Select a line then set size

I know this seems to becoming at something backwards, but if I can do this it will make life easier for doing custom stripes for cars.
I open a profile image of the particular car.
I create my vector stripes on the image.
Now...if I could draw a line of a known measurement on the graphic in illustrator (eg. between two doors) and then select that line (and the stripe graphic) and set the line to be a certain size (eg. 35 inches) and it would scale the rest of the stripe that would be a big help.
Is there any way to do this?

If your line is not perfectly horizontal or vertical you can also use this way.
Turn the Smart Guides on. Pick the Line Segment Tool. With the Smart Guides snapping and showing the Anchor label, drag from point 1 to point 2 as shown in the image below with red. This will create an identical line as your original line. Press Delete on your keyboard to delete the line you just created. With the Line tool still selected, hold the Alt key and click on the first point you clicked before which is marked as 3 with red on the image. This will show the Line tool options box with the length of your current line and you can type the new length there. This will create a longer line on top of your original line. You will use this line along with your original line as a guide for scaling. You can change your new line with a different color and send it behind to see better the end of your original line. Select only the objects you want to scale without the lines. Select the Scale tool, first click on 1 to set the center of scaling then click and drag from 2 to 3 and your objects will be scaled with the same amount as your line.
edit: The example assumes that you have already created an initial line. If not you can skip creating and deleting the identical line.

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    Go to Solution.

       You can do using message popup method. You can ask the user which unit want to execute by inserting message in message expression in message popup step settings.Something like below
    "Enter unit number to execute 
     1.  Unit1
     2.  Unit 2
     10. Unit 10"
    then check "Enable response text box" from options tab in step settings.When user enters unit number you can get the user entered value by inserting the below statement in post expression of message popup step settings
        Locals.String = Step.Result.Response 
        Note : String is a local variable to be defined.
    Convert that string in to number and send that output to switch expression there by you can use a sequence call step to call sequence whichever to be executed. (I hope your each unit will be seperate sequence file)
    I hope these resolves your problem. If you don't understand let me know so that I can develop a small example and send it to.

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  • How to select multiple lines in ALV report

    hi gurus,
    I am working on an interactive ALV report where i have to select multiple lines from the basic list into an internal table, based on check box clicks. Using RS_SELFIELD i can select only 1 row. The coding has been done based on Call Function. Can u please suggest some way.

    try like this
    TABLES:     ekko.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.                                 "ALV Declarations
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
      sel,                         "stores which row user has selected
      ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
      ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
      statu TYPE ekpo-statu,
      aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat,
      matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
      menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
      meins TYPE ekpo-meins,
      netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
      peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh,
    END OF t_ekko.
          wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko.
    DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          fieldcatalog1 TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv,
          gd_layout    TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          gd_repid     LIKE sy-repid.
    DATA : BEGIN OF det_tab OCCURS 0,
            ebeln LIKE ekpo-ebeln,
           END OF det_tab.
      PERFORM data_retrieval.
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
      PERFORM build_layout.
      PERFORM display_alv_report.
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *       Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report
    FORM build_fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'EBELN'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Purchase Order'.
      fieldcatalog-outputlen   = 10.
      fieldcatalog-emphasize   = 'X'.
      fieldcatalog-key         = 'X'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'EBELP'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'PO Item'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'STATU'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Status'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'AEDAT'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Item change date'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MATNR'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Material Number'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MENGE'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'PO quantity'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MEINS'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Order Unit'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'NETPR'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Net Price'.
      fieldcatalog-outputlen   = 15.
      fieldcatalog-do_sum      = 'X'.        "Display column total
      fieldcatalog-datatype     = 'CURR'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'PEINH'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Price Unit'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  BUILD_LAYOUT
    *       Build layout for ALV grid report
    FORM build_layout.
      gd_layout-box_fieldname     = 'SEL'.
      "set field name to store row selection
      gd_layout-edit              = 'X'. "makes whole ALV table editable
      gd_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
    *       Display report using ALV grid
    FORM display_alv_report.
      gd_repid = sy-repid.
          i_callback_program       = gd_repid
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_STAT'
          is_layout                = gd_layout
          it_fieldcat              = fieldcatalog[]
          i_save                   = 'X'
          t_outtab                 = it_ekko
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
    *&      Form  DATA_RETRIEVAL
    *       Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko
    FORM data_retrieval.
      SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh
       UP TO 10 ROWS
        FROM ekpo
    ENDFORM.                    " DATA_RETRIEVAL
    *       FORM USER_COMMAND                                          *
    *       --> R_UCOMM                                                *
    *       --> RS_SELFIELD                                            *
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                      rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    * Check function code
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          IF rs_selfield-fieldname = 'EBELN'.
            READ TABLE it_ekko INTO wa_ekko INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'BES' FIELD wa_ekko-ebeln.
        WHEN 'DET'.  "button add by me
          CLEAR det_tab.
          REFRESH det_tab.
          LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko WHERE sel = 'X'.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_ekko TO det_tab.
            APPEND det_tab.
          PERFORM build_cat.
          PERFORM dis_data.
    ENDFORM.                    "user_command
    *&      Form  set_stat
    *       text
    *      -->RT_EXTAB   text
    FORM set_stat USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    ENDFORM.                    "set_stat
    *&      Form  build_cat
    *       text
    FORM build_cat.
      CLEAR fieldcatalog1.
      REFRESH fieldcatalog1.
      fieldcatalog1-fieldname = 'EBELN'.
      fieldcatalog1-tabname = 'DET_TAB'.
      fieldcatalog1-seltext_m = 'Order No.'.
      fieldcatalog1-outputlen = 10.
      APPEND fieldcatalog1 TO fieldcatalog1.
      CLEAR fieldcatalog1.
    ENDFORM.                    "build_cat
    *&      Form  dis_data
    *       text
    FORM dis_data.
          i_callback_program = 'ZTEST_DS'
          it_fieldcat        = fieldcatalog1[]
          i_save             = 'X'
          t_outtab           = det_tab.
    ENDFORM.                    "dis_data
    here i have copied standard gui status of ALV into my z status ZSTAT and add one button DET......
    here u can select morethan one line using control(ctrl)
    reward if usefull...

