Serious Aperture 2.1 | BUG

today I was consolidating various projects into a on project consisting of Albums.
In order to do so I selected the project which I wanted to consolidate and dragged all the pictures into the new project. After doing so with various projects I noticed that previews now started to just miss on several picture. There was just this dotted line with gray BC indicating that the browser was seeing a picture with no preview. Clicking the gray space would display the pic in the viewer - so it was still intact. So I decided to update the preview. Aperture told me that the preview was already up to date and that I could re-generate it buy option clicking when choosing the command. So I did that. But no luck the "preview" remained gray with a dotted line around it...
I found ONE work around. since I am using RAW pictures - under RAW fine adjust - I toggled the state from version 1.1 to 2.0 and back to 1.1 - this brought back the preview to the file. Unfortunately this wont work when selecting multiple files. So I had to manually do it on 200 some files.
There seem to be a pretty serious bug from preventing certain previews to be displayed after having moved them from one project into another. The preview were displaying perfectly in the "old" project before moving it to the new project. Also - the preview were lost what appears to be on a random basis and did NOT happen to all previews during the consolidation.
Has anybody experienced this ?

Thanks guys - that did the trick...
To all you reading....
This aint a BUG - merely my NON KNOW HOW...
Thanks again

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    (first is OFF, second is ON)
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    Newest edits in here:
    100% FIX SOLUTION GUARANTEE for Gmail archived/labeled Emails not showing problem!
    How to fix it? FIX "Show Read Filed Emails" button to respond to ON and OFF devices Blackberry HUB for Gmail accounts - NOW IT IS ALWAYS OFF if you press ON or OFF!
     "Show Read Filed Emails" button ON and OFF for Gmail account works on Blackberry Blend desktop version!
    Error/Bug: Blackberry HUB do not show Gmail labeled emails
    Main problem: Blackberry HUB "Show Read Filed Emails" button doesn't respond to ON AND OFF and is always OFF fo Gmail account.
    Main problem: ALL Blackberry 10OS devices Blackberry HUB"Show Read Filed Emails" button ON AND OFF doesnt respond with Gmail accounts!
    Works with: Blackberry Blend desktop version responds to "Show Read Filed Emails" button ON AND OFF with Gmail accounts! (pressing "Show Read Filed Emails" button ON and OFF again and again, view in Blackberry Blend immediately changes in order you press ON or OFF, but Blackberry HUB is always on OFF)
    "Show Read Filed Emails" button doesn't work with: Gmail accounts
    Status: NOT FIXED!
    OS version: Blackberry 10 OS version OFFICIAL
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    1. I signed in with my Blackberry 10OS device like this:
    2. When I set on Gmail account settings "Sync Timeframe" is set to FOREVER and "Sync All Emails Folders" is set to ON
    3. And at last I go to devices Blackberry HUB and see this:
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    CONCLUSION: "Show Read Filed Emails" button ON and OFF BUG/PROBLEM/ERROR for Gmail accounts is confirmed and it STILL NOT FIXED!
    Please spread the word to people who have all the power to influence and accelerate processes to FIX this VERY SERIOUS ISSUE or please tell me there could I send this FIX SOLUTION to to get fastest respond and get it FIXED ASAP. THANK YOU!

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    and here
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    If I need to upgrade my mac to make this issue go away then so be it but I'd really like to hear form others who may have seen it?

    I have had issues with Aperture's anti-aliasing performance in the Viewer since version 1.5.
    To summarize, Aperture's Viewer produces quite jagged edges from Canon RAW files compared to Preview's and Lightroom's renderings of the exact same files. There doesn't seem to be any radical improvements with the 3.x upgrades, and aliasing performance didn't seem to be affected by the updates to Apple's Canon RAW converter (I reprocessed). Images that I had a problem with are still problematic.
    I thought that [this thread|] referring to Aperture 1.5 laid out the issues pretty clearly and I was surprised at how little other users were affected by it (or so I infer from the number of responses.)
    Until your post I had not looked specifically at Aperture 3.x. I haven't been able to exactly reproduce the issues I had (so many versions ago...) in Aperture 1.5 and it seems the situation has improved a bit.
    Aperture still produces a much sharper rendering than Preview, though the aliased edges are not as prominent. To recap from Aperture 1.5:
    And here's what I see in Aperture 3 on the same image:
    Which looks about the same to me on near-horizontal lines, but much better on the high-contrast vertical lines (check upper left corner of the frame).
    And today's Preview 5.0.2 rendering of the RAW image is even softer and less contrast-y than back in the day:

