Server failed so attempting to restart (restart count = 1)

Hi All,
Today we observed our wls server got restarted automatically
no errors found in the logs except the below
can some one please help here?
<FINEST> <NodeManager> <Waiting for the process to die: 27023>
<INFO> <NodeManager> <Server failed so attempting to restart (restart count = 1)>
<INFO> <NodeManager> <Starting WebLogic server with command line: $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/

When you are on 32-bit system - Linux can handle files not longer than 2Gb (The limitation is due to 32-bit integer size, which gives the largest possible file of 2^31-1 bytes).
In most Linux kernels however, changes have been made to support large files: and
Something to note: Some Linux distributions may contain a software file size limit as a default installation, most common
is 1GB restriction. To check your system execute the 'ulimit -f' command. If the resulting printout is "unlimited" there is
no software limits.
If it is the case that your system does not support large files, you can edit the logging in weblogic such that the
log files are rotated when they reach certain size. (

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    Hi community,
    I have successfully installed SAP NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Developer edition on vista 32bit and when i open sapmmc the SAP Application Server is appear green and I able to connect it. However, after i've restarted my laptop the sap application server appear as grey status.
    Therefore, I attempted to restart the sap application server in sapmmc, it prompted me a webservice authentication and I have entered the master password that I specified during the installation but it seems not working .
    I get the error message "start failed: 2 - Invalid Credential" . Is there a specific SAP user name and password or any other userid and password that i require to key in in order to start the application server again? or is a configuration problem? need your advise. Many thanks in advance!

    Hi Vernon,
    Please enter your window userid and password when starting server node in SAP MMC.
    Hope it will helps
    Arun Jaiswal

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    one last thing. Finder froze the last time which is why I had to restart; if that helps anyone.
    but please leave a message even if you think it wouldn't affect it.

    I would suspect your jumpers settings are wrong. These are cable select...try that not slave/master

  • Error Message: The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    I have a web page that contains a ReportViewer control.  I am trying to display a report, which is an .rdl file located on the SSRS server, in this ReportViewer control.  I have set the ReportPath and ReportServerUrl correctly.  I am
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    Am I suppose to use an .rdlc file rather than a .rdl file?  Does the web server configuration need to use a certain account?
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    The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.
    The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    Hi bucaroov,
    The error "The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found." means the ReportServerURL configured in the ReportViewer control is invalid.
    Please follow these steps to solve the issue:
    Logon the Report Server machine.
    Open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
    Copy the Report Server URL from 'Web Services URL'.
    Logon the application server(in this case, it is the server that host the web page), check if we can use the URL we got from step 3 to access the Report Server. If so, please replace the ReportServerURL in the ReportViewer control with this URL. If it is
    not available, could you please post the error message.
    Additionaly, we don't need to provide the extension for a server report. The ReportPath should be like: /<reports folder>/<report name>
    For more information, please see:
    Walkthrough: Using the ReportViewer Control in Remote Mode:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Jin Chen
    Jin Chen - MSFT

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    Did you make a backup because you can't recover what's on our phone. Follow these steps to resotre your phone (the phone has to be plugged into your computer):
    1) On your phone, press your sleep button for 2 seconds
    2) After the two seconds, don't release the sleep and press the home button for 10 seconds
    3) Release the sleep button and keep the home buttton pressed untill your computer detects your phone.
    4) A window should pop up and you should have the restore button. Press it.

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    Just a guess, but I wonder if you have some application or process hanging up that's stopping it from shutting down? You might try closing each application individually and see if this helps.
    Good luck!

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    Try giving your iPad a reset. Hold down the sleep and home keys for about 20 seconds. When you see the silver apple, let go and let it reboot and try again.
    Are you trying to access your mail on your regular internet connection or on a new one? I know I have issues accessing my yahoo mail via the mail app if I'm on and AT&T hotspot.  But if I use safari to go in via the mobile site (  I can access my mail. And yahoo also has their own mail app. So the 'how' may help find the issue.
    If it's a new to you hotspot then the best way to fix it may just be to work around it (using safari)
    Another thing to do could be to go into the settings, mail, contacts and calendars and delete your yahoo address then exit out, go back in and add the account back. Sometimes things get confuzzled and the best way to fix it is just to start over. Doing this should not effect your  mail account, it just deletes it off your device and then adds the info back in.

