Selecting Fonts in Mail

When composing a message and selecting Format -> Show Fonts Under the Collection column is "Favorites". When selecting this collection there are none shown in the Typeface pane.
How does one select which fonts to include in "Favorites".
Thank you in Advance.
Jeff Cameron

Click on the gear wheel at the bottom left and use the Add to Favorites item.

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  • Fonts in mail - It always uses the same one, not the one i have chosen.

    In preferences, my 'message font' is set to 'Courier New 12' as is my signature font.
    Sure, my emails are courier new when I write them, but when I send them, they revert back to whatever the default for the mail client receiving it is. Occasionally, I will find that the signature sent in courier new, but never the body of the email.
    I want my emails to look the way that they do on mail when other people open them, Outlook on windows never had this problem. Emails are being sent as rich text, so why is it not sending the font?
    My signature looks stupid in any other font that courier new because of the width of the '-' in this font is wider than any other, so I have just the right amount of them to make the length of the text. If this does not make any sense, let me give you an example...
    My Signature Here
    The length of the line of '-' s is right in this font, but if you change the font, the width of each '-' reduces and so it looks stupid.
    What I basically want to know is how I can send messages using my mailbox font as currently it does not send using any specified font.
    Message was edited by: AlasdairThomason
    Message was edited by: AlasdairThomason

    Mail is not sending the font for the body, it appears to be sending the signature font though as i have unchecked the 'use message font' box.
    If i change the font manually in the message, it still does not send it in the selected font... however if i write the message in a font in pages and copy and paste it in, it works perfectly. So it is mail that is not sending the correct font info.
    Any ideas on this?

  • Fonts in Mail

    Hi all,
    Whenever I send mail and the recipient replies I notice the the font of my original email is not what it should be.
    I think I've narrowed it down and this seems to only happen when the recipient is using Outlook for Windows.
    Is there a way I can fix this. It's not a huge deal but I do like my email messages to look a certain way. I've tried using both Rich Text and Plain Text but get the same result.
    I use a 10pt. Arial font, which is ofcourse pretty much universal so I'm not sure why Windows is changing it to a Times New Roman.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Hello Joshua.
    Regardless the font selected for the default message font at Mail > Preferences > Fonts & Colors when using RTF for message composition with Tiger Mail, the message will be sent as Plain Text unless you select a font and size via the font panel when composing a new message which can also include changing the style for selected text - bold, underline or italics or changing the text color for all text or selected text.
    Choosing RTF for message composition alone without doing anything else does not send the message in RTF which is really HTML format with Tiger Mail when implemented.

  • Copying tasks selection in a mail

    I would like to copy/paste a tasks selection in a mail like a excel range copy/paste.
    The ActiveSelection in the outlook coding part isn't known as the the selection of MSProject coding part and I don't know how I could do to success it.
    thank's for your answers.
    Public Sub filtreModifFerman() 
            Dim rng As Selection      
            Set rng = ActiveSelection
            Call Envoyer_Mail_Outlook
    End Sub
    Sub Envoyer_Mail_Outlook()
    Dim ObjOutlook As New Outlook.Application
    Dim oBjMail
    Dim Nom_Fichier As String
           Dim rng As Selection
        Set ObjOutlook = New Outlook.Application
        Set oBjMail = ObjOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
         With oBjMail
           .To = "" ' le destinataire
           .Subject = "Nouvelle demande d'affectation concernant le projet: " &         ' l'objet du mail
           .Body = ActiveSelection
           .Attachments.Add ActiveProject.FullName
           .Display  '   Ici on peut supprimer pour l'envoyer sans vérification
    '       .Send
        End With
    '    ObjOutlook.Quit
        Set oBjMail = Nothing
        Set ObjOutlook = Nothing
    End Sub