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    2) There can be incredible redundancy when viewing photos on iOS devices because of all the extra versions, in many cases the versions may be indistinguishable.
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    Anyway, I have found what may be an acceptable workaround.  Since iTunes is only using the previews in Aperture, it will exclude any images for which previews do not exist.  So, if you choose the non-pick images in each of your stacks and delete their previews (right-click and choose "Delete Previews") they will be removed from any albums that are syncing to your iOS devices or Apple TV.

  • Aperture 3.3 Bug? Dragging to external editor can modify the original

    As a follow-up to the thread below I explored the role of the previews in Aperture:
    Edited image appears then quickly reverts to original?
    The problem: When dragging images from the Browser to Photoshop (supposedly passing along a preview of the image) the original image file in Aperture could be overwritten.
    Experimenting with this I found that the result depended on the size of the image, for the following reasons:
    If the Preview size was set to a larger value than the actual image size, then Aperture would not generate a preview for images without a preview, but pass the original image to Photoshop. Saving back the changes in Photoshop would modify the original master image file in the Aperture 3.3. For images larger than the Preview size, Aperture 3.3 would pass a new quasi master to Photoshop - rather wasteful, since this quasi master is not linked to a version and this not accessable in Aperture.
    Experimenting showed, that the same happens with dragging to GraphicConverter, but the changes to the original are only visible after quitting and relaunching Aperture.
    I would be grateful if someone could check out these observations:
    Do you also see, that no previews are generated in Aperture 3.3, if the original image is smaller than  the preview size set in the preferences?
    Can you confirm, that Photoshop modifies the original image files, if the image does not have a preview image, and if the image is passed by dragging from the browser?
    I tested the same in Aperture 3.2.4: Here it seems to be impossible to drag an imageto Photoshop and GraphicConverter, if it does not have a preview image - very sensible.
    A modified original image returned from Photoshop:

    This still has not been fixed
    I just tried again in Aperture 3.4.3:
    I Imported this image file (pixelsize 260 × 551) into Aperture:
    Then I dragged it from the Browser to "Preview", annoted it with an arrow, pressed "Save".
    And now the Aperture browser shows this:
    Aperture 3.4.3,  MacOS X 10.8.3

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    How can I solve it?
    I use Logic Pro 9 on Macbook with Snow Leopard
    Please, help me
    PS:after the message appear, even if I close without saving and re-open the files the problems it's still the same.
    Even in backups made from Logic.
    My backup was the old folder copied on another hd
    Message was edited by: ghigo85

    Ok, found a solution so that you can work just on your old user account.
    In the new user account go to
    user (your username for the new account)/library/preferences
    Copy the files
    then go to to your home (c) drive, or Macintosch HD or whatever you have called it, then go to
    and the paste the three items into the folder called
    Then log out of the new account and into the old one, go to your main boot (c) drive again, to Users again, and to the Shared folder you have just pasted the items into, copy the three, then go to
    user (your username for the OLD account)/library/preferences
    ... and paste the three files (you will be asked if you want to replace them, just answer yet), and hey presto it should all work fine.

  • Aperture Keyboard Mapping Bug

    Related Forum Post:
    Mac OS: 10.6.6
    Aperture: 3.1.1
    Current on all updates.
    I used the Aperture keyboard mapping tool to map 4 brushes, Retouch, Sharpen, Tint, Skin Smoother. Only two of these buttons actually work when mapped Tint & Skin Smoother. The other two Retouch and Sharpen appear to activate in the adjustments menu list, but don't actually become the active brush window. I have tested this using keys on my keyboard as well as buttons on my tablet, I have unplugged my tablet in case that itself was causing the issue. I have also tried using an external keyboard with the same affect.
    To help show/explain this better I created a video for it.

    Venz -- I have assigned keyboard shortcuts to 3 of the four brushes you mention, assign those shortcuts to the Intuos4 -- and they work well.
    I find the content/time of a movie low. Better to actually write out what you're trying to say.
    Please review these two posts for some information:
    Post again if you don't get anywhere (I won't likely be able to reply again until tomorrow).

