Servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set.....

Getting this in Console...a lot.
Jun 7 10:32:35 G5Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
Jun 7 10:32:35 G5Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
This is a standalone server behind router. It's local ip is, Not sure what to do here, trolled the forms already looking for answers. MOst seem to say that unless i'm running DNS (Which i'm not) there shouldn't be a problem.

As of 10.4.6, Mac OS X server uses a slightly different method for discovering and setting the local hostname:
This will attempt a reverse DNS lookup, and log any failures, which is what you're seeing. If it's a standalone box, and you're not running DNS, you'll be fine. Just know you'll have to set up DNS if you ever want to promote the machine to an OD master.
MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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  • "No hostname set" error in console log - DNS problem

    We are running a MacPro on 10.4.8 server software (mainly for filing, not for hosting domains) and lately it has been coming up with the same error as below. What happens is that it will kick off every user and sometimes the server computer will freeze up and eventually restart itself.
    May 22 14:31:50 Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for 192.168.0.XX
    May 22 14:31:50 Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    When I type in "hostname" in terminal, this is what I get:
    When I type in "uname -a" in terminal, this is what I get:
    Darwin Server.local 8.8.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.1: Mon Sep 25 19:42:00 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.13.8.obj~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386
    Any ideas?
    MacPro Mac OS X (10.4.8) Server OSX
    MacPro Mac OS X (10.4.8) Server OSX
    MacPro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Server OSX

    I had the EXACT same problem and here is how I fixed it.
    Open terminal and type:
    then type in:
    sudo scutil --get HostName
    Compare the output of the two commands.
    I had a capitalization difference.
    (example: servername01 and SERVERNAME01 are NOT the same thing)
    If there is a difference run this command:
    sudo scutil --set HostName <hostname.domain.tld>
    Set it to the output of hostname, if that is the correct name. You must use a fully qualified domain name when you do the 'set'. (example:
    Hope this helps!

  • Problem: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS

    I spotted the following message in my server's system log today. I don't know if it's after 10.4.6 update or not.
    Apr 4 19:50:50 xserver servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    Apr 4 19:50:50 xserver servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - public IP address
    xserver - name of my server
    Besides my LDAP keeps saying in the log:
    Apr 4 15:04:32 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=config, )\n
    Apr 4 15:04:32 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=config, )\n
    Apr 4 15:04:32 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=config, )\n
    Apr 4 15:04:32 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=computers, )\n
    Apr 4 15:04:32 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=computers, )\n
    Apr 4 15:05:43 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=config, )\n
    Apr 4 15:05:43 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=neighborhoods, )\n
    Apr 4 15:05:43 xserver slapd[77]: do_search: invalid dn (cn=neighborhoods, )\n
    Is it kinda one problem? Did I do smth wrong?
    I don't have a slightest idea what to do with that. Any help would be much appreciated.
    PowerBook G4 1GHz 12" 40GB SD   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   also have Xserve G4 10.4.6

