Send Email Errors

Dear all.
    We are sending email and we are get some errors like XS829, Internal error: SO_OBJECT_MIME_GET Exception: 2.
    We are using the SAP_Basis 620 SP 61
Best Regards
Thanks in advanced

Please go through these <a href="">Notes</a>
Hope this helps.

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    Sending email Error - I had updated my iPad2 with IOS5, after updating I am able to recieve emails, but not able to send emails from gmail, hotmail and yahoo, support pls help me ASAP

    I Google'd the error message and found this interesting thread:
    The error mentioned is caused by the sending computer clock being off.. I see you are getting the error from a Yahoo server, which matches the discussion in the thread. The thread is in relation to using thunderbird as the email client, but I suspect that does not matter. So maybe check the date/time set in your computer and see if it is off? 
    Other than that, I have no idea...sorry.
    Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
    QIP6416-P1, IMG 1.7.1, Build 09.97
    Keller, TX 76248

  • I cannot send email - error message as follows : 'The sender address (my email address) was rejected by the server' I can send email from other apple devices, and the email settings are identical. Any ideas?

    For some reason I cannot send email - all was working fine, but now I get the following error message when I try to send email:
    'The sender address (my email address) was rejected by the server'
    I can receive incoming mail ok and I can send email from other Apple devices. The problem seems confined to my Mac Book Pro.
    Ant ideas?

    Hello there, Pablo639.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting mail issues on your Mac:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Sending email error with Yahoo: "A copy has been placed in your Outbox. Sending the message content to the server failed."

    HELP!  Why am I getting this error message? It's driving me crazy! When I try to send an email,  the message stalls in the outbox and the following message pops up -  "A copy has been placed in your Outbox. Sending the message content to the server failed." I have deleted and reinstalled the account, restarted the phone, etc - what the heck? The emails work just fine at Yahoo online, so the account it fine...I don't want to hard reset the phone, as I had to do that recently and it's a pain - any suggestions?

    OR they are the right settings but you are trying to send through a different internet provider or 3G provider, that does not allow that SMTP server to send email.
    if I send email from 3g or someone elses wifi on a different ISP, it will not work, because it does not allow that server to be contacted. this is normal.
    What you want to do is setup a gmail account and use their SMTP server settings for the defauly outgoing server. that way you dont have to worry about this.

  • Using a wi fi not mine can't send email error message says my email address not recognised

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    Can receive email ok
    Have entered his Outgoing address
    Can't send emails.  Error message says  server does not recognize my address
    What do I do??

    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, things have gotten progressively worse now in another direction. After I posted this, I shut down my computer to go to work. It had to "rebuild" the filevault sparseimage to recover space.
    Now when I restarted it, I am missing things from my dock, ? marks are in their place, all of my preferences have been set to some default AND this is the biggie - I have no mail accounts whatsoever. When I click on Mail, it asks me if I want to establish a new account. It looks like the FileVault action has totally screwed up my system.
    I tried rebuilding the permissions as recommended above using safe boot. Didn't help. I am now trying to repair the FileVault sparseimage as recommended elsewhere. I think I now see what the problem might be. I have two different sparseimages for the same account with the only difference is that a 1 is appended to the second one. Unfortunately I can't tell which it is. I have a feeling I should repair the 1st one (without the suffix 1). It must not be able to open that and hence that is why it made a second one.
    Any other help anyone?

  • Send Email Error from Viewer 10gR2

    This is new standard functionality in Discoverer Viewer on AS 10gR2. From a 10gR2 Viewer worksheet, one of the action links is "Send email". It takes you to a form where you can enter your e-mail and a recipient's e-mail address. It exports the worksheet to a file on the server in the selected format (CSV, Excel, etc.) and states "export file created successfully" but then fails for me when it attempts to send the e-mail with export file attachment.
    ERROR MESSAGE: "OracleBI Discoverer was unable to read the configuration file. A value is required for the following expression: An error occurred while handling the event. See the application log for more details."
    METALINK DOC # 289738.1 - "Sending An Email Via Discoverer Viewer 10g r2 (10.1) Fails With "Error Unknown SMTP host" seems to address our problem. We followed its solution and set the Viewer server e-mail
    METALINK DOC SOLUTION: Set the outgoing smtp mail server via OEM(Oracle Enterprise manager)on the 10gR2 server. Launch the OEM http://machinename.domain:181x then click the Discoverer link and then click the link Discoverer Viewer, and then Email link, Now set the SMTP Server.
    We changed that setting from "" (whose value matched the address in the error message) to the IP address of our SMTP server. Upon retrying the action, we got the same error message with in the message, even though the Viewer setting was changed to an IP address of a different server.
    We’re not sure why Viewer is still trying to use the original value,, since we changed the setting.
    Any ideas?

    after a lot of reading on forums such as this and trying different settings and tests recommended in those forums unsuccessfully, i think i finally stumbled across an answer that worked for me and i now have my problem solved. i came across a discussion about reloading the mail software from the operating disk and or deleting accounts and starting over. i chose the easy way first and deleted my email account. at this moment i can send and receive with no problems, knock wood it will stay that way.
    i ended up deleting my Verizon account from the email account list. then restarted my computer, opened mail and it asked me to set up an account. i did exactly the same things, same settings, checked the same boxes as before but this time it works and i am at a complete loss as to why but i am not going to question it any more than i already have. these kind of issues can drive a guy crazy.
    i am in hopes that this simple process will help some of the many other folks who are also having problems like this get thru their send error issues as well, give it a try and see what comes from it, it seems to have solved my problems.

