Self Reading FieldPoint Configuration

I have multiple compact FieldPoints configured all the same, and I want to create an application that is generic to install on each cFP-2020. How can program it to read it's own config information in order to read it's own module data?

When a FieldPoint RT controller is configured, a file named fpbank.ini is downloaded into the module. The fpbank.ini file contains the names of the devices (modules) and items (channels). If you examine the file, you should be able to determine what type of module is at what location. This file will only provide names, it does not contain the information on how any given channel is configured. However, this should be sufficient for your purposes. I must point out that NI does not provide any sort of guarentees that they will not change the file format in future firmware revisions, so you may need to periodically change your code when NI releases updates, but my personal opinion is that the file format is probably not going to change very much ove
r time.

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  • A self documenting DSC Configuration wich contains all Resources

    One funny thing with PowerShell is allways: It can document himself.
    Inspired by Steven Murawskis video on Desired State Configuration (DSC) I have done a full Blowen full self documenting DSC Configuration:
    Not perfect but it works for the first shot...
    This code:
    $ConfigOut = @"
    Configuration Name {
    # One can evaluate expression
    # E.g.: `$AllNodes.Where("Role -eq Web").NodeName
    Node ('Node1','Node2','Node3') {
    Get-DscResource | ForEach {
    "`n`t`t# Call the '$($_.Name)' Resource the Provider`n"
    "`t`t$($_.Name) FriendlyName {`n`n"
    "`t`t`t# Possible Resource Options`n"
    $Ofs = "','"
    $_.Properties | ForEach {
    "`t`t`t$($_.Name) = '$($_.Values)' # Type:$($_.PropertyType) $(If($_.IsMandatory) {'is Mandatory!'})`n"
    $Ofs = ' '
    } # end Node
    } # end Configuration
    Produces this output on my Windows 8.1:
    Configuration Name {
    # One can evaluate expression
    # E.g.: $AllNodes.Where("Role -eq Web").NodeName
    Node ('Node1','Node2','Node3') {
    # Call the 'File' Resource the Provider
    File FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    DestinationPath = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Attributes = 'Archive','Hidden','ReadOnly','System' # Type:[string[]]
    Checksum = 'CreatedDate','ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512' # Type:[string]
    Contents = '' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    MatchSource = '' # Type:[bool]
    Recurse = '' # Type:[bool]
    SourcePath = '' # Type:[string]
    Type = 'Directory','File' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Archive' Resource the Provider
    Archive FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Destination = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Checksum = 'CreatedDate','ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512' # Type:[string]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    Validate = '' # Type:[bool]
    # Call the 'Environment' Resource the Provider
    Environment FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Path = '' # Type:[bool]
    Value = '' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Group' Resource the Provider
    Group FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    GroupName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Description = '' # Type:[string]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Members = '' # Type:[string[]]
    MembersToExclude = '' # Type:[string[]]
    MembersToInclude = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Log' Resource the Provider
    Log FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Message = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Package' Resource the Provider
    Package FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    ProductId = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Arguments = '' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    LogPath = '' # Type:[string]
    ReturnCode = '' # Type:[UInt32[]]
    # Call the 'Registry' Resource the Provider
    Registry FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Key = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    ValueName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    Hex = '' # Type:[bool]
    ValueData = '' # Type:[string[]]
    ValueType = 'Binary','Dword','ExpandString','MultiString','Qword','String' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Script' Resource the Provider
    Script FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    GetScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    SetScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    TestScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Service' Resource the Provider
    Service FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    BuiltInAccount = 'LocalService','LocalSystem','NetworkService' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    StartupType = 'Automatic','Disabled','Manual' # Type:[string]
    State = 'Running','Stopped' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'User' Resource the Provider
    User FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    UserName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Description = '' # Type:[string]
    Disabled = '' # Type:[bool]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    FullName = '' # Type:[string]
    Password = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    PasswordChangeNotAllowed = '' # Type:[bool]
    PasswordChangeRequired = '' # Type:[bool]
    PasswordNeverExpires = '' # Type:[bool]
    # Call the 'WindowsFeature' Resource the Provider
    WindowsFeature FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    IncludeAllSubFeature = '' # Type:[bool]
    LogPath = '' # Type:[string]
    Source = '' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'WindowsProcess' Resource the Provider
    WindowsProcess FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Arguments = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    StandardErrorPath = '' # Type:[string]
    StandardInputPath = '' # Type:[string]
    StandardOutputPath = '' # Type:[string]