  • Creating and Selecting a line in After Effects CC?

    OK, So I suppose this is a two part question...
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    2) The reason why it's inconveniencing me is when i try to select that Shape Layer in the Comp Viewer! For some reason, in CS6, when i wanted to select that line, i could just click on it, and it selects the layer, Now, when i click on the line i just made, nothing happens, no where in the line that i can click or highlight will it select the layer of that line, Instead, I have to click the very center of the composition for some reason. there is small unseen point there that i either have to click exactly, or click and drag in that area, in order to select the layer, which gets annoying if there are many line at any given moment. This point is also where the anchor point for the layer is placed.... Is there any way to change this? To be able to change some setting so that when i click on the line itself, it selects it, and to have the Anchor point be placed in the center of the two point i make?

    But I do this kind of thing all the time. The last 5 projects involved 8 stroked horizontal and vertical shape layers drawn with the path tool that I had to move around the screen. I also had a bunch of little shapes that were only 5 X 5 pixels. These layers are nearly impossible to grab in the comp window at even 200% zoom factor without inadvertently grabbing the wrong layer or scaling the layer when you try to move it in the comp window.
    It is like trying to drive a screw with a hammer. It will kind of work but you will do a much better job if you use a screwdriver and the screw will remain undamaged. Hence, selecting small assets in the timeline and moving them around with the transform properties from the timeline is using a screwdriver. Using the direct selection tool is just the wrong tool for this and it always has been. You have to have some real estate to grab on to if you expect to move a layer without scaling it.
    You can mitigate the scaling problem for small layers by adding a simple expression to scale so the layer always stays at 100% but this will just automatically fix the scale problem and won't help moving the layer around in the comp window very much.

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    I can't find a way to set size and resolution with anything other than the regular square crop tool.

    You can make an action and use it as one step automation to achieve that on an initial selection.
    Step by step instructions:
    With the Elliptical Marquee Tool, make the desired selection on a image.
    Open the Actions panel (Window > Actions (Alt+F9), from its menu at the top right or corresponding buttons at the bottom, choose New Action, and in the dialog that appears press the Record button.
    From the Image menu, choose Crop.
    From the Selection menu, choose Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I)
    Press the d key on your keyboard to reset the foreground/background color swatches.
    Press Ctrl + Delete keys on your keyboard to fill with white.
    From the Image menu, choose Image Size (Ctrl+Alt+I), make sure the Resample Image is checked, and in the Document Size section enter the desired dimensions and resolution and press OK.
    In the Actions Panel press the Stop Recording button.
    Now you can copy or drag the image to another image.
    For the next image make the oval selection, go to the Actions panel, select the actions you created above, and press the play button. You can also create a keyboard shortcut in the action's property accessible by double clicking the action.
    The creation of this action assumes that in the final image you will be composing oval images on white background without overlapping their rectangular bounding boxes. If you plan to overlap them then the action must be modified to make the image a transparent layer and delete outside the oval instead of filling with white.

