Serialized and unserialized

Would someone give me examples of serialized and unserialized delta?  What are serialized and unserialized deltas?
Also, For direct delta, how would you determine if your system does not have lots of movement in posting documents? Is there some kind of formula to determine this?
Emptiness - Don't get confused about being bombarded with life's junk and bitterness with that of being blessed with serenity and blissfulness.
Bitterness - Never be afraid to share your dreams with the world, because there's nothing the world loves more than the taste of really sweet dreams.
Dysfunction - The only consistent feature in all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.

Hi ,
<b>Serialized V3 Update</b>
Here each document posting is updated in application tables using V1 update and  V2 fills statistical table . Then a special table called Update tables are filled , The document is stored in the order of creation Serial order . From there the data is take using Init / Full upload request from BW .
This method is not used now for the follwing reason :
The serialized V3 update can only guarantee the correct sequence of extraction data in a document if the document has not been changed twice in one second.
Furthermore, the serialized V3 update can only ensure that the extraction data of a document is in the correct sequence if the times have been synchronized exactly on all system instances since the time of the update record ( Appl server )
<b>Unserialized V3 update</b>
With this update mode, the extraction data of the application in question continues to be written to the update tables using a V3 update module and is retained there until the data is read and processed by a collective update run.
However, unlike the current default values (serialized V3 update), the data is read in the update collective run (without taking the sequence from the update tables into account) and then transferred to the BW delta queues.

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    After I open a Socket the server application has to send to the client a comment and an object in certain time intervals.
    Here is the code on the server side:
        class Client {
             Socket client;
             BufferedReader in;
         PrintStream out;
             public Client (Socket client){
                  this.client = client;
                  System.out.println("New Connection: " + client.getInetAddress() + ":" + client.getPort());
                       in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
                       out = new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream(),true);
                  } catch(IOException e){
             public boolean send(Object obj,String name){
                       System.out.println("Sending Obj: " + name);
                       ObjectOutputStream outS = new ObjectOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
                       System.out.println("obj sent");
                  } catch(Exception e){
                            System.out.println("Error Sending Obj: " + e.getMessage());
                            return false;
                  return true;
    }and here is the code on the client side:
         private void connect (String IP,int Port){
              try {
                   ss = new Socket();
                   ss.connect(new InetSocketAddress(IP,Port));
              in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ss.getInputStream()));
                  out = new PrintStream(ss.getOutputStream(),true);
                  inHandler = new inComing();
              } catch (IOException e){
         class inComing extends Thread {
              boolean running = true;
              ObjectInputStream oin;
              public void run(){
                   String str;
                   do {
                        try {
                             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ss.getInputStream()));
                             str = in.readLine();
                             oin = new ObjectInputStream(ss.getInputStream());
                             Semaforo APP = (Semaforo)oin.readObject();
                             System.out.println("obj received");
                        }catch (Exception e) {
                   } while(running);
    }the output on the client side is for example:
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    obj received
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    invalid stream header: 7372001D
    MyPackages.CElements.SemaforoxrJWindow;Lwt/Dialog$ModalExclusionType;Lsq~invalid stream header: 00000003
    ardsqq�ntext;L.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement��x��7��QLapos���$�invalid stream header: 53656E64
    ing MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo
    invalid stream header: 78000000
    Ldrenqinvalid stream header: 7871007E
    }�� header: 00740007
    tabSizesrvax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement��x��7��erqsocket closed
    So you can see it worked fine for some time and then there are some errors, it happens that after some time it starts working fine again.
    I really can not understand what is wrong especially for this random behavior, I really can not predict when it works and when it will not.
    Can someone help me?