    WorkingDirectory = '' # Type:[string]
    } # end Node
    } # end Configuration
    Steven Murawskis and Joel Bennett: Video on Desired State Configuration (DSC)
    hope this helps....
    PowerShell Artikel, Buchtipps und kostenlose PowerShell Tutorials + E-Books
    auf der deutschsprachigen PowerShell Community
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    One funny thing with PowerShell is allways: It can document himself.
    Inspired by Steven Murawskis video on Desired State Configuration (DSC) I have done a full Blowen full self documenting DSC Configuration:
    Not perfect but it works for the first shot...
    This code:
    $ConfigOut = @"
    Configuration Name {
    # One can evaluate expression
    # E.g.: `$AllNodes.Where("Role -eq Web").NodeName
    Node ('Node1','Node2','Node3') {
    Get-DscResource | ForEach {
    "`n`t`t# Call the '$($_.Name)' Resource the Provider`n"
    "`t`t$($_.Name) FriendlyName {`n`n"
    "`t`t`t# Possible Resource Options`n"
    $Ofs = "','"
    $_.Properties | ForEach {
    "`t`t`t$($_.Name) = '$($_.Values)' # Type:$($_.PropertyType) $(If($_.IsMandatory) {'is Mandatory!'})`n"
    $Ofs = ' '
    } # end Node
    } # end Configuration
    Produces this output on my Windows 8.1:
    Configuration Name {
    # One can evaluate expression
    # E.g.: $AllNodes.Where("Role -eq Web").NodeName
    Node ('Node1','Node2','Node3') {
    # Call the 'File' Resource the Provider
    File FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    DestinationPath = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Attributes = 'Archive','Hidden','ReadOnly','System' # Type:[string[]]
    Checksum = 'CreatedDate','ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512' # Type:[string]
    Contents = '' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    MatchSource = '' # Type:[bool]
    Recurse = '' # Type:[bool]
    SourcePath = '' # Type:[string]
    Type = 'Directory','File' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Archive' Resource the Provider
    Archive FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Destination = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Checksum = 'CreatedDate','ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512' # Type:[string]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    Validate = '' # Type:[bool]
    # Call the 'Environment' Resource the Provider
    Environment FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Path = '' # Type:[bool]
    Value = '' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Group' Resource the Provider
    Group FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    GroupName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Description = '' # Type:[string]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Members = '' # Type:[string[]]
    MembersToExclude = '' # Type:[string[]]
    MembersToInclude = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Log' Resource the Provider
    Log FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Message = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Package' Resource the Provider
    Package FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    ProductId = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Arguments = '' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    LogPath = '' # Type:[string]
    ReturnCode = '' # Type:[UInt32[]]
    # Call the 'Registry' Resource the Provider
    Registry FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Key = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    ValueName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    Force = '' # Type:[bool]
    Hex = '' # Type:[bool]
    ValueData = '' # Type:[string[]]
    ValueType = 'Binary','Dword','ExpandString','MultiString','Qword','String' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'Script' Resource the Provider
    Script FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    GetScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    SetScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    TestScript = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    # Call the 'Service' Resource the Provider
    Service FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    BuiltInAccount = 'LocalService','LocalSystem','NetworkService' # Type:[string]
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    StartupType = 'Automatic','Disabled','Manual' # Type:[string]
    State = 'Running','Stopped' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'User' Resource the Provider
    User FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    UserName = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Description = '' # Type:[string]
    Disabled = '' # Type:[bool]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    FullName = '' # Type:[string]
    Password = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    PasswordChangeNotAllowed = '' # Type:[bool]
    PasswordChangeRequired = '' # Type:[bool]
    PasswordNeverExpires = '' # Type:[bool]
    # Call the 'WindowsFeature' Resource the Provider
    WindowsFeature FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Name = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    IncludeAllSubFeature = '' # Type:[bool]
    LogPath = '' # Type:[string]
    Source = '' # Type:[string]
    # Call the 'WindowsProcess' Resource the Provider
    WindowsProcess FriendlyName {
    # Possible Resource Options
    Arguments = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Path = '' # Type:[string] is Mandatory!
    Credential = '' # Type:[PSCredential]
    DependsOn = '' # Type:[string[]]
    Ensure = 'Absent','Present' # Type:[string]
    StandardErrorPath = '' # Type:[string]
    StandardInputPath = '' # Type:[string]
    StandardOutputPath = '' # Type:[string]
    WorkingDirectory = '' # Type:[string]
    } # end Node
    } # end Configuration
    Steven Murawskis and Joel Bennett: Video on Desired State Configuration (DSC)
    hope this helps....
    PowerShell Artikel, Buchtipps und kostenlose PowerShell Tutorials + E-Books
    auf der deutschsprachigen PowerShell Community
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    Deutsche PowerShell Videos auf Youtube
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    Twitter |
    Facebook |

