Select from string?

i have string like #456,123 and want to select (4)[as the second digit not more] to add it with other no.
what shall i do?
Go to Solution.

You a regular expression. The expression "#(\d)" would isolate the first digit after the pound sign.
Mark Yedinak
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

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    we have a problem for selecting a string ...
    we selecting a string from JEditorPane ..
    useing JEditorPane.getselectedText();
    After selecting text we adding some tags to selected text
    it working fine when we are selecting from right to left .
    when we are selecting text left to right it's not working .but
    we geting selected text in both times(right to left, left to right) ..
    pls help very urgent

    I can only guess... But if it is true that you mean by 'selecting right to left' that the selection started at the right and ended on the left. Perhaps you are storing values from JEditorPane.getSelectionStart() and JEditorPane.getSelectionEnd(). If this is true, it could mean the failure you have in your code, because the number for getSelectionStart() is higher then getSelectionEnd() if you started from right and lower when you started from left. That could cause your problem.
    You could fix this for example by this:
    if (MyEditorPane.getSelectionEnd()<getSelectionStart())
    change values.
    or vice versa, hope that helps...

  • Select from DB Tables with String

    Hello Gurus,
    I created following 'simple' DDIC Table:
    CLNT     MANDT     CLNT     3     0     Client
    ID        ID     NUMC     8     0     Object ID of Business Event Offered
    DATE   DATUM     DATS     8     0     Date
    STR     (none*)            STRING                0     String
    ... where field str has the predefined type string!
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      select * from ztas254_str_test
        into table lt_str_test
        where str like '%test%'.
    on activation of the program I get the error
    "The field "str" is a long string, so it cannot be used in, where on or having conditions."
    How can I directly select/search the str field in from the table? Besides from the like condition I tried to search with a range and IN. But the same error occurs.
    I'm testing on an ECC6.0 SP12.
    If someone ever tried somethink like that please let me know!
    Thanks in advance,
    PS: * Points will be rewarded! *

    By now solved via an index table.

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    I have a db, call it xyz.mdb
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    Cannot show requested dialog.
    Property Size is not available for Database '[Pliny E DB - NOA 2014]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
    For help, click:
    When I try to Refrresh the Tables node on Object Explorer, I get this other:
    SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect checksum (expected: 0x9090d9b7; actual: 0x909001b4). It occurred during a read of page (1:1173) in database ID 21 at offset 0x0000000092a000 in file 'c:\Databases\Clients\NOA\Pliny E DB -
    NOA 2014.mdf'.  Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check
    (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 824)
    For help, click:
    The Help link of course is not valid any more.
    Many thanks

    Your database is corrupted and you need to run.
    You already have a backup so do it...
    This link will provide you with more information:

  • How to get the select * from emp table output on the console  using java

    public class software {
          * @param args
         static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
         static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:oracle:abc";
         private static Connection connection;
         private static Statement statement;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         try {
              System.out.println("-------THIS IS THE Class.forNameJDBC_DRIVER");
                   System.out.println("THIS IS THE Class.forNameJDBC_DRIVER");
                   connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL, "abc",
                   System.out.println("THIS IS THE connection abc ,abc");
                   statement = connection.createStatement();
                   //Query to find the values in the EMP table.
                   ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * from EMP");
                   System.out.println("THESE ARE THE VALUES IN EMP TABLE:"+resultSet);  /// How can i get all the values record wise on the  console ??????
         catch (ClassNotFoundException classNotFound) {
                   System.out.println("Driver not Found"+classNotFound.getMessage());
              } catch (SQLException sqlException) {
                   System.out.println("SQL Exception - bad sql");

    Please assign the dukes here and in your previous threads.
    See []
    You are currently the all time career leader in un-awarded dukes, with including this thread 75 unawarded dukes for questions you marked as answered.
    It's even worse when you look and see that you have awarded many dukes as well. So you do know how to do it. You're just too lazy and rude to be bothered.
    Don't be a lazy wank.