    I solved the problem not opening multiple streams over the same Socket, now the server will send the comments simply serializing a string object, this way it works fine and it is a more solid solution, I can not explain why I had such a insane idea!
    Then I tried to do it in a clean way, creating the ObjectInput/outputStream only once when I start the Socket, but I am experiencing a strange problem.
    Here is the code on the server side:
       class Client {
             Socket client;
             BufferedReader in;
              ObjectOutputStream outS;
             boolean running = true;
             int i = 0;
             public Client (Socket client){
                  this.client = client;
                  System.out.println("New Connection: " + client.getInetAddress() + ":" + client.getPort());
                       in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
                       outS = new ObjectOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
                  } catch(IOException e){
             public boolean send(Object obj,String name){
                       System.out.println("Sending Obj: " + name +"  " + i);
                       //ObjectOutputStream outS = new ObjectOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
                       outS.writeObject("Sending\t"+obj.getClass().getName()+"\t"+name+"  " + i);
                       System.out.println("Status: " + ((Semaforo)obj).getStatus());
                       System.out.println("obj sent");
                  } catch(Exception e){
                            System.out.println("Error Sending Obj: " + e.getMessage());
                            return false;
                  return true;
    }And on the client side:
    private void connect (String IP,int Port){
              try {
                   ss = new Socket();
                   ss.connect(new InetSocketAddress(IP,Port));
                  out = new PrintStream(ss.getOutputStream(),true);
                  inHandler = new inComing();
              } catch (IOException e){
         class inComing extends Thread {
              boolean running = true;
              ObjectInputStream oin;
              BufferedReader in;
              String str;
              Semaforo APP;
              Object obj;
              public inComing(){
                   try {
                        oin = new ObjectInputStream(ss.getInputStream());
                   } catch (IOException e){
              public void run(){
                   obj = new Object();
                   do {
                        try {
                             //oin = new ObjectInputStream(ss.getInputStream());
                             obj = oin.readObject();
                             System.out.println("recived new Obj: " + obj.getClass().getName());
                             obj = oin.readObject();
                             System.out.println("recived new Obj: " + obj.getClass().getName());
                             System.out.println("Status: " + ((Semaforo)obj).getStatus());
                             System.out.println("obj received");
                        }catch (Exception e) {
                             System.out.println("read error: " + e.getMessage());
                   } while(running);
    }The output on the srver side is:
    Pronto a ricevere connessioni
    New Connection: /
    Pronto a ricevere connessioni
    Sending Obj: Semaforo 0
    Status: 2
    obj sent
    Sending Obj: Semaforo 1
    Status: 1
    obj sent
    Sending Obj: Semaforo 2
    Status: 0
    obj sent
    Sending Obj: Semaforo 3
    Status: 1
    obj sent
    on the Client side the output is:
    recived new Obj: java.lang.String
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo 0
    recived new Obj: MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo
    Status: 2
    obj received
    recived new Obj: java.lang.String
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo 1
    recived new Obj: MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo
    Status: 2
    obj received
    recived new Obj: java.lang.String
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo 2
    recived new Obj: MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo
    Status: 2
    obj received
    recived new Obj: java.lang.String
    Sending MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo Semaforo 3
    recived new Obj: MyPackages.CElements.Semaforo
    Status: 2
    obj received
    The strange thing is that it updates correctly the sting object, but it updates the Semaforo object only the first time, after the status does not change, If I create a new ObjectOutput/InputStream every time it works.
    Do you have any idea?

  • Can anyone give me an example of direct, queued and unserialized delta?

    hi all,
    Can anyone give me an example of direct, queued and unserialized delta for fi and sd applications.
    thanxs in advance

    Update Methods,
    a.1: (Serialized) V3 Update
    b. Direct Delta
    c. Queued Delta
    d. Un-serialized V3 Update
    Note: Before PI Release 2002.1 the only update method available was V3 Update. As of PI 2002.1 three new update methods are available because the V3 update could lead to inconsistencies under certain circumstances. As of PI 2003.1 the old V3 update will not be supported anymore.
    a. Update methods: (serialized) V3
    • Transaction data is collected in the R/3 update tables
    • Data in the update tables is transferred through a periodic update process to BW Delta queue
    • Delta loads from BW retrieve the data from this BW Delta queue
    Transaction postings lead to:
    1. Records in transaction tables and in update tables
    2. A periodically scheduled job transfers these postings into the BW delta queue
    3. This BW Delta queue is read when a delta load is executed.
    • Even though it says serialized , Correct sequence of extraction data cannot be guaranteed
    • V2 Update errors can lead to V3 updates never to be processed
    Update methods: direct delta
    • Each document posting is directly transferred into the BW delta queue
    • Each document posting with delta extraction leads to exactly one LUW in the respective BW delta queues
    Transaction postings lead to:
    1. Records in transaction tables and in update tables
    2. A periodically scheduled job transfers these postings into the BW delta queue
    3. This BW Delta queue is read when a delta load is executed.
    • Extraction is independent of V2 update
    • Less monitoring overhead of update data or extraction queue
    • Not suitable for environments with high number of document changes
    • Setup and delta initialization have to be executed successfully before document postings are resumed
    • V1 is more heavily burdened
    Update methods: queued delta
    • Extraction data is collected for the affected application in an extraction queue
    • Collective run as usual for transferring data into the BW delta queue
    Transaction postings lead to:
    1. Records in transaction tables and in extraction queue
    2. A periodically scheduled job transfers these postings into the BW delta queue
    3. This BW Delta queue is read when a delta load is executed.
    • Extraction is independent of V2 update
    • Suitable for environments with high number of document changes
    • Writing to extraction queue is within V1-update: this ensures correct serialization
    • Downtime is reduced to running the setup
    • V1 is more heavily burdened compared to V3
    • Administrative overhead of extraction queue
    Update methods: Un-serialized V3
    • Extraction data for written as before into the update tables with a V3 update module
    • V3 collective run transfers the data to BW Delta queue
    • In contrast to serialized V3, the data in the updating collective run is without regard to sequence from the update tables
    Transaction postings lead to:
    1. Records in transaction tables and in update tables
    2. A periodically scheduled job transfers these postings into the BW delta queue
    3.This BW Delta queue is read when a delta load is executed.
    • Only suitable for data target design for which correct sequence of changes is not important e.g. Material Movements
    • V2 update has to be successful
    hope it helps