  • Airport Utility 5.2 and 5.2.1 cannot read /edit configuration of AEBS 7.2.1

    *THE PROBLEM ON my Mac:*
    I am using an ethernet connection directly to a brand new AEBS from:
    iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, 2BG RAM
    X 10.4.10
    airport turned off
    Airport Utility detects the base station but cannot read the configuration to edit and setup. And displays the following error:
    "An error occurred while reading the configuration.
    Please make sure your AirPort base station is plugged in and in range of your computer or connected via Ethernet and try again. (-5)"
    The AEBS does assign any machine connected via ethernet an IP address to allow internet access.
    I have the nearly the same problem when using my Windows XP pro laptop connected via ethernet using Airport Utility for Windows ver 5.2 and 5.2.1
    Airport Utility detects the base station, but when attempting to access the configuration, the Error message is practically the same with a different error code:
    "An error occurred while trying to access the base station. Make sure your network connection is valid and try again. Error -6742
    I have read the posts that say to turn off IPv6 on Mac, did that but with no success.
    Others did a simple hard reset on the AEBS, I tried that too.
    I've tried connecting to the AEBS directly with all other network devices (modem, other routers, etc) disconnected and turned off just incase there was some compatibly issue... no work. I even tried all the different ports.
    Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Can I walk into a Apple retail store and ask them to check the the AEBS to see if they can access the configuration?
    Just to be fair...
    (For people who have only read this post, turning off the IPv6 worked for some people, and just doing a hard reset for others).

    I finally figured it out. I had exactly the same problem when Airport Utility detected the base station but could not read the configuration to edit and setup, displaying the following error:
    "An error occurred while reading the configuration.
    Please make sure your AirPort base station is plugged in and in range of your computer or connected via Ethernet and try again. (-5)"
    I tried everything (Unfortuantely it is impossible to consult to an Apple genius around here). Even the hard reset didn't work. That is what I did: I pulled off the power cord, and put it back again WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE RESET BUTTON with a pin. Only after that the amber light went on twinkling, and I could access it via the Airport utility. All the settings were reset so I just had to reconfigure it. Hope it works for you too.

  • "An error occurred while reading the configuration"

    I updated my Time Capsule (1tb, old) with the new software last night (to 7.4.1 from 7.3.2). The upgrade process seemed to work fine. I then tried to go into the TC with Airport Utility 5.4.1 and when I click on the TC, I get a message that says, 'An error occurred while reading the configuration. Make sure your Apple wireless device is plugged in and in range of your computer or connected via Ethernet and try again. (-5). I've rebooted the TC. I have plugged into it directly.
    It now asks me for my password. I type it in and then I get the message. Any suggestions? Downgrade? Re-run the upgrade? Reset the TC?

    I had this same error, and I did have to reset (hold down the reset button for 5 seconds) my AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule to get past it. I noticed two things, though.
    1. If I tried to connect to my Time Capsule from Finder, I got an error. But if I clicked the "Connect As" button, it asked for my password again, and I could get to all of my files to back them up.
    2. All of my files were still on my Time Capsule after I reset it. I use it for remote file storage, not Time Machine, so I can't tell you if Time Machine backups will pick up where they left off.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't read AExp Configuration- is it dead?

    Hi- had a network with an AEBS connected to the internet and an AExp as a client connected to my stereo for streaming music. All was working perfectly. I moved apartment- renamed network. At the same time I got a new Powerbook so moved from Panther to Tiger.
    The network is fine for internet access, but I the AExp has stopped working. I can see it in AAU, and in iTunes it is an option to select. However:
    1. In iTunes if you select it you get a box trying to connect which gives up after about a minute or two
    2. In AAU it sees it but when you hit configure it waits for a while before coming back and saying it can't read the configuration
    I've tried a factory reset. Was able to rename it, but back to the old problem.
    I've tried to install new firmware- again, same problem- it sees it but can't update the firmware. Have also tried to connect via an ethernet cable to update and configure- but no joy.
    Is it dead? I think I'm within warranty by about two weeks