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    Has anyone else had a similar issue and know of another fix or change that may be required? 

    Did this happen for all kind of mobiles?
    Please double check the configuration of IIS ARR with the help of the link below:
    You can try to enable logging on mobile devices and Front End server for troubleshooting.
    If you get a 502.3 error in the log, please also troubleshooting with the help of the link below:
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Try resetting your SMC.
    Resetting the System Management Controller >>
    Boot from your system CD, run Disk First Aid from your Disk Utility and repair your permissions.
    Mac Owners Support Group - Join us @
      Mac611 Mobile Mac Support -
       iTunes:MacOSG Podcast |
                       An Apple User Group 

  • HTTP Server fails to starts during E-Business installation

    Hello All,
    I am having issues installing e-business suite 12.1.1 on Oracle Linux 6.2.
    I have applied all the correct packages (and a couple that were not listed in the installation instructions), applied required patches, upgraded the startCD version to the latest, run the md5sum checks on the Stage directory, and a bunch of manual stuff which it doesn't tell you to do in the installation notes, but you have to do to make it work, e.g. linking unzip 5.x from the startCD to /usr/bin/unzip. I thought that I had it cracked until it failed at the last HTTP Server checks.
    I have attempted to restart services manually but it appears as though the HTTP server cannot start due to a missing library
    */u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl: execing httpd*
    */u01/applR12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory*
    There was another post where a similar issue was resolved in a OEL 5 x86.x64 install by applying a i383 gdbm package, and linking the existing library as the document id which you posted suggested.
    This package cannot be applied, as I have attempted.
    I then started to look for the library which is reported in the logs as being missing, i.e. This does not appear to exist for OEL 6.
    I then looked further afield and found a Centos 6.2 rpm which contained this library. I extracted this and linked it to the (patch 6078836).
    I am getting the following from the adstrtal.log (I ran the cat command as root not which I ran as the application user):
    *# cat /u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log | grep Failed*
    Web Application Services OACORE OC4J Instance <SID>_<HOST> Failed
    Web Application Services FORMS OC4J Instance <SID>_<HOST> Failed
    Web Application Services OAFM OC4J Instance <SID>_<HOST> Failed
    This is different to what I was seeing previously where all a 4 Web Application Services had failed
    *# cat /u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log | grep -v "status 0" | grep status* exiting with status 150 exiting with status 150 exiting with status 150
    ServiceControl is exiting with status 3
    Looking at the respective log files I am seeing the following:
    *06/27/12-07:35:10 :: version 120.13*
    *06/27/12-07:35:10 :: starting OPMN if it is not running*
    opmnctl: opmn is already running.
    *06/27/12-07:35:10 :: Starting OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance*
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=<HOST>:6200
    no processes or applications matched this request
    *06/27/12-07:35:10 :: exiting with status 150*
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: version 120.16*
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: starting OPMN if it is not running*
    opmnctl: opmn is already running.
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: Starting OPMN managed FORMS OC4J instance*
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=<HOST>:6200
    no processes or applications matched this request
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: exiting with status 150*
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: version 120.8*
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: starting OPMN if it is not running*
    opmnctl: opmn is already running.
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: Starting OPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance*
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=<HOST>:6200
    no processes or applications matched this request
    *06/27/12-07:35:11 :: exiting with status 150*
    Running by itself I am seeing the same issue reported in the log files:
    *$ ./inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/admin/scripts/ start*
    You are running version 120.7.12010000.2
    Starting OPMN managed Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) instance ...
    opmnctl: opmn is already running.
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=<HOST>:6200
    no processes or applications matched this request exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/logs/appl/admin/log/adapcctl.txt for more information
    Looking at the log file I can see the following:
    *06/27/12-08:15:27 :: version 120.7.12010000.2*
    *06/27/12-08:15:27 :: starting OPMN if it is not running*
    opmnctl: opmn is already running.
    *06/27/12-08:15:27 :: starting OPMN managed OHS instance*
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=<HOST>:6200
    no processes or applications matched this request
    *06/27/12-08:15:27 :: exiting with status 0*
    I have attempted to restart opmn using, which was unsuccessful. Looking at the HTTP_Server~1.log I can see the following the error:
    */u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl: execing httpd*
    */u01/applR12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory*
    Has been replaced by the recurring message:
    */u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl: execing httpd*
    Syntax error on line 264 of /u01/applR12/inst/apps/<SID>_<HOST>/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:
    Cannot load /u01/applR12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/libexec/ into server: /u01/applR12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/libexec/ undefined symbol: dbm_firstkey
    Looking at line 264 of httpd.conf I can see the following:
    LoadModule ossl_module libexec/
    Which looks fine when compared to the rest of the file.
    I am not able to look at the /u01/applR12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/libexec/
    I do not know where else to go with this now. Any guidance which you could provide would be very much appreciated.