    Err... You only want to point the server to itself (, IF you configure it (the server) to run DNS.
    I tried to be clear about that, sorry if it was not.
    You will continue to have a problem, if you point the server at the DynDNS name servers. I'll try to explain again.
    You have an external IP that keeps shifting. DynDNS is a workaround for that. Normally, a server has a static IP. (I'm simplifying ALOT here for the purpose of illustration):
    When someone "out there" on the 'Net tries to find "", it queries DNS, the first server doesn't know the answer but passes the request onto DynDNS dns servers , and a reply is sent, "that server is at this IP address" and then the person's web browser loads the webpage served up by at IP address 6x.10x.xx.x (some publicly available IP, the one dynamically assigned by your ISP) which is where your server "", which is actually to be found. And hopefully your router is properly forwarding http requests (port 80) on to your server.
    So then, if you point your server at the DynDNS servers, it will try to "find itself," and the answer is going to be that external, dynamic IP. Whatever it might be that day, is what the DynDNS server(s) will respond with. And that is not going to be a match, since your server is behind a Router doing NAT, and has an IP address of for example. And nothing is going to do a reverse lookup for either.
    One way to resolve this, is to setup internal DNS on the server itself. Which is beyond the scope of this thread, I suggest searching this forum and reading up on it, after having read the Apple doc
    starting on page 37.
    Further thoughts: to change the hostname, you can use the changeip command, see page 50 of the command-line manual:
    and download the Command Line Administration PDF.
    in the Terminal: man changeip
    for example, all on one line, if running as an Open Directory master:
    sudo changeip /LDAPv3/ oldhost newhost
    The IP address is identical on purpose, if the IP is not changing, list it twice, that's the syntax. Old = new, in this case is all.
    If running as Standalone, and changing the IP:
    sudo changeip - oldhostname newhostname
    You can use (this is described in the Command Line Administration PDF)
    serversetup -setHostname hostname
    You could also edit /etc/hostconfig and change
    To change the DNS server(s) used by your Xserve, use:
    man networksetup
    on the server itself.
    If you're charging a client for anything related to this, you need to learn about all of what we've been discussing in a real hurry, you should know it already (if charging for it), I mean this in a friendly (but steadfast) way. Start by reading the Apple documentation, it's a good place to begin.
    And perhaps DynDNS has a way to handle "internal" (RFC1918) private IPs and external, publicly available IPs. I won't claim to know, first step I'd take would be to check their docs.

  • Servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS

    Like most others here, I started receiving the following error message after upgrading to 10.4.6:
    Jul 1 14:37:53 pagecentral servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Actually I had other issues first, my hostname was improperly set. After fixing that I started getting this. I've scoured the boards, read the update from Apple, and I'm still confused. I'm running web, mail, and firewall through OSX Server and QuickDNS for DNS. everything is configured properly, at least I thought it was. I have rDNS records setup, and I have a PTR setup at the parent server that points to
    If I do "host" in terminal it returns the proper ip.
    What am I missing? Should I update the PTR record at the parent to include the subdomain? instead of just I was originally told it should just be the domain... but that was quite a while ago, I'm sure things have changed since then.

    Dig -x returns:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 11189
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
    ; IN PTR
    ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 11835 IN A 11835 IN A
    ;; Query time: 50 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Tue Jul 4 21:59:43 2006
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 157
    Did you use the following when correcting your hostname info ?
    Yes I did
    I agree with Leif, you should point the server at itself for DNS,
    And I also agree that ou may wish or need to create forwarders entries for
    ns1 and
    I'm little confused by this. can you explain more? Are you saying all the virtual domains should return as their A record? If so, how would other machines know where to look for the domain? or am I missing this entirely? I cant control what is listed on the webhostplus servers as they are not mine. I beleive they will only provide me with the current record.
    When changing the entry for the DNS server(s) used,
    don't just change it in the System Preference, you need to use the command-line tool, networksetup - this will ensure the change propagates to all necessary places.
    I use QuickDNS to handle DNS, how will doing this affect QuickDNS?
    I have no experience with QuickDNS, you should contact them as well since they should support their product and you paid for it. I would hope their support is excellent, based on one of the VP of R&D being Cricket Liu !
    I use QuickDNS 5.03, unfortunately this products support ran out in June I believe, so I am relegated to the Knowledge base until I upgrade.
    Now then, looking at menandmice's own articles,
    suggests that you may need to alter your dns entries so that the first ptr listing is for
    </snip> is the first listing in the record, but I took something different from that little article, to me, it says that only should be listed there.
    Mac Mini. 2 xServes   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Cannot add server to pool: OVMAPI_4004E, but hostname set to FQDN