    A few months ago a post appeared that is similar to yours. I took an existing macro that was developed by an unknown author and modified it to run more efficiently. Hopefully it will help.
    Option Compare Text
    Option Explicit
    Sub sendOutlookTaskEmails()
    ' MS Project 2010 or above  Note: may work with earlier versions but not tested
    ' MS Outlook 2003 or above
    ' This macro enables users to select tasks in MS Project and populate Outlook email
    ' messages with information contained in each task such as Task Name, Task ID,
    ' Resources, etc.
    ' ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Unknown
    ' Modified by John 5/5/14
    ' Rev 1.2 5/11/14 4:00 pm  Optimized code and multiple other improvements
    ' Rev 1.3 5/12/14 2:00 pm  Restructured to show task data of all marked tasks
    '    added option statements to procedure
    ' NOTES:
    ' 1. Only tasks with a "yes" in the Marked field will be included in the email
    Dim arrID() As Integer
    Dim arrTaskID() As String
    Dim arrTaskName() As String
    Dim arrTaskNotes() As String
    Dim arrTaskDuration() As Single
    Dim arrStart() As String
    Dim arrEnd() As String
    Dim arrResources() As String
    Dim arrEmails() As String
    Dim outlookopen As Object
    Dim objemail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim t As Task
    Dim ass As Assignment
    Dim ch As Task
    Dim x As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, TotEmails As Integer
    Dim MPD As Single
    Dim NumTsk As Integer, NumAss As Integer
    Dim projectName As String, sEmail As String, sUniqueID As String
    Dim sToAddress As String, sCCAddress As String, sInstructions As String
    Dim sHTML_Body As String, sHTML_tableHeader As String, sHTML_tableFooter As String
    Dim sHTML_tableBody As String
    Dim taskCellsInteriorColor As String, headerCellsInteriorColor As String
    Dim inputCellsInteriorColor As String, bordercolor As String
    Dim fontColor As String, fontFamily As String, fontSize As String
    Dim styleHeader As String, styleHeaderCols As String, styleRowCells As String, styleInputCells As String
    Dim STime As Single, Beg As Single
    'create simple filter to select only those tasks with "yes" in Marked field
    FilterEdit Name:="Mark", taskfilter:=True, create:=True, overwriteexisting:=True, _
        FieldName:="Marked", test:="equals", Value:="yes", ShowInMenu:=False
    FilterApply Name:="Mark"
    'find max size for arrays. Values are overkill but doing it this way
    '   eliminates the need to continually re-dimension arrays
    On Error Resume Next
    NumTsk = ActiveSelection.Tasks.Count
    If Err > 0 Then
        MsgBox "No tasks selected"
        FilterApply Name:="all tasks"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'max number of assigned resources in whole file sets the max email array size
    '   (this is needed because child tasks of selected summary lines may extend beyond the selected range
    '   and therefore pull more assignments into the email array than a count of the assignments in the
    '   active selection only)
    For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
        NumAss = NumAss + t.Assignments.Count
    Next t
    ReDim arrID(NumTsk), arrTaskID(NumTsk), arrTaskName(NumTsk), arrTaskNotes(NumTsk)
    ReDim arrTaskDuration(NumTsk), arrStart(NumTsk), arrEnd(NumTsk)
    ReDim arrResources(NumTsk), arrEmails(NumAss)
    'Customizable settings for Outlook
    projectName = ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.Name
    sInstructions = "Please update the Status field for each task as either C = Complete or N = Not Complete." _
        & " Please also note the duration of the task and any additional comments."
    sCCAddress = ""
    'Colors are in hexadecimal format.
    headerCellsInteriorColor = "#D9D9D9"    'med grey
    taskCellsInteriorColor = "#ffffff"      'white
    inputCellsInteriorColor = "#F6F6F6"     'light grey
    bordercolor = "#848484"                 'dark grey
    fontColor = "#0B0B0B"                   'black
    fontFamily = "Arial"
    fontSize = "13"
    'CSS styles for the HTML table.
    styleHeader = "'background-color:" & taskCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & bordercolor _
        & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:20;'"
    styleHeaderCols = "'background-color:" & headerCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & bordercolor _
        & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";color:" & fontColor & "'"
    styleRowCells = "'background-color:" & taskCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & bordercolor _
        & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";'>"
    styleInputCells = "'background-color:" & inputCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & bordercolor _
        & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";'>"
    'Create the HTML table header and header fields.
    sHTML_tableHeader = _
        "<table style='border: 1px solid " & bordercolor & ";' cellpadding=8>" & "<tr>" & _
        "<td colspan=11 style=" & styleHeader & ">" & projectName & " Tasks </td></tr>" & "<tr>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">ID</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Unique ID</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Task Name</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Notes</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Duration</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Start</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">End</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Resources</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Status</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Actual Duration</td>" & _
        "<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Comments</td>" & "</tr>"
    'Create the HTML table footer.
    sHTML_tableFooter = _
        "<tr>" & "<td colspan=11 style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">" & sInstructions & "</td></tr>"
    'Capture task details.
    x = 0: i = 0
    MPD = ActiveProject.HoursPerDay * 60
    For Each t In ActiveSelection.Tasks
        arrID(x) = t.ID
        arrTaskID(x) = t.UniqueID
        arrTaskName(x) = t.Name
        arrTaskNotes(x) = t.Notes
        arrTaskDuration(x) = t.Duration / MPD
        arrStart(x) = Format(t.ScheduledStart, "dd-mmm-yy")
        arrEnd(x) = Format(t.ScheduledFinish, "dd-mmm-yy")
        arrResources(x) = t.ResourceNames
        x = x + 1
        If t.Summary = True Then
            For Each ch In t.OutlineChildren
                For Each ass In ch.Assignments
                    arrEmails(i) = ActiveProject.Resources(ass.ResourceName).EMailAddress
                    i = i + 1
                Next ass
            Next ch
            For Each ass In t.Assignments
                arrEmails(i) = ActiveProject.Resources(ass.ResourceName).EMailAddress
                i = i + 1
            Next ass
        End If
        t.Marked = False
    Next t
    'redefine the total number of tasks for this run
    NumTsk = x - 1
    'purge email array of duplicate addresses and re-build array
    k = 0
    For i = 0 To NumAss
        For j = i + 1 To NumAss
            If arrEmails(i) = arrEmails(j) And arrEmails(i) <> "" Then arrEmails(j) = ""
        Next j
        If arrEmails(i) <> "" Then
            arrEmails(k) = arrEmails(i)
            k = k + 1
        End If
    Next i
    TotEmails = k - 1
    'concatenate a string of all email addresses
    sEmail = arrEmails(0) 'seed string with first element
    For i = 1 To TotEmails
        sEmail = sEmail + ";" + arrEmails(i)
    Next i
    sToAddress = sEmail
    'concatenate the Unique IDs together
    sUniqueID = arrTaskID(0)
    For i = 1 To NumTsk
        sUniqueID = sUniqueID + "; " + arrTaskID(i)
    Next i
    'Create table rows for each task.
    For x = 0 To NumTsk
        sHTML_tableBody = sHTML_tableBody + "<tr>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrID(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskID(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskName(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskNotes(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskDuration(x) & " Days</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrStart(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrEnd(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrResources(x) & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _
            "<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _
    Next x
    'Combine the HTML table header, body, and footer.
    sHTML_Body = sHTML_tableHeader + sHTML_tableBody + sHTML_tableFooter + "</table>"
    'Open Outlook and build email message.
    On Error Resume Next
    Set outlookopen = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    If Err > 0 Then
        MsgBox "An error has occurred.  Please ensure you have MS Outlook installed."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Create Outlook Email Message
    Set objemail = outlookopen.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With objemail
        .To = sToAddress
        .CC = sCCAddress
        .Subject = projectName & " Tasks - Unique Task ID(s): " & sUniqueID
        .HTMLBody = sHTML_Body
    End With
    'Clean up and close
    FilterApply Name:="all tasks"
    End Sub