  • Servlet for sending email error

    i working for send email using servlet and html. when i run i got this error..
    what cause this problem.
    please someone help me. urgent!!!
    thank you in advance
    servlet error........
    ENCOUNTERED EXCEPTION: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
         at EmailSMSServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at filters.ExampleFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$

    here is my code...actually my program send email from SMS. i parser SMS to email format. My SMS part is working but when i combine it,i got error as above. I tried run without servlet (using command prompt) it working properly and i can send email.
    public class EmailSMSServlet extends HttpServlet
    CService srv;
    int status;
    LinkedList msgList;
         public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException      {
         srv = new CService("com4", 9600);
         msgList = new LinkedList();
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
         PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
    writer.println("<title>SMS TO EMAIL</title>");
    writer.println("<body bgcolor=\"blue\">");
              status = srv.connect();
                   if (status == CService.ERR_OK)
              for (int i = 0; i < msgList.size(); i ++)
              CIncomingMessage msg =(CIncomingMessage)msgList.get(i);
              String s=msg.getText();
              String from1=msg.getOriginator()+"@mysite.bla.bla";
    // parser sms to email ...
    String delim = "#";
    StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(s,delim);
    String str[] = new String[st.countTokens()];     
    int j=0;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens())
         str[j++] = st.nextToken();
         for(int k = 0; k < str.length; k++)
    // Send mail using javamail.....
    Properties props=new Properties();
    Properties props=new Properties();
    Session mailSession=Session.getInstance(props,null);
    Message mssg=new MimeMessage(mailSession);
    Address to =new InternetAddress(str[0]);
    Address from=new InternetAddress(from1);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    writer.println("<font color=\"red\">");
    writer.println("ENCOUNTERED EXCEPTION: " + t);
         writer.println("Connection to mobile failed, error: " + status);
         catch (Exception e)

  • Send Email Error -- DDT doesn't "see" custom transaction on page

    I'm having trouble applying the Send Email server behavior. When I try, I get an error pop-up message informing me that there are no insert, update, login, custom, or delete transactions on the page, when in fact there is a custom transaction on the page. In fact, the custom transaction code is exactly as the DDT created it; meaning that I have not tinkered with any of the code formatting or automatically added comments that the DDT uses to recognize its own generated code. Any suggestions?
    OS: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
    CPU: AMD 86-64 dual core
    RAM: 3 Gigs
    Frustration level: High

    I'm using Tiger, but it may be the same in Panther.
    Open the Page Setup window. In the *Format for* block there may be two choices available by clicking the arrows : Any Printer or your Epson. Select your Epson & you may have more choices for sizes.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Sending email error message

    Keep getting send mail error message since installing IOs 6

    Thunderbird does not set quotas. Email providers do. Ask them.

  • HT1277 Sending email errors

    I have two mailboxes configured on my mac.  One personal and one work.  I haven't changed anything and they have both suddenly stopped sending emails.  I have internet connection, all the setting are correct, the firewall isn't blocking anything.
    I am at a loss.
    Please help.

    Are they using the same sending SMTP server? Are you using the default port for that? If so, your ISP could be blocking it to reduce spam. It is always best to configure secure SSL email. It will not be blocked and you will not be broadcasting your passwords for the world to see.

  • Can't send Email: Error 500 or 403 when trying to use SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail

    Hi all,
    I am getting a Internal Server 500 error when trying to send an email using the SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail in my SharePoint Online App. It is worth noting that I am working from a custom .aspx page that does not inherit from the Masterpage, and using
    AngularJS (thus the $http).
    If I change the urlTemplate to use the hostWeb instead of the AppWeb, I get a 403 forbidden. Is there a library I need to include since I am using a custom.aspx page instead of the default.aspx page that comes when creating an App?
    Any clues?
     var appweburl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter('SPAppWebUrl'));
     var urlTemplate = appweburl + "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail"; $http({
    contentType: 'application/json',
    url: urlTemplate,
    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify({
    'properties': {
    '__metadata': {
    'type': 'SP.Utilities.EmailProperties'
    'From': [email protected]',
    'To': {
    'results': ['[email protected]']
    'Body': 'Hello',
    'Subject': 'remember'
    headers: {
    "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    $ = data;
    alert("Email Sent!");
    }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    $scope.status = status;
    alert("Email FAil!");
    Personal Blog:

    I've got it working in SharePoint Online/SharePoint App using the following. Note that I am using AngularJS:
    function sendEmail() {
    var appweburl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter('SPAppWebUrl'));
    var urlTemplate = appweburl + "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail";
    contentType: 'application/json',
    url: urlTemplate,
    method: "POST",
    data: {
    'properties': {
    '__metadata': {
    'type': 'SP.Utilities.EmailProperties'
    'From': '[email protected]',
    'To': {
    'results': ['[email protected]']
    'Body': 'Good Day from the App. Dont reply if this was received.',
    'Subject': 'App says hello and is awaiting your review'
    headers: {
    "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    function getQueryStringParameter(param) {
    var params = document.URL.split("?")[1].split("&");
    var strParams = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
    var singleParam = params[i].split("=");
    if (singleParam[0] == param) {
    return singleParam[1];
    Personal Blog:

  • Sending email error "Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed" Why all of a sudden???

