Selling rawmateril impacts thru 309 mov type

I have a scenerio , my client has purchased  a rawmaterail and he want to sale it to one of his customer.. for this secenerio, i have did material transfer (309) to fert mat type, and later selling this mat to my customer..
In this process, what's the legal impact (my cleint is a manufacturer) as per indian tax regulations, if he sell as per above method.. and if any other way to do sale, pls advise????
Edited by: UJ on Apr 28, 2009 6:30 AM

Hi there is no bar in selling raw material what canbe done is to add the sales views tothe master. Only the Item category has to be NORM only. While procuring we pay the taxes like ED/Cess/Scess & VAT within state and for out side CST. The same material if we are goignto sell then the customer has to pay for the output taxes for Procuring it . It isother way round. One place clientis paying and the other palce customer has to pay. Why are you using 309 movt to convert the mateial insteatd the same material can be sold  without any problem

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    Kind Regards

    Hi Kris,
    Ya, i already create the bin number, for example i material A fixed to bin 00001 and material B fixed to bin 00002, when i do movement 309 from material A to material B, why the bin goes to 00001? why not goes to bin 00002? Because material B is fix to bin number 00002..
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    Dear Friend,
                      Normally in WM, when u are doing MB1A transaction with Mvt.type 309, the changed stock be placed temperaly on (922 - interim storage area) as Negative Value and going to change stock in positive value....and u want to create TO in LU04 and confirm that TO and now u find the changed stock...
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    ALso check OMB5, OMB4 for your req...use the print indicator for the print controls...
    hope it helps..

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    In real life you cannot do anything to a material that is somewhere on the road, hence it is pretty limited what you can do in SAP.
    What exactly do you want to do?

  • Movement Type:309

    Hello Experts,
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    Before you go in for your development, please check if standard report provided by SAP meets your requirements.
    To calculate closing balance only 309 movement type is not sufficient. You need to take care of all the movement types ( Goods Receipts done with different  movement type, Good Issues, Adjustments etc) which are carried out in your company to arrive at correct closing balance for each material. Please speak to your functional consultants to get correct requirements. This will reduce your development time.

  • Wm movement type

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    What is the difference between ref. Mty and marehouse Mty.
    What is the function of 999 Mty.
    Can any one please explain this.
    Thanks in advance.

    With the reference movement type it is used for the link between IM and WM
    As the majority of decisions are made at IM level then the movement type in WM could be a generic movement type as the decision has already been made so for instance if you do a 321 in IM to release stock from status 'Q' you could have a 309 movement type in WM
    The same with 322,343,344,349,350 etc.
    movement type 309 in WM will work for all of these.
    The 999 movement type in WM is normally used for bin to bin transfers as they are not linked to IM
    If you have 100 pieces in IM which is actually 10 X 10 in WM and you want to move 10 from one bin to another then 999 is used and there is no link to IM as IM does not care where you put them. IM is only concerned when you increase stock or decrease stock or change the status of stock and these have specific movement types that are initiated in IM. Moving stock from bin to bin in WM has no affect in IM as the total is still 100
    I hope that this helps

  • Error in Standard SAP movement type 309?

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    Movement type > LE-WM Interface to Inventory Management
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    Reference Movement type 302 has WM Movement type 302.
    Reference Movement type 309 has WM Movement type 309.
    Reference Movement type 311 has WM Movement type 311.
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    WM Movement type 309 has Source and Destination Storage type 922.
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    WM Movement type 312 has Source Storage type 921.
    In my opinion this means that if I make an IM movement with movement 309 the material will be picked from a Storage
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    This creates negative stock in both Storage type 920 and 922.
    In my opinion this means that if I make an IM movement with movement 311 the material will be picked from a Storage
    bin and moved to Storage type 921. After the change the material will be brought back from Storage type 921 to the same Storage bin.
    The change will be done with WM Movement type 309 in Storage type 922.
    This creates negative stock in both Storage type 920 and 922.
    Is this an error in SAP standard? Should I Change the Source and Destination Storage types of Movement types 301,302,311 and 312 to 922?

    Please check wheather the material type of the material belongs to NLAG/UNBW or any other type which will not have qty/value updations for that plant at Attributes of the material type at SPROlOGISTICS GeneralMaterial mastermaterila types
    Or take the question  mark which is there on the error screen so that the information will become self explanatory.
    Please reply back with your info.

  • Posting with MM Movement Type 309 material to material: Error in WM

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    001 010101                   to     922 Umbuchungzone    -->  Transfer order Pos 1
    922 Umbuchungszone  to    001 010101                    --> Transfer order Pos 2.
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    Is it possible to increase the capacitiy of the storage bin and then decrease it after creation of transfer order(where can I do this and when)???
    I hope anybody can help me.