  • Aperture movie thumbnails bug

    Aperture fails to show thumbnails for all videos from my Samsung NX10 that I import into Aperture. Rebuilding thumbnails doesn't help. The weird thing is, the thumbnails are not just black, but noisy or distorted versions of other (non-Samsung) videos that are in the library. When I resize the Aperture window, the thumnails change randomly.
    Has anyone seen something similar?
    Also, iMovie hangs when trying to browse the Aperture video library, might that be related?

    This still happens to me, even in the final version of Aperture.
    The way I get around this for video is I do a cmd-shift-O to open the video in QuickTime Player 7. (I have QT Player 7 as my video editor.) Aperture will create a stack and make a duplicate version of the video and open the video in QT Player. I then save and close all of the videos and return to Aperture. I deselect all the selected videos. You will then see that all of the duplicated videos now have a proper thumbnail.
    You can then delete the original with the scrambled thumbnail, the duplicate is exactly the same as the original in size, so I'm not losing any resolution. The only caveat is that the duplicate won't be in any project folders, light tables, etc. So you will want to add the video duplicate to the projects that the video is a part of, if you care.
    I know this is an old thread, but I just thought that I'd throw this hint in before this discussion gets archived.
    I sure beats rebuilding your Aperture database; the time involved and the possibility that it doesn't get fixed anyhow.
    P.S. If you get a message that the video doesn't open in QT Player because it is not a supported format; quit and relaunch Aperture.

  • Serious job-killing export bug in latest CC 2014 build 8.0.1 (21) ???

    Exports now take 1000 times longer than before. 
    I opened an old project that was exporting in 35 seconds, and now am seeing estimates of over four hours.
    I exported the project using XML and opened it in Pr CC.  Export was 34 seconds.
    So, I re-opened CC 2014 and imported the XML, set it to Export, and was now seeing an estimate of 90 minutes.

    Hi Kevin,
    It's ProRes 422 that I made in an earlier build of Pr CC by exporting a Sequence, and imported into Pr CC 2014 to create an alternate version.
    I failed to mention that I was getting similar estimates for export when I sent the Sequence to AME.
    Oddly, I just finished a broadcast spot yesterday that was shot with an Alexa (ProRes4444), and had no issues exporting.  I was using a different export codec.  The spots were encoded to MPEG-2 at 1:1 scaling for Extreme Reach, whereas these very slow exports I'm now experiencing are H264 and scaled down about 1:2 (720 to 360).  I don't know if that's a factor though.  Because Pr CC was able to zip through the export seems implicate CC 2014.
    I also had trashed my previews, preferences and media cache.  Those actions clear up 99% of my problems with Pr.  So, this is a brain teaser.
    I just exported a Sequence from CC 2014 that took an hour to export to H264 using AME.  I then made an XML of the sequence and opened the XML in CC and sent to AME.  10 minutes to export.  Source was H264 1080.
    Then... I started a new Project in CC 2014.  Imported the XML.  Set the project to export.  Estimate 3 hours.  (This is the same project I exported from CC in 3 minutes.)  I think this may rule out project corruption.

  • Aperture 3 Bug Fix

    Aperture has a bug fix that is along the lines of many of the suggestions, removing the ProAppsSystemID file then re-entering both the new number and the previous installation number.
    This leads me to wonder if my problems are partly caused by having previous installations of Trial Aperture software on my machine. As best as I deleted them, they may still be lurking around and I cannot be 100% sure that they are cleaned out.
    And as I am using the trial version, there is no reference made to any previous authorization number.
    I've tried the file solution several times without success. In addition to the problems similar to other postings I cannot load TIFF's TIF's or JPEGS - the system just hangs when it finds a folder with these in.
    I cannot open ANY file in an external editor, or any plug-in....
    So I'm still stuck. Looks a wonderful piece of software and IMHO beats LR hands down Nikon Raw file conversion and general workflow - with one or two exemptions relating to file management - although I'm told my methods are just out of date!!!
    Any further help would be great as I cannot take an upgrade risk without having a pretty solid performance from the trial software.