    It's very simillar problem like thread "Cannot Add Server to Pool: OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: dispatch..", but setting
    hostname with FQDN on Ora VM Manager and Ora VM Server, repairing all configuration files (using grep -R ...) and reboot OVM
    server and OVMM didn't brought any effect...
    Oracle VM Server version 3.2.2
    Build: 520
    Oracle VM Manager:
    Build: 20130218_520
    I have discovered and setup an OVM Server. Then I tried to create a new pool "ikr-pool". When I tried to attach discovered server (""),
    I got error attached bellow. After this actions svr01-xx stays incorrectly as "member of pool" in /etc/ovs-agent/db/server database, so I need on VM server
    to stop ovs-agent, remove file /etc/ovs-agent/db/server, start ovs-agent again, and then re-take ownership on VM server again. Then srv01-xx stays
    as "Unassigned server".
    Vladislav Rames
    <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Begin of error message--------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    Job Construction Phase
    Job ID: 1364477027337
    Appended operation 'Server Join Server Pool' to object '31:33:37:35:32:32:5a:43:32:32:35:30:30:57:44:46 ('.
    Appended operation 'Server Pool Construct' to object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'.
    Appended operation 'Server Pool Virtual IP Configure' to object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'.
    Appended operation 'Server Pool Member Update' to object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'.
    Appended operation 'Server Cluster Configure' to object '31:33:37:35:32:32:5a:43:32:32:35:30:30:57:44:46 ('.
    Appended operation 'Server Cluster Construct' to object '31:33:37:35:32:32:5a:43:32:32:35:30:30:57:44:46 ('.
    Completed Step: COMMIT
    Objects and Operations
    Object (IN_USE): [Cluster] d0b83b23645cbca2
    Object (IN_USE): [Server] 31:33:37:35:32:32:5a:43:32:32:35:30:30:57:44:46 (
    Operation: Server Join Server Pool
    Operation: Server Cluster Configure
    Operation: Server Cluster Construct
    Object (IN_USE): [ServerPool] 0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)
    Operation: Server Pool Construct
    Operation: Server Pool Virtual IP Configure
    Operation: Server Pool Member Update
    Job Running Phase at 2013-03-28 14:23:47,337
    Job Participants: []
    14:23:47,909: Starting operation 'Server Join Server Pool' on object '31:33:37:35:32:32:5a:43:32:32:35:30:30:57:44:46 ('
    14:23:47,914: Completed operation 'Server Join Server Pool' with direction ==> LATER
    14:23:47,920: Starting operation 'Server Pool Construct' on object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'
    14:23:47,971: Completed operation 'Server Pool Construct' with direction ==> DONE
    14:23:47,977: Starting operation 'Server Pool Virtual IP Configure' on object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'
    14:23:53,221: Completed operation 'Server Pool Virtual IP Configure' with direction ==> DONE
    14:23:53,232: Starting operation 'Server Pool Member Update' on object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'
    Job Internal Error (Operation) OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: dispatch to server: failed. OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: dispatch https://?uname?:[email protected]:8899/api/3 set_pool_member_ip_list [], Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: I/O error while communicating with HTTP server: Connection timed out [Thu Mar 28 14:36:30 CET 2013] [Thu Mar 28 14:36:30 CET 2013]
    at Source)
    Caused by: OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: dispatch https://?uname?:[email protected]:8899/api/3 set_pool_member_ip_list [], Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: I/O error while communicating with HTTP server: Connection timed out [Thu Mar 28 14:36:30 CET 2013]
    ... 34 more
    Starting failed operation 'Server Pool Member Update' cleanup on object 'ikr-pool'
    Complete rollback operation 'Server Pool Member Update' cleanup on object 'ikr-pool'
    14:36:31,156: Starting rollbacker...
    Executing rollback operation 'Server Pool Member Update' on object '0004fb0000020000d0b83b23645cbca2 (ikr-pool)'
    <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of error message----------------------------------------------------------------------------->

    Solved. Problem was the same like in thread "I/O error while communicating with HTTP server: Connection timed out" - it wasn't accessible IP connection between Ora VM Manager and Ora VM server IP alias for server pool. But there was very confusing message in errorlog: "dispatch https://?uname?:[email protected]:8899/api/3 set_pool_member_ip_list [], Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: I/O error while communicating with HTTP server: Connection timed out [Thu Mar 28 14:36:30 CET 2013]". Noticed IP address was IP address for VM server, not for VM pool, which makes me quite angry.
    Best Regards
    Vladislav Rames