  • How to let the user select from more then 1 data templet file to fillin a field

    help i have a form the has 5 free form text fields that i need to select from a list of texts to fill it in and then allow the user to add to the data.

    thanks here are 2 strings
    COPD continue O2 by NC/Albuterol MDI/ Atrovent MDI/ Duonebs/ Albuterol MDI/ Prednisone taper/ IV Solumedrol/ Spiva/ Advair diskus/ oximetry prn/ PT/ OT/ Coreg
    CAD/ANGINA  cont. O2 by NC?baby ASA/ ASA/ Lopressor/Atenolol/ Lisinopril/ Low fat diet/ PT/OT/ sublingual nitroglycerin prn/ Lasix/ Lipitor/ Zocor/ Mevacor
    i would like the user to be able to select from inside of the field when it is blank (fisrt time entering data)
    thanks again

  • Getting an error while selecting from table having CLOB column.

    Hi All,
    I have below table created in My oracle database version Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    CREATE TABLE my_clob -- Dummy table created
    (DataBody CLOB);
    Current Database Character set - WE8MSWIN1250.
    On the front end of my application, I have one form through which I can save/edit data in the above table. If I'm creating one new entry in the above table then it first check with existing record to avoid the duplicate entry and the this point application create the below select statement on the above table and return the error "ORA-00932: inconsistent data types: expected - got CLOB".
    I can not change the sql statement.
    SELECT * FROM my_clob WHERE databody IS NULL OR databody ='';
    Even when I run the same statement on my DB server I’m getting the same error. Shown below
    SQL> SELECT * FROM my_clob WHERE databody IS NULL OR databody ='';
    SELECT * FROM my_clob WHERE databody IS NULL OR databody =''
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
    Is there anything with OraOLEDB which causing this error? Please help me out to get rid of this error.

    You cannot compare directly a CLOB column with a VARCHAR2 column. In your case you don't need to do such comparison because Oracle consider zero length strings as null values:
    SQL> create table my_clob(data int, databody clob);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into my_clob values(1, null);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into my_clob values(2, '');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from my_clob where databody is null;
             2About null values in Oracle, please read

  • Selecting from a list to a table

    need help.i have items in a list and combo box in which i want it in such away that when item is selected from the list and combo box it goes to the table i have in a panel.i want to discard the text area i used.thanks in advance
    my code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class BreakFast extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
         private JList ingredient;
         private JTextArea meal;
         private JTable table;
         private DefaultTableModel model;
         private JButton move;
         private String[] food;
         private JComboBox box,box1;
         private String[] units;
         private double[] price={100,150,200,250,300,350,400};
         public BreakFast(){
              Container c=getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              food = new String[] {"Corn Flakes","Beans","Shredded Bread","Mushroom",
              ingredient = new JList(food);
              JPanel p = new JPanel();
              //move = new JButton(">>>");
              meal = new JTextArea(5,20);
              p.add(new JScrollPane(ingredient),"Wast");
              p.add(new JScrollPane(meal),"East");
              JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
              p2.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
              units = new String[]{"2 cups","3 cups","4 cups","5 cups","1 mudu","2 mudu",
                        "3 mudu","4 mudu","5 mudu","6 mudu","7 mudu","8 mudu","9 mudu",
                        "1 bag"};
              box = new JComboBox(units);
              box1 = new JComboBox();
              for(int i=0;i<price.length;i++){
              model = new DefaultTableModel();
              model.addColumn("Food Items");
              String[] cell={"1","Rice","2 cups","#20"};
              table = new JTable(model);
              JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(table);
              pane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,100));
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   Object[] value = ingredient.getSelectedValues();
                   if(e.getSource() instanceof JComboBox){
                        for(int i=0;i<value.length;i++){
                             String word = (String)value[i];
                             meal.append(box.getSelectedItem()+" "+"of"+" "+word+" "+box1.getSelectedItem()+"\n");
         public static void main(String[] arg){
              new BreakFast();

    So the problem is?
    All you need to do is to create the JTable first of all (which you haven't done). Secondly, you create a TableModel for it so can manage its data effectively.
    Thirdly, you replace the code in your actionPerformed method to add a new row containing the data you received from the list and combo box.
    Now is that so hard? Okay, here is some code
    DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(0,3);
    JTable table = new JTable(model);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        Object[] value = ingredient.getSelectedValues();
        if(e.getSource() instanceof JComboBox){
            for(int i=0;i < value.length;i++){
                String word = (String)value;
    Vector<Object> data = new Vector<Object>();
    data.addElement( box.getSelectedItem() );
    data.addElement( "of" + " " + word );
    data.addElement( box1.getSelectedItem());
    model.addRow( data );

  • How do I do SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE KEY IN ({list})?