    Hello Hussein,
    Thank you for getting back to me! As per the installation instructions it states the following:
    # cd /usr/lib
    # ln -s
    However there is no library there to link to.
    I have installed the db4 i686 & x86_64 packages which contain this library, then performed the above. I then ran the command which completed without incident.
    As such the Required Packages in the installation instructions should be updated to include the following:

  • Dashboard Design Cache Server failed to start after upgrade to BOBJ 4.0 SP09 Patch 3

    Hi Friends,
    We have upgraded our BOBJ 4.0 server from SP04 Patch 8 to SP09 patch 3.
    After upgrade completed "Dashboard Design Cache Server" Failed to start. other servers are running fine.
    xccache_<hostname>.DashboardDesignCacheServer_trace.000003.glf Error Log:
    |c24257f2-85df-0f2b-efe2-d7cfe59df826|2014 06 19 14:04:21:444|-0400|Information|Information|>=|S| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200||{|0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||SessionManagerFactory::createInstance
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1241
    |84f9fa46-c9ce-d9c4-fb5b-a08e6b6c1fea|2014 06 19 14:04:21:451|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||using OSGi emulation; cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1242
    |2eb28d2c-acaa-e2ff-26de-0ce297ad41e5|2014 06 19 14:04:21:502|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||adding contributions from "jar:file:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib/dsl_engine.jar!/META-INF/DSLContributions/": DSL-Contribution =,,,,,com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution,,,,,,,com.businessobjects.mds.consumption.ConsumptionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.consumption.SecurityKeyServiceContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.bics.BICSClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.ess_japi.EssJapiClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.sapbapi.SapRfcClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.xmla.XMLAClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.OlapClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.publishing.PublishingContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.cms.CMSSessionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.filesystem.FSSessionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.memory.MemorySessionContribution,,,,,,,,
    jvm/Bootstrap.cpp:146:-: TraceLog message 1243
    |9992bc42-cf8b-51bd-739f-ee471da81b76|2014 06 19 14:04:22:292|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|47600550826240|| ||||||||||||||||||||||ras21-core: CBootstrap::getSLUserSecurity starting wait loop[3], timeout[119]
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1244
    |762aa011-8afb-af8d-6bd6-a61be1be142d|2014 06 19 14:04:22:399|-0400|Error| |>>| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1245
    |4ab25da4-f37d-97ff-b2ad-a97877076bb3|2014 06 19 14:04:22:399|-0400|Information|Information|>=|S| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200||}|0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||SessionManagerFactory::createInstance: 00.957
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1246
    |d3abc036-3e0f-728a-7dba-e3b540d39fe6|2014 06 19 14:04:22:451|-0400|Error| |>>| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain||Could not initialize processing subsystem
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1247
    |7fad3c80-8dfb-1944-911f-4d98498f150a|2014 06 19 14:04:22:491|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||Caught Error at top level
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1248
    |dd2a290d-c8ad-ebea-d1b5-3ebe783e598b|2014 06 19 14:04:22:491|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||BEGIN TRACING JVM PROPERTIES
    java.vendor = <SAP AG> = <HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers> = <Linux>
    sun.boot.class.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/sapjvm-alt-rt.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/resources.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/rt.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jce.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/classes:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/wily/Agent.jar>
    ooc.orb.oa.thread_pool = <64>
    java.vm.specification.vendor = <Sun Microsystems Inc.>
    businessobjects.server.friendlyname = <halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer>
    businessobjects.logs.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/logging/>
    java.runtime.version = <6.1.055> = <10>
    businessobjects.ns = <>
    com.wily.log4j.defaultInitOverride = <true> = <cbi>
    user.language = <en>
    sun.boot.library.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64>
    java.version = <1.6.0_51>
    user.timezone = <America/New_York> = <false> = <64>
    java.endorsed.dirs = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/endorsed>
    sun.cpu.isalist = <>
    sun.jnu.encoding = <UTF-8>
    file.encoding.pkg = <>
    file.separator = </> = <Java Platform API Specification>
    com.wily.introscope.agent.agentName = <xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer_java>