  • Wrong hostname setting after Sun Cluster failover

    Hi Gurus,
    our PI system has been setup to fail over in a sun cluster with a virtual hostname s280m (primary host s280 secondary host s281)
    The basis team set up the system profiles to use the virtual hostname, and I did all the steps in SAP Note 1052984 "Process Integration 7.1 High Availability" (my PI is 7.11)
    Now I believe to have substituted "s280m" in every spot where previously "s280" existed, but when I start the system on the DR box (s281), the java stack throws erros when starting. Both SCS01 and DVEBMGS00 work directories contain a file called dev_sldregs with the following error:
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Parsing XML document.
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Supplier Name: BCControlInstance
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Supplier Version: 1.0
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Supplier Vendor:
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 CIM Model Version: 1.5.29
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Using destination file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg'.
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Use binary key file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg.key' for data decryption
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Use encryted destination file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg' as data source
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 HTTP trace: false
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Data trace: false
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Using destination file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg'.
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Use binary key file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg.key' for data decryption
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Use encryted destination file '/usr/sap/XP1/SYS/global/slddest.cfg' as data source
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 ******************************
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 *** Start SLD Registration ***
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 ******************************
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 HTTP open timeout     = 420 sec
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 HTTP send timeout     = 420 sec
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 HTTP response timeout = 420 sec
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Used URL: http://s280:50000/sld/ds
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 HTTP open status: false - NI RC=0
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 Failed to open HTTP connection!
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 ****************************
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 *** End SLD Registration ***
    Mon Apr 04 11:55:22 2011 ****************************
    notice it is using the wrong hostname (s280 instead of s280m). Where did I forget to change the hostname? Any ideas?
    thanks in advance,

    Please note that the PI system is transparent about the Failover system used.
    When you configure the parameters against the mentioned note, this means that in case one of the nodes is down, the load will be sent to another system under the same Web Dispatcher/Load Balancer.
    When using the Solaris failover solution, it covers the whole environment, including the web dispatcher, database and all nodes.
    Therefore, please check the configuration as per the page below, which talks specifically about the Solaris failover solution for SAP usage:

  • MASSIVE OS X Server crashing!  Please help me!  SMB crashes and kills OSXS

    OSX Srvr 10.4.7 on a Mac Pro. I dont know what I did or missed versus every other server I've ever done, but I've got a major problem on my hands. Once a day my users have their access shut off, and i have to re-enable them. Every other morning, smb will crash so hard it kicks everyone off, then workgroup mgr won't respond anymore, and i have to hard power off the computer. This is running my company of roughly 23 users, and this replaced a Windows Server 2003. Not a good impression so far. I have logs I'm happy to post or email to anyone. They're huge, so I've obviously loused something up big time.
    We're doing simple Windows file Sharing, Apple File Sharing, VPN, and eventually FTP. It's also running Kerio Mail Server. Someone please help me!
    Here are some log examples to start with.
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:42 2006 crashdump[16094]: crashdump started
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:42 2006 crashdump[16094]: Started writing crash report to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:42 2006 crashdump[16094]: Finished writing crash report to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:42 2006 crashdump[16097]: crashdump started
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:43 2006 crashdump[16097]: Started writing crash report to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Wed Sep 20 17:49:43 2006 crashdump[16097]: Finished writing crash report to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Sep 20 17:49:42 Genesis1 crashdump[16094]: smbd crashed
    Sep 20 17:49:42 Genesis1 crashdump[16094]: crash report written to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Sep 20 17:49:43 Genesis1 crashdump[16097]: smbd crashed
    Sep 20 17:49:43 Genesis1 crashdump[16097]: crash report written to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/smbd.crash.log
    Sep 20 17:51:56 Genesis1 kernel[0]: (16266: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
    Sep 20 17:51:57 Genesis1 kernel[0]: (16267: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
    Sep 20 17:51:58 Genesis1 kernel[0]: (16268: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
    Sep 20 17:51:59 Genesis1 kernel[0]: (16269: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
    Sep 20 17:52:00 Genesis1 kernel[0]: (16270: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
    Sep 20 17:54:21 Genesis1 servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Sep 20 17:54:21 Genesis1 servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 124 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 124 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 53 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2006/09/20 17:56:27, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 53 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    Please reply here or consider emailing me: [email protected]
    I'm desperate!
    Mac Pro dual 2.66 Xeon   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Bill.
    First please note:
    "servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Sep 20 17:54:21 Genesis1 servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair"
    Your first issue is you need to fix DNS.
    Something needs to be providing forward and reverse DNS lookup for your OS X Server.
    You might not have known this, but now you do: OS X Server -must- have working DNS. You don't need to run DNS on your OS X Server, but it needs working DNS.
    DNS configuration is a bit beyond the scope of this reply, however.
    In the meantime, edit /etc/hosts and do not touch any existing entries
    but add the following line: Genesis1
    and kill -HUP lookupd. If you're not sure how, perhaps just restart the computer.
    Next up, edit
    /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/smbd.plist , adding the line in bold below:
    Of course, the text in the file itself should NOT be "bold" formatted
    Be very sure to check the permissions on that file, and to leave them the same, or restore them if they change. It's really best to use nano/vi/emacs to edit the file, if you must use a GUI app, then go with TextWrangler or SubEthaEdit, both of which can be found at
    Let us know how it goes, and I'll send this to your email as well.