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    Hello Shane,
    I am notary public and I would recieve file with documents that need to be printed on both legal and letter size paper. I used Adobe Acrobat from my husband's Windows computer which sorts the documents by paper size and then print's them out on correct size paper.
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    Thank you for your help

  • ORA-19510 failed to set size of 12288 blocks for file "/sisdev01/dbs/log01b.dbf

    My company's harddisk has corrupted and files under /sisdev01/dbs/ cannot list and don't have any backup, then I have to create a new database again after changing the disk and recovering the data. I plan to reuse the /sisdev01/dbs/ as following.
    I fail in creating database by using the following script:
         LOGFILE GROUP 1 '/sisdev01/dbs/log01a.dbf' SIZE 10M
         ,     GROUP 1 '/sisdev01/dbs/log01b.dbf' SIZE 10M
         ,     GROUP 2 '/sisdev01/dbs/log02a.dbf' SIZE 10M
         ,     GROUP 2 '/sisdev01/dbs/log02b.dbf' SIZE 10M
         DATAFILE '/sisdev01/dbs/system01.dbf'      
              SIZE 210M AUTOEXTEND OFF
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/rbs01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/temp01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/users01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/ts_index_ivr01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/ts_ivr01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/ts_ems01.dbf'
         , '/sisdev01/dbs/ts_index_ems01.dbf'
    but I receive error message:
    ORA-01501: CREATE DATABASE failed
    ORA-19510: failed to set size of 12288 blocks for file "/sisdev01/dbs/log01b.dbf
    " (blocksize=512)
    ORA-27059: skgfrsz: could not reduce file size
    IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 28: No space left on device
    Additional information: 1
    ORA-19502: write error on file "/sisdev01/dbs/log01b.dbf", blockno 8193 (blocksi
    ORA-27063: skgfospo: number of bytes read/written is incorrect
    IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 28: No space left on device
    Additional information: -1
    Additional information: 524288
    Here is the content of my parameter file:
    db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # SMALL
    # db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16 # MEDIUM
    # db_file_multiblock_read_count = 32 # LARGE
    # db_block_buffers = 60 # SMALL
    db_block_buffers = 550 # MEDIUM
    # db_block_buffers = 3200 # LARGE
    # shared_pool_size = 3500000 # SMALL
    shared_pool_size = 5000000 # MEDIUM
    # shared_pool_size = 9000000 # LARGE
    log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
    processes = 400 # SMALL
    # processes = 100 # MEDIUM
    # processes = 200 # LARGE
    dml_locks = 100 # SMALL
    # dml_locks = 200 # MEDIUM
    # dml_locks = 500 # LARGE
    # log_buffer = 8192 # SMALL
    log_buffer = 32768 # MEDIUM
    # log_buffer = 163840 # LARGE
    # audit_trail = true # if you want auditing
    # timed_statistics = true # if you want timed statistics
    max_dump_file_size = 10240 # limit trace file size to 5 Meg each
    # Uncommenting the line below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has
    # been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG.
    log_archive_start = false
    log_archive_dest = /u01/sisdev01_arch
    log_archive_format = arch%s.dbf
    # If using private rollback segments, place lines of the following
    # form in each of your instance-specific init.ora files:
    rollback_segments = (r01, r02)
    # If using public rollback segments, define how many
    # rollback segments each instance will pick up, using the formula
    # # of rollback segments = transactions / transactions_per_rollback_segment
    # In this example each instance will grab 40/10 = 4:
    transactions = 40
    transactions_per_rollback_segment = 10
    # Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to
    global_names = TRUE
    # Edit and uncomment the following line to provide the suffix that will be
    # appended to the db_name parameter (separated with a dot) and stored as the
    # global database name when a database is created. If your site uses
    # Internet Domain names for e-mail, then the part of your e-mail address after
    # the '@' is a good candidate for this parameter value.
    # db_domain = # global database name is db_name.db_domain
    # define two control files by default
    # control_files = (/sisuat02/dbs/ctl01.ora,/sisuat02/dbs/ctl02.ora)
    control_files = (/sisdev01/dbs/ctl01.ora,/sisdev01/dbs/ctl02.ora)
    background_dump_dest = /u01/dba/sisdev01/log
    user_dump_dest = /u01/dba/sisdev01/log
    NLS_LANGUAGE="traditional chinese"
    NLS_TERRITORY="hong kong"
    utl_file_dir = *
    compatible = 8.1.5
    remote_os_authent = TRUE
    sort_area_size = 65536
    sort_area_retained_size = 65536
    It always fail during creation of logfile log01b.dbf.
    I have tried to send same size logfiles to the directory but it fails too when inserting the second logfile log01b.dbf too.
    NETOUT: 10054452 Error writing file: Error 0
    Can anyone kindly help me?