    The title says it all really.
    Is there a reasonable performant way to perform the query
    SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE KEY IN ({list})where {list} is String []?
    I am currently creating a PreparedStatement with a for loop like this   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN (");
      for (int ii=0;ii<keys.length;ii++) {
        sb.append (keys [ii]);
        if (ii != keys.length-1) sb.append (",");
      sb.append (")");but this means that the prepared statement is created each time I call my method and so I'm not sure that the optimizer will find it easy to cope with. Is there a construction that I'm missing along the lines of SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE KEY = ? where I can create the PreparedStatement once and just call setObject or something on it when the values in {list} change?

    but this means that the prepared statement is created
    each time I call my method and so I'm not sure that
    the optimizer will find it easy to cope with.You are right, the optimizer won't find that easy to deal with (presuming that is even relevant for your driver/database.) But most optimizers won't do anything with statements that change and that is what you are doing.
    You could create several prepared statements which have a common number of bind variables. For example 10 statements with from 1 to 10 bind values. This will work if most of the queries use those.

  • Is it possible to ... SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE ssn IN (..arraylist..) ?

    Hi, I have a quick question I hope someone can help me with. I'm a student and what I'm looking for should be easy but I can't find any information on it.
    Here's my code, it's probably self-explanatory but to clarify I'm trying to get a list of "Captains" in the order of who has the most wins.
    The problem is that the database tables have thousands of "Captains" and I'm only supposed to look at 200 specific "Captains" which have their ssn in a specific arraylist and then return the top 80 "Captains" from that selection.
    Something like this...
    SELECT first 80, L.ssn, COUNT(L.wins) as Wins
    FROM log L, employees E
    where type matches "[Captain]"
    and E.ssn = L.ssn
    and L.ssn IN (...arraylist...) // How do I loop through the arraylist but still return a list of the top 80 winners?
    group by, L.ssn
    order by Wins desc;
    Should I start by taking the list of social security numbers from the arraylist and insert them into a temporary table and then use that temporary table to base my selection on?
    For example:
    int rows = 0;
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TEMP captainsTemp (ssn) VALUES(?)");
    Iterator i = myArrayList.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
         // Set the variables
         for (int pos = 1; pos <= 63; pos++)
              String s = (String);
         // insert a row
         rows += ps.execute();
    ...and then below that I could use
    "SELECT * FROM captains
    WHERE ssn IN (SELECT * FROM captainTemp)..."
    This looks like an ugly solution and I'm not sure if it works, sessionwise..
    Everything's written in Java and SQL.
    If you have any thoughts on this I would be most grateful.
    I should add that this is NOT a school assignment but something I'm trying to figure out for my work...
    Many thanks,

    Ignore my previous response. Try out this one. It should help you.
    Lets take the example of EMP table (in Oracle's SCOTT Schema). The following is the description of the table.
    SQL> desc emp
    Name Null? Type
    SAL NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM NUMBER(7,2)
    SQL> select ename from emp;
    Say, the ArrayList contains 3 names CLARK,KING & MILLER. You want to loop through the ArrayList for the ENAME values.
    First construct a string like below from the ArrayList.
    "ename in 'CLARK' OR ename in 'KING' or ename in 'MILLER'";
    Append this string to the normal SELECT Query
    Query :
    select ename from emp where ename in 'CLARK' OR ename in 'KING' or ename in 'MILLER'
    Here you get the desired output & thats pretty fast because you just do it once !!!
    SQL> select ename from emp where ename in 'CLARK' OR ename in 'KING' or ename in 'MILLER';
    you can extend this to your Query also.

