Security tips for a noob.

What can I do to a fresh Arch install for maximum security? I want to use a mail-client (I'm not sure which one yet) and I also ssh into a machine with sensitive data, and I have a wireless only connection.
What apps should I install/configure to stop someone from using my wireless connection against me?

of course WPA can be cracked enough publications about this can be found on the net, reason why was moved to WPA2 and eventually to WPA2-RADIUS.
Caused by weakness of pre-shared key.
in contrast to WEP, attacks against WPA with pre-shared key do not require a large amount of collected packets. You can perform it being in the range of AP.
Succesful attack against WPA-PSK requires capturing  the four-way EAPOL handshake.
Simply wait for legitimate EAPL handshake to be transmitted and capture it run offline dictionary attack. Anything below 21 characters can be cracked in reasonable time.
WPA2-RADIUS has no known vulnerabilities.
Last edited by broch (2008-05-05 13:27:38)

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support
            and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
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    If they have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on their account then you can try going to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into the account. Then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you might see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
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    The Microsoft Security Compliance Manager 3.0 tool is designed to provide you with an end-to-end solution to help you plan, deploy, and monitor security baselines for computers running Windows Server 2012 in your environment.
    For more detailed information, please refer to the articles below:
    Windows Server 2012 Security Baseline
    Security Hardening Tips and Recommendations
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID - --> Can I change the answers to the security questions for my Apple ID?  --> Yes. You can change the answers to the security questions provided when you originally signed up for your Apple ID. Go to My Apple ID ( and click Manage your account.
    Forgotten security questions -  and
    More involved forgotten question issues -
    Kappy 09/2012 post about security questions -
    John Galt's tips (09&11/2012) - and
    If none of the above work, contact iTunes Support at and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting
        Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for
            support and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    5. For online assistance use Apple - Support - Express Lane

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    Take a walk through the "Security Garden" -- Where Everything is Coming up Roses!
    Security Information and Malware Removal @LandzDown Forum

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    *Non Lenovo employee*
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    If you need to install Java do so with this: Java for OS X Lion 2012-003. It includes all the malware protection software needed to protect from the Flashback trojans. Also, see:
    Helpful Links Regarding Flashback Trojan
    A link to a great User Tip about the trojan: Flashback Trojan User Tip
    A related link in the tip to a checker: Malware Checker Dowload Link
    A Google search can reveal a variety of alternatives on how the remove the trojan should your computer get infected. This can get you started.
    For now I recommend the User Tip from etressoft to detect and remove:
    Checking for and removing the "Flashback" trojan
    Kaspersky Flashback Trojan Site:Flashback Trojan Detection and Removal
    Also see Apple's article About Flashback malware.

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support
            and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting
        Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for
            support and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    5. For online assistance use Apple - Support - Express Lane

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    See Kappy's great User Tips.
    See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    Send Apple an email request for help at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us
    Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service
     Cheers, Tom

  • How can I change my security questions for itunes

    how can i change my security questions for itunes

    See Kappy's post here:
    TS3297 how to change or reset my security questions
    or the User Tip:

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