Ses file fix

i have ses file (adobe audition 3 sesion file)
but sudnly my pc restart and the project damged and didnt opend after this its give me dilog box with
this file can not open can any one help me to repair this file its a project i worken on it for more than 2 weeks and its will be hard to rebuild it again

Thanks ryclark
@Mego97 : if you want to send me the ses file (via the aatranslator web site) I will gladly check it out for you but chances are generally that once you have realised that there is an issue it is usually too late because audition has already overwritten the file
Regular progress backups of ses, xml & sesx files is always a good idea - there are links to some free Audition/CEP utilities for this sort of thing on my web site but obviously that won't help now
Anyway send it and we will see what the story is

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    Thanks Steve
    Just email me the ses file (no audio).
    Send it to me via the aatranslator website
    You should checkout my SesBackup program - also available via the same site

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    Thanks Bob:
    I thought I saw that post on the "converter".
    I'm finally updating my DAW machine from a trusty Dell XP Windows to a Rain Livebook AFX.
    I had no real reason other than joining the 64-bit 21st century when it came to machines - everything still works!
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