Send Application To Background Android

I have developed chat application targetting Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone. When a user Sign In then all the friends of that user shows in next view. On Andoid, if user presses physical back key on the device the application must go to background instead of going to previous view (Sign In View). This feature is not supported by Flex. So I have written ANE for this solution and posted here.
To Send  App To Backgrounf at any time, use the following lines
     var ane:SampleASExtension = new SampleASExtension();
the above class in implemented in the attached ANE.
I have dedicated it to my late Father. May ALLAH bless him with His endless blessings and show His mercy on him.

I use your ane in my app ( flash cs6+as3+air)
there is some error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: SampleASExtension.
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method SampleASExtension.
How can I fix these errors?
is it necessary any import?

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    I have developed a Hello World Application using AIR Native Extension on Android Emulator and When i try to run the application its crashes. I was able to run same application sometimes back on Android Emulator on Mac. Right now I am using a Windows machine (as i dont have Mac anymore). I tried running same apk file which was compiled and running on Android emulator on Mac but it failed. Also i tried to recompile entire application from same code base but still it is failing. As far as i know Mac or windows should not play a part but still mentioning it out in the discussion. Also i tried running the application on various Android SDK version but with same results.
    Following is logcat logs for Android 4.0.3.
    D/gralloc_goldfish(  497): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.
    I/ActivityManager(   84): Displayed +4s82
    W/InputManagerService(   84): Starting input on non-focused client
    nternal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@413e17e0 (uid=10009 pid=179)
    W/ActivityManager(   84): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
    W/ActivityManager(   84): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{41534258 air.}
    W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger(   84): setKernelCountSet(10009, 0) failed with
    errno -2
    E/dalvikvm(  497): JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to use stale local reference 0x5
    W/dalvikvm(  497): JNI WARNING: 0x5d500031 is not a valid JNI reference
    W/dalvikvm(  497):              in Lcom/adobe/air/customHandler;.nativeOnTouchCa
    llback:(IFFFIFFZ[FI)Z (CallObjectMethodV)
    I/dalvikvm(  497): "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x409c1460 self=0x128
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   | sysTid=497 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=107408295
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   | schedstat=( 12139801627 5119955457 1265 ) utm=1128 stm=85
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at com.adobe.air.customHandler.nativeOnTouchCallback(Native
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at com.adobe.air.customHandler.nativeOnTouchCallback(Native
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at com.adobe.air.customHandler.handleMessage(customHandler.
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at$MethodAndArgsCaller.r
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at
    I/dalvikvm(  497):   at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    I/dalvikvm(  497):
    E/dalvikvm(  497): VM aborting
    F/libc    (  497): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1)
    I/DEBUG   (   34): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
    I/DEBUG   (   34): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic:4.0.3/MR1/237985:eng/
    I/DEBUG   (   34): pid: 497, tid: 497  >>> <<<
    I/DEBUG   (   34): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadd00
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  r0 00000000  r1 00097bd8  r2 00000000  r3 00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  r4 deadd00d  r5 40872c58  r6 0000020c  r7 49622e39
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  r8 4084ee67  r9 4084e703  10 4084ee73  fp 4084f546
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  ip 00000000  sp bed6a248  lr 4080bc8f  pc 4080bc8e  cpsr 600
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d0  3f8000003f800000  d1  4b00106845834000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d2  4b0010684b000000  d3  0000000045834000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d4  0000000000000000  d5  0000000000000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d6  0000000000000000  d7  0000106800000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d8  3f8000003f800000  d9  0000000000100000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):  scr 68000012
    I/DEBUG   (   34):
    I/DEBUG   (   34):          #00  pc 00050c8e  /system/lib/ (dvmAbort)
    I/DEBUG   (   34):          #01  pc 0004486e  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):          #02  pc 000451b0  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):          #03  pc 0004c9a0  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):          #04  pc 000e0e4a  /data/data/com.adobe.air/lib/libCo
    I/DEBUG   (   34):
    I/DEBUG   (   34): code around pc:
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc6c 34b4f8d3 ec54f7cd 26001e73 2f01f813  ...4..T.s..&...
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc7c 42abb152 d0074416 4798e7f8 f7ff4c0a  R..B.D.....G.L.
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc8c 7026ffa7 ec4af7cd 2006490c 44794a0c  ..&p..J..I. .Jy
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc9c f7cd447a 2000eb00 ebc2f7cd 58e54b05  zD..... .....K.
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bcac 2b006c6b e7e9d1e9 deadd00d 0006234c  kl.+........L#.
    I/DEBUG   (   34):
    I/DEBUG   (   34): code around lr:
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc6c 34b4f8d3 ec54f7cd 26001e73 2f01f813  ...4..T.s..&...
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc7c 42abb152 d0074416 4798e7f8 f7ff4c0a  R..B.D.....G.L.
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc8c 7026ffa7 ec4af7cd 2006490c 44794a0c  ..&p..J..I. .Jy
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bc9c f7cd447a 2000eb00 ebc2f7cd 58e54b05  zD..... .....K.
    I/DEBUG   (   34): 4080bcac 2b006c6b e7e9d1e9 deadd00d 0006234c  kl.+........L#.
    I/DEBUG   (   34):
    I/DEBUG   (   34): memory map around addr deadd00d:
    I/DEBUG   (   34): bed23000-bed71000 [stack]
    I/DEBUG   (   34): (no map for address)
    I/DEBUG   (   34): (no map above)
    I/DEBUG   (   34):
    I/DEBUG   (   34): stack:
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a208  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a20c  4001df19  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a210  4004770c  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a214  4004c85c
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a218  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a21c  4001f121  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a220  4004755c  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a224  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a228  0000020c
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a22c  49622e39  /data/data/com.adobe.air/lib/libCore.
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a230  4084ee67  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a234  4001df37  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a238  4086df90  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a23c  bed6a44b  [stack]
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a240  df0027ad
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a244  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34): #00 bed6a248  00000038
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a24c  6c756e28
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a250  0000296c