    This may be a blindingly obvious question but do you have sufficient disk space on /sisdev01/dbs/ partition?

  • Drop navigation links to 2 lines for phone size

    Hi everyone, Happy Thursday (Or brain dead Thursday for me)!
    I'm working on a new "responsive" project.  Being a new project, I'm starting with the smallest width and working my way up.
    I have a simple navigation at the top of the page with six text "roll-over" links.
    On the smaller size (smart phone - 320px), I need to "wrap" the text links to 2 lines, then one line for all the rest of the larger sizes.  I also need to move a graphic that is directly below the links down to accomodate for the extra line, then back up again when the window size changes.  For some reason, I can't figure how to go about doing this.  Also, the navigation will be added to an existing HTML page when completed.
    My question is:
          How do I tell Edge to move the nav from two lines of text to one line (and move the graphic) when I hit a particular window size (media query)?
    I will have media queries set up in the CSS for the HTML portion of the page.  Could I simply "show/hide" a particular div, one with the two lines for the nav and one with one line using CSS, or is there a better way?
    If it is possible to do the "show/hide" div idea, would it be better (or even possible) to make different navigation animations for each media queries (where needed)?
    Sorry about my temporary (I hope!) "brain dead" condition :-)

    OK, I thought I'd post this for others trying to get Edge Commons to work for their projects.
    When you go to the Edge Commons "tutorial" video: ayouts-using-adobe-edge-animate-and-the-edge-commons-library/ dge-animate-and-the-edge-commons-library/(Great video and a "must watch" for anyone contemplating using the Edge Commons plugin) They now have a download link for the Edge Commons code files!
    Keep in mind, however, that their example is using static images for each size mentioned (300px, 600px, 900px).
    If you have "animated" symbols, these will not work as intended!  They WILL play each symbol depending on the screen resolution (300px, 6000px, 900px - Or whatever you set them to) but only the first image!
    Fortunately, the solution below is simple!
    1. Follow their instructions for setting Edge Commons up:
    Under the "Open actions for stage" option ( left of the "Stage" Action in the timeline, click on the {} symbol), add the following code to the 2 options mentioned below:
    if (EC) {
              EC.applyAdaptiveLayout(sym, "adaptiveContainer");
              load: "",
              //load: "http://localhost/Aktiv/Intern/EdgeCommons/GitHub/master/sprint/EdgeCommons-Sprint-0.0.4.js",
              //load: "http://localhost/Aktiv/Intern/EdgeCommons/GitHub/master/live/EdgeCommons-0.4.0.js",
              callback: function() {
                        EC.setAdaptiveLayouts( [300, 600, 900] );
                        EC.applyAdaptiveLayout(sym, "adaptiveContainer");
    2. For each symbol you are playing, add the following code the to  "creationComplete" action:; (or just click on the "play" button to the right)!
    That's It!
    Everything should work just fine for each screen size you added in the "compositionReady" action!
    Hope that helps!

