Select permission mssqlsystemresource

I have created a database named "xyz" and created a user in logins and in the database named "user1". i have made the user1 as db_owner to the data.
when i am installing the application i give the username user1 and password, but the application installation fails wih the following error.
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'TABLES', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'.
can any one please help to solve this issue.

Perhaps a modification of this might help.
Since there are so many possibilities for what might be wrong.  Here's another possibility to look at.  I ran into something where I had set up my own roles on a database.  (For instance, "Administrator", "Manager", "DataEntry", "Customer",
each with their own kinds of limitations)  The only ones who could use it were "Manager" role or above--because they were also set up as sysadmin because they were adding users to the database (and they were highly trusted).  Also, the users that
were being added were Windows Domain users--using their domain credentials.  (Everyone with access to the database had to be on our domain, but not everyone on the domain had access to the database--and only a few of them had access to change it.)
Anyway, this working system suddenly stopped working and I was getting error messages similar to the above.  What I ended up doing that solved it was to go through all the permissions for the "public" role in that database and add those permissions to
all of the roles that I had created.  I know that everyone is supposed to be in the "public" role even though you can't add them (or rather, you can "add" them, but they won't "stay added").
So, in "SQL Server Management Studio", I went into my application's database, in other words (my localized names are obscured within <> brackets): "<Computername> (SQL Server <version> - sa)"\Databases\<MyAppDB>\Security\Roles\Database
Roles\public".  Right-click on "public" and select "Properties".  In the "Database Role Properties - public" dialog, select the "Securables" page.  Go through the list and for each element in the list, come up with an SQL "Grant" statement to
grant exactly that permission to another role.  So, for instance, there is a scalar function "[dbo].[fn_diagramobjects]" on which the "public" role has "Execute" privilege.  So, I added the following line:
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @RoleName + '];' )
Once I had done this for all the elements in the "Securables" list, I wrapped that up in a while loop on a cursor selecting through all the roles in my roles table.  This explicitly granted all the permissions of the "public" role to my database roles. 
At that point, all my users were working again (even after I removed their "sysadmin" access--done as a temporary measure while I figured out what happened.)
I'm sure there's a better (more elegant) way to do this by doing some kind of a query on the database objects and selecting on the public role, but after about half and hour of investigating, I wasn't figuring it out, so I just did it the brute-force method. 
In case it helps someone else, here's my code.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GrantAccess]
DECLARE @AppRoleName AS sysname
SELECT AppRoleName FROM [dbo].[RoleList];
OPEN AppRoleCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[allocation_units] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assemblies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_references] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[asymmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[certificates] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[change_tracking_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[check_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[computed_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_endpoints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_priorities] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[crypt_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specification_details] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_permissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principal_aliases] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principals] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_role_members] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[default_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[destination_data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[event_notifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[filegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_key_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_catalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_catalog_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_fragments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stoplists] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stopwords] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[function_order_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[identity_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[internal_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_encryptions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[module_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedure_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_functions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_range_values] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_schemes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partitions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[plan_guides] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[remote_service_bindings] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[routes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[schemas] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_message_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contracts] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_message_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queue_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queues] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[services] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_dependencies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[symmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[synonyms] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscolumns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscomments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysconstraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysdepends] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfilegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfiles] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysforeignkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfulltextcatalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysmembers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syspermissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysprotects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysreferences] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[systypes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysusers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[table_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[transmission_queue] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[trigger_events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[triggers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[type_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_attributes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_collections] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_component_placements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_components] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_elements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_facets] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_model_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcards] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
CLOSE AppRoleCursor
Once that is in the system, I just needed to "Exec GrantAccess" to make it work.  (Of course, I have a table [RoleList] which contains a "AppRoleName" field that contains the names of the database roles.)
So, the mystery remains: why did all my users lose their "public" role and why could I not give it back to them?  Was this part of an update to SQL Server 2008 R2?  Was it because I ran another script to delete each user and add them back so to refresh
their connection with the domain?  Well, this solves the issue for now.
One last warning: you probably should check the "public" role on your system before running this to make sure there isn't something missing or wrong, here.  It's always possible something is different about your system.
Hope this helps someone else.