    java.class.version = <50.0> = <US>
    java.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre> = <true> = <Aug 12 2013 00:30:55 - 61_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:201693 (mixed mode)>
    os.version = <2.6.18-128.el5>
    path.separator = <:>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.threadmodel = <threaded>
    java.vm.version = <6.1.055 23.5-b02> = <opt>
    introscope.enterprisemanager.serversockets.reuseaddr = <false>
    java.awt.printerjob = <sun.print.PSPrinterJob> = <UnicodeLittle> = <61_REL>
    user.home = </sapmnt/CBP/cbi>
    java.specification.vendor = <Sun Microsystems Inc.>
    tracelog.logdir = </bobje/sap_bobj/logging/>
    java.library.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64/server:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/../lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/wcs/components/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/plugins//auth/secEnterprise:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/crpe/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/plugins//desktop/CrystalEnterprise.Report:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/ras:/bobje/sap_bobj/mysql/lib:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/dataAccess/connectionServer/drivers/lib64:/bobje/perl/lib/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64//sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64/server:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64//sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw/lib-i86_linux/X11:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw//lib-linux:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw//lib-linux_optimized:/bobje/oracle/CBI/db_home/lib:/home/db2cbi/sqllib/lib64:/home/db2cbi/sqllib/lib32:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/lib64:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/lib32:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib>
    java.vendor.url = <>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.thread_pool_size = <5>
    java.vm.vendor = <SAP AG> = <Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment>
    java.class.path = <:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib//XcelsiusServer.jar:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/java/>
    tracelog.jni = <1>
    bobj.enterprise.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.request_timeout = <3600000> = <Java Virtual Machine Specification>
    java.vm.specification.version = <1.0>
    sun.cpu.endian = <little>
    sun.os.patch.level = <unknown>
    java.awt.headless = <true> = </tmp>
    java.vendor.url.bug = <>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.client_timeout = <0>
    ooc.orb.oa.conc_model = <thread_pool>
    os.arch = <amd64>
    java.awt.graphicsenv = <sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment>
    java.ext.dirs = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/ext-sap:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/ext:/usr/java/packages/lib/ext>
    user.dir = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64>
    bobj.logging = <true>
    line.separator = <
    > = <SAP Java Server VM>
    file.encoding = <UTF-8>
    tracelog.process = <xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer_java> = <true>
    java.specification.version = <1.6>
    com.wily.introscope.agentProfile = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40//java/wily/halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer.profile>
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1249
    |a79b935e-9c92-9957-35bf-2c937079beb8|2014 06 19 14:04:22:492|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||BEGIN TRACING COMMAND LINE
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1250
    |088b0565-be95-fe7f-e474-4e3c45773bbc|2014 06 19 14:04:22:492|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||11 threads are still alive in this JVM
    Thread 'Thread[main,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Business Objects - Sessions Clean up,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Thread-2,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Configuration Watch Heartbeat Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Remove Metric Data Watch Heartbeat Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent Execution,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent ServerConnection,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[UnknownHub Hub Transmit 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[UnknownHub Hub Receive 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[PO:client_main Mailman 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Kannan K

    the error in your logs like "NoClassDefFoundError" etc. point us towards issues with jar files. either they are missing or not the correct ones.
    A general practice in such situation is to
    stop all servers except CMS,IFRS,OFRS > repair the base installation
    If you have a working environment with the exact same patch, copy the 'lib' folder from "/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/" to the non-working server.
    PS: please attach the logs to the thread instead of pasting the content.
    -Nikhil Nair