  • System.log DNS Error, help

    Hi, I am using a fairly old app on my Server that runs on the desktop and reads log files (name of the app is MKConsole, it's VERY handy) and I keep getting this error...
    "Jan 10 20:19:36 G4-Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Jan 10 20:19:36 G4-Server servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair"
    I have tried using "chageip" and have done man changeip to see if I was missing anything but I was not, and the problem persists. Does anyone know a way to fix this? I don't think it is a problem with the DNS Services, because I have tried turning DNS services off and it still came up woth the error.

    The problem isn't necessarily with your server, but the DNS server that it uses.
    The server is trying to resolve its own IP address, so it's asking the DNS server for the reverse lookup of The DNS server doesn't have a reverse entry for that IP, and that's why the server is complaining.
    Your fix is to make sure that your DNS is setup correctly, with correct reverse DNS for your server.

  • Mac Server slowdown

    Can anyone tell from these logs if something is causing our major slowdown?
    Mac OS Server error log:
    to repair
    Apr 23 10:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 10:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 11:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 11:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 11:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 11:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 12:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 12:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 12:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 12:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 13:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 13:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 13:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 13:38:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 14:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 14:08:53 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 14:14:11 Xserve shutdown: halt by admin:
    Apr 23 14:14:13 Xserve SystemStarter[1860]: authentication service (1887) did not complete successfully
    Apr 23 14:14:13 Xserve SystemStarter[1860]: IP Failover (1893) did not complete successfully
    Apr 23 14:14:17 Xserve SystemStarter[1860]: The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost memberd[47]: memberd starting up
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 509395 free pages
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: 94 prelinked modules
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: using 5242 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: DART enabled
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling ECC Error Notifications
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in now active, GUID 001124ff fe407782; max speed s800.
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: A46C5BEB-0025-332C-AF80-D55B58D3C245
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@7/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@1/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Hitachi HDS722580VLSA80 Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/AppleHFS_Untitled2@3
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk1s3, major 14, minor 4
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: hfs mount: enabling extended security on Server HD10.3
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost DirectoryService[52]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.2)
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost mDNSResponder-107.4 (May 4 2006 16: 34:29)[37]: starting
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost lookupd[51]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Apr 23 14:17:11 2007
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 11
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 11
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 11
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 11
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 11
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: AppleRS232Serial: 442b5020 80013020 chip base, virtual, physical
    Apr 23 14:17:11 localhost kernel[0]: IOPlatformControl::registerDriver Control Driver AppleSlewClock did not supply target-value, using default
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:0d:93:9d:7d:a1
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:0d:93:9d:7d:a2
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost watchdogtimerd: Automatic reboot timer enabled.\n
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost diskarbitrationd[46]: disk1s3 hfs A46C5BEB-0025-332C-AF80-D55B58D3C245 Server HD10.3 /
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost lookupd[71]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Apr 23 14:17:12 2007
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost kernel[0]: hfs mount: enabling extended security on Server HD10.4
    Apr 23 14:17:12 localhost diskarbitrationd[46]: disk0s3 hfs E5B80404-28D2-3668-86E8-0CF43635983F Server HD10.4 /Volumes/Server HD10.4
    Apr 23 14:17:13 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,BlueStar: vram [9c000000:04000000]
    Apr 23 14:17:13 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
    Apr 23 14:17:13 localhost configd[44]: AppleTalk startup
    Apr 23 14:17:13 Xserve configd[44]: setting hostname to "Xserve.local"
    Apr 23 14:17:13 Xserve loginwindow[79]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Apr 23 14:17:15 Xserve mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Apr 23 14:17:16 Xserve kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet - en0 link active, 1000-Mbit, full duplex, symmetric flow control enabled
    Apr 23 14:17:18 Xserve configd[44]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Apr 23 14:17:18 Xserve configd[44]: posting notification
    Apr 23 14:17:18 Xserve lookupd[91]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Apr 23 14:17:18 2007
    Apr 23 14:17:24 Xserve /usr/sbin/serialnumberd[195]: serialnumberd: Firewall rule #1 added to allow port 626.
    Apr 23 14:17:28 Xserve /usr/sbin/serveradmin: servermgr_ipfilter:ipfw config:Notice:Disabled firewall
    Apr 23 14:17:33 Xserve ntpdate[105]: getnetnum: "" invalid host number, line ignored
    Apr 23 14:17:33 Xserve ntpdate[105]: no servers can be used, exiting
    Apr 23 14:17:33 Xserve configd[44]: target=enable-network: disabled
