Segment shrinking, any influence on performance?

Hi all
I am using 64-bit on SLES 10. I am thinking of performing segment shrinking on production database. I did it on the test database and it was time and resource consuming process. Does segment shrinking has any influence on performance apart from gain in disk space? If yes, what?
Thanks for any suggestions.

As others have mentioned already, with the defragmentation of the object with the shrink command, there would be surely the increase both in the space as well as in the complete scans of the object. But I would also like to point that doing this in a live system can be degrading the performance as well by marking the cursors in the shared pool invalid. So for this, if you are considering this , better would be to use it with the compact option and than later on doing the complete shrinking.
Just my 2 cents.

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    Dear All,
    1. Is it Compulsory to run the Segment Shrinking Jobs advised by Segment Advisor?
    2. Running online will it affect the perfomance
    3. Is this same as table re organization
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    1. NO. As with any "Advisor" it is your discretion and decision as to what action to take and when. I would schedule shrinks / rebuilds / reorgs during/without maintenance/outages. But first, I would evaluate the advice. In many cases, it wouldn't be worth the effort to rebuild/shrink. Also, you have to consider that the table/index may/will grow again.
    I do a shrink/rebuild only as part of any archival job which deletes a significant portion of the data. Not otherwise.
    2. Running it online will impact performance. Furthermore, the SHRINK actually generates a lot of Undo (as it runs as if it is normal DML) and, consequently, Redo and ArchiveLog.
    3. It is different. However, the "it" also depends on what you mean to be a "table reorganization". A reorganization that is done with an ALTER TABLE MOVE (and ALTER INDEX REBUILD) is quite a different operation from a SHRINK. A DBMS_REDEFINITION is also a very different operation.

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    VM IC Time Synchronization Provider
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    It looks like your PDC is successfully pulling time from an external source.  DC8 is not longer pulling from Hyper-V so that is good.
    When you set a client to pull from a source ( and in this case DC8 is pulling from NT5DS, which tells it to pull from the PDC), and it CAN'T pull from that source, it will default to Local CMOS Clock.  This is likely an easy fix.
    First, check connectivity:
    - Method one- Download Portqry and run this command: portqry -n HPVZH05 -p both -e 123 and see if the results say listening, or
    - Method two- Run this command from DC8: w32tm /stripchart /computer:HPVZH05
    If you get any kind of error using method two, it's a connectivity issue.  (Maybe you have a firewall that's blocking access?)
    The other cause of this, and probably more likely in your case, is that your PDC isn't properly advertising as a reliable time source, so DC8 isn't 'allowed' to pull from it.
    Try running this command on your PDC: w32tm /config /reliable:yes
    Then go restart time on your PDC, THEN DC8 again.  (net stop w32time & net start w32time)
    Here's an article you can reference:
    - As always, if you find my posts to be helpful, please mark it appropriately.  Thank you :)
    Chris Ream

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    As Jonathan said, shrinking segment generates redo and undo data.
    But, this phoenomenon of undo shortage is not normal case.
    Shrinking segment might invole continous DML(deleting and re-inserting),
    but it's transaction seems to be committed internally at regular intervals.
    For this reason, shrinking operation should not hold undo area that long.
    But have no knowledge on exact behavior of shrink operation.
    Someone else will shed a light.
    How big your table and indexes?
    Some cases are reorted that shrinkage on big segment generates really large amount of undo data.
    This might be related with your problem. But not sure.
    Visit metalink note# 3888229.

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    Creating a function based index creates a hidden virtual column (you'll see it if you query user_tab_cols) and once you index a virtual column you can no longer shrink the table:orcl> create table t1(c1 number,c2 as (c1 * 2)) segment creation immediate;
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    alter table t1 shrink space
    ERROR at line 1:
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    Are you asking about backing up the archived redo logs via rman or directly to tape or the actual archive process where Oracle backs the online redo to disk?
    -- comments on archive process
    Normally the redo log archiving process should have no noticable effect on database performance. About the only way for the process to have a noticable performance impact while it is running is if you store all your online redo logs on the same physical disk. You would also want the backup to be on a different physical disk.
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    We had looked into doing something similar, and this post is the closest we found.
    Basically you will need a middle-man between Qualys and ConfigMgr to house the data. This may be a new database, or a whole seperate platform. I expect this could easily be done with SQL and SSRS.
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    DB version:10gR2
    Following is a script i made for freeing up(SHRINK ing and resetting HWM) the space in Tables and its indexes. Due to the existence of LOB Segments and Tables with Function based indexes, this script was erroring out. So i was wondering if there is a way to find out the segments which are eligible/not eligible for Shrinking so that i could make necessary changes to the below script.
    create or replace procedure freeup_space
    type v_segment_type is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer;
    v_segment v_segment_type;
    select segment_name bulk collect into v_segment
                   from user_segments
                   where segment_type in ('TABLE')
                     and segment_name not like 'BIN%';
    for i in v_segment.first..v_segment.last loop
    execute immediate 'alter table ' || v_segment(i) ||' enable row movement';
    dbms_output.put_line('Table '||v_segment(i)||'''s row movement enabled');
    execute immediate 'alter table ' || v_segment(i) ||' shrink space cascade';
    execute immediate 'alter table ' || v_segment(i) ||' deallocate unused';
    end loop;

    You can use USER_LOBS views to look for LOB columns in the segments and ALL_INDEXES.INDEX_TYPE tells if the index is function based index or not.
    Message was edited by:
    Pierre Forstmann

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    You can do that with bind variables. Perhaps this thread will help you:
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    A couple of points:
    1. The name of this forum is "Advanced Compression" and your question has nothing to do with the topic.
    2. You didn't post a version number (3 decimal places).
    3. You didn't post any DDL for the table, the indexes, or the shrink statement.
    4. You didn't define what you mean by "negative impact" in terms of whatever your topic actually is.
    I would suggest you repost this in the correct group "General Database" and when you do so include sufficient information that someone can help you.

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    What is your database version? OS?
    We are using VCP suite for Planning Purpose. We are using VCP environment (12.1.3) in Decentralized structure connecting to 3 differect source environment ( consisting 11i and R12). As per the Oracle Note {RAC Configuration Setup For Running MRP Planning, APS Planning, and Data Collection Processes [ID 279156]} we have implemented RAC in our test environment to get better performance.
    But after doing all the setups and concurrent programs assignment to different nodes, we are seeing huge performance issue. The Complete Collection which takes generally on an avg 180 mins in Production, is taking more than 6 hours to complete in RAC.
    So I would like to get suggestion from this forum, if anyone has implemented RAC in pure VCP (decentralized) environment ? Will there be any improvement if we make our VCP Instance in RAC ?Do you PCP enabled? Can you reproduce the issue when you stop the CM?
    Have you reviewed these docs?
    Value Chain Planning - VCP - Implementation Notes & White Papers [ID 280052.1]
    Concurrent Processing - How To Ensure Load Balancing Of Concurrent Manager Processes In PCP-RAC Configuration [ID 762024.1]
    How to Setup and Run Data Collections [ID 145419.1]
    12.x - Latest Patches and Installation Requirements for Value Chain Planning (aka APS Advanced Planning & Scheduling) [ID 746824.1]
    APSCHECK.sql Provides Information Needed for Diagnosing VCP and GOP Applications Issues [ID 246150.1]

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