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         If you cannot find your original serial number, you will have to contact Apple with a proof of purchase, see these links:
    Pro Application Replacement Serial Numbers:
    Troubleshooting Professional Application Serial Numbers:

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    The serial number has nothing to do with this.
    YOur phone is in recovery mode.
    You will need access to a computer with itunes on it to restore your phone.

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    thanks for help

    dalyto wrote:
    but how i can i acquire image with IP camera and fpga ???
    The Ethernet hardware interface in the cRIO is not directly connected to the FPGA backplane in a way that you could directly access it. Even if you could it would be a pretty bad idea to try to do. A fully operational TCP/IP network stack implementation in the FPGA would not leave much resources for anything else even on the biggest FPGAs available. That doesn't include support for the typical image compression algorithmes which are even more complicated to implement on FPGA. Even if you would go to highly optimized VHDL code directly it would be a pretty difficult thing to do!
    In fact implemenintg the MAC and PHY of an ethernet interface on the FPGA is totally trivial in comparison. The IP level could also be implemented fairly easily in the FPGA but anything above that is going to give you bad headaches and still will be very limited in number of connections and packet sizes it can support.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Any help appreciated,

    Creative Cloud Help / Sign out, Sign in | Creative Cloud desktop app
    Creative Cloud Help / Install, update, or uninstall apps
    Installing Creative Cloud Apps s-from-creative-cloud/

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    we purchased photoshop elements thru we try to install it wants a 24 digit serial # and none of the #s we have matches what is asked for can anyone help?

    Find your serial number quickly

  • How do i check the serial and model number of my iphone 4s

    how do i check the serial and model number of my iphone 4s

    Check them for what, exactly?
    You can check the warranty status here:
    If you don't know the model / serial number, you can find it in Settings>General>About.

  • [svn:osmf:] 13042: Fix for FM-287, reinstating the main sample ( that uses serial and parallel composition), and making another pass at  getting all the changed trait methods mapped correctly back- and forth between JS and Flash .

    Revision: 13042
    Revision: 13042
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-17 03:45:27 -0800 (Thu, 17 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix for FM-287, reinstating the main sample (that uses serial and parallel composition), and making another pass at  getting all the changed trait methods mapped correctly back- and forth between JS and Flash.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Perre wrote:I'm used to being able to pick one or a couple of songs and then adding it a specified playlist. Is this impossible in sonata?
    It's clearly not impossible, just different than you expect. Create your playlist as you want it to appear in the Current tab (meaning don't dump every single song from your library in there, just the ones you want) and then save the playlist.
    Perre wrote:And if I try to play the m3u file created (the one with every song listed) through freevo I get a message that the directory is empty. What am I doing wrong??
    Look at save_absolute_paths_in_playlists in your mpd.conf.

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    I am a DBA funa-1 9i WDP student.I need some help:
    (If i am not wrong)v$session is dynamic view which store some information about oracle.but my question is why serial# and SID is required to kill the session??why not just only SID to kill the session??
    another thing is that a user can use multiple session(as oracle does not restrict to do so).we observed there is a unique-ness for Serial# then why do we need to mention SID to kill the session?
    And my final question is, how the SID and Serial# is generated?

    mango_boy wrote:
    yes i can't kill a session without serial#.------------>its nice.i got it.
    so why on earth i need SID???Please note that you are looking at one (or very few) specific configuration of Oracle session interaction and probably one specific operating system.
    WHen you explore ALL possibilities (Windows, Linux, *Nnix, VMS, mainframe, RAC, dedicated server, shared server, IPC, Networking), you will find that both SID and SERIAL can be reused over time.  Even the combination may be reused, but the probablilty of hitting that seems to be very low.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    There was no new serial needed to update from Logic 9 to 9.1.7
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    But now Logic Pro 9 asks for the serial number and XSKey every time I run Logic which isn't what I expect. I re-enter the new serial number and then plug in the XSKey which is accepted and the software runs as expected, but I would prefer not to have to do this every time I start the application, in particular because I don't want to carry the XSKey around with me at all times.
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    I'm not running Logic as an admin user. Could this be preventing Logic from storing the serial information?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I had this when upgrading from 7 to 8. What I did was plugin the xskey BEFORE I started the upgrade and it never asked for a key or serial again after that.

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    This message pops up, if the supply subinventory has "Allow Reservation" checked. But since you have mentioned that you have checked that. Unable to think of anything else.
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