    Hello Kevin,
    I donu2019t think it is necessary to use a user exit to keep the Material B (that is transferred from Material A) in the same bin.
    This can be controlled in the customizing: indicator Post to same bin, that can be set in the WM Movement type (V_T333-KZUAP) and in the Storage type (V_T3010-KZUAP).
    Now I donu2019t know your business process but I am surprised that Material B requires more space than Material A since it is u2018bornu2019 by means of a transfer posting and not a production or packing step that makes it bigger in terms of capacity required.
    A workaround for this could be to transfer (LT10) Material A first to a separate Storage type (with the Post to same bin-flag set) that has no Capacity check and after the 309 posting transfer it back into the warehouse with LT10.
    Success and thanks beforehand for any credits!
    Kind regards,

  • GL account for movement type 309

    How to find GL account for movement type 309. Tcode etc
    Stop Cross-Posting

    Try using transaction code OMWB (press cancel on pop-up) >
    Press "Simulation" button and enter plant + mat + movement type >
    Press "Account assignments" button
    Dr/Cr G/L accounts displayed for posting lines.
    Kind regards,

  • G/L account determination for movement type 702, 309

    All SAP Gurus,
    In our plant, for movement type 702 (inventory count), 309 (material to material transfer), some /L account assignment is wrong.
    I suppose these settings are in Keys GBB, AUM and PRD.
    Will cahnging the G/L accounts n these keys will give correct results. Or even soe other keys I (other than GBB, AUM and PRD) need to be changed.
    Please reply

    for inventory use
    umbfor inventory and material val
    prv for prise diffrence
    in 702   prv and inv is the postings
    for 309 vbr and pru is transaction in gbb
    1) one more thing u can do is go to OMWb then go to simulation there u can find gl accounts and grouping  keys note down that GL nos
    2) then come one step back
    and clik on  gl accounts  there u will find many gl accounts 
    find gl accont no which u have noted in step 1
    there u can find transaction keys
    by doing this u can find which are transaction keys for a perticular movement type
    reward if helpful

  • Change the behavior for movement type 309 - Account post PRD

    Dear friends ,
    We need to transfer material to material using movement type 309.
    These material are using price control "S".
    When we transfer from material A to material B the price difference stay stopped in the PRD account.
    We need to revaluate the material B automatically and not let the price difference stopped in the PRD... when we run the Material Costs..via Material ledger.
    Does anyone knows a way to change this behavior ?
    best regards,

    Dear Revi thanks for your answer !
    One more thing...
    We cannot change the valuation from S to V in the material B.
    Regarding the PRD postings... when the Controlling team runs the Material Ledger the price for material B should be changed/updated automatically, Am I right ?
    And then the PRD account must be cleared...
    Or I continue to do the MR22 manuall...or better... create an Abap program to run automatically clearing the PRD posting agains't the material via MR22 to correct the cost of this material.
    thanks once more.

  • GL A/C for movement type 309

    How to find GL account (tcode..) for movement type 309

    The way to check the G/L accounts getting hit is to check the material document's FI document. To look for this document, use TCode MB51 with search selection as movement type 309 and execute, it will bring up all material documents created with this movement, double click on any material document No. will take you to display material document, there in header under DOC INFO tab, you will see FI document button click on that, and you can see the G/Ls and the accounting entry getting generated for the said movement.
    Sometimes you will not see any FI document generated for movement 309. The reason is when doing variant adjustment of same price, no accounting document is generated as the prices are same. If the prices are different accounting document is generated.
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on Apr 14, 2010 5:16 PM

  • Problem on mb1b with Movement type 309

    when I use the t-code mb1b to transfer posting with Movement type 309,the system give a hint 'Account 40000000 requires an assignment to a CO object'. I checked the configuration of omwb and obyc.It seems no problem.
    So can anyone tell me how to solve the problem? Thanks!

    Alternative to the above solution will tell u which should work,it seems from the error that you need to put the Cost Center or G/L account. But if you don't want
    the system to ask you everytime you do the goods transfer, you have to setup
    your Cost Element / CO object. Go to transaction KA02 and put the
    appropriate CO or Cost Element (when the system gave you the warning,
    normally it gives you the CO object that need account assignment) and
    assign the Default Acc.Assigment to the CO/Cost Element.
    But before you do that, I suggest you to contact your FICO people.
    Good luck

  • Conversion program to do movement type 202 and 309

    Hi everyone,
    I need to do a conversion program to upload current stock balance from 1 material to another material (Material to material transfer). This is because we have created a new material type, therefore i would need to move any current stock balance of 1 material (of a different material type) and create the material again in the new material type and transfer the current stock to it.
    Our consultant has decided upon using movement type 202 and 309 to do the goods movement required.
    Since MIGO could not be recorded, is there any other suggestion besides using ABAP program?
    Thanks in advance. Hope to get some feedback on this asap because this is urgent.

    Hi Bernard,
    You can check the direct input program RM07MMBL for goods movement.
    This is used in most of the cases to do a goods movement.
    Hope this helps

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