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a254  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a258  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a25c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a260  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a264  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a268  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a26c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a270  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a274  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a278  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a27c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a280  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a284  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a288  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a28c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a290  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a294  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a298  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a29c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2a0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2a4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2a8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2ac  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2b0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2b4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2b8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2bc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2c0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2c4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2c8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2cc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2d0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2d4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2d8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2dc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2e0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2e4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2e8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2ec  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2f0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2f4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2f8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a2fc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a300  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a304  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a308  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a30c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a310  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a314  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a318  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a31c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a320  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a324  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a328  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a32c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a330  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a334  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a338  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a33c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a340  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a344  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a348  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a34c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a350  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a354  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a358  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a35c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a360  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a364  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a368  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a36c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a370  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a374  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a378  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a37c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a380  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a384  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a388  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a38c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a390  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a394  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a398  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a39c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3a0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3a4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3a8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3ac  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3b0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3b4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3b8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3bc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3c0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3c4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3c8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3cc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3d0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3d4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3d8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3dc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3e0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3e4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3e8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3ec  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3f0  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3f4  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3f8  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a3fc  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a400  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a404  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a408  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a40c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a410  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a414  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a418  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a41c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a420  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a424  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a428  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a42c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a430  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a434  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a438  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a43c  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a440  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a444  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a448  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a44c  342b19f5
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a450  00000000
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a454  4086df90  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a458  5d500031
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a45c  407ff873  /system/lib/
    I/DEBUG   (   34): #01 bed6a460  bed6a54c  [stack]
    I/DEBUG   (   34):     bed6a464  408001b5  /system/lib/
    D/Zygote  (   37): Process 497 terminated by signal (11)
    I/WindowManager(   84): WIN DEATH: Window{41462cb0 SurfaceView paused=false}
    I/ActivityManager(   84): Process (pid 497) has died
    W/ActivityManager(   84): Force removing ActivityRecord{41534258
    e.helloWorld/.AppEntry}: app died, no saved state
    W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger(   84): setKernelCountSet(10041, 0) failed with
    errno -2
    I/WindowManager(   84): WIN DEATH: Window{41590db8 SurfaceView paused=false}
    I/WindowManager(   84): WIN DEATH: Window{4158b920 paused=false}
    I/BootReceiver(   84): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_
    E/InputDispatcher(   84): Received spurious receive callback for unknown input c
    hannel.  fd=209, events=0x8
    D/dalvikvm(   84): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 928K, 13% free 11284K/12871K, paused 84ms
    W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger(   84): setKernelCountSet(10009, 1) failed with
    errno -2
    D/dalvikvm(   84): GC_CONCURRENT freed 141K, 10% free 11601K/12871K, paused 6ms+
    D/dalvikvm(   84): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 177K, 11% free 11552K/12871K, paused 128ms
    D/dalvikvm(   84): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 128K, 10% free 11616K/12871K, paused 84ms
    D/dalvikvm(   84): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 427K, 12% free 11445K/12871K, paused 79ms
    W/InputManagerService(   84): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notif
    ication to pid 497 uid 10041
    D/dalvikvm(  136): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5544K, 37% free 9812K/15495K, paused 47ms
    D/dalvikvm(  179): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2416K, 21% free 17911K/22535K, paused 77ms
    D/dalvikvm(  179): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 659K, 17% free 18828K/22535K, paused 100ms
    D/dalvikvm(  179): GC_CONCURRENT freed 941K, 12% free 19900K/22535K, paused 6ms+
    D/dalvikvm(  179): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3259K, 18% free 18684K/22535K, paused 12m