    Apr 23 14:17:33 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Apr 23 14:17:33 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Apr 23 14:17:34 Xserve configd[44]: AppleTalk startup failed, status = 92 (retrying)
    Apr 23 14:17:35 Xserve ntpd_initres[245]: couldn't resolve `', giving up on it
    Apr 23 14:17:35 Xserve configd[44]: AppleTalk startup
    Apr 23 14:17:41 Xserve configd[44]: AppleTalk startup complete
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 7 (Link Status Change) for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Link is down for SCSI Domain = 0.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 5 (External Bus Reset) for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: External Bus Reset for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 7 (Link Status Change) for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Link is down for SCSI Domain = 1.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 5 (External Bus Reset) for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: External Bus Reset for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 8 (Loop State Change) for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Loop Initialization Packet for SCSI Domain = 0.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 8 (Loop State Change) for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Loop Initialization Packet for SCSI Domain = 1.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 7 (Link Status Change) for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Link is active for SCSI Domain = 0.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 7 (Link Status Change) for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionFC: Link is active for SCSI Domain = 1.
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 6 (Rescan) for SCSI Domain = 0
    Apr 23 14:18:00 Xserve kernel[0]: FusionMPT: Notification = 6 (Rescan) for SCSI Domain = 1
    Apr 23 14:18:01 Xserve kernel[0]: hfs mount: enabling extended security on RamVol
    Apr 23 14:18:01 Xserve diskarbitrationd[46]: disk2s10 hfs FBF4AE84-A5B4-3901-8C4E-8369B12FB0D7 RamVol /Volumes/RamVol
    Apr 23 14:18:01 Xserve kernel[0]: hfs mount: enabling extended security on JobVol
    Apr 23 14:18:01 Xserve diskarbitrationd[46]: disk3s10 hfs EEABEBCD-B306-36E4-87CA-6A84907FF6FF JobVol /Volumes/JobVol
    Here is the Mac OS X Windows Error log:
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:19:32, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:19:32, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:19:32, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:19:32, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 11:26:06, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:26:06, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:26:06, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:26:06, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:26:06, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 11:51:37, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:51:37, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:51:37, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:51:37, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 23: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:51:37, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 11:54:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:54:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 11:54:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:54:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 11:54:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 12:23:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:23:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:23:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:23:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:23:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 12:26:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:26:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:26:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:26:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 23: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:26:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 12:58:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:58:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 12:58:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:58:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 12:58:52, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 13:27:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:27:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:27:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:27:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:27:35, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 13:30:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:30:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:30:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:30:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 23: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:30:53, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 23: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 13:58:42, 0] pdbods.c:odssamgetsampwnam(2329)
    odssam_getsampwnam: [0]getsam_recordattributes dsRecTypeStandard:Users no account for 'donh'!
    [2007/04/23 13:59:36, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:59:36, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 13:59:36, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:59:36, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 23: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 13:59:36, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 14:02:54, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 14:02:54, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:get_peeraddr(1016)
    getpeername failed. Error was Socket is not connected
    [2007/04/23 14:02:54, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:write_socketdata(446)
    writesocketdata: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 14:02:54, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:writesocket(471)
    write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe
    [2007/04/23 14:02:54, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/lib/utilsock.c:sendsmb(663)
    Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Broken pipe)
    [2007/04/23 14:17:18, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-100.4/samba/source/smbd/server.c:main(789)
    smbd version 3.0.10 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2004