  • Unable to run reports due to too large set size

    Hello guys
    I am creating a report with almost 12 columns. I know it has a lot of data. When I tried to add one more column which is day column, it gives me the following errors:
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. Essbase Error: Internal error: Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^32 tuples. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT Brand."Brand Name" saw_0, Brand.Product saw_1, Offer."Offer Name" saw_2, "Subscription Offer_Cost"."Offer Cost" saw_3, "Continuity Cycle"."Cont Cycle" saw_4, "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month" saw_5, "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Day" saw_6, "Retention Status".Status saw_7, Level."Subscription Leve" saw_8, SUM(CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" = '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END by "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month", Offer."Offer Name") saw_9, CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" > '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END saw_10, (CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" > '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END/SUM(CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" = '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END by "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month", Offer."Offer Name"))*100 saw_11 FROM retention_cube WHERE ("Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month" BETWEEN '2009 Feb' AND '2009 Jan') ORDER BY saw_7 DESC
    It's probably because the data size is too big for querry to return. Is there a way I can fix this error and still get the report with the new columns?
    Any pointers will be greatly appreciated..

    Well of course it is. (Set too large I mean)
    SUM(CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" = '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END by "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month", Offer."Offer Name") saw_9,
    CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" > '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END saw_10,
    (CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" > '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END/SUM(CASE WHEN Level."Subscription Leve" = '0' THEN retntion."Count Of Orders" ELSE 0 END by "Acquisition Date"."Acquisition Month", Offer."Offer Name"))*100 saw_11
    THAT is the way to kill a query going against Essbase. Just check out the MDX that generates in the background (i.e. read the log!) and try to fire that through SmartView. It will work until you hit a low grain on one of the dimensions. The time dimension being a perfect example.
    Stuff like what you're trying to do should either be
    - account members in Essbase,
    - MDX EVALUATE_AGGR expressions in the RPD with the correct aggragation level set or
    - MDX EVALUATE expressions in answers.
    Push the number crunching and aggregating as far down the foodchain as you can. Everything will almost automatically result in failures.

  • Automatic lead selection change line in WD table

    Hi all,
    In footer of WD table, there is an input field, where user can specify number of record, which will be shown in first visible line.   
    I need to automatically select this line as lead selection. How can I achieve this behaviour? ( I'm using NW 2004 SP 19)
    Thanks for any answer.

    Hi Juraj,
    Assuming that when first time the view containing the table is loaded their is no changes required.
    Only when you enter some value in the input field then that record should be shown as first visible row ans should be lead selected.
    1. Create a context attribute ctx_rowinput.Bind this context to the input field.
    2. Create a action say onInputShow and associate this with the input field.
        Either use a button and associate the action to the button or OnEnter event of input field.
    3. In your action onInputShow();
      public void onActionInputShow( wdEvent )
        int i = wdContext.currentContextElement().getctx_rowinput();
        wdContext.node<table node>().setLeadSelection(i);
    4. In your wdDoModifyView add the following code
      public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateTest_Table_View wdThis, IPrivateTest_Table_View.IContextNode wdContext, view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
              IWDTable table =(IWDTable)view.getElement("Table");
    <b>Note: If you enter 3 in the input field it will show 2 record as the node index
    starts from 0.And also before setting the leadselection and visible row check if
    the input value exceeds the nuber of rows in the table.</b>
    This has worked for me.

  • Set size of jPanel

    Hi i've create a jForm in netbeans. To this I have added a scrollpane containing a jPanel called PrintPreview. (I have to do this rather than use the automated preview of printUtilities because of some items I need removed from the original jPanel before printing).
    I need to set the size of the PrintPreview jPanel as it's instantiated. I have the dimensions created from another class called "Gbl".
    In the constructor is the following:
    /** Creates new form PrintPreview */
    public PrintPreview() {
    PreviewPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Gbl.previewWidth,Gbl.previewHeight);
    PreviewPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Gbl.previewWidth,Gbl.previewHeight);
    PreviewPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(Gbl.previewWidth,Gbl.previewHeight);
    I would like the jPanel set to these dimensions however I would also like the scrollPane to remain at it's standard size so I can scroll the diagram as necessary.
    Could you please tell me where I am going wrong? The three setSize lines are flagged as erroneous. The dimensions are int and have tried double.
    Any advice is good...