Similar Messages

  • The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

    I have created a user and given him the owner rights for the database.  Though I can LogIn as the user, I cannot access the databases.  I am having the error mesage:
    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)
    For help, click:
    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)
    For help, click:

    Since there are so many possibilities for what might be wrong.  Here's another possibility to look at.  I ran into something where I had set up my own roles on a database.  (For instance, "Administrator", "Manager", "DataEntry", "Customer",
    each with their own kinds of limitations)  The only ones who could use it were "Manager" role or above--because they were also set up as sysadmin because they were adding users to the database (and they were highly trusted).  Also, the users that
    were being added were Windows Domain users--using their domain credentials.  (Everyone with access to the database had to be on our domain, but not everyone on the domain had access to the database--and only a few of them had access to change it.)
    Anyway, this working system suddenly stopped working and I was getting error messages similar to the above.  What I ended up doing that solved it was to go through all the permissions for the "public" role in that database and add those permissions to
    all of the roles that I had created.  I know that everyone is supposed to be in the "public" role even though you can't add them (or rather, you can "add" them, but they won't "stay added").
    So, in "SQL Server Management Studio", I went into my application's database, in other words (my localized names are obscured within <> brackets): "<Computername> (SQL Server <version> - sa)"\Databases\<MyAppDB>\Security\Roles\Database
    Roles\public".  Right-click on "public" and select "Properties".  In the "Database Role Properties - public" dialog, select the "Securables" page.  Go through the list and for each element in the list, come up with an SQL "Grant" statement to
    grant exactly that permission to another role.  So, for instance, there is a scalar function "[dbo].[fn_diagramobjects]" on which the "public" role has "Execute" privilege.  So, I added the following line:
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @RoleName + '];' )
    Once I had done this for all the elements in the "Securables" list, I wrapped that up in a while loop on a cursor selecting through all the roles in my roles table.  This explicitly granted all the permissions of the "public" role to my database roles. 
    At that point, all my users were working again (even after I removed their "sysadmin" access--done as a temporary measure while I figured out what happened.)
    I'm sure there's a better (more elegant) way to do this by doing some kind of a query on the database objects and selecting on the public role, but after about half and hour of investigating, I wasn't figuring it out, so I just did it the brute-force method. 
    In case it helps someone else, here's my code.
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GrantAccess]
    DECLARE @AppRoleName AS sysname
    SELECT AppRoleName FROM [dbo].[RoleList];
    OPEN AppRoleCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[allocation_units] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assemblies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_references] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[asymmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[certificates] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[change_tracking_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[check_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[computed_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_endpoints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_priorities] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[crypt_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specification_details] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_permissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principal_aliases] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principals] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_role_members] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[default_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[destination_data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[event_notifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[filegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_key_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_catalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_catalog_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_fragments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stoplists] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stopwords] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[function_order_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[identity_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[internal_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_encryptions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[module_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedure_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_functions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_range_values] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_schemes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partitions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[plan_guides] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[remote_service_bindings] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[routes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[schemas] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_message_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contracts] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_message_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queue_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queues] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[services] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_dependencies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[symmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[synonyms] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscolumns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscomments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysconstraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysdepends] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfilegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfiles] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysforeignkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfulltextcatalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysmembers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syspermissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysprotects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysreferences] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[systypes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysusers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[table_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[transmission_queue] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[trigger_events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[triggers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[type_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_attributes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_collections] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_component_placements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_components] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_elements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_facets] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_model_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcards] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    CLOSE AppRoleCursor
    RETURN 0
    Once that is in the system, I just needed to "Exec GrantAccess" to make it work.  (Of course, I have a table [RoleList] which contains a "AppRoleName" field that contains the names of the database roles.)
    So, the mystery remains: why did all my users lose their "public" role and why could I not give it back to them?  Was this part of an update to SQL Server 2008 R2?  Was it because I ran another script to delete each user and add them back so to refresh
    their connection with the domain?  Well, this solves the issue for now.
    One last warning: you probably should check the "public" role on your system before running this to make sure there isn't something missing or wrong, here.  It's always possible something is different about your system.
    Hope this helps someone else.

  • Select permission denied in RPD

    I am mapping data in my rpd file and cannot view data or update row counts for almost all of my tables in the database.
    I am running obiee 11g on my local machine connected to an sql server database.
    The error I receive is "Select permission denied on object...". I have talked with the DBA and I should have sufficient privileges for my project.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes Venkat is right,You don't have privileges for that table,You can always find out your own effective permission on any object by using  fn_my_permissions('table_name', 'OBJECT')
    Mark if helps.

  • Why The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database

    What this error means?
    I have configured Data Source to use a specific Windows user name and password. The SQL database have the windows user account with db_owner rights.
    Error 11 OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database 'Customer_2011_CBA', schema 'dbo'.; 42000.
    Error 12 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Facts' partition of the 'Facts' measure group for the 'Customer 2011 CBA Cube' cube from the Customer Analysis Services 1 database.