    This all suggests the problems are being caused by an incorrect network setup - not a defective Airport Express.
    Make sure your cable/DSL modem is cabled to the AEBS ethernet WAN port (the one labelled with the "circle of dots" icon). Some people make the error of connecting the modem to the AEBS LAN port - which won't work properly.
    Also, check the configuration of the AEBS with the Airport Admin Utility - make sure that (under the Network tab) you have checked the boxes to "Distribute IP addresses" and "Share a single IP address using DHCP and NAT".
    When setting up the Airport Express with the Airport Admin Utility, select to set up the Airport Express to "join" an existing wireless network. Do NOT select the option to have the Airport Express "extend" an existing wireless network - unless the intent is to use the Airport Express to increase the wireless range of the AEBS.

  • Can't read airport configuration

    I have an Airport Extreme base station (802.11g), which I use with Airport Utility 5.3.1 on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.11). My internet connection is actually working fine, but when I tried to access the Airport settings because houseguests were having trouble using our wireless network, Airport Utility found the base station but could not read the configuration (error message -6753). I reset Airport, with the same result (except that now I can't rename the network or reset the password, because I cannot access the settings). I have also been unable to download the latest firmware for the same reason. So -- I can use Airport for internet access, but should I ever need to change the settings (as I was trying to do this evening), I'd be out of luck. Any thoughts?

    Try connecting your laptop directly to the AEBS with an ethernet cord (you might have to reset the base station again).

  • Self service procurement: Configuration guide. Release 500

    can somebody please mail me the "Self service procurement: Configuration guide. Release 500" to [email protected]
    Can somebody tell me how to get it out of the solution manager?
    Thankx a lot in advance

    Hi Dinesh
    Could you please send me the Self service procurement - configuration guide. We also plan to explode this option, but do not know where to start.
    Please send me the doc to [email protected]
    Thanks in advance

  • Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz: ..- Unable to read log configuration file.

    Hi All,
    I have a painful problem with Oracle 10g Webgate. I am using Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_3_0_linux64_APACHE22_WebGate to procted Apache resource. I have some problem in Custom Authentication plugin. which is not still resolve(   
    Now I have apply patch BP9 (Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_3_0_BP09_Patch_linux64_APACHE22_WebGate) for Webgate, Now I have a new issue, I am unable to get the logon page of OAM when I try to access my Apache resource.
    The Error Message in the browser is:
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
    Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
    Apache/2.2.3 (Oracle) Server at Port 80
    In the error log file of  Apache I have found
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:17 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:17 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:20 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:35 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:35 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    [Sun Jun 23 11:53:35 2013] [error] [client] Oblix_OBWebGate_AuthnAndAuthz:  Error: /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/config/oblog_config_wg.xml - Unable to read log configuration file.
    Can Anyone help me regarding this issue...
    Tamim Khan

    Hi Colin,
    Thanks for your help, You are right I have change the permission of /opt/netpoint/webgate/access/oblix/lib/
    Now I am able to access the logon page of the access manager.
    But the problem as I mention in ( my ObSSOCookie value is still loggedcontinue.
    My Authentication return (ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS) Successful from the Java Code , and I am unable to login in the application. The thing is I can't manipulate ObSSOCookie from Java code.
    I have apply Patch 12363955 to resolve this issue. But this patch is now to resolve this issue.
    Have you any idea how to resolve this issue.
    Tamim Khan

  • Attaching USB Drive - Can't read AP configuration file, kills internet

    Current network:
    Airport Extreme (Sim Dual-Band)
    Mac Pro (wired Ethernet)
    MacBook Pro (wired or WiFi N)
    MacBook (WiFi N)
    2 x iPhones (WiFi G)
    Airport Extreme in use for several months with no problems. All Macs can read/write it's configuration.
    I hooked up a 1TB My Book USB HD to the Airport Extreme via USB. All three Macs (Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, MacBook) could see and read/write to the new drive. The Airport Extreme appeared in Airport Utility on all three Macs. Wired, WiFi N + G internet continued to work great... however none of the Macs could read the configuration file of the Airport Extreme. If I unplugged the USB drive all the Macs could read and write to the configuration file.
    I plugged the USB drive back in and left it overnight. This morning, everything continued to work, with the exception that none of the computers could read the configuration of the AP.
    Around 10am today the Macs/iPhones could no longer connect to the internet. I disconnected the USB drive and now the internet works again.