    I have been communicating just fine with a collegue of mine for a few weeks. no issues.  Within the last week when I attempt to send him an email I recive the following error message:
    Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:
      Recipient address: {edited for privacy}
      Reason: SMTP transmission failure has occurred
      Diagnostic code: smtp;554 Message not allowed - [320]
      Remote system: dns; (TCP||45952||25) ( ESMTP YSmtp service ready)
    He again sent me an email last night and I received his but when I replied this morning I got the above error message again.
    Can anyone help as to why this would happen all of a sudden like this?  I am not receiving any other errors at all for any of my other email communications.
    Thank you
    Go to Solution.

    I Google'd the error message and found this interesting thread:
    The error mentioned is caused by the sending computer clock being off.. I see you are getting the error from a Yahoo server, which matches the discussion in the thread. The thread is in relation to using thunderbird as the email client, but I suspect that does not matter. So maybe check the date/time set in your computer and see if it is off? 
    Other than that, I have no idea...sorry.
    Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
    QIP6416-P1, IMG 1.7.1, Build 09.97
    Keller, TX 76248

  • Send email error using Wireless

    Please someone helpme!
    When I attach one file into a email message using a wireless device, the follow error occurs :
    Fail to send message

    Though it doesn't solve your issue, I thought I'd
    share that I can access many non-Apple access points
    (Cisco 1200's, Linksys WAP54G's for example) with OS
    10.4.4. This being so, I think we're safe to assume
    the issue is not related to a recent OS update.
    I'm afraid I must disagree with this. Few months back, I lost my Airport connection when I installed the 10.4.3 System Update. Fixed by restoring from backup and going back to 10.4.3. Managed to upgrade to 10.4.4 successfully and maintain wireless connection to a Compex 802.11g base station. Then I made the mistake of accepting the Airport 2005-001 update. Immediately lost my Airport connection. Other PCs can connect to the base station, and I can access the internet by connecting my Powerbook to the router using Ethernet. Can even see the Airport network and login to the router's admin page over wireless. Only thing that doesn't work is connecting to the internet wirelessly.
    Once I changed my base station to an older one I had lying around, I can connect wirelessly again and all seems well.
    My conclusion is that Airport Update 2005-001 definitely broke compatibility between Airport Extreme and some 3rd party base stations. The irony is that this update was supposed to "improve" compatibility !

  • I just upgraded Thunderbird and now I can't send emails: error message reads "file size too large" which is not the case

    error message reads "size of message exceeds temporary size limit of server"; The message is 1 word long so that's obviously not the problem;
    I upgraded automatically to the latest version on 7-16-14 and that's when the problem started

    The size of the message you are trying to send exceeds a temporary size limit of the server. The message was not sent; try to reduce the message size or wait some time and try again. The server responded: 4.5.3 Your message has too many recipients. For more information regarding
    4.5.3 Google's sending limits, please visit:
    4.5.3 u5sm10938190obv.10 - gsmtp.
    I get this message when attempting to send a message to my distribution list. Problem started today. Single recepients work okay.

  • Send email error

    hello every one:
    I have installed oracle collaboration,configured domain name as,
    my id is hanhw02
    1) when I send mail to yahoo mail,it's ok,the sender is [email protected]
    2) when I send mail to hanhw03,error occurs,error message in web page as follows:
    500 Internal Server Error
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/i18n/text/OraPersonName
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.BasePageFlowEngine.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.AbstractPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.ui.BaseUIPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.PageBrokerHandler.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXServlet.doGet(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXServlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    3) when i send mail to [email protected],error as follows:
    ((time 12/30/2005 10:51:19.140 CST)(compclass Webmail_Client)(compinst 0)(component Webmail_Client)(module
    mail.action.SSOCredentialCheck.process())(priority notification 16)(execid
    ationServerThread-10:1135908229-22)(msgid <null>)(mtext Verifying request is for cn=hanhw02,cn=users, dc=com,dc=com))
    ((time 12/30/2005 10:51:24.004 CST)(compclass Webmail_Client)(compinst 0)(component Webmail_Client)(module SendMsg.proce
    ss())(priority error 6)(execid <n
    ull>)(mtext Error sending message: Invalid Addresses;
    nested exception is:
    javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>... User unknown
    EXCEPTION THROWN: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
    nested exception is:
    javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>... User unknown
    Stack trace:
    javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
    nested exception is:
    javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>... User unknown
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.rcptTo(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)

    It appears that
    the code is OK to me.  Please check your Gmail account is OK, and the same as your password.
    Good Luck !
    Have a nice day!
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