    Ok I'm going to add onto this thread because it still relates to the original problem. setting size of jPanel.
    Some details first:
    OS - Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10
    Kernel - 2.6.22-14-generic
    NB - v5.5.1
    Java version - java version "1.5.0" / gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.2.1 (Ubuntu 4.2.1-5ubuntu5)
    I have been trawling the net for days trying to resolve this but I am struggling to find anything specific to my problem. I keep finding general methods using given NB facilities. I've also scoured a couple of my Java books but of course they're not totally relevant to NetBeans. I've practiced using the forum this afternoon to find things but with my lack of knowledge using both forums and java has left me a little bamboozled. I've been working on this problem for a couple of days now and achieved very little.
    My specific problem is this:
    I have a JFrame GUI. Inside that I have a jTabbedPane containing a jScrollPane containing a jPanel. I would like to have the jPanel display at A4 size relevant to the screen it is displayed on. e.g. I have a separate global class "Gbl" that calculates the dimensions based on current dpi and then creates the necessary measurements to feed to my preferred size function.
    I have tried implementing the preferred size method to the constructor and have also tried adding it to all four ways to enter bespoke code to NetBeans' autogenerated code. (Pre-init, Post-init, Pre-creation and Post-creation code) To no avail. Nothing changes on screen.
    The code I am trying to enter is as follows:
    // Set preferred size of user-drawing-area (jPanel1)
    jPanel1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    jPanel1.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    jPanel1.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    // Set preferred size of jPanel1 container (jScrollPane1)
    jScrollPane1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    jScrollPane1.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    jScrollPane1.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    // Set preferred size of the jScrollPane1 container (mainTabView(Tabbed pane))
    mainTabView.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    mainTabView.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    mainTabView.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600,500));
    I am using absolute values here to omit any error getting the variables from my Global class. If it works I will add them and test again.
    Ideally, I would like the jPanel to be set to an A4 size yet have the containers at a smaller more "screen-manageable" size (With scroll bars). Then if the GUI is maximized, then it only expands to the full size of the A4 sized jPanel if possible.
    Of course, this may not be possible or there may be a far better method for doing this, however I am really stumped. I've had some good advice this afternoon of whihc has opened may eyes some. Although, I have made no headway so far. I hope the above follows site-rules and gives enough information to resolve this issue. I'm losing hair rapidly!
    I'm grateful for any advice given. Thank You

  • Essbase Error:Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^64 tuple

    we are using obiee version with essbase 9.3.3 as a data source . when I try to run a report in obiee, I am getting the below error :
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 96002] Essbase Error: Internal error: Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^64 tuples (HY000)
    but if I run the same query in excel add in, I am just getting 20 records . wondering why I am getting this error in obiee . Does any one encountered the same issue ?
    Thanks In advance,

    Well if you want to export in I think you have to manually do it.
    The workaround it to open your aperture library by right clicking it and show contents...
    Then go into your project right click show contents...
    In here there are sub folders on dates that the pictures were added to those projects. If you open the sub folder and search for your pictures name it should be in that main folder.
    You can just copy it out as you would any normal file to any other location.
    Voila you have manually exported out your file.
    There is a very similar post that has been close but again you can't export the original file that you are working on - FYI

  • How to select multiple lines in reports

    how to select multiple lines in a reports and process those selected lines to other activities like BDC.
    Please paste sample report here. or any demo examples . (don't paste ALV report , paste only classical report)
    suppose there are 10 records in output, i want to select 3 records and process other activities like bdc.
    Point will awarded.

    Hi ,
    the o/p in ur case will be a basic list output with a check box enabled in the left .
    Now say there are 10 records in the list output and i have checked 3 of them where checkboxes are enabled .
    And i press a button to submit this to the BDC .
    Here u need to make use of
    READ LINE statement to read the records from the list output and then pass them to the BDC .
    The code would be something like this
    DO .
    Read line index <field> where checkbox <> ' '.
    You can have a look at the F1 help on read line . This will mkae u clear .
    Hope this gives u an idea.

  • Selection of line item

    i want to select the lines in table control of transaction va02 and then want to delete that line through a program for selection, but how can i know that this line is selected and then proceed further.

       I may not give you the exact answer, but i think this will give you an idea in solving your issue.
       1) When we select some line from the list, then 'AT LINE-SELECTION' event will get triggered... You can write the required coding in this block of the code.
       2) Inorder know which line is selected, we use the HIDE area for that.
       ex: HIDE: wa_spfli-carrid,
        This HIDE will store all the field values which come through it, and When a row is selected the data that has been hidden for that particular row will be made available again in the AT LINE-SELECTION block.
       Hope this will help you.

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