Sending mail multiple times after IOS 4 upgrade

I have an iPhone 3G and my friend has an iPhone 3GS, and we have both upgraded to IOS 4 in the last 24 hours. We have both had the experience of a single mail being sent multiple times to all the recepients. I have a feeling that it may have something to do with if the mail fails to send the first time it tries, it then sits in the outbox and keeps on sending. The mail appears in my sent items every time it is sent. We are using Exchange.
Any help would be appreciated.

Having the same problems with my "PTD" email account. Before iOS 4 it worked fine, now I can receive emails with no issues but I cannot send them, they will not go through.

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        I can imagine how eager you are to start using the iPhone on your prepaid service, I'm happy to point you in the right direction. First, please try calling 877-777-5759 for activations. If you're unable to get through, call 888-294-6804 to reach Prepaid Support.
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

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    Hi friends,
    I had written a program to send mail. Everything is fine, when i send first time. But if I try to send mail 2nd time, It gives the error:
    Exception in Connect: IOException while sending message
    Here is the complete code what i had written, It successfully connects using t.connect();
    the problem in t.send();
    output on JBoss Console is :
    Inside Action
    After Transport t = session.getTransport(protocol)
    before t.connect()
    after t.connect()
    Exception in Connect IOException while sending message
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.activation.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import org.apache.struts.action.*;
    public class MsgSend extends Action {
         public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request
                   , HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              System.out.println("Inside Action");
                String to = request.getParameter("to");
             String bcc = request.getParameter("bcc");
             String cc = request.getParameter("cc");
             String subject = request.getParameter("sub");
             String user = request.getParameter("user");
             //String password = request.getParameter("pass");
             String message = request.getParameter("message");
             String from = user + "" ;
             /*Properties props = System.getProperties();
             props.put("", "");
              MailBean  bean = MailBean.getInstance();          
              Session session = bean.getSession();          
              String protocol = "smtp";
              Transport t = session.getTransport(protocol);
              System.out.println("After Transport t =              session.getTransport(protocol)");
             MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
             msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
             InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
             msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
             if(cc != null ){
                   InternetAddress ccAddr[]  = InternetAddress.parse(cc);
                   msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddr);
              if(bcc != null){
                   InternetAddress bccAddr[] = InternetAddress.parse(bcc);
             // create and fill the first message part
             MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
             Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
             Attachment attachment = Attachment.getInstance();
             ArrayList<String> fileList = attachment.getFileNames();
             String parentFolder = null;
             for(String path:fileList){
                  File attachmentFile = new File(path);
                  messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                  DataSource source = new FileDataSource(attachmentFile);
                  messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
                  parentFolder = attachmentFile.getParent();
             // add the Multipart to the message
             // set the Date: header
             msg.setSentDate(new Date());        
             try {
                  System.out.println("before t.connect()");
                   t.connect(bean.getSmtpServer(),bean.getUsername() ,bean.getPassword());
                   System.out.println("after t.connect()");
                   //Error is coming here in this Line.
                   t.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
                   * System.gc(); will relese the fileHandles, if some resource
                   * still holds it.               
                   System.out.println("before System.gc()");
                   * Deleting All the Files from Attachment Folders.
                  System.out.println("before attachmentFolder");
                  File attachmentFolder = new File(parentFolder);
                  System.out.println("Attachment Folder Name is : "+attachmentFolder.getAbsolutePath());
                       File[] files = attachmentFolder.listFiles();
                       System.out.println("No of Files For Attachments are: "+files.length);
                       boolean deleteResult = false;
                       for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++ ){
                            deleteResult = files.delete();
                        System.out.println(files[i].getName() + " Delete Staus is :"+ deleteResult);
              System.out.println("All attachments Deleted");
              out.print("<result>Mail has been sent successfully</result>");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   out.print("<result>Mail sending failed</result>");
                   System.out.println("Exception in Connect "+e.getMessage());
              return null;
    Problem only comes, when i send 2nd time or more. What is the problem? Please help me out.
    Thanks for your response in advance. One more thing, Whether to send a mail & receive a mail, we need to create different sessions. one for sending & one for receiving mails.
    Message was edited by:

    I don't see anything obviously wrong in your code. Try adding
    You can use the same Session for sending and for reading.
    A Session just encapsulates your configuration parameters,
    so as long as they're the same for both usages, one Session
    is fine.

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    No YouTube in IOS 6.
    In the mean time you can use the iPhone version of YouTube or Jasmine

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    - Re "Keep Library Origanized"
    - Created new playlist with 1 audiobook.
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    Anyone have any ideas before I toast my iphone & start from scratch?

    Nothing syncs if I have sync audiobooks turned on.
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    This issue has not yet been resolved in the below thread either.
    I would give rim a call to let them know of your problems.
    If they can't track it they won't know how many users this is affecting. I imagine it will get solved a lot quicker if they know just how many users it's affecting.
    Good luck

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    I had a similar problem to you that I have since solved.
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    I didn't notice if this was affecting any of my purchased albums, I don't have that many so I didn't think about it but affected a lot of them. I hope this helps in some way and that you can get it working again.

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    (A) Try reset iPad
    Hold the Sleep/Wake and Home button down together until you see the Apple Logo.
    Note: Data will not be affected.
    (B) Close all apps in the multi-task window
    1.Double-click the Home button.
    2. Swipe the app's preview up to close it.
    3. Preview will fly off the screen.

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    Hello mhael, 
    Thank you for participating in the Apple Support Communities. 
    If you experience popping sounds and distortion from your iPad Air speakers after updating iOS, start with the troubleshooting steps in this link:
    If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker - Apple Support
    All the best,

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