    I'm beginning point:
    Error 11 OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database 'Customer_2011_CBA', schema 'dbo'.; 42000.
    Error 12 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Facts' partition of the 'Facts' measure group for the 'Customer 2011 CBA Cube' cube from the Customer Analysis Services 1 database.
    The Windows account do have right in the SQL Server->Object Explorer->Databases->'Customer_2011_CBA'->Security->The user->Properties->All server roles
    can you try your SQL account?
    If you think my suggestion is useful, please rate it as helpful.
    If it has helped you to resolve the problem, please Mark it as Answer.

  • SELECT permission denied with ownership chaining on

    I have a database ('Datamart') that contains views on the tables another database ('Rawdb') on the same server.  All tables and views are in 'dbo' in each database.  I turned cross-database ownership chaining on.  I created the roles RawdbReadRole
    to set up the select permissions in the tables and DatamartReadRole for the views.  I my users logins on each database, and made them members of the DatamartReadRole. 
    The permissions are working on my PROD server, but have stopped working in TEST: I get "SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tbl1', database 'Rawdb', schema 'dbo' when I test the views using EXECUTE AS LOGIN = N'domain\loginname' (for a
    user that is still okay in PROD).  I have spent days comparing the security settings by eye and cannot see any differences.  I even dropped the TEST databases and rebuilt the security principals and permissions.  I cannot see a link (in PROD)
    between RawdbReadaRole and DatamartReadRole and I don't remember if there is supposed to be a dependence there.
    I don't know what else I can do now besides changing careers.  Are there some system views/queries that would help to identify ownership chain breaks or compare the security settings between the two servers?
    - Desperate Al

    I got the same error message if I disable the cross-database ownership chaining.
    “The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tablename', database 'dbname', schema 'dbo'.”
    Make sure that cross-database ownership chaining was enabled on database ('Datamart') and
    database ('Datamart') in your test environment.
    The following sample turns on cross-database ownership chaining for specific databases:
    Hope it helps.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support
    Thanks, Tracy,
    I knew about that one, but I re-ran that part of the script just to be safe.  (It wasn't the problem in this case.)

  • Row and Column Level Select Permission

    Hello Friends,
    I am using Oracle Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release and Windows XP. I have two questions. How to set :
    1. Row Level Select Permission?
    2.Column Level Select Permission?
    1. I have a table having 100 records in it. I don’t want to allow all the user to see them; means, if user1, user2 and user3 are going to select * from mytable then only they can get all the rows; while other users (including sys) should not able to get all rows, they should be capable of from 11th record.
    Though it can be managed by using another table, but I am just finding the other solution.
    2. Likewise, if I don’t want to allow to fetch all the columns; suppose column4 is having confidential info and only be visible by user1,user2 and user3 only, not by any othr user; what should I do?
    Please guide and help me.

    You would need to use Virtual Private Database (VPD)/ row level security (RLS) to apply row-level security policies to the table. The DBMS_RLS package is used for this
    Unfortunately, column-level security wasn't available in 9.2. You would need to upgrade to Oracle 10g to get that functionality. Before that, you would have to create views that selected appropriate subsets of columns and grant permissions on those views to different users.

  • Select permission denied

    We have the following setup:
    Instance 1 (Primary server in AG group)
    DB_1: table_1
    DB_2: view: select * from DB_1.dbo.table_1
    Instance 2 (synchronous replica)
    Instance 3 (Async replica)
    Both the DBs are part of the AG group and are present on Server 2 & 3
    What is happening?
    Sometimes a login is getting a 'select permission is denied on table_1' when trying to run a select query on the view in DB_2 on secondaries instances
    Any ideas?

    Hi fss09,
    Please take a look at the following security risks if we enable database ownership chaining:
    Database owners and members of the db_ddladmin or the
    db_owners database roles can create objects that are owned by other users. These objects can potentially target objects in other databases. This means that if you enable cross-database ownership chaining, you must fully trust these
    users with data in all databases.
    Users with CREATE DATABASE permission can create new databases and attach existing databases. If cross-database ownership chaining is enabled, these users can access objects in other databases that they might not have privileges in from the newly created
    or attached databases that they create.
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Grant a user the select permission on a view that references external objects

    Hi all,
    SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition SP2.
    I've a database (let's say SRC_DB) that contains a series of views, some of these views refercenses tables or other views in other databases (let's say EXT_DB). I'm searching the best way to grant a user permission to SELECT from that view without granting
    permission to every single obejct in external databases referenced by the view.

