in your
              country and ask to speak to Account Security.
    How to Manage your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID

  • When password security-setting dialogue box is opened, the bottom can't be seen or moved

    Using Acrobat XI Pro on my Dell PC, I was trying to add password protection to the document.  When I click on the "encrypt with password" button, the password security-setting dialogue box pops up, and I can enter the password.  However, the bottom of the page is not visible and I can't move it to click the "ok" button.  Any suggestions?

    Which Acrobat XI Pro are you using? I think you experience the same problem that was reported on this forum in the past. I believe this problem was fixed in one of the recent versions (11.0.07??). Upgrade to the latest version and the problem should go away.

  • IE 11 Security Setting change by itself

    When I use IE and going to some websites (Google, NBA.COM, etc) I get a web page error window" Do you want to debug this web page" with some kind of function error. Each time the detail of the error be different. I changed the Internet options
    security to default level and in advance section check the not to display script error option. However after going to some sites, I still get the same error and I noticed that after getting error, the security setting automatically changed to custom, from
    the default which I set by myself. I tried to reset IE, still get the same . I tried to do a system restore , But it fails
    can someone advice

    What's your environment, domain or workgroup?
    Try this:
    From IE> Tools> Internet Options> Advanced...>Check "Disable script debugging" and uncheck "Display a notification about every script error."
    After that run this Fix it Tool:
    Meanwhile, let's verify if the issue occurs in Internet Explorer No Add-ons?
    To launch it via below method:
    Start Internet Explorer 11 in No Add-ons mode by running the Run command from the Start menu, and then typing iexplore.exe -extoff into the box.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • PDF Security Setting in Crystal report

    Hi All,
    I would like to ask, is there anyway for us to change the PDF security setting that created by crystal report?  We ussualy see the security setting in PDF documents settintg.

    You would need to program that step yourself or use a 3rd-party Report Managers listed at (I know at least one of them provides that functionality).

  • Security setting in PDF generated from SAP

    Do you have any idea how to set up the security setting for PDF which is generated from function module
    we wanted PDF not to be printed and no one can do copy paste

    Can any one help on this.

  • RBAC / Role Based Security Set Up in R12

    We are working with a 3rd party consulting organization to implement Role Based Access Control in E-Business Suite R12. We have approximately 50 users and with 35 responsibilities today and are currently in the process of designing our role based security set up. In advance of this the consulting company has provided us with effort estimates to cutover from the current responsibility structure to RBAC. We are told this must be done while all users are off the system. The dowtime impact to the business is very high, expecially considering our small user base.
    With RBAC cutover downtime estimates such as these I can't understand how any company larger than ours could go live with it?
    Does anyone have previous Role Based Access Control implementation experience in EBS R11i or R12 and could provide some insight on their experience and recommendations, best practice for cutover to mitigate impacts to the business as we cannot accept the 90 hours of downtime outlined by the consulting company below?
    Disable users old assignments:
    *12.00 hours*
    Disable Responsibilities targeted for the elimination:
    *12.00 hours*
    Disable Responsibilities targeted for the elimination:
    *16.00 hours*
    Setup OUM options and profiles:
    *6.00 hours*
    Setup Roles and Hierarchies:
    *14.00 hours*
    Grant Permissions:
    *12.00 hours*
    Setup Functional Security and disable the obsolete responsibilities:
    *12.00 hours*
    Setup Data Security and disable the obsolete data accesses:
    *6.00 hours*
    Total *90 hours*
    Note - all activities must be performed sequentially*
    Any advice or experiences you could share would be extremely valuable for us. Thank you for taking the time advance to review & respond.

    On Srini`s comments "Creating Roles.. will have to be done manually "... I would like to know will the same approach be followed for PRODUCTION instance also. Say if we need to create 35 responsibilities and 50 roles so should this be done manually in PRODUCTION.
    I have not worked on this but I know that in my previous company this was done using scripts. Need to find more on this.

  • Security Set-up for MSC2N

    I am having trouble getting the security set up correctly for users to be able to change SLED using MSC2N.  The user has security for MSC2N, but get an error:  "You are not authorized to change Charecteristic Value".
    Anyone know what additional transaction we need to add to allow this security?  I appreciate any insight.

    You could try using the transaction MSC2.
    MSC2N does not allow changes to certain Characteristic values, but the older version of the txn does.

Maybe you are looking for

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