    I am not able to solve this yet. Is anybody else facing this this problem.

  • Error while deploying the ADF Mobile application to the Android Emulator.

    I'm getting an error when trying to deploying a basic helloworld ADF mobile application to my Android sdk emulator which is already running as below.
    I'm not able to make anything from this limited log. Can anyone have a look and help me with what could be wrong.
    Any kind of suggestions are most welcome.
    [06:09:30 PM] Print the version of this tool (1.7).
    [06:09:30 PM] dx --help
    [06:09:30 PM] Print this message.
    [06:09:30 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
    [06:09:30 PM] Command-line executed: "D:\1_DevCore\android_sdk\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\platform-tools\dx.bat" dex debug keep-classes output="D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\classes.dex" D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\classes D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\AND_ksoap.jar D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\Container.jar D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\IDMMobileSDK.jar D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\logging_dalvik_release.jar D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\phonegap.jar D:\jdevuserhome\111230\ADFMobile\MyMobileApps\ MyMobileApp01\ MyMobileApp01\deploy\ANDROID_MOBILE_NATIVE_archive1\framework\build\jar\vmchannel_dalvik_release.jar
    [06:09:30 PM] Shutting down Android Debug Bridge server...
    [06:09:30 PM] Deployment cancelled.
    [06:09:30 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
    [06:09:30 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by 'D:\1_DevCore\android_sdk\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\platform-tools\dx.bat'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
    Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)

    I'm not able to make anything from this limited log.
    For Android emulator logs run the following command.
    adb logcat
    logcat | Android Developers

  • Can't send Text messages to Android phones or receive text from any websites

    I cant send text message to android phone or even to my gmail account from iphone 4s. I have disabled iMessage and rebooted the phone. I have also reset my apple password with no luck. This is a corporate phone.

    Hi LASalem,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that your iPhone is not sending/receiving messages to certain devices the way your would expect. To begin the troubleshooting process, I suggest working through the troubleshooting information in the attached article.
    If you can't send or receive messages on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Best regards,

  • I have a button in JSP page inside an UIWebView by pressing the button i want to run another existing iPhone native application in background only.Do anyone have a solution for this.

    I have a button in JSP page inside an UIWebView by pressing the button i want to run another
    existing iPhone native application in background only.Do anyone have a solution for this.