    There is a dmv that tells you all the referenced views and tables. you can use that to get the list of all the tables,views being referenced in the cross database and them scrip the to grant only on those views\tables.
    the link  is here:
    example from the link that woulf work for your suitation:
    USE db1;
    UPDATE db3..t3
    SET c1 = c1 + 1;
    SELECT OBJECT_NAME (referencing_id),referenced_database_name,
    referenced_schema_name, referenced_entity_name
    FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies
    WHERE referenced_database_name IS NOT NULL;
    USE master;
    Hope it Helps!!

  • Select permission on View

    I am using SQL Server 2008 R2, I have created a view in Database A, but the base table is in Database B. I need to give permission(select only) to the user for the View only not to the base table. which is not working.
    I was reading about DB cross DB chain ownership, but our company does not support that due to compliance. There is any other thing I can try that I am missing.
    Thank you so much for any suggestion.

    With a view, your options are limited. But if you can use a stored procedure or a multi-statement function, you can use module signing with certificates.
    I describe this in create detail in this article on my web site:
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • How to grant select permission to all the tables in the user

    Hi All,
    I have 5 tables in one user, now i want to give only select privilege to another user on those tables. Please help me to solve this issue.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Thanks and Regards,

    See following discussion: Re: Select Grant on another schema

  • The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'syscategories', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.

    Hi all,
    I have a single select statement to monitor JOB status at database msdb, it works perfectly at versions 2000, 2005 and 2008 but in version 2012 got denied access to views syscategories, sysjobactivity, sysjobhistory, sysjobs and sysjobsteps even having applied
    "grant select on" to user (principals) at database msdb.
    Anyone have seen this and found an solution?
    --- SQL Server Version
    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64)
        Oct 19 2012 13:38:57
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
        Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
    --- My Query
    set nocount on
    select x.job_name, x.job_status, x.monitor_status from (
    select job_name
         , case
             when datediff(minute,s.login_time,current_timestamp) >= 8
                then 'In progress (more than 8h) '
             when datediff(minute,s.login_time,current_timestamp) >= 24
                then 'In progress (more than 24h) '
             else 'In progress'
           end job_status
         , case
             when datediff(minute,s.login_time,current_timestamp) >= 8
                then 8 -- 'In progress (more than 8h) '
             when datediff(minute,s.login_time,current_timestamp) >= 24
                then 9 -- 'In progress (more than 24h) '
             else 7 -- 'In progress'
           end monitor_status
      from sys.dm_exec_sessions s
             join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
                on master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(convert(varbinary(16), j.job_id))COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI
                 = substring(replace(s.program_name, 'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job ', ''), 1, 34)
             inner join msdb.dbo.syscategories c
                on c.category_id = j.category_id
     where s.program_name like '%SQLAGENT - TSQL JOBSTEP%'
       and like 'REPL-%'
    union all
         , case
              when datediff(minute,current_timestamp,ja.next_scheduled_run_date) <= -10
                 then 'Delayed'
                 case jh.run_status
                    when 0 then
                       case when lower(left(,8)) = 'uoldiveo'
                          then 'Failed (admin)'
                          else 'Failed'
                    when 1 then 'Succeeded'
                    when 2 then 'Retry'
                    when 3 then
                       case when lower(left(,8)) = 'uoldiveo'
                          then 'Cancelled (admin)'
                          else 'Cancelled'
                    when 4 then 'In progress'
         , case
              when datediff(minute,current_timestamp,ja.next_scheduled_run_date) <= -10
                 then 0 -- Delayed
                 case jh.run_status
                    when 0 then
                       case when lower(left(,8)) = 'uoldiveo'
                          then 1 -- 'Failed (admin)'
                          else 2 -- 'Failed'
                    when 1 then 3 -- 'Succeeded'
                    when 2 then 4 -- 'Retry'
                    when 3 then
                       case when lower(left(,8)) = 'uoldiveo'
                          then 5 -- 'Cancelled (admin)'
                          else 6 -- 'Cancelled'
                    when 4 then 7 -- 'In progress'
      from (msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity ja left join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh on ja.job_history_id = jh.instance_id)
           join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on ja.job_id = j.job_id
     where ja.session_id=(select max(session_id) from msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity where job_id = ja.job_id)
            and j.enabled = 1
            and jh.run_status <= 3
    ) x