  • Activate change list received Communication with JMS server failed errors

    Hello XI Gurus,
    The first time when we tried to activate the change list in Integration Repository (Design) or Integration Directory(Configuration) we received an error message below.
    "Communication with JMS server failed
    Repeat the last action. If the problem continues to occur after multiple attempts, contact your system administrator to check the availability of the JMS provider service."----
    However, the second time went through, but the changes will not effected unless we do a refresh CACHE in order to see the changes.
    This happened on any of the interfaces in Repository and Directory.
    NW 7.0 SPS9
    Greatly appreciate for any helps!

    Hi David,
    Logon your SAP J2EE Visual Administrator,
    go to 'Serverxxx"->Services
    ->JMS Connector
    ->JMS Provider
    Ensure that everything is running smoothly, no red cross. If so, restart the service
    If you need to redeploy the JMS, go to 'Deploy', select 'Container' and navigate to the JMS connector to do the redeployment.

  • Can't synch iphone. Get message "synch server failed to synch the iphone.  ANyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

    Can't synch iphone. Get message "synch server failed to synch the iphone.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
    Windows 7
    ios 7.1
    iphone 5

    Hello, skifmli
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    I understand that you are unable to sync your iPhone and receive an error.  I was start with restarting iTunes and your computer.  Once this is done, test the results by attempting a sync.  If the issue persists, go through the troubleshooting steps in the article below.  
    Troubleshooting Sync Services on Windows with Microsoft Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, or Outlook 2010
    Jason H.  

  • Lately, when I pull up my emails a popup tells me "Cannot Get Mail, the connection to the server failed."  Yet, emails deposit in my Inbox.  What is going on?

    I reset my Ipad a few days ago.  Now, whenever I check on my emails, I get a msg saying CANNOT GET MAIL, The Connection to the Server Failed.  But, all my emails are there sitting in the Inbox.  How can I eliminate this annoying notice?

    Hello there nonozec,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you can receive emails, but you still get an error saying that Mail could not get your mail.
    I would recommend this troubleshooting from the article named iOS: Unable to send or receive email found here
    Restart the iOS device.
    Tap Safari and attempt to load a webpage to ensure that the device has Internet access. If you're unable to load a webpage, try the Wi-Fi assistant.
    Try an alternative Internet connection.
    If your email is provided by your Internet provider, try connecting from the home network.
    If your iOS device has an active cellular data plan, try to disable Wi-Fi:  Tap Settings > Wi-Fi and turn off Wi-Fi.
    If not, try a different Wi-Fi network.
    Log in to your email provider's website to ensure that the account is active and the password is correct.
    Delete the account from Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and then add the email account again on the iOS device.
    While the title of the article is about different symptoms, the troubleshooting portion is relevant.
    All the best,

  • TS3899 the connection to server failed

    i have a IPhone and its telling me that cannot get mail:the connection to server failed.
    what can i do?

    Hi beverly2066,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    You referenced the correct article for troubleshooting your issue with your email.  What happens when you follow these steps?
    Try these basic troubleshooting steps first
    Tap Safari and attempt to load a webpage (try any webpage). If you can load a webpage, then your device has Internet access. If you are unable to load a webpage, follow these troubleshooting steps.
    Try to use an alternate Internet connection if available:
    Try a different Wi-Fi connection
    If your iOS device has an active cellular data plan, tap Settings > Wi-Fi and turn off Wi-Fi.
    If the affected email account is provided by your Internet provider, see if your issue is resolved while connected to your home Wi-Fi network.*
    Log in to your email provider's website to ensure that the account is active and the password is correct.
    Restart your iOS device.
    Delete the affected email account from your device.
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Choose the affected email account, then tap Delete Account.
    Add your account again.
    - Judy

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