    Sounds like a virus.... I hope it's not...
    Launching Other Apps within an iPhone

  • Problem sending notification message to Android and iOS devices with azure messaging dll

    We are a Bizspark customer andfor the past two days we are facing problem in Azure Notification Hub. We were trying to
    send push notifications to Android devices registered in "seexxxxxxwams" - An Azure Mobile Service in our account and no
    registered android devices are receiving the notifications. When we tried to debug it via Notification Hub in Azure Portal  (seexxxxxxwamshub
    - Notification hub in our account), the results are showing that the notifications are sent to the devices. However, the devices
    are not receiving the notifications which was receiving before.  
    Kindly let us know whether we are missing something in our code (Please find the code below) or is there any problem in Azure Notification
    Hub (for Android GCM). 
    using System.Text;
    using Android.App;
    using Android.Content;
    using Android.Util;
    using Gcm.Client;
    using Android.Support.V4.App;
    // Your package name MUST NOT start with an uppercase letter.
    // Android does not allow permissions to start with an upper case letter
    // If it does you will get a very cryptic error in logcat and it will not be obvious why you are crying!
    // So please, for the love of all that is kind on this earth, use a LOWERCASE first letter in your Package Name!!!!
    using ByteSmith.WindowsAzure.Messaging;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    [assembly: Permission(Name = "@[email protected]_MESSAGE")]
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Name = "@[email protected]_MESSAGE")]
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Name = "")]
    //GET_ACCOUNTS is only needed for android versions 4.0.3 and below
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Name = "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS")]
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Name = "android.permission.INTERNET")]
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Name = "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK")]
    namespace seeMuscatAndroidApp
    //You must subclass this!
    [BroadcastReceiver(Permission= Gcm.Client.Constants.PERMISSION_GCM_INTENTS)]
    [IntentFilter(new string[] { Gcm.Client.Constants.INTENT_FROM_GCM_MESSAGE }, Categories = new string[] { "@PACKAGE_NAME@" })]
    [IntentFilter(new string[] { Gcm.Client.Constants.INTENT_FROM_GCM_REGISTRATION_CALLBACK }, Categories = new string[] { "@PACKAGE_NAME@"
    [IntentFilter(new string[] { Gcm.Client.Constants.INTENT_FROM_GCM_LIBRARY_RETRY }, Categories = new string[] { "@PACKAGE_NAME@"
    public class PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver : GcmBroadcastReceiverBase<GcmService>
    //IMPORTANT: Change this to your own Sender ID!
    //The SENDER_ID is your Google API Console App Project ID.
    //  Be sure to get the right Project ID from your Google APIs Console.  It's not the named project ID that appears in the Overview,
    //  but instead the numeric project id in the url: 
    //  where 785671162406 is the project id, which is the SENDER_ID to use!
    public static string[] SENDER_IDS = new string[] { Constants.SenderID };
    public const string TAG = "GoogleCloudMessaging";
    [Service] //Must use the service tag
    public class GcmService : GcmServiceBase
    public static string RegistrationID { get; private set; }
    private NotificationHub Hub { get; set; }
            Context _generalContext;
    public GcmService() : base(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.SENDER_IDS) 
    Log.Info(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "GcmService() constructor"); 
    protected override async void OnRegistered (Context context, string registrationId)
    Log.Verbose(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "GCM Registered: " + registrationId);
    RegistrationID = registrationId;
                _generalContext = context;
    //createNotification("GcmService Registered...", "The device has been Registered, Tap to View!");
    Hub = new NotificationHub(Constants.NotificationHubPath, Constants.ConnectionString);
    await Hub.UnregisterAllAsync(registrationId);
    catch (Exception ex)
                var tags = new List<string>() { main.userCountry, main.userCity, main.userLatitude, main.userLongitude, main.userPhoneMake,
    main.userPhoneModel, main.userPhoneName, main.userPhoneAndroidVersion, main.userAppVersion,main.userUID};
                Console.WriteLine("///////////HUB TAGS///////////////////");
                Console.WriteLine("Country:" + main.userCountry);
                Console.WriteLine("City:" + main.userCity);
                Console.WriteLine("Latitude:" + main.userLatitude);
                Console.WriteLine("Make:" + main.userPhoneMake);
                Console.WriteLine("Model:" + main.userPhoneModel);
                Console.WriteLine("Phone Name:" + main.userPhoneName);
                Console.WriteLine("Android Version:" + main.userPhoneAndroidVersion);
                Console.WriteLine("App version:" + main.userAppVersion);
                Console.WriteLine("User ID:" + main.userUID);
                Console.WriteLine("///////////END OF HUB TAGS///////////////////");
    var hubRegistration = await Hub.RegisterNativeAsync(registrationId, tags);                
    Debug.WriteLine("RegistrationId:" + hubRegistration.RegistrationId);
    catch (Exception ex)
    protected override void OnUnRegistered (Context context, string registrationId)
    Log.Verbose(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "GCM Unregistered: " + registrationId);
    protected override void OnMessage (Context context, Intent intent)
    Log.Info(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "GCM Message Received!");
                Debug.WriteLine("/********* GCM Received ****************");
    var msg = new StringBuilder();
    if (intent != null && intent.Extras != null)
    foreach (var key in intent.Extras.KeySet())
    msg.AppendLine(key + "=" + intent.Extras.Get(key).ToString());
    //Store the message
    var prefs = GetSharedPreferences(context.PackageName, FileCreationMode.Private);
    var edit = prefs.Edit();
    edit.PutString("last_msg", msg.ToString());
    string message = intent.Extras.GetString("message");
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
    createNotification("New todo item!", "Todo item: " + message);
    string msg2 = intent.Extras.GetString("msg");
                string notititle = intent.Extras.GetString("notititle");
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg2))
    createNotification(notititle, msg2);
    protected override bool OnRecoverableError (Context context, string errorId)
    Log.Warn(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "Recoverable Error: " + errorId);
    return base.OnRecoverableError (context, errorId);
    protected override void OnError (Context context, string errorId)
    Log.Error(PushHandlerBroadcastReceiver.TAG, "GCM Error: " + errorId);
    void createNotification(string title, string desc)
                NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
                Intent uiIntent = new Intent();
                uiIntent.SetClass(this, typeof(dealsview));
                uiIntent.PutExtra("contentID", "todaydeals");
                uiIntent.PutExtra("contentName", "");
                uiIntent.PutExtra("isSale", "");
                const int pendingIntentId = 0;
                PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, pendingIntentId, uiIntent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot);
                var notification = builder.SetContentIntent(pendingIntent).SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.Icon).SetAutoCancel(true).SetContentTitle(title).SetContentText(desc).Build();
                var notificationManager = GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService) as NotificationManager;
                notificationManager.Notify(1, notification);