    I was able to run the below without problems on SQL 2012:
    USE master
    USE msdb
    GRANT SELECT ON syscategories TO ove
    GRANT SELECT ON sysjobactivity TO ove
    GRANT SELECT ON sysjobhistory TO ove
    GRANT SELECT ON sysjobs TO ove
    GRANT SELECT ON sysjobsteps TO ove
    EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'ove'
    -- your query here
    DROP USER ove
    USE tempdb
    DROP LOGIN ove
    Have you checked that there is no active DENY in force?
    Rather than granting these permissions, you could package this in a stored procedure that you signed with a certificate and then grant a login and user create from the certificate the required permissions. I discuss this technique in detail in an article
    on my web site:
    (But certs will not help you against DENY.)
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Grant select permission

    As user "A" I want to grant select permissions to all my tables to user "B". Is there a way to do this in 1 command, or do I need to specify 1 table at a time.

    for x in (select table_name from user_tables)
    execute immediate 'grant select on '||x.table_name||' to b';
    end loop;

  • Select permission on packages

    can i give a select access to a package to another schema? I dont want the execute grant given to another schema, they just need to see the code.
    how can i do this?

    What utility are they using to display the source?
    In theory, a user that has been granted SELECT access to SYS.DBA_SOURCE or the more generic SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE or SELECT ANY DICTIONARY would be able to query the data dictionary in order to get the source for any piece of code.
    Theory works very well when you have users logging in via SQL*Plus and directly hitting the data dictionary. Different PL/SQL GUI tools, though, may well impose additional requirements before they'll display the source-- many will only display the source to package bodies you have the ability to execute. Some require the more liberal SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege (or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role). This is a limitation in those particular GUI tools, not something that can be solved via Oracle. If your organization's GUI of choice prevents you from viewing source to packages you cannot execute, that's something that would need to be addressed to that particular vendor.
    James's solution of an external CVS repository, of course, is an excellent one and a common solution to this sort of problem. Unfortunately, most PL/SQL GUIs have relatively poor integration with version control systems (certainly compared to Java IDEs) which can make this somewhat tedious.

  • Xp_logevent permission

    I am getting below error
    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'ServiceAgent', database 'HOFHUB', schema 'dbo'. 
    The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_logevent', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.
    Can anyone please help how to solve it?

    Hi Arup.mca,
    How did you get these two errors? Were you trying to execute a query to retrieve data from a table/view? Or were you trying to execute Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs when you got these two errors?
    If you were trying to execute a query when you got the errors, you need to grant the necessary permissions to the user. In this case, you need to grant SELECT and EXECUTE permission to the user.
    If you were trying to execute Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs when you got these two errors, then you don’t need to grant other specific permission to the user. To configure a user to create or execute Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs, you must first add
    an existing SQL Server login or msdb role to one of the following SQL Server Agent fixed database roles in the msdb database: SQLAgentUserRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, or SQLAgentOperatorRole. For more details about Configure a User to Create and Manage SQL Server
    Agent Jobs, please refer to the following article:
    If the user is added to the right SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Role, we don’t need to grant other specific permission to the user, it can be very useful to manage SQL Server Agent jobs. For more details about SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles, please
    refer to the following article:
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    Jerry Li

  • Wind Vista SP2. iTunes I'm trying to Consildate my Music Library on this PC, and get the error: "Copying files failed, because you don't have permission to change your iTunes Media folder or a folder within it."  My admin user has Full Control

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    I did what you suggested on all three folders: The main Music folder on the Mac hard disk, on the iTunes folder on the external 160GB Hard drive which contains the current media content and on the new 2TB hard disk on which I created a new media folder. I selected permission for myself which were already read+write and chose the apply to enclosed items on all three folders. I then changed the permission for others to read+write and applied to enclose items also an all three folders.
    But it didn't solve anything.
    Here's what happens: I choose the new directory in iTunes preferences (the media folder on the 2TB disk) I then go to File > Library > Organize Library and then choose Consolidate files. A window pops up and says copying "filename" with a progression bar underneath but the filename never changes. Instead the beachball appears when the mouse pointer hoovers over iTunes. Upon pressing the iTunes icon in the Dock it says that iTunes is not responding. At this point there's 2 different ways:
    A - If I then force quit iTunes the iTunes window disappears but the application does not close. When I want to eject the 2TB disk it says it's being used by another application. Only when I cut the power to the 2TB disk does iTunes fully close. A window then pops up and says that the drive was not put away properly etc.
    B - if I cut the power to the drive without force quitting iTunes, a window appears with the said: "Copying failed because you don't have permissions to change iTunes media folders etc." iTunes remains open and fully functional.

Maybe you are looking for