    Hey David,
    I know you said you read a lot of posts already and none of the other solutions worked, but just in case, if you haven't already I would run through the steps in here:
    Apple Computers: Troubleshooting the slot-loading SuperDrive
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a good one,

  • Is there a way to print my Fieldpoint configuration information

    Is there a way to print my Fieldpoint configuration information including communication parameters, module types and names, channel input ranges, etc. other than doing a screen dump for each configuration dialog?

    Unfortunately I don't know of any other way to get a printout of all the FieldPoint configuration data.  The iak file is binary so you can't print that and a MAX report does not contain all the information.
    I think this would be a great idea for a product suggestion though.
    Simon H
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to Document a FieldPoint Configuration File (*.iak)

    Hello there,
    Is there a quick and easy way to generate a human readable FieldPoint Configuration File?
    I'm documenting an existing system from scratch and I can't see an easy way to do this, apart from captured screen shots from MAX - which is tedious! Perhaps I'm missing something but various PLC tools I've used in the past, have made this process very easy.

    There is not a method to see the bit masks of the channels outside of Measurement & Automation Explorer, however, using the FP Get Configuration you have the ability to see the item list.  I agree it would be nice to see more details of the .iak file in LabVIEW.  I will file a product suggestion for this, and if you would like to also file one follow the following link and select "Product Feedback":

  • Reading 90xx configuration switches

    Has anyone an example of how to read the configuration switches from the cRIO-90xx controllers. I want to read the status of the USER1 setting but haven't been able to find an example or a way to achieve this.

    Hi Tony,
    You need to use the RT Read, located on the RT utilities palette. (See screen shot).
    Note: You can only read the switch from the RT target, I attach an example RT VI in LV 8.2.1 format.
    NIUK and Ireland
    Message Edited by JamesC on 05-01-2007 10:11 AM
    Attachments: ‏14 KB
    User1_Switch_State.PNG ‏100 KB

  • How to read the configuration for SAP GUI elements in Plant Maintenance module from SPRO and leverage the same in NWBC for HTML.

    Dear Members,
    Greetings for the day!
    I am working on NWBC for HTML in Plant Maintenance module.
    We have configured some changes in SPRO for customizing the UI elements( like visibility, mandatory ) like tabs and fields in transactions like IW21( Create Notification).
    As of now separate parallel configuration needs to be carried out in NWBC for HTML in PM module to achieve the same UI features for creating notifications and this is time consuming.
    Is there any way to read the configuration done in SPRO for the SAP GUI's and leverage the same in NWBC for HTML.
    Appreciate your time in responding to this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    MatchExpression /app1
    <Location /weblogic>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    PathTrim /weblogic
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    MatchExpression /app2
    <Location /weblogic>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    PathTrim /weblogic
    This configuration is weird little bit. There is MatchExpression /app1 and MatchExpression /app2 and at the same time two <Location /weblogic> sections. Are you sure you understand what that configuration stands for?
    Try something like this ...
    <Location /app1>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    <Location /app2>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    where /app1 and /app2 are contexts of your weblogic applications.

  • I can not open Firefox. Keep getting the error message "Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator." What do I do?

    I can not open Firefox. I keep getting the message "Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator." I have tried uninstalling Firefox and then reinstalling it but without success. What should I do?

    Which Fx version? When you uninstalled Fx, did you <b>reboot</b> computer before reinstall?
    Also, check for / delete any leftover files in the Fx programs install folders, before reinstall?
    Is your profile in the default location or custom location?
    Have you tried creating a <u>new, <b>completely</b> clean profile</u> - to test (then make sure to select that profile to start Fx - from the Profile Manager)? (no addons or plugins installed).
    Does the user acct (that Fx fails under) have access ("rights") to all locations - especially for Fx profiles location?

  • Failed to read the configuration file. Fresh install on windows 7

    I have just downloaded and installed firefox on my windows 7 computer. No errors on the install. When I try to launch Firefox I get this dialog box. Configuration Error - Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system

    Check for the presence of a mozilla.cfg file in the Firefox program folder to initialize some prefs.
    This also involves the presence of a .js (JScript) file, probably in "defaults\pref" folder, that specifies to process this mozilla.cfg file.
    If you have .js files apart from the channel-prefs.js file, that sets, in the defaults\pref folder then open this file in an editor like Notepad and please post its content.
    Also please post the content of the mozilla.cfg file.
    There shouldn't be a mozilla.fcg file present unless you've created it yourself to initialize some prefs.
    If you have this mozilla.cfg file then best is to do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder before reinstalling a fresh copy of Firefox.

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