    Add a DNS record using the relevant DNS snap in tool on the AD Server for the mac server as it should improve server and network performance. OSX and especially OSX Server is absolutely dependent on a properly configured and tested DNS Service running somewhere. Apple recommend it as good practice even if you are just running simple file services like AFP.

  • How do I enable Port 80?

    When I do a port scan of my server with Network Utility, port 80 doesn't show up. I can enable and disable port 80 on a client with Personal Web Sharing, but how do I enable it (what could possibly be disabling it?) under Mac OS Server 10.4.7?
    The client and server are behind the same hardware firewall.

    That's the problem. With no sites, Apache is not
    listening to any interface... it's quite interesting
    how Apache even started without any sites.
    So, maybe you should have started out with, "Help,
    cannot create any websites using ServerAdmin". What
    are the steps you went through and what other
    symptoms (Error messages, green/red lights, greyed
    out options, etc.) are there?
    Thanks for your interest, Celia. I started an earlier topic in the Web Services forum, "Can't see web pages on server, not even from the server", to which you posted a couple of times, but with 15 posts (none since Sept. 22) it seemed unmanageable.
    So I zeroed in on one of my problems, hoping (in vain, apparently) to avoid chicken/egg issues.
    Summary of my situation:
    (1) when I try to add a site Apache gets SIGUSR1 and restarts
    (2) When I do a Port Scan port 80 doesn't show up
    (3) console.log contains
    Server Admin[12080] * Assertion failure in -[NSTextFieldCell _objectValue:forString:errorDescription:], AppKit.subproj/NSCell.m:1298
    (4) system.log contains
    servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    (5) configtest shows 4 'already added' warnings but syntax OK
    (6) The sites dir contains
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1041 Mar 20 2005 0000any_80.conf.default
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 533 Sep 21 16:47 virtualhostglobal.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 502 Mar 20 2005 virtualhostglobal.conf.default
    The first file contains all finds of stuff but no Listen. The middle one contains only comments. The last, default one includes "Listen *:16080".
    All I'm trying to do is get intranet access to the server so I can use a Mantis (needs MySQL & php) bug database.

  • Server Admin won't connect (not even locally)

    One of my customers' machine crashed and had to be rebooted (So they say). I was not on site at the time and someone else with a "bit of knowledge" fiddled with the machine and tried to resurrect it (instead of leaving it for me to sort it out). Ever since there is no access to the server via the Server Admin (no server found) although the server is running fine and people are working from it. The Workgroup Manager is operational, though no sharing access is possible, only user privileges can be modified. The syslog reports the following message:
    ----"Feb 21 06:54:13 XServe servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Feb 21 07:24:13 XServe servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for"----
    Very strange. I can ping it, the IP is fixed anyway and I have access to the machine via ARD 3 no probs, but both server manager and server monitor fail to connect, even locally. Something somehow went wrong and I haven't got a clue. Rebooted the machine, done the usual things to no avail.
    Has anyone experienced something similar? Machine is on 10.4.8 and its a dual G5 with one Gig RAM. I noticed that the activity monitor reports more than half the system memory as 'inactive', leaving precious little free mem. The systm disk is 80 Gigs with 30 Gigs free.
    XServe G5 Dual - 2 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.8) 1 Gig RAM, ext. RAID
    XServe   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I had a similar situation on a server I was called in to have a look at after it was upgraded via software update from 10.4.2 to 10.4.8, the Open directory db went corrupt and the server administration tools would not work after that.
    In the end I had to ditch the open directory and rebuild the server from scratch as the other IT guy did not have a decent backup.
    Have you repaired permissions or tried Disk Warrior on the boot drive?
    The DNS thing is something that Apple has inrtroduced in 10.4.8, many people are having the same error show in system.log, see the Network Services section under Mac OS X Server.

