Serious default attribution error - PLEASE Someone Answer

PLEASE SOMEONE (from Adobe?) answer this - I have posted multiple times, in Acrobat Pro section and here.
Is the result I want impossible, or am I having an error???
I have  Acrobat Pro CS3 set as default for reading pdf's, because I often have  to edit the pdf's I open. This works fine with pdf's I open from disk.
However,  it seems that somehow Acrobat Pro has taken over as default for opening  pdf's inside browsers as well. My plugins list in FF shows "Adobe  Acrobat Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape". Whenever I  navigate to a page which is a pdf, the entire Acrobat Pro external  program opens, displaying a blank page and an error message popup - when  I click OK on the error, the application closes and the pdf opens in  the browser window - sometimes this requires several tries before it  opens in browser.
Here is an image showing the error message and the FF plugin installed:
I have Reader 9 installed on system, and I am downloading Reader 10 just to see if a reinstall will correct this.
Any  suggestions on how to set my system up with Acrobat Pro as default for  opening pdf's from disk, and having browser open files without triggering external application?
Thank you.

Thank you for the flurry of replies!
Unfortunately, this is not resolved yet.
a) I have completely removed reader - all versions. This does not resolve the issue.
b) This issue is not limited to Firefox - the behavior is identical in FF and IE, Chrome seems unaffected.
(chrome is not a default browser I am willing to live with)
c) Daniel had a good suggestion, but my applicatins were already set up this way (I made no changes)
Thanks in advance for any other suggestions.

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    Janie, Welcome to Apple Discussions. Please be patient.
    This is a user to user discussion. Solving your problem requires that another user has experienced your problem and/or knows how to solve it.
    Apple staff do not respond to messages here.
    You have posted your question in the "Using iPod" discussion. Your problem relates to iTunes for Windows and possibly, to your new keyboard.
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    Peter Stokes 100 wrote:
    Simple I was led to believe I could store stuff in iCloud without the need for a Mac thereby making space on my laptop. You live and learn.
    You can, iPhones/iPads and Macs work, as do PC's once there is an open account.
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    You do not need iCloud for iTunes, I am sorry that you misunderstand but iCloud and iTunes do not require each other.
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    The following is from this Apple document: iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ
    Does using My Photo Stream substitute for using iCloud Backup or iTunes to back up the photos in my Camera Roll?
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    You should also review this Apple document: My Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing limits
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    Message to Toad-Hall
    Thank you, for that. To be sure, I tried your suggestion, and selected "System Proxy" as the choice, for Thunderbird and Firefox. Rebooted, and looked at the outcome.. NO Joy.. :-(
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    Thank you...Toad Hall. If you think of something else to try, I am ALL ears.. I shall keep trying..

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    I have:
    Plugged usb into wall plug, than back into usb hub
    Deleted and redownloaded itunes

    Try this previous discussion.
    "Waiting for changes to be applied": Apple Support Communities

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    - Downlaoded a Cache Cleaner and did a 'medium' cleaning of local and system cache
    - Turned off Time Machine
    - Tried saving to my external drive instead of the main one (so obviously it's not a storage issue)
    - Eliminated the use of special characters from the title
    - Closed all processes in the Activity Monitor that weren't vital or being run by the system
    None of those worked and I consistently got the heap zone error at the same point, about 1/10 of the way through in 'Preparing Project' Is there any other solutions to this problem? Preferrably ones that don't involve, deleting significant files or items from my drive, re-installing the OS, or any other drastic system changes because afterall my system hasn't drastically changed in the past week that iMovie WAS working so this has to be a simple fix.
    I'm really just getting annoyed and fed up with this so PLEASE someone have the right answer.

    This is a complex Error - so this is the notes I've got - so far
    Error -108 memFullErr  Ran out of memory [not enough room in heap zone]
    Turn off - TimeMachine usually works - re-try.
    (the Application down in the Dock - not the Device)
    But this can mean many thing's - My first thought is
    • Free Space on Start-Up hard disk. How much ? (other disks do not count)
    Are your event clips in h.264? If so, you can solve this by Right clicking on your Event Name and choose "Optimize Media". You can choose Full for 1080P or Large for 960P according to your preference.
    After you have optimized your Event, you should be able to Share with no problem.
    Lennart Thelander
    -108 mean you are running out of (free) RAM.
    Try restarting the computer just prior to sharing. That frees up RAM.
    from mynameisearl
    Final Entry
    Ok - after much cutting, trial and error and days of work I have never really established a root cause for the -108 error. Nothing I did resolved the issue to the orginal project.
    The only work around I have found is to split the Original Project into two.
    What I found was that anything around the 60 mins mark and above just failed to render in HD and showed the -108 error.
    What worked for me was creating two project files - one around 57mins long - the other a part 2 - around 17 mins long. All using exactly the same source clips, photo's, music and transitions as the orginal.
    This now works. I guess having it split in two makes it a little easier to work with as I wont have to keep rendering the first part which does not change but really wish Apple would throw some light on this.
    Anyway - I hope all of the above at least proves useful for others.
    Good Luck
    Yours Bengt W

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    So I've got a G4 quicksilver and it will not boot.
    I tried all the different ways to get it to boot. Holding "c" with a boot disk, checking the battery, unplugging ram one at a time, etc...
    The problem is, when I hold "option" to get into the disk boot option screen, is sees the drives (Operating System Drive & a Boot CD). I select either one, and a which screen pops up and says: "Default Cache Error, type "mac-boot" to boot the computers or type "shut-down" to shut down the computer.
    I've tried every combo and it does one of these things:
    Locks up on black screen
    White screen pops back up and crashes
    Starts loading (apple logo on screen) then the circle slash (ø) pops up like there
    Please help.

    Ok, So I got the OEM install disks with the Aplle Hardware tester. Here are some pictures of the issues I had durring this:
    Boot 1) In inserted the Hardware disk and got it to boot first time, here are those pictures:
    It looks like I had a issue with the Logic board or somthing that was plugged into it. as seen here:
    My hardware profile: JPG
    It got all the way though the Logic board and mass storage scan, but half way through the RAM the crashes started back up. Here are a few more pictures of those misc errors:
    Booted off the hardware disk and got these 2 on the 2nd boot:
    Another Default catch error on the second attemp of the 3rd boot:
    This crash happened durring the 3rd boot:
    Message was edited by: MEISTERGAUGEFACES

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