  • Setting font for mail preferences

    anybody have this problem?? when i set lucida sans italic as my email font preference it won't italicize it. it will italicize in all areas of preference except when it comes to using it as a default font. i called support and they were stumped and suggested that i post here. help!!! :-):-)

    yes, i want to see the message in that font and have the person on the other end view in that font also. you can change the message font in mail preferences. you select the font under message font and it will create all new mail messages in that font. what i find is that any font that will italicize won't do so when you create a new message. i have it set for comic sans right now and that works fine. go into mail preferences, choose message font, select lucida sans from the font list, then on the right select italics and then close and create a new message. the new message should have lucida sans italics as the message font. mine won't do that. you can select other fonts and it will work, but the italics part doesn't take........

  • How do I change/save the default font in mail from helvetica to something else?

    How do I change/save the default font in mail from helvetica to something else?

    Mail > Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Messages font:
    Click the "Select" button next to "Helvetica 13" textbox.
    Select your choice from the window that opens up.

  • How do I change the font in mail permantly

    I can change the font in mail but it isn't permanent.  I am talking about composing E-mail.

    I have a work around you might try.
    Add a signature to your email account with whatever font you want. Two this.
    1. Create a new email message:
    2. Add a new signature (Mail -> Preferences -> Signatures) and Paste Clip Board into the new Signature editor:
    That's All Folks!
    Now, when you create new messages, you should find that the format you are looking for is already setup. All you have to do is tweak the Name,
    Hope this helps!

  • In Mavericks Mail, I can't select multiple e-mail addresses for an individual e-mail. I don't want to hand select hundreds of e-mail addresses.

    In Mavericks' new e-mail program, I cannot select multiple e-mail addresses for an individual e-mail without having to re-open the address book for every e-mail address I am opening. Please help.

    The new but not-ready-for-prime-time autocomplete method searches for matches that contain the entered text, not just ones that begin with the string. Your options are:
    1) type in longer strings that narrow the search
    2) use an add-on to search just the beginnings:
    3) install an older version of TB:

  • Changing fonts in Mail

    Hi, can anyone tell me how to change fonts in MacMail when composing new messages?
    Bob Tomsak

    Did anyone solve this? I want to permantntly both the change the font and color of the font in all of my outgoing messages. I've managed to change the font and size, but the color is still basic black. So for every message I have to go to the menu bar, select font/color and change it. I'm on email just about 6 hours a day, and really, really don't want to have to do it this way. PLEASE - advice on permanent changes?
    And what's with the "styles" button? There's no information on how to use anywhere that I've checked.

  • Microscopic fonts in Mail

    Hi all,
    I have a 15" MBP i7, hi-res, non-glare screen and -- yes -- the fonts, etc., are REALLY small on, for example, Mail. Is there any way to set a default for VIEWING a larger size -- not SENDING a larger size font?
    Same issue with web pages, etc,. but it's most noticeable on Mail, where the viewed fonts are literally about 1/32" tall.

    Hi - for some reason (only on the HiRes versions of the MacBook PRO) - the screen font is so tiny I can barley read it.. It is set at 12 point Helvetica which is perfect on my Mac Mini and other non-HiRes MacBook Pro... So I have to increase the font size to 16 point to type a message and then reduce it to 12 point again before sending it... I can't send my clients E-Mail messages in 16 point.. it looks terrible..
    If I do as you say and change the message font in preferences to 16 point - that surely means the message is received in 16 point???
    I'm trying to make the HiRes screen font in Mail look bigger (so I can read what I type) BUT not the font size in the message..
    Does that make sense? It seems to be a problem related to the HiRes versions of the MacBook Pro...
    Any help or tips greatly appreciated..

