Server's external hardrive recognition problem

Since I installed Mavericks, our servers external hard drive doesn't give me permissions to do anything. In Lion I didn't experience this kind of problem.

Yes, but there have been a rash of similar threads where posters have mentioned that external HDs have worked fine, until they installed Logic 8.
I think (but don't know for sure) that Logic 8 somehow is fussier about recording to a drive that is formatted as FAT32, which I think might be related to the introduction of .caf files that can be much larger than AIFF or WAV file size limits, which maybe is why Logic is now having problems using an improperly formatted drive. Just a theory, mind you

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    drayman86 is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message

    Thanks for the reply.
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    Message was edited by: Jay-La

    The problem: Lately when I try the copy and paste operation it gets started then inevitable halts with the message, "The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access "Keychain".
    You need to use dedicated cloning software such as Carbon Copy Cloner and not just copy/paste.

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    keep your iTunes folder on your external drive.
    When you re-open itunes next time, press option until a window pops up,
    asking you to select your library.
    [this is a way to keep and manage multiple libraries]
    select the itunes folder.
    this should load your library correctly.
    if you did not yet - don't upgrade to itunes 7.2.
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    Many thanks,

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Do you have any other USB devices connected to your Powerbook?
    Is this a recognition problem right after the computer boots up? Or had the computer fallen to sleep prior to your connecting it? Sometimes I've seen USB ports fall into a low power mode causing problems recognizing USB devices until the machine is next rebooted.
    If you have critical data on that drive, you may want to try Prosoft Data Rescue to see if it can see what is on that drive. You can also buy an external Firewire enclosure and try to move the drive to that, or find someone with a PowerMac G4 or G3 tower to see if it can be taken out of the case and put in the tower for recognition. If you do the latter, be sure that the jumper is set for the master/slave setting that matches the cable you are connecting in the drive.

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    Hmmmm, is this a Network drive?
      afpNoServer                   = -5016, /* Server not responding */
    Not likely a virus btw.

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    Correct. When you update via iTunes all synced media that is not in your iTunes library will be lost.
    As IO said before:
    You can redownload most iTunes pruchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    I do not think it included audio books.

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    cptjuanjvarona wrote:
    I have an external hardrive for MAC, I needed to save something from my work computer so I can pass it on to my MAC, it requiered me to re-format my external HD and now when I connected to my MAC I only have "read only rights". How do I fix it?...
    Unless what you have to transfer is enormous, skip the external HD altogether and use a USB flash drive; you can get them with capacities to 128GB. Format the flash drive as FAT32 or ExFAT as LowLuster suggests so it can be read and written to on both PC's and your Mac.

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    Mac Book   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I had a similar problem and it responded to several different approaches.
    1. Make sure all is up to date in software update
    2. Connect to different port
    3. Vary the connection setup, start up with ext HD attached and turned on.
    4. Do the opposite of 3
    5. You might zap the pram( info in your booklet)
    I hope perhaps that some of these might work, good luck

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    In Finder, do a Get Info on one of the Drives, is it Locked or what Priviledges does it show for you?
    Another thing about MS-Dos/Fat drives is the limit of files/folders at the top level, (128-256 depending), once that is reached, no more can be added, you have to delete one file & make a folder to move or create other files in.

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    Therefore I think we can bring it down to Linux (Debian).
    I cannot find where to look in Debian for any kind of keyboard or locale problem. Anyone know what to do?
    kbdconfig command doesn't exist on our system.
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    We are in Italy, by the way.

    If you check out the default file encoding you'll find that it's 7-bit ASCII; no characters > '\u007F' come out as they should. This applies as well to compiling as to running.
    You can compile with another character encoding using the command line options, like: "javac -encoding ISO-8859-1 package/" (available at least in 1.4) and "java -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 package.YourClass".

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    Did you put the library on the external drive, or just the media folder. See this migrate iTunes library post for the way this ought to be done and recovery tips for when it is no longer possible.

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    Digi 002
    Mybook External hardrive
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    "This session is saved on a volume set to TRANSFER only. If permitted, set the volumes in question to "P" (playback) or "R" (record) in the Workspace.
    Otherwise, choose OK to save a copy of this session and its media to a valid playback volume. The session copy will automaically open from the chosen location."
    Please help, I don't understand how i get this error all of a sudden.
    How do I change teh workspace to record?

    Click on the icon of the mounted drive.
    Request the info (-i) check the "ownership and permissions" in the bottom of the info panel that pops up.
    Sounds like that is set to "read only".

Maybe you are looking for

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