  • Trying to get a fourth field to populate based on the selection from three other dropdown menus.

    I would like the Treatment Classification field to populate with a combination of text and numbers based on my selection from three other drop down menus.
    For example:
    If I select "0-No Hurt" in the AHL field, "0-No Hurt in the PHL field, and "Near Miss in the Treatment Choice field, then the Treatment Classification field would populate to "L00NM".
    If I select "2-Moderate Hurt: in the AHL, "4-Fatality" in the PHL field, and "Restricted Work Incident" in the Treatment Choice field, then the Treatment Classifiaction field would populate to "L24RWI".
    If I select "1-Minor Hurt" in the AHL field, "4-Fatality" in the PHL field, and "Medical Treatment Incident" in the Treqatment Choice field, then the Treatment Classifiaction field would populate to "L14MTI".
    Etc, etc, etc.
    I could then fill in the resyt of the script with the required text.
    Not sure how to load my PDF file.

    Do your dropdown list items currently have export values set up? It seems like the value you want to construct is simply concatenating the values of the three dropdowns, and this would be easy if you set the export values of the list items appropriately. For example, the export value for the "0-No Hurt" item would be 0 and for "Near Miss" it would be "NM", etc., so the script could look something like:
    // Get the values of the drop downs, as strings
    var v1 = getField("AHL").valueAsString;
    var v2 = getField("PHL").valueAsString;
    var v3 = getField("Treatment Choices").valueAsString;
    // Set this field's value
    event.value = "L" + v1 + v2 + v3 + "other text goes here."

  • NEED HELP - - Inputting data files into a table, Selecting from previous to put in new table, Saving new table

    I am trying to import data characters from a tab delimited file into a table in labview.  After I import the strings, I want to be able to select individual strings from the table and put into another table.  I want the item that I am selecting to appear in a text box labeled 'selected step'.  After I put all of the selected data in the new table, I want to be able to save that table in another tab delimited file (spreadsheet).  This is what I have so far.  Any help given will be GREATLY appreciated. 
    Attachments: ‏30 KB

         Here are modifications to your vi to do what you are describing. It helps, when trying to work through issues like these on this forum to not start a new thread with each iteration of your question. Those of us that are trying to help can follow it better if you just "Reply" to your previous thread with the new, related question. If the question is for a totally new issue then a new thread is best, but when you are working through the details of essentially the same problem it really helps us follow it if you stay in one thread, and that usually means faster answers.
    We also like it if, when an answer helps, you give us a rating (the more stars the better) as it is about all we get out of it!
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion
    Attachments: ‏30 KB

  • Removing non-numeric characters from string

    Hi there,
    I need to have the ability to remove non-numeric characters from a string and I do not know how to do this.
    Does any one know a way?
    Present String: (02)-2345-4607
    Required String: 0223454607
    Thanks in advance

    Dear NickM
    Try this this will work...........
    create or replace function char2num(mstring in varchar2) return integer
    -- Function to remove Special characters and alphebets from phone no. string field
    -- Author - Valid Bharde.(India-Mumbai)
    -- Date :- 20 Sept 2006.
    -- This Function will return numeric representation.
    -- The Folowing program is gifted to NickM with respect to his post on oracle site regarding Removing non-numeric characters from string on the said date
    mstatus number :=0;
    mnum number:=0;
    mrefstring varchar2(50);
    mnum := length(mstring);
    for x in 1..mnum loop
    if (ASCII(substr(upper(mstring),x,1)) >= 48 and ASCII(substr(upper(mstring),x,1)) <= 57) then
    mrefstring := mrefstring || substr(mstring,x,1);
    end if;
    end loop;
    return mrefstring;
    copy the above program and use it at function for example
    SQL> select char2num('(022)-453452781') from dual;

  • A way to convert selection from query builder in DML language

    I search a way to convert selection from query builder in DML language.