  • PDF Assembly is not working for ddx :Unable to select font for character U+54 'T'

    Hi ,<br /><br />   I am getting the following error while generating the pdf. :<br /><br />Caused by: com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.ProcessingException: ALC-ASM-S00-002: Failed to execute the DDX - error messages provided.<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl.makeResult( 74)<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl.execute( <br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl.invokeDDX( 0)<br />     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)<br />     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(<br />     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(<br />     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(<br />     at com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.impl.DefaultPOJOInvokerImpl.invoke(DefaultPOJOInvokerImpl.jav a:181)<br />     ... 33 more<br />Caused by: com.adobe.internal.ddxm.DDXMException: DDXM_S18005: An error occurred in the PrepareTOC phase while building <TableOfContents>. Cause given.<br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.task.toc.PrepareTOC.execute(<br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.blueprint.BluePrint.postExecute(<br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.ddx.Node.execute(<br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.Executive.execute(<br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.Executive.execute(<br />     at com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.AssemblerServiceImpl.execute( <br />     ... 39 more<br />Caused by: com.adobe.internal.pdfm.toc.TOCServiceException: PDFM_S18001: The operation of producing a table of contents failed.<br />     at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.toc.TOCServiceImpl.formatTOCContent(<br />     at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.toc.TOCServiceImpl.getNumberOfTOCPages(< br />     at com.adobe.internal.ddxm.task.toc.PrepareTOC.execute(<br />     ... 44 more<br />Caused by: com.adobe.fontengine.inlineformatting.FormattingException: Unable to select font for character U+54 'T', Requested attributes:Family=Arial|Size=12.0|Stretch=normal|Style=normal|Variant=normal|Weight=400|O TFDiscretionaryLigatures=minimum|WritingMode=lr-tb|BidiLevel=0|ScaleToFit=1.0|Shift=-none- <br /><br />would appreciate if anybody can help on this..<br /><br />Thanks & Regards<br />Masthan Shaik

    I think that all your form parameters must begin with alowercase letters, for example
    startOfSession instead of StartOfSession
    try to rename your selectname paramters.
    Le me know if ti works,

  • How do I insert a font in Mail which is not in the Pref. scroll-down menu?

    How do I insert a font in Mail which is not in the Pref. scroll-down menu?
    I love Palatino, I have it bot in the System fonts folder, in the home/library/fonts folder and in the computer/library/fonts folder.
    Yet, It does not come out.
    Something else I should be doing?

    Keep in mind that if the recipient of the email doesn't have Palantino active on their computer, they're not going to see that font on their end. Their system will replace any instance of Palantino with whatever font is they have set as the default in their mail program.

  • I forgot my answers of security questions when i select (send a mail to reset my security questions) the mail wont received to my mail box?

    i forgot my answers of security questions when i select (send a mail to reset my security questions) the mail wont received to my mail box?

    Read this about how to change the security questions:
    If you can't use these procedures because you don't have a rescue email address you will have to contact Apple. See

  • Hello, a cant type anything ,not in photoshop and not in inIllustrator ,I've got a message like "selected font faild during last operation".If problem persists,please desable the font..

    Hello, a cant type anything ,not in photoshop and not in inIllustrator ,I've got a message like "selected font faild during last operation".If problem persists,please desable the font..

    Looks like a corrupt font.
    Illustrator is more picky about fonts than any other application.

  • 't' and 's' in font GFS Didot don't correspond to selected font size.  't' is too small, and 's' is too big.  Can this be corrected?

    't' and 's' in font GFS Didot don't correspond to selected font size.  't' is too small, and 's' is too big.  Can this be corrected?
    GFS Didot is nearest listed MUSE font in appearance to Adobe Caslon Pro, which is the font used in the book which the website is intended to promote.  I would like to use Adobe Caslon Pro (I paid for it and it's on my computer, but not in the cloud). Is there any way to install Adobe Caslon Pro as a MUSE font choice in the cloud?

    The Firefox Page Zoom feature does a domain by domain level of saving the users preferred zoom level settings, there is no default Page Zoom level setting in Firefox.
    Try the Default FullZoom Level extension: <br />
    Or the NoSquint extension: <br />

Maybe you are looking for