    Any idea how to fix this or is this a bug in Aperture 3.2.2?
    I'm not sure if this is a bug, but sometimes the slider vanishes, after you hit the straighten tool icon in the Browser and then select the crop tool. The slider usually reappears, when you press the corresponding icon in the Adjustment tab. Perhaps it will work for you too.
    MacOS 10.7.3, Aperture 3.2.2, MBP i7
    Message was edited by: leonieDF added screen shots

  • Aperture 3.3 - The Previews mechanism appears to be entirely broken.

    TL;DR: In Aperture 3.3 are your Previews in Aperture there when they shouldn't be, and not there when they should?
    Try confirming this:
    I created a new Library with a couple of small albums for testing.  The Previews folder in .aplibrary is empty even when New Projects Automatically Generate Previews is on, Maintain Previews for Project is selected, and when I go to the photos and select "Update Preview" I get a message saying the Preview is already up to date.  When holding down the option key and doing a Generate Preview, I still get nothing in the Previews folder, regardless of how many photos I do this with or what resolution/quality I have my previews set to.
    On the other hand, if I turn off New Projects Automatically Generate Previews, deselect Maintain Previews for Project, and select photos and then "Delete Previews", I'm still able to drag photos outside of Aperture (and get the plus sign as well as count of photos), and they copy to the Finder as well as other apps in full resolution. Additionally when I go to iTunes, it will sync all of the items in the Project even though I've done all of this to kill off Previews (and there are no previews in the aplibrary/Previews folder).
    I should note that I'm not doing anything weird here.  For example, I only *looked* in .aplibrary when things weren't working and would never move or mess with anything in there directly.
    This is a double problem and pretty serious:
    1) Previews functionality is gone
    2) Syncing with iOS devices can't be done using just the Previews, meaning it will sync everything, when combined with the Stacks Pick bug, this is a nightmare.

    I think your issue is related to the buggy behaviour I described in this thread:
    Aperture 3.3 Bug? Dragging to external editor can modify the original
    My suspicion: Aperture 3.3 simply, clandestinely does not create previews, if the original image size is smaller than the pixel size for the previews.
    What are the sizes of the images in your project compared to the preview settings?
    If images do not have previews, because Aperture did not create them, then I found that Aperture passes the mster instead (or a copy of the master, if you drag to the desktop).

  • ITunes bug? Rating stars won't click-drag left-right anymore

    The latest iTunes patch (v10.1.0.54 running on Windows 7) seems to have an annoying bug: When I'm rating a song, it immediately takes my initial click, regardless of whether I hold down the mouse button -- whereas I used to be able to click in the area where the rating stars are, hold down the mouse button, and then drag out the stars to the rating I wanted, e.g. 4 stars. Now, however, iTunes ignores the fact that I'm holding down the mouse button and sets the rating at whatever position I initially click, e.g. 1 star.
    The reason this is a super-annoying problem is that I only ever listen to smart playlists that filter out songs with low star ratings. So now as soon as I click a song to rate it, if I happen to initially click less than a 3-star rating, it immediately disappears. After I'm finished cursing at the computer, I have to go find the song under my general Music Library and re-rate it so it will show back up in my "smart" playlists. Grr.
    Incidentally, I was able to drag the stars as normal one time -- but other than that one instance, it has not worked at all since the most recent patch. Please, Apple, please please please fix this bug. It's causing me a serious headache.

    UPDATE: This bug only affects iTunes configured to allow half-star ratings.
    I normally have my ItunesPrefs.xml file configured to use half-stars, with this line:
    After testing removal of the line, the click-drag on whole stars works normally. So it appears this bug exists only for those who only use half stars.
    Is there any hope of Apple fixing the click-drag problem when half-stars are enabled?

  • HT200156 after opening aperture 2    when attempting to work with a thumbnail   aperture closes.

    after opening Aperture 2     and selecting a thumbnail to work on    Aperture quits .  Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Does anyone know how to fix this?
    Upgrade to Aperture 3
    Seriously Aperture 2 has been marginal ever since Lion came out. People have been able to get it to limp along but there have been major issues. That is has worked at all till now is somewhat amazing.
    If you continue to try and work with Aperture 2 in Mavericks make sure you have good working backups of your libraries. There is a chance that using 2 with Mavericks will corrupt your libraries.

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