    Hi Anpe83,
    TL;DR: The answer: Currently, no.
    As we speak, there is RMS Sharing app for all mobile platforms you mentioned. RMS Sharing App lets you open any file type that is a .pfile (generic file created by RMS Sharing App on your PC). But this is not a granular protection and policy enforcement
    - you can think about this way of protecting as a .zip file that has been password protected. So once you "unzip" the pfile with RMS Sharing App - you can do whatever you want (open in a native mobile app, forward, edit, copy, delete, etc) with that file. 
    Now, RMS Sharing App lets you protect pictures only on your mobile devices which I assume you will not be a feature used very often.
    On the other hand Microsoft has published Office suite (Word, Excel, etc) for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad).
    Currently (this is the key word here) those are NOT RMS enlighted yet, so f.e. no word document that is RMS protected can be opened with your Office suite for iOs. I also know that Microsoft is preparing an update for iOS devices in the nereast
    future to make Office suites (including OWA app) RMS-aware.
    PS. For the current time being there are some third parties that extend RMS capabilities to your mobile device platforms. You can also wait few months (unfortunately cannot promise that) for RMS enlighted Microsoft apps for iOS devices.
    PS2. If you haven't heard you can also set RMS Sharing App to work withi your ADRMS which is onprem (not only with RMS in the cloud). For those you need some cool toys: Windows 2012 R2, ADFS 3.0 and RMS Mobile Device Extension.
    Hope this answers your question.
    Did my post help you or make you laugh? Don't forget to click the Helpful vote :) If I answered your question please mark my post as an Answer.

  • How to send application acknowledgement from R/3 system

    Hi guys,
          How to send application acknowledgement from R/3 system. Ex. we have post one IDoc and check user validations. Suppose date is wrong that means indicate earlier or wrong date but date format is correct. In this situation we need send one acknowledment to sender.
    How to find the solution? pls tell anyone.