  • Upgrade Xserve G4 from 10.3 to 10.4 Serveradmin "No server available at..."

    After updating to 10.4 server I cant connect to my Xserve via server admin it says there is "no server available at the address you specified"!! On the other hand afp is runnning because my users can log in, and i get all my sharepoints as before....

    I had a look at system.log and found this:
    Jun 27 14:06:21 NEWGalaxia servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Jun 27 14:06:21 NEWGalaxia servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Jun 27 14:06:22 NEWGalaxia launchd: exited abnormally: Bus error
    Jun 27 14:06:22 NEWGalaxia launchd: respawning too quickly! throttling
    Jun 27 14:06:22 NEWGalaxia launchd: too many failures in succession
    Jun 27 14:06:22 NEWGalaxia crashdump[775]: servermgrd crashed
    Jun 27 14:06:22 NEWGalaxia crashdump[775]: crash report written to: /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/servermgrd.crash.log
    sure looks quite bad

  • 10.4 machines freeze at login

    This morning all machines with 10.4.X on them in the high school freeze at login to the network, you can login locally fine. Any Leopard machines can login as usual. Anyone have any idea why the 10.4 machines which worked fine yesterday are having a problem today?
    When I looked in server log I found this multiple times... but I have no idea how to fix.
    Sep 9 09:06:51 Xserve servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
    Any of these make sense to anyone?
    Thank you!

    Hi Mitzi,
    You might see some helpful information in these links that I found:
    [or Here|>
    I'm not a server guru, but I'm sure someone else around here is.

  • Xserve G5 Busy

    hi all..
    i have problem with XserveG5,i run that server with QTSS for mobile tv..
    the xserve is always shown busy in some time,the system going slowdown, it show the busy cursor,can not run any command from terminal, and cannot ping that server from anywhere.
    now i always powerdown the machine to get back online the server.:(
    but in few time it's happend again..:(
    can anyone help me, what should i check, and solution for my problem.
    i have been

    in my system.log
    before the system not responding always writing this error :
    Mar 8 12:56:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Mar 8 12:56:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function pro
    perly - use changeip to repair
    Mar 8 13:26:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Mar 8 13:26:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function pro
    perly - use changeip to repair
    Mar 8 13:56:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Mar 8 13:56:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function pro
    perly - use changeip to repair
    Mar 8 14:26:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
    Mar 8 14:26:06 kenarok servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function pro
    perly - use changeip to repair
    i use that standalone server only private local network, and nothing dns server on that network.
    is it the problem ?should i make dns server on that network?.

  • Server Freezes and Reboots

    My Tiger server keeps rebooting itself, which I believe is related to the same problem I was having with OS X Tiger. I suspect it's a hardware issue, because when I reboot the machine, a G4 FW800, in OS X Tiger (non-server), the machine will just freeze after a time. I've run Rember to check my memory chips, which found nothing. I unmounted hard drive volumes, but I still can't pinpoint it.
    Looking in the System Log in Console, it's difficult for me to determine where the boot-up process begins, so I'm not sure what to paste here for anyone to scan.
    Some of the definite error messages include:
    +servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair+
    +localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -93+
    Anyone have any hints on how to pinpoint this problem. I'm no newbie, but I'm at a loss.

    I use the machine as a home server. I installed Tiger Server to familiarize myself with it, but I mostly used the machine in client mode. When it started to freeze, I started booting up from the server volume to see what would happen. Doing so has at least id'd the problem as a hardware issue.
    I have nothing attached to it any more, except a monitor.
    Yes, I have reset the PMU. Same issue.
    I have searched the Net far and wide and come up with nothing definitive. Some suggest it's a power supply issue. I've found one three-year running thread at that discusses this issue, but with no definitive answer.

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