    We will make a sample from this request and post it on OTN. I have pasted all the JSP code so you should be able to use it directly. Just change the BISession details and the presentation references.
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="orabi" %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.dss.thin.beans.crosstab.ThinCrosstab" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.dss.util.DataAccess" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.dss.selection.Selection" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.dss.thin.beans.graph.ThinGraph" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.dss.dataSource.client.QueryClient"%>
    <%-- Start synchronization of the BI tags --%>
    <% synchronized(session){ %>
    <orabi:BIThinSession id="BIThinSession1" configuration="/Project1BIConfig1.xml" >
    <orabi:Presentation id="untitled2_Presentation1" location="Presentation1" />
    <orabi:Presentation id="untitled2_Presentation2" location="Presentation2" />
    String CROSSTAB_ID = "untitled2_Presentation2";
    String GRAPH_ID = "untitled2_Presentation1";
    String MYProducts = "Nothing";
    //Find the crosstab object on the page
    Object crosstabObject = pageContext.findAttribute(CROSSTAB_ID);
    ThinCrosstab thinCrosstab = (ThinCrosstab)crosstabObject;
    //Get the various query components from the Crosstab
    QueryClient myQCXtab = (QueryClient)thinCrosstab.getDataSource();
    Selection mySelXtab = myQCXtab.findSelection(prodID);
    DataAccess daXtab = myQCXtab.createQueryAccess().getDataAccess(mySelXtab);
    // This is a one-d data access, only has the column edge
    int colExtentXtab = daXtab.getEdgeExtent(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE);
    for (int i=0; i<colExtentXtab; i++)
    String memberLabel = (String)daXtab.getMemberMetadata(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0, i, oracle.dss.util.MetadataMap.METADATA_LONGLABEL);
    String memberValue = (String)daXtab.getMemberMetadata(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0, i, oracle.dss.util.MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE);
    System.out.println(memberLabel + " " + memberValue);
    // As above except for graphs.
    Object graphObject = pageContext.findAttribute(GRAPH_ID);
    ThinGraph thinGraph = (ThinGraph)graphObject;
    QueryClient myQCGraph = (QueryClient)thinGraph.getDataSource();
    Selection mySelGraph = myQCGraph.findSelection(prodID);
    DataAccess daGraph = myQCGraph.createQueryAccess().getDataAccess(mySelGraph);
    // This is a one-d data access, only has the column edge
    int colExtentGraph = daGraph.getEdgeExtent(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE);
    for (int i=0; i<colExtentGraph; i++)
    String memberLabel = (String)daGraph.getMemberMetadata(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0, i, oracle.dss.util.MetadataMap.METADATA_LONGLABEL);
    String memberValue = (String)daGraph.getMemberMetadata(oracle.dss.util.DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, 0, i, oracle.dss.util.MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE);
    System.out.println(memberLabel + " " + memberValue);
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Hello World
    <FORM name="BIForm">
    <!-- Insert your Business Intelligence tags here -->
    <orabi:Render targetId="untitled2_Presentation1" parentForm="BIForm" />
    <orabi:Render targetId="untitled2_Presentation2" parentForm="BIForm" />
    <%-- The InsertHiddenFields tag adds state fields to the parent form tag --%>
    <orabi:InsertHiddenFields parentForm="BIForm" biThinSessionId="BIThinSession1" />
    The current time is:
    <%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
    <input type="text" name="MyTextField" value=MYProducts readonly>
    <% } %>
    <%-- End synchronization of the BI tags --%>
    Hope this helps
    Business Intelligence Beans Product Management Team
    Oracle Corporation

  • How to get result of Select from stored function.

    I need to get result of select from a stored function.
    In the end of my stored function I makes final select (four columns).
    How it can be retrived from function?

    A function can only return one value, but it sounds like you want to return 4 values.
    The one value that you return can be a record, with many columns, such as a ROWTYPE, or a TYPE that you define.
    You can return an XMLTYPE that has whatever elements you want.
    You can write a procedure that has several OUT parameters. (You can have OUT parameters in a function, but a lot of people find that confusing.)
    In very special circumstance, you might consider returning a string that is a delimited list of values, such as '7639,SMITH,,17-DEC-1980'.
    Someoneelse has a good point.
    We could give a better answer if you ask a specific question, like:
    "I have this table ...
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