    Hi Vijay,
    Plz do perform the following steps:
    1) In the Integration Server, call transaction SE38
    2) Run program IDX_ALEREQUEST to process IDocs with message type ALEAUD as XI request
    3) Now Enter Sender Port, Sender Client,Partner Number, Partner Type, and Partner Rol
    4) In Integration Directory, configure the routing of interface
    5) Call transaction SXMB_MONI to display the XI message.
    Further in IDX5 as well you will find entry for IDoc ALEAUD.ALEAUD01
    Please go through the link
    1)Succesful IDOC acknowledgements from ECC
    After you triggered the IDoc by e.g. tcode: WPMA and IDoc reached FILE system, FILE receiver CC actually is only able to send acknowledgment types SystemErrorAck and AckNotSupported.
    This is because:
    - IDoc sender adapter requests the following acknowledgments:
    - File receiver adapter “that run on the Adapter Engine support system acknowledgments and system error acknowledgments if they are requested by the sender. These acknowledgments are triggered when a message is successfully processed by the adapter or if an error occurs while it is being processed.”
    If you haven’t suppressed acknowledgments for IDocs WP_PLU in IDX_NOALE in XI then you will get:
    SystemErrorAck – when message has not reached the FILE system
    AckNotSupported – for all others acknowledgement types
    QQ) Will this IDOC Ack applicable for this scenario???
    Rather not, since FILE adapter does not support any other acknowledgements then system and IDoc adapter does not request other acknowledgements then application + SystemErrorAckRequested.
    In sender system your IDoc will be always in status 39 (instead of 03), when acknowledgement is turned on.
    This is because:
    For SystemErrorAck the corresponding ALEAUD status is 56
    For AckNotSupported the corresponding ALEAUD status is 50
    Both inbound 56 and 50 statuses end up in 39 for your outbound IDoc in sender system.
    Q1) Will this ALEAUD Idoc contains any Message from File System????
    In both cases, it will result in status 39 - IDoc is in the target system. So it does not matter.
    Q2) Basically what Information will contain this IDOC Ack.
    Idoc number from sender system and status 56 or 50 depends on acknowledgement type.
    Q3) Do we receive any Info from the Target File System , if we implement this Ack concept??
    Nothing useful.
    Remember that “File Receiver has no way to determine if the written file has been correctly processed by the back-end application”. However, if your “FILE” application can read your WP_PLU message and after successful processing is able to generate any kind of message then you can acknowledge the communications but you will not be able to link original message with the acknowledgement request message.
    To do that you need to configure just normal scenario (that will be your new acknowledgement scenario) FILE -> XI -> R/3. Your FILE service will send ALEUAUD Idoc to R/3 system. Your FILE application must take care to generate proper ALEAUD XML message. In order to treat ALEAUD as a request message (not standard acknowledgement) you need to run IDX_ALEREQUEST in SE38 on XI.
    Q1) It means if the Idoc not reached to Target File system means we can able to get the System Error Ack to Sender SAP R/3 System. Am i Right????
    Supposed you have turned off acks on XI (tcode: se38, IDX_NOALE) for your sender port/client:
    You have sent the IDoc and the last status is "03 - Data passed to port OK"
    You don't know whether it was even delivered to XI ...
    Supposed you have turned on acks on XI (tcode: se38, IDX_NOALE) for your sender port/client.
    You send and IDoc and it has been delivered successfully to FILE system.
    Adapter Engine creates acknowledgement type: AckNotSupported
    In XI you can see Ack Status: AckRequestNotSupported (Acknowledgement not possible). Category: permanent.
    XI will send ALEAUD IDoc to R/3 system: status "50 - IDoc is added"
    The IDoc status in sender will be "39 - IDoc is in receiving system (ALE service)".
    You send and IDoc and it has not been delivered successfully to FILE system. e.g. FILE server is down.
    Adapter Engine creates acknowledgement type: SystemErrorAck
    In XI you can see Ack Status: Error (Acknowledgement contains system errors). Category: transient.
    XI will send ALEAUD IDoc to R/3 system: status "56 - IDoc with errors is added"
    The IDoc status in sender will be "39 - IDoc is in receiving system (ALE service)".
    So status 39 means only that IDoc reached XI, but you don't know whether it was delivered to FILE system or not.
    Q2) And one more thing is Even though we are dealing with the IDOCFile OR FileIDOC we can able to get the ACk of Type System Error Ack only. Am I Right?????
    No, "Sender adapters of the Adapter Engine do not request any acknowledgements."
    Q3) So the same case( Which we disscused for IDOCFile) is Applicable for FileIDOC also????
    Can we able to get the System Error Ack, if the File is not reached to SAP R/3( Target here)
    Q4) If Yes to Q3 means,Where this System Error Ack will be seen in File System side???
    Do we need to do any extra settings to receive these System Error Ack at File system side??
    Not relevant.

  • Send object to background PAGES

    i have had my macbook for 3 days. i am still learning and trying out things i find in tutorials or hot tips. one thing i want to do is send and image to the background of a pages doc so my text will appear over the top of it.
    i followed all the steps in the hot tips but the last command wont permit. the last command is to go to arrange > send object to background. i can see where to do this but the selection is grey and i therefore cannot select it.
    can you offer me any solutions or reasoning please?
    all advice greatly appreciated!
    kind regards

    To be able to move an object to the background, it must be:
    defined as floating.
    To define the object this way, go to Inspector > Wrap
    Select the button "Floating"
    It may be useful to uncheck "Object cause wrap".
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 30 juillet 2008 11:18:39)

  • Send/export the background job spool in Excel (in MHTML format) in ECC 6.0.

    Hello All,
    I have a requirement to send/export the background job spool in Excel (in MHTML format) in ECC 6.0. Please help.
    Thank you.

    Hi Jigar,
    Thanks for your response.
    Anything is like download to desktop or email is fine. But in MHTML format.
    We can download the ALV report in MHTML spreadsheet format when we run the program online. But the program is running for long time and going to dump.
    So i scheduled it as background job and downloading the output in  .HTML format. But user wants the spool/report output in .MHTML spreadsheet format.
    I can write the code. Instead of changing the existing program I would like to know is there any way (from standard SAP) that I can get the background spool in MHTML spreadsheet format.

  • Nokia 6230i : how to send applications java from ?

    How to send applications java from nokia 6230i to an other nokia 6230i ?
    Looking for applications: "converter II, world clock II, translator".

    as hole is right ,there is no way can be sent , but i would like to know how the Mosh is working and which way everybody uploading the apps to Mosh ? i have downloaded apps from Mosh and want to send it to another phone and also i like to send some apps games to Mosh , thanks for any advise .
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil , is for good men to do nothing .

  • Building SAP applications for iPhone, Android etc.

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement for building SAP online and offline applications for iPhone, Android, Windows phone. These applications would interface with SAP backend (ERP) for fetching data or for executing simple tasks like approvals etc. 
    We have developed thin client (online) applications using Webdynpro Java for Blackberry users. These applications are browser based applications (deployed on SAP Netweaver WAS) and are accessed through Blackberry browser. What I am not sure is whether the same approach/technology like Webdynpro for Java would work for handhelds like iPhone, Android and Windows phones.
    Secondly whether vendors (like Apple) of iPhones, Android etc. provide specific connectors or frameworks for building SAP online/offline applications (or in other words what would be the mechanism for integrating iPhones, Android with SAP)
    Lastly how (technology, architecture etc.) are SAP thick client or offline applications built for iPhone, Android etc.
    Any pointers would be of great help.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Philipp,
    Thanks for your quick response. When you say integrating with "Integrating Custom Client with DOE", do you mean the usage of SAP Mobile Infrastructure (now know SAP NetWeaver Mobile).
    We are mainly looking at building online (thin client) applications and also parallely at building offline or thick client applications but that is second in priority.
    What we have done so far
    We have developed thin client (online) applications using Webdynpro Java (which interface with SAP backend systems)
    for Blackberry users. These applications are browser based applications and are accessed through Blackberry browser. We are looking at similarly building applications for iPhone, Android and Windows phones probably using the same technology like Webdynpro Java.  But we are not sure how well it would work on iPhone, Android etc. Also we were exploring to see if these vendors (iPhone, Android) provide some sort of connectors or framework for quickly developing and deploying SAP mobile thin client applications.
    Please note that we are aware that using webservices in one generic approach.
    Once again thank you very much for your response.

  • SOAP to RFC Scenario Timeout in Sender Application ...

    Hi All,
    We have SOAP sender webservice (.Net app) To RFC receiver on SAP side through PI 7.1.The problem we are facing is the RFC from SAP side is taking more time to send response back and by the time PI sends the response back to calling webservice application ,they timeout on their side.Can PI by anymeans tell the calling application to wait until we get a respose back from SAP.
    Any thoughts and recommendations greatly appreciated.

    Do we need to check the timeout of xiadapter.inbound.timeout.default in Pi and set the same in the sender application.
    We don't have timeouts in PI so I don't think we have to increase timeout in PI.
    Is there a way we can hold sender application to wait until PI sending the response back without ind=creasing their timeout ?

  • How do I send pictures from my android Incredible 2 to my computer?

    How do I send pictures from my android Incredible 2 to my computer?

    Easiest way for me is to connect my phone to my computer via the USB cable and 'drag and drop' files.  You also could remove the SD card (assuming you have one with the files stored on it) and insert it into a card reader attached to your computer.

  • Texts still sending as iMessage to Android device

    Here is my rant/how do I fix.
    This garbage wanna be waste of time iMessage keeps telling me I'm using iMessage to send my dad's android messages.
    He just got rid of his iPhone 4S since he thought it sucked. I've tried deleting his number, deleting complete contact. Turning iMessage off won't even allow me to send him a text. It's not iOS6 but since iOS5 did this to me too. I'm tired off this non sense Apple is doing to try and compete with Android since Android is all high-tech. I may have to jump off the Apple band wagon, I've been touching squares on my iPhone since the first iPhone. But will I go to any other phone? Android and others are ugly and have ugly an OS. I'm going to a Jitter Bug phone. lol no, but god I'm tired of this stupid garbage non-sense but yet I'm still waiting for the iPhone 5 to drop so I can go get that piece of sh*t and complain about that having problems. HOW DO YOU FIX THIS IMESSAGE GARBAGE?! My dad doesnt know how to delete his iphone from apple or whatever or have access to another iphone since hes on sprint now with android.
    If you like pop tarts im afraid of turtles and I eat toasters. ****.

    Apple had me do that and I've logged in and removed my iPhone from my Apple ID and the issue persists. Don't know if I'm an anomoly, but this still didn't help.
    After being shut down by the phone apple support I just made an appointment at a local apple store and they've been much more helpful face-to-face. Because of some issues logging into my verizon account we haven't completed this procedure yet, but this is what my apple store rep thinks will work: They've offered to use a refurb iphone they have lying around and turn service on to that (& my android off) then go into settings and turn off iMessage. Then they'll turn my android back on and they think I'll be good to go. One concern apple initially had was that I would burn my SIM card by turning on the iPhone, I've talked to verizon and they said this won't happen as the new format of SIM allows you to switch from SIM to non-SIM and back to SIM again without issue. Haven't tested this yet though. Appointment with the apple store tomorrow, hopefully it will end the headaches.
    FWIW I did ask my local verizon store if they would be kind enough to do this procedure for me (since they shut down the iPhone in the first place) and they not only declined, but also told me there was no way that I could possibly be having the problem I was describing...even after showing screenshot's from the iphones trying to send me messages.

  • Oracle Application Services Background Processes

    Hi all,
    Can any one list the Oracle Application services background processes.
    Ex:  --->  FNDLIBR

    Hi Ramaraju,
    You can identify the background process as below:
    For - | | | |
    ./ status -l
    For Example :
    Above command will give you the process id (Refer pid column) as shown below:
    ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status   |
    OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oafm          |   13457 | Alive    |
    OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:forms         |   13386 | Alive    |
    OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oacore        |   13234 | Alive    |
    HTTP_Server                      | HTTP_Server        |   13177 | Alive    |
    ps -ef|grep <pid>
    For - -
